Christophe Randin

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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81 publications

A model of mountain socio-ecological systems to catalyze multi-actor collaborations towards sustainability
Cristofari Hélène, Asse Daphne, Chanteloup Laine, Guisan Antoine, Otero Iago, Reynard Emmanuel, Urbach Davnah, Randin Christophe.
Independent trends of mountain vegetation and soil properties over 40 years of environmental change
Rumpf S., Buri A., Grand S., Randin C., Tesson S., Cianfrani C., Guisan A., 2025. Journal of Vegetation Science, 36 (1) pp. e70006. Peer-reviewed.
Divergent responses of alpine bryophytes and lichens to climate change in the Swiss Alps
Mayo de la Iglesia Rut, Miserere Luca, Vust Mathias, Theurillat Jean-Paul, Randin Christophe, Vittoz Pascal, 2024/07. Journal of Vegetation Science, 35 (4). Peer-reviewed.
ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe
Knollová Ilona, Chytrý Milan, Bruelheide Helge, Dullinger Stefan, Jandt Ute, Bernhardt-Römermann Markus, Biurrun Idoia, de Bello Francesco, Glaser Michael, Hennekens Stephan et al., 2024/03. Journal of Vegetation Science, 35 (2). Peer-reviewed.
High-resolution land use/cover forecasts for Switzerland in the 21st century.
Bütikofer L., Adde A., Urbach D., Tobias S., Huss M., Guisan A., Randin C., 2024/02/23. Scientific Data, 11 (1) p. 231. Peer-reviewed.
+4 °C et plus: les paysages suisses face au changement climatique
Tobias Silvia, Siegrist Elena G., Bütikofer Luca, Bürgi Matthias, Liechti Karina, Reynard Emmanuel, Guisan Antoine, Urbach Davnah, Randin Christophe, 2023/11/17., Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage WSL.
Local environmental context drives heterogeneity of early succession dynamics in alpine glacier forefields
Bayle Arthur, Carlson Bradley Z., Zimmer Anaïs, Vallée Sophie, Rabatel Antoine, Cremonese Edoardo, Filippa Gianluca, Dentant Cédric, Randin Christophe, Mainetti Andrea et al., 2023/04/27. Biogeosciences, 20 (8) pp. 1649-1669. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum: Climate Change Impacts the Protective Effect of Forests: A Case Study in Switzerland
Moos Christine, Guisan Antoine, Randin Christophe F., Lischke Heike, 2021/11/03. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4.
The tempo of greening in the European Alps: Spatial variations on a common theme.
Choler P., Bayle A., Carlson B.Z., Randin C., Filippa G., Cremonese E., 2021/11. Global change biology, 27 (21) pp. 5614-5628. Peer-reviewed.
Climate Change Impacts the Protective Effect of Forests: A Case Study in Switzerland
Moos Christine, Guisan Antoine, Randin Christophe F., Lischke Heike, 2021/06/29. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4. Peer-reviewed.
Arborisation urbaine lausannoise et changements climatiques
Pellet Jérôme, Sonnay Vincent, Randin Christophe, Sigg Pascal, Rosselet Michael, Graz Emmanuel, 2021/01/01. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 100 pp. 73-89. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a definition of Essential Mountain Climate Variables
Thornton James M., Palazzi Elisa, Pepin Nicolas C., Cristofanelli Paolo, Essery Richard, Kotlarski Sven, Giuliani Gregory, Guigoz Yaniss, Kulonen Aino, Pritchard David et al., 2021. One Earth, 4 (6) pp. 805-827. Peer-reviewed.
Climate change impacts on water resources in the Mediterranean
Tramblay Yves, Llasat Maria Carmen, Randin Christophe, Coppola Erika, 2020/09. Regional Environmental Change, 20 (3).
Process-based models outcompete correlative models in projecting spring phenology of trees in a future warmer climate
Asse Daphné, Randin Christophe F., Bonhomme Marc, Delestrade Anne, Chuine Isabelle, 2020/05. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 285-286 p. 107931.
Monitoring biodiversity in the Anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models
Randin Christophe F., Ashcroft Michael B., Bolliger Janine, Cavender-Bares Jeannine, Coops Nicholas C., Dullinger Stefan, Dirnböck Thomas, Eckert Sandra, Ellis Erle, Fernández Néstor et al., 2020/03. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239 p. 111626. Peer-reviewed.
A quantitative assessment of rockfall influence on forest structure in the Swiss Alps
Moos C., Khelidj N., Guisan A., Lischke H., Randin C.F., 2020. European Journal of Forest Research. Peer-reviewed.
