Antoine Garnier

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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44 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2009 |
Reply to Palumbo et al. Comment on "Flatscher et al. Impact of Mediterranean Diet on Lipid Composition in the Colaus-PsyColaus Study. Nutrients 2023, 15, 4659".
Flatscher M., Garnier A., Marques-Vidal P., Kraege V., 2024/05/09. Nutrients, 16 (10). Peer-reviewed.
Impact of Mediterranean Diet on Lipid Composition in the Colaus-PsyColaus Study.
Flatscher M., Garnier A., Marques-Vidal P., Kraege V., 2023/11/03. Nutrients, 15 (21) p. 4659. Peer-reviewed.
Association between Mediterranean Diet and Type 2 Diabetes: Multiple Cross-Sectional Analyses.
Bossel A., Waeber G., Garnier A., Marques-Vidal P., Kraege V., 2023/07/03. Nutrients, 15 (13) p. 3025. Peer-reviewed.
Already low drug dose antagonism of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system decreases 1-year mortality and rehospitalization in old heart failure patients.
Soborun N., Müller M., Abdurashidova T., Tzimas G., Schukraft S., Lu H., Hugli O., Vollenweider P., Garnier A., Monney P. et al., 2022/10. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 154 p. 113615. Peer-reviewed.
Running against the clock: a qualitative study of internal medicine residents' work experience.
Bourquin C., Monti M., Saraga M., Stiefel F., Kraege V., Gachoud D., Castioni J., Marques-Vidal P.M., Bastardot F., Méan M. et al., 2022/08/15. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30216. Peer-reviewed.
Informatique médicale en réponse au Covid-19 - L’expérience du Service de médecine interne du CHUV [Medical informatics in response to COVID-19 The experience of the Service of Internal Medicine at CHUV]
Rochat M., Galland-Decker C., Garnier A., Bastardot F., 2021/11/24. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (760) pp. 2038-2041. Peer-reviewed.
Intelligence artificielle en médecine interne : développement d’un modèle prédictif des durées de séjour [Artificial Intelligence in internal medicine : development of a model predicting length of stay for non-elective admissions]
Despraz J., Garnier A., Méan M., Vaucher J., Kraege V., Vollenweider P., 2021/11/24. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (760) pp. 2042-2048. Peer-reviewed.
L’hémoculture est négative (vraiment ?) [Blood culture is negative (really?)]
Scotti C., Castioni J., Garnier A., Senn L., Greub G., Gachoud D., 2021/03/03. Forum médical suisse - Swiss Medical Forum, 21 (9-10) pp. 160-162. Peer-reviewed.
L’hémoculture est positive (vraiment ?) [Blood culture is positive (really?)]
Scotti C., Castioni J., Garnier A., Senn L., Greub G., Gachoud D., 2021/03/03. Forum médical suisse - Swiss Medical Forum, 21 (9-10) pp. 157-159. Peer-reviewed.
Effets indésirables immunomédiés des inhibiteurs de points de contrôle immunitaire: point de vue de l’interniste [Immune-related adverse events of checkpoint inhibitors: an internist/general practitioner's point of view]
Cisarovsky C., Kraege V., Obeid M., Garnier A., 2020/11/25. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (716) pp. 2264-2270. Peer-reviewed.
Le bon moment pour un médicament: comment faire passer la pilule ? [The best time for a medication: how to sweeten the pill ?]
Nachar C., Perrottet N., Garnier A., 2020/11/25. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (716) pp. 2254-2258. Peer-reviewed.
Découverte d’une thrombocytopénie isolée [Finding of an isolated thrombocytopenia]
van Ouwenaller François, Alberio Lorenzo, Garnier Antoine, 2020/10/21. Forum Med Suisse, 20 (43-44) pp. 612-614.
Comment un huddle a amélioré la communication interne d’un service hospitalier durant la pandémie [How a huddle improved the internal crisis communication of an internal medicine department]
Garnier Antoine, Sartori Claudio, 2020/07/01. Swiss medical forum, 20 (27-30) pp. 400-403.
Étudiant·e·s en médecine engagé·e·s au chevet des patient·e·s hospitalisé·e·s pour COVID-19 - Motivations et enjeux [Medical students at the bedside of COVID-19 patients : motivations and challenges]
Aebischer O., Porret R., Pawlowska V., Barbier J., Caratsch L., Moreira De Jesus M., Castioni J., Kraege V., Bart P.A., Mean M. et al., 2020/05/06. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (692) pp. 958-961. Peer-reviewed.
