David Nanchen

Fields |

Research directions

Cardiovascular prevention and health promotion

The Health Promotion and Prevention Department (DPSP) of Unisanté groups together clinical prevention and health promotion activities including mobile screening for cardiovascular risk factors by the Bus Santé.
The clinical activities include interprofessional consultations on lipids-cholesterol management, smoking cessation, physical activity counselling, as well as balanced diet counselling.
Health promotion is carried out at 4 levels:
a) with municipalities or institutions with health labeling activities
b) by training people called "multipliers"
c) by directly targeting target audiences, for example with the Bus Santé
d) by organizing advocacy activities to influence public policies

Under the responsibility of Prof. David Nanchen and the supervision of a sector manager, the student will
1) participate in the clinical activities of the clinical consultation and research sector (60%)
2) develop a cardiovascular prevention or health promotion theme listed above, and present a project report (40%)

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University