Moderately urbanized areas as a conservation opportunity for an endangered songbird
Droz B., Arnoux R., Bohnenstengel T., Laesser J., Spaar R., Ayé R., Randin C.F., 2019. Landscape and Urban Planning, 181 pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Outstanding Challenges in the Transferability of Ecological Models.
Yates K.L., Bouchet P.J., Caley M.J., Mengersen K., Randin C.F., Parnell S., Fielding A.H., Bamford A.J., Ban S., Barbosa A.M. et al., 2018/10. Trends in ecology & evolution, 33 (10) pp. 790-802. Peer-reviewed.
Forecasting range shifts of a cold‐adapted species under climate change: are genomic and ecological diversity within species crucial for future resilience?
Theodoridis Spyros, Patsiou Theofania S., Randin Christophe, Conti Elena, 2018/08. Ecography, 41 (8) pp. 1357-1369. Peer-reviewed.
Warmer winters reduce the advance of tree spring phenology induced by warmer springs in the Alps
Asse D., Chuine I., Vitasse Y., Yoccoz N.G., Delpierre N., Badeau V., Delestrade A., Randin C.F., 2018. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 252 pp. 220-230. Peer-reviewed.
How Do Cold-Adapted Plants Respond to Climatic Cycles? Interglacial Expansion Explains Current Distribution and Genomic Diversity in Primula farinosa L.
Theodoridis S., Randin C., Szövényi P., Boucher F.C., Patsiou T.S., Conti E., 2017/09/01. Systematic biology, 66 (5) pp. 715-736. Peer-reviewed.
A Comparison of Climatic Niches of the Same Alpine Plant Species in the Central Caucasus and the Alps
Randin C.F., Pellissier L., Guisan A., Nakhutsrishvili G., Spehn E., Korner C., 2017. pp. 133-144 dans Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Batsatsashvili K. (eds.) Plant Diversity in the Central Great Caucasus: A Quantitative Assessment chap. 7, Springer International Publishing.
Do floral and niche shifts favour the establishment and persistence of newly arisen polyploids? A case study in an Alpine primrose.
Casazza G., Boucher F.C., Minuto L., Randin C.F., Conti E., 2017. Annals of Botany, 119 (1) pp. 81-93. Peer-reviewed.
ecospat: an R package to support spatial analyses and modeling of species niches and distributions
Di Cola V., Broennimann O., Petitpierre B., Breiner F.T., D'Amen M., Randin C., Engler R., Pottier J., Pio D., Dubuis A. et al., 2017. Ecography, 40 (6) pp. 774-787. Peer-reviewed.
The contribution of cold air pooling to the distribution of a rare and endemic plant of the Alps
Patsiou T.S., Conti E., Theodoridis S., Randin C.F., 2017. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 10 (1) pp. 29-42. Peer-reviewed.
Barn owls display larger black feather spots in cooler regions of the British Isles
Roulin Alexandre, Randin Christophe F., 2016/10. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 119 (2) pp. 445-454. Peer-reviewed.
Where, why and how? Explaining the low‐temperature range limits of temperate tree species
Körner Christian, Basler David, Hoch Günter, Kollas Chris, Lenz Armando, Randin Christophe F., Vitasse Yann, Zimmermann Niklaus E., 2016/07. Journal of Ecology, 104 (4) pp. 1076-1088.
Évolution des interactions entre espèces - La compétition interspécifique
Randin Christophe, Pearman Peter B., Broennimann Olivier, Hautier Yann, Lecomte Nico, Raymond Michel, 2016/04/01. pp. 627-638 dans Thomas Frédéric, Lefevre Thierry (eds.) Biologie évolutive chap. 14, De Boeck.
Water availability predicts forest canopy height at the global scale.
Klein T., Randin C., Körner C., 2015/12. Ecology letters, 18 (12) pp. 1311-1320. Peer-reviewed.
A spatial modelling framework for assessing climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems: Response of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) biomass to warming water temperature
Cianfrani C., Satizabal H.F., Randin C., 2015. Ecological Modelling, 313 pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Glover's rule in North American barn owls
Roulin A., Randin C., 2015. Auk, 132 (1) pp. 321-332.
Validation of and comparison between a semidistributed rainfall-runoff hydrological model (PREVAH) and a spatially distributed snow-evolution model (SnowModel) for snow cover prediction in mountain ecosystems
Randin C.F., Dedieu J.P., Zappa M., Long L., Dullinger S., 2015. Ecohydrology, 8 (7) pp. 1181-1193.