Impacts organisationnels et défis cliniques de la pandémie COVID-19 pour un service hospitalier de médecine interne universitaire [Organizational Impacts and Clinical Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic on a Swiss Tertiary Internal Medicine Department]
Garnier A., Vaucher J., Bianchi C., Kraege V., Méan M., Castioni J., Bart P.A., Champier V., Eggimann P., Gachoud D. et al., 2020/04/29. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (N° 691-2) pp. 869-874. Peer-reviewed.
Un service de médecine interne face à la pandémie
Garnier Antoine, Waeber Gérard, Vollenweider Peter, 2020/04/15. Courrier du médecin vaudois.
Inter-hospital comparison of working time allocation among internal medicine residents using time-motion observations: an innovative benchmarking tool.
Frey S.M., Méan M., Garnier A., Castioni J., Wenger N., Egloff M., Marques-Vidal P., Beer J.H., 2020/02/16. BMJ open, 10 (2) pp. e033021. Peer-reviewed.
La médecine interne vue depuis la bouche [Internal medicine, seen from the mouth]
Salamin P., Kraege V., Broome M., Garnier A., 2019/11/20. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (672) pp. 2131-2136. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of increased preparation time for residents before ward rounds: the MED2DAY Study
Gachoud David, Monti Matteo, Marques Vidal Pedro, Castioni Julien, Mean Marie, Lamy Olivier, Bastardot Francois, Wenger Nathalie, Vollenweider Peter, Waeber Gérard et al., 2019/05/05., Société Suisse de Médecine Interne Générale dans Primary and Hospital Care, EMH Editions médicales suisses SA.
Effectiveness of a transition plan at discharge of patients hospitalized with heart failure: a before-and-after study.
Garnier A., Rouiller N., Gachoud D., Nachar C., Voirol P., Griesser A.C., Uhlmann M., Waeber G., Lamy O., 2018/08. ESC heart failure, 5 (4) pp. 657-667. Peer-reviewed.
Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of nursing discharge planning interventions for older inpatients discharged home.
Mabire C., Dwyer A., Garnier A., Pellet J., 2018/04. Journal of advanced nursing, 74 (4) pp. 788-799. Peer-reviewed.
Medication reconciliation in a Swiss hospital: methods, benefits and pitfalls.
Nachar C., Lamy O., Sadeghipour F., Garnier A., Voirol P., 2018/01/30. European journal of hospital pharmacy, 26 (3) pp. 129-134. Peer-reviewed.
Allocation of Internal Medicine Resident Time in a Swiss Hospital: A Time and Motion Study of Day and Evening Shifts.
Wenger N., Méan M., Castioni J., Marques-Vidal P., Waeber G., Garnier A., 2017/04/18. Annals of internal medicine, 166 (8) pp. 579-586. Peer-reviewed.
Computer usage and task-switching during resident's working day: Disruptive or not?
Méan M., Garnier A., Wenger N., Castioni J., Waeber G., Marques-Vidal P., 2017. PloS one, 12 (2) pp. e0172878. Peer-reviewed.
Effectiveness of nursing discharge planning interventions on health-related outcomes in elderly inpatients discharged home: A systematic review
Mabire C., Dwyer A., Garnier A., Pellet J., 2016/09/14. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 9 pp. 217-260. Peer-reviewed.
Effectiveness of nursing discharge planning interventions on health-related outcomes in discharged elderly inpatients: a systematic review.
Mabire C., Dwyer A., Garnier A., Pellet J., 2016/09. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 14 (9) pp. 217-260. Peer-reviewed.
Red cell distribution width and mortality in acute heart failure patients with preserved and reduced ejection fraction.
Sotiropoulos K., Yerly P., Monney P., Garnier A., Regamey J., Hugli O., Martin D., Metrich M., Antonietti J.P., Hullin R., 2016/09. ESC heart failure, 3 (3) pp. 198-204. Peer-reviewed.
Toux et hyperéosinophilie sévère chez une patiente de 80 ans [Cough and severe hypereosinophilia in an 80-years old lady]
Ghosn Jacqueline Thérèse, Bart Pierre-Alexandre, Brouland Jean-Philippe, Garnier Antoine, 2016/08/16. Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum, 16 (33).