Topo-climatic microrefugia explain the persistence of a rare endemic plant in the Alps during the last 21 millennia.
Patsiou T.S., Conti E., Zimmermann N.E., Theodoridis S., Randin C.F., 2014/07. Global change biology, 20 (7) pp. 2286-2300. Peer-reviewed.
A framework for assessing the scale of influence of environmental factors on ecological patterns
Vicente J.R., Goncalves J., Honrado J.P., Randin C.F., Pottier J., Broennimann O., Lomba A., Guisan A., 2014. Ecological Complexity, 20 (SI) pp. 151-156. Peer-reviewed.
Accounting for tree line shift, glacier retreat and primary succession in mountain plant distribution models
Carlson B.Z., Georges D., Rabatel A., Randin C.F., Renaud J., Delestrade A., Zimmermann N.E., Choler P., Thuiller W., 2014. Diversity and Distributions, 20 (12) pp. 1379-1391.
Environment and dispersal paths override life strategies and residence time in determining regional patterns of invasion by alien plants.
Vicente J.R., Pereira H.M., Randin C.F., Gonçalves J., Lomba A., Alves P., Metzger J., Cezar M., Guisan A., Honrado J., 2014. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 16 (1) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic vs. non-genetic responses of leaf morphology and growth to elevation in temperate tree species
Vitasse Y., Lenz A., Kollas C., Randin C.F., Hoch G., Körner C., Whitehead D., 2014. Functional Ecology, 28 (1) pp. 243-252. Peer-reviewed.
How accurately can minimum temperatures at the cold limits of tree species be extrapolated from weather station data?
Kollas C., Randin C.F., Vitasse Y., Koerner C., 2014. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 184 pp. 257-266. Peer-reviewed.
Pattern recognition ecological niche models fit to presence-only and presence-absence data
Maher S., Randin C.F., Guisan A., Drake J.M., 2014. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (8) pp. 761-770. Peer-reviewed.
Predicting fine-scale tree species abundance patterns using biotic variables derived from LiDAR and high spatial resolution imagery
van Ewijk K.Y., Randin C.F., Treitz P.M., Scott N.A., 2014. Remote Sensing of Environment, 150 pp. 120-131.
Spring frost and growing season length co-control the cold range limits of broad- leaved trees
Kollas C., Koerner C., Randin C.F., 2014. Journal of Biogeography, 41 (4) pp. 773-783. Peer-reviewed.
Very high-resolution environmental predictors in species distribution models: moving beyond topography?
Pradervand J.N., Dubuis A., Pellissier L., Guisan A., Randin C.F., 2014. Progress in Physical Geography, 38 (1) pp. 79-96. Peer-reviewed.
Modelling the effect of changing snow cover regimes on alpine plant species distribution in Alpine context
Dedieu Jean-Pierre, Randin Christophe, Zappa Massimiliano, Dullinger Stefan, 2013/10/31. pp. 1298-1303 dans International Snow Science Workshop Grenoble – Chamonix Mont-Blanc - 2013, MétéoFrance.
Do the elevational limits of deciduous tree species match their thermal latitudinal limits?
Randin Christophe F., Paulsen Jens, Vitasse Yann, Kollas Chris, Wohlgemuth Thomas, Zimmermann Niklaus E., Körner Christian, 2013/08. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22 (8) pp. 913-923.
A greener Greenland? Climatic potential and long-term constraints on future expansions of trees and shrubs.
Normand S., Randin C., Ohlemüller R., Bay C., Høye T.T., Kjær E.D., Körner C., Lischke H., Maiorano L., Paulsen J. et al., 2013. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 368 (1624) p. 20120479.
Accuracy of plant assemblage predictions from species distribution models varies along environmental gradients
Pottier J., Dubuis A., Pellissier L., Maiorano L., Rossier L., Randin C.F., Vittoz P., Guisan A., 2013. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22 (1) pp. 52-63. Peer-reviewed.
Disentangling the effects of global climate and regional land-use change on the current and future distribution of mangroves in South Africa
Quisthoudt K., Adams J., Rajkaran A., Dahdouh-Guebas F., Koedam N., Randin C.F., 2013. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22 (6-7) pp. 1369-1390.
Divergent and narrower climatic niches characterize polyploid species of European primroses in Primula sect. Aleuritia
Theodoridis S., Randin C., Broennimann O., Patsiou T., Conti E., 2013. Journal of Biogeography, 40 (7) pp. 1278-1289. Peer-reviewed.
Elevational adaptation and plasticity in seedling phenology of temperate deciduous tree species
Vitasse Y., Hoch G., Randin C.F., Lenz A., Scheepens J.F., Koerner C., 2013. Oecologia, 171 (3) pp. 663-678.
Thermal niches are more conserved at cold than warm limits in arctic-alpine plant species
Pellissier L., Bråthen K.A., Vittoz P.A., Yoccoz N.G., Dubuis A., Meier A.S., Zimmermann N.E., Randin C.F., Thuiller W., Garraud L. et al., 2013. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22 (8) pp. 933-941. Peer-reviewed.
Using life strategies to explore the vulnerability of ecosystem services to invasion by alien plants
Vicente J., Pinto A., Araújo M.B., Verburg P., Lomba A., Randin C.F., Guisan A., Honrado J., 2013. Ecosystems, 16 (4) pp. 678-693. Peer-reviewed.
Will climate change drive alien invasive plants into areas of high protection value? An improved model-based regional assessment to prioritise the management of invasions.
Vicente J.R., Fernandes R.F., Randin C.F., Broennimann O., Gonçalves J., Marcos B., Pôças I., Alves P., Guisan A., Honrado J.P., 2013. Journal of Environmental Management, 131 pp. 185-195. Peer-reviewed.
Working toward integrated models of alpine plant distribution.
Carlson B.Z., Randin C.F., Boulangeat I., Lavergne S., Thuiller W., Choler P., 2013. Alpine Botany, 123 (2) pp. 41-53.
Snow monitoring using remote sensing in the Austrian Alps for water supply of the city of Vienna
Dedieu Jean-Pierre, Randin Christophe, Zappa Massimiliano, 2012/10/01. pp. 207-2012 dans AIC 2012 : 25ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie 5-8 sept. 2012 Grenoble (France).
Climatic niche shifts are rare among terrestrial plant invaders.
Petitpierre B., Kueffer C., Broennimann O., Randin C., Daehler C., Guisan A., 2012. Science, 335 (6074) pp. 1344-1348. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring ecological niche overlap from occurrence and spatial environmental data
Broennimann O., Fitzpatrick M.C., Pearman P.B., Petitpierre B., Pellissier L., Yoccoz N.G., Thuiller W., Fortin M.J., Randin C.R., Zimmermann N.E. et al., 2012. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21 (4) pp. 481-497. Peer-reviewed.
Response to comment on "Climatic niche shifts are rare among terrestrial plant invaders"
Guisan A., Petitpierre B., Broennimann O., Kueffer C., Randin C., Daehler C., 2012. Science, 338 (6104) p. 193. Peer-reviewed.
Temperature variation among mangrove latitudinal range limits worldwide
Quisthoudt K., Schmitz N., Randin C.F., Dahdouh-Guebas F., Robert E.M.R., Koedam N., 2012. Trees-Structure and Function, 26 (6) pp. 1919-1931.
Tree recruitment of European tree species at their current upper elevational limits in the Swiss Alps
Vitasse Y., Hoch G., Randin C.F., Lenz A., Kollas C., Koerner C., 2012. Journal of Biogeography, 39 (8) pp. 1439-1449.
Unrestricted quality of seeds in European broad-leaved tree species growing at the cold boundary of their distribution.
Kollas C., Vitasse Y., Randin C.F., Hoch G., Körner C., 2012. Annals of Botany, 109 (2) pp. 473-480.
21st century climate change threatens mountain flora unequally across Europe
Engler R., Randin C.R., Thuiller W., Dullinger S., Zimmermann N.E., Araújo M.B., Pearman P.B., Albert C.H., Choler P., de Lamo X. et al., 2011. Global Change Biology, 17 (7) pp. 2330-2341. Peer-reviewed.
Where will conflicts between alien and rare species occur after climate and land-use change? A test with a novel combined modelling approach
Vicente J., Randin C.F., Gonçalves J., Metzger M.J., Lomba A., Honrado J., Guisan A., 2011. Biological Invasions, 13 (5) pp. 1209-1227. Peer-reviewed.
La compétition interspécifique
Randin C.F., Pearman P.B., Broennimann O., Hautier Y., Lecomte N., 2010. pp. 591-613 dans Thomas F., Lefevre T., Raymond M. (eds.) Biologie Evolutive, De Boeck.