[2015 highlights in hospital-based internal medicine by chief residents].
Baratali L., Gachoud D., Aebischer O., Bastardot F., Benmachiche M., Fournier J., Garnier A., Jaccard E., Pascual M.M., Metrailler P. et al., 2016/01. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (502) pp. 125-129.
Patient Flow Congestion – predictive modelling to anticipate bottlenecks
Garnier A., Chavez-Demoulin V., Hameri A.-P., Niemi T., Wasserfallen J.-B., 2016. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 15 (4) pp. 325-373. Peer-reviewed.
Au sortir de l'hôpital, comment renforcer la continuité de la prise en charge médicale [Discharge from hospital: how to improve continuity of medical care?].
Garnier A., Uhlmann M., Griesser A.C., Lamy O., 2015/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (493) pp. 2064, 2066-2064, 2069.
Red cell distribution width and mortality in patients with acute heart failure and preserved or reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
Hullin R., Sotiropoulos K., Yerly P., Monney P., Meyer P., Garnier A., Hugli O., Antonietti JP., 2015/05/23. dans Annual Meeting SSC 2015. Peer-reviewed.
Perte pondérale et dysphagie chez une patiente de 86 ans
Miéville Anne, Doerig Christopher, Waeber Gérard, Garnier Antoine, 2015/04/28. Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum, 15 (18).
A clinical pharmacist in transition steps: does it make sense?
Nachar C., Voirol P., Sadeghipour F., Lamy O., Garnier A., 2014/10. dans European Society of Clinical Pharmacy congress 2014.
Health care professional's' attitudes towards bedside case presentations during ward rounds
Gachoud D., Garnier A., Monti M., Bart P.-A., Lamy O., Marques-Vidal P., Vollenweider P., Sartori C., Bonvin R., Villar B. et al., 2014/05. dans European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014.
Potentially avoidable readmissions: it worth to improve discharge summary delivery delay
Garnier A., Lécureux L., Sartori C., Lamy O., Griesser A.-C., 2014/05. dans European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014. Peer-reviewed.
Preventing potentially avoidable readmissions in a general internal medicine division by improving the timeliness of discharge summaries
Griesser A.-C., Garnier A., Sartori C., Lécureux E., 2014/04., International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare Paris 2014 dans Discharge. Peer-reviewed.
Health care professionnals' attitudes towards bedside case presentations during ward rounds
Gachoud D., Garnier A., Monti M., Bart P.-A., Lamy O., Marques-Vidal P., Sartori C., Vollenweider P., Bonvin R., Villar B. et al., 2014/03., European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014 dans European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014. Peer-reviewed.
Ongoing LEAR-HF study: worthwhile learnings after introduction of a multimodal discharge plan for patient with heart failure
Garnier A, Bonvin N, Furrer S, et al., 2014/03., European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014 dans European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014.
Discharge plan for patient with heart failure: it is worth to have a clinical pharmacist in the team
Nachar C., Voirol P., Sadeghipour F., Lamy O., Garnier A., 2014. dans European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of extensive reform of discharge letter on general practitioners, resident work and management.
Garnier A., Gachoud D., Gagliano M., Gilliot G., Cappai M., Sartori C., Waeber G., Martinuz M., 2013/05. dans 81th SGIM/SSMI Annual Meeting. Peer-reviewed.
L'année 2012 de la perspective de l'interniste hospitalier [What is new in 2012 for the specialist in hospital internal medicine?].
Pelet E., Gagliano M., Garnier A., Mayor V., Laurent J.C., Gianinazzi F., Hugelshofer S., Fournier J., Rochat M.C., Urbano L.A. et al., 2013/01. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (370) pp. 199-202.
Médecine interne générale en pratique hospitalière: l'année 2011 mise en perspective par les chefs de clinique [Hospital-based internal medicine: year 2011 in chief resident's perspective]
Garnier A., Barberini L., Castioni J., Cosma Rochat M., Gachoud D., Gagliano M., Gianinazzi F., Joly Schwartz C., Marino L., Merz L. et al., 2012/02/01. Revue medicale suisse, 8 (326) pp. 254-258. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiac re-synchronization therapy in a patient with isolated ventricular non-compaction: a case report.
Garnier A., Girod G., 2009/07. European journal of echocardiography, 10 (5) pp. 713-715. Peer-reviewed.
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