Overcoming the rare species modelling paradox: test of a novel hierarchical framework with an Iberian endemic plant
Lomba A., Pellissier L., Randin C., Vicente J., Moreira F., Honrado J., Guisan A., 2010. Biological Conservation, 143 (11) pp. 2647-2657. Peer-reviewed.
Species distribution models reveal apparent competitive and facilitative effects of a dominant species on the distribution of tundra plants
Pellissier L., Bråthen K.A., Pottier J., Randin C.F., Vittoz P., Dubuis A., Yoccoz N.G., Alm T., Zimmermann N.E., Guisan A., 2010. Ecography, 33 (6) pp. 1004-1014. Peer-reviewed.
Using Georeferenced Databases to Assess the Effect of Climate Change on Alpine Plant Species and Diversity
Randin Christophe F., Engler Robin, Pearman Peter B., Vittoz Pascal, Guisan Antoine, 2010. pp. 149-163 dans Spehn EM, Korner C (eds.) DATA MINING FOR GLOBAL TRENDS IN MOUNTAIN BIODIVERSITY, CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP.
Variation in habitat suitability does not always relate to variation in species' plant functional traits.
Thuiller W., Albert C.H., Dubuis A., Randin C., Guisan A., 2010. Biology Letters, 6 (1) pp. 120-123. Peer-reviewed.
What drives invasibility? A multi-model inference test and spatial modelling of alien plant species richness patterns in northern Portugal
Vicente J., Alves P., Randin C., Guisan A., Honrado J., 2010. Ecography, 33 (6) pp. 1081-1092. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in reproductive investment with altitude in an alpine plant
Hautier Y., Randin C.R., Stöcklin J., Guisan A., 2009. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2 (3) pp. 125-134. Peer-reviewed.
Climate change and plant distribution: local models predict high-elevation persistence
Randin C.F., Engler R., Normand S., Zappa M., Zimmermann N.E., Pearman P.B., Vittoz P., Thuiller W., Guisan A., 2009. Global Change Biology, 15 (6) pp. 1557-1569. Peer-reviewed.
Importance of abiotic stress as a range-limit determinant for European plants: insights from species' responses to climatic gradients
Normand S., Treier U., Randin C.F., Vittoz P., Guisan A., Svenning J.-C., 2009. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 18 (4) pp. 437-449. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction of snow and geomorphic disturbance variables into predictive models of alpine plant distribution in the Western Swiss Alps
Randin C.F., Vuissoz G., Liston G., Vittoz P., Guisan A., 2009. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 41 (3) pp. 347-361. Peer-reviewed.
Land use improves spatial predictions of mountain plant abundance but not presence-absence
Randin C.F., Jaccard H., Vittoz P., Yoccoz N.G., Guisan A., 2009. Journal of Vegetation Science, 20 (6) pp. 996-1008. Peer-reviewed.
Low impact of climate change on subalpine grasslands in the Swiss Northern Alps?
Vittoz P., Randin C., Dutoit A., Bonnet F., Hegg O., 2009. Global Change Biology, 15 (1) pp. 209-220. Peer-reviewed.
Predicting future distributions of mountain plants under climate change: does dispersal capacity matter?
Engler R., Randin C.F., Vittoz P., Czáka T., Beniston M., Zimmermann N.E., Guisan A., 2009. Ecography, 32 (1) pp. 34-45. Peer-reviewed.
Niche dynamics in space and time.
Pearman P.B., Guisan A., Broennimann O., Randin C.F., 2008. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 23 (3) pp. 149-158. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of plant species distributions across six millennia.
Pearman P.B., Randin C.F., Broennimann O., Vittoz P., van der Knaap W.O., Engler R., Le Lay G., Zimmermann N.E., Guisan A., 2008. Ecology Letters, 11 (4) pp. 357-369. Peer-reviewed.
Are niche-based species distribution models transferable in space?
Randin C. F., Dirnbock T., Dullinger S., Zimmermann N. E., Zappa M., Guisan A., 2006. Journal of Biogeography, 33 (10) pp. 1689-1703. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating the ability of habitat suitability models to predict species presences.
Hirzel A.H., Le Lay G., Helfer V., Randin C., Guisan A., 2006. Ecological Modelling., 199 (1) pp. 142-152. Peer-reviewed.
Modelling ecological niches with support vector machines
Drake J. M., Randin C., Guisan A., 2006. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43 (3) pp. 424-432. Peer-reviewed.
Very high resolution digital elevation models: Do they improve models of plant species distribution?
Lassueur T., Joost S., Randin C., 2006. Ecological Modelling, 198 (1-2) pp. 139-153. Peer-reviewed.
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