Céline Weyermann

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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105 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2002 |
Pollutions des eaux à l'épreuve de la preuve
Charveys Leo, Favre Anne-Christine, Weyermann Céline, Estoppey Nicolas, 2024/10/30., FDCA/UNIL.
Organic and inorganic gunshot residues on the hands, forearms, face, and nostrils of shooters 30 min after a discharge
Redouté Minzière Virginie, Weyermann Céline, 2024/09. Science & Justice, 64 (5) pp. 557-571. Peer-reviewed.
Signs of how the Sydney Declaration article is received in the forensic science literature
Ribaux Olivier, Lopes Fernandes Kevin, Weyermann Céline, 2024/07. Forensic Science International, 360 p. 112066. Peer-reviewed.
The Role of Quota Systems in Realising Planetary Boundaries
Dupont Valérie, Largey Thierry, Nahrath Stéphane, Weyermann Céline, 2024/06/19. Journal of Environmental Law, XX pp. 1-23. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation des sources de pollutions aquatiques. In: Environnement et justice. Mélanges en l'honneur de la Prof. Anne-Christine Favre, Editeurs: T. Largey, V. Boillet, D. Brunner, V. Martenet
Pfeiffer Fabienne, Tascon Ines, Estoppey Nicolas, Weyermann Céline, 2024/06/11. Stämpfli Éditions SA Berne pp. 317-328.
Breaking barriers in passive sampling: the potential of PTFE membranes in the monitoring of hydrophilic micropollutants
Reymond Naomi, Estoppey Nicolas, Weyermann Céline, Glanzmann Vick, 2024/06. Journal of Hazardous Materials p. 134853. Peer-reviewed.
A common framework to situate digital and physical traces in time
Weyermann Céline, Vanini Céline, Souvignet Thomas, 2024/04. Forensic Science International, 360 (7) p. 112020. Peer-reviewed.
Response to the letter to the Editor commenting on ”Towards more relevance in forensic science research and development” by Weyermann et al.
Weyermann Céline, Willis Sheila, Margot Pierre, Roux Claude, 2024/02. Forensic Science International, 355 p. 111928. Peer-reviewed.
The role of forensic science in the generation of intelligence to address environmental water contamination problems
Estoppey Nicolas, Pfeiffer Fabienne, Glanzmann Vick, Reymond Naomi, Tascon Ines, Huisman Sofie, Lacour William, Ribaux Olivier, Weyermann Céline, 2023/11. WIREs Forensic Science, 5 (6) pp. e1499. Peer-reviewed.
Technical note: Influence of the drying position and time on the persistence of gunshot residues on fabrics
Fischer Julia, Minzière Virginie Redouté, Werner Denis, Jung Balthasar, Weyermann Céline, 2023/08. Forensic Science International p. 111810. Peer-reviewed.
Should inorganic or organic gunshot residues be analysed first?
Redouté Minzière V., Robyr O., Weyermann C., 2023/07. Forensic science international, 348 p. 111600. Peer-reviewed.
An improved Chemcatcher-based method for the integrative passive sampling of 44 hydrophilic micropollutants in surface water – Part A: Calibration under four controlled hydrodynamic conditions
Glanzmann Vick, Reymond Naomi, Weyermann Céline, Estoppey Nicolas, 2023/05. Science of The Total Environment, 871 p. 162037. Peer-reviewed.
An improved Chemcatcher-based method for the integrative passive sampling of 44 hydrophilic micropollutants in surface water – Part B: Field implementation and comparison with automated active sampling
Reymond Naomi, Glanzmann Vick, Huisman Sofie, Plagellat Cécile, Weyermann Céline, Estoppey Nicolas, 2023/02. Science of The Total Environment p. 161937. Peer-reviewed.
A comparison of the natural and groomed fingermark lipid composition of different donors using GC/MS
Merlo Moraleda Ana Belen, Roux Claude, Bécue Andy, Weyermann Céline, 2023. Forensic Science International, 348 p. 111709. Peer-reviewed.
Towards more relevance in forensic science research and development
Weyermann Céline, Willis Sheila, Margot Pierre, Roux Claude, 2023. Forensic Science International, 348 p. 111592. Peer-reviewed.
An efficient method to detect series of fraudulent identity documents based on digitised forensic data
Lugon Moulin Solène, Weyermann Céline, Baechler Simon, 2022/09. Science & Justice, 62 (5) pp. 610-620. Peer-reviewed.
The relevance of gunshot residues in forensic science
Minzière Virginie Redouté, Gassner Anne-Laure, Gallidabino Matteo, Roux Claude, Weyermann Céline, 2022/08/23. WIREs Forensic Science. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of four commercial solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) fibres for the headspace characterisation and profiling of gunshot exhausts in spent cartridge casings
Gallidabino Matteo D., Bylenga Kelsey, Elliott Stephanie, Irlam Rachel C., Weyermann Céline, 2022/05/24. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Peer-reviewed.
Determining the Mass Transfer Coefficient of the Water Boundary Layer at the Surface of Aquatic Integrative Passive Samplers
Glanzmann Vick, Booij Kees, Reymond Naomi, Weyermann Céline, Estoppey Nicolas, 2022/04/14. Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (10) pp. 6391–6398. Peer-reviewed.
The potential of digital technologies in problem-based forensic learning activities
Kummer Natalie, Delémont Olivier, Voisard Romain, Weyermann Céline, 2022/04. Science & Justice.
From research integrity to research relevance to advance forensic science
Roux Claude, Céline Weyermann, 2021/11/05. Forensic Sciences Research pp. 1-3.
Shifting forensic science focus from means to purpose: A path forward for the discipline?
Roux Claude, Willis Sheila, Weyermann Céline, 2021/11. Science & Justice, 61 (6) pp. 678-686. Peer-reviewed.
Towards another paradigm for forensic science?
Crispino Frank, Weyermann Céline, Delémont Olivier, Roux Claude, Ribaux Olivier, 2021/08/23. WIREs Forensic Science. Peer-reviewed.
Chapter 3: Estimating the Age of Fingermarks: Relevance, Potential Approaches, and Perspectives
Weyermann Céline, Girod-Frais Aline, 2021/07/01. dans Technologies for Fingermark Age Estimations: A Step Forward, De Alcaraz-Fossoul, Josep (Ed.) Springer.
Chapter 7: Latent Fingermark Aging: Chemical Degradation Over Time
Frick Amanda A., Girod-Frais Aline, Moraleda Ana, Weyermann Céline, 2021/07/01. dans Technologies for Fingermark Age Estimations: A Step Forward, De Alcaraz-Fossoul, Josep (Ed.) Springer.
Use of ion mobility‐high resolution mass spectrometry in metabolomics studies to provide near MS/MS quality data in a single injection
Gil-Solsona Rubén, Sancho Juan V., Gassner Anne-Laure, Weyermann Céline, Hernández Félix, Delémont Olivier, Bijlsma Lubertus, 2021/05. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 56 (5). Peer-reviewed.
A different perspective on the forensic science crisis
Weyermann Céline, Roux Claude, 2021/04. Forensic Science International p. 110779. Peer-reviewed.
Can forensic science learn from the COVID-19 crisis?
Roux Claude, Weyermann Céline, 2020/09. Forensic Science International p. 110503.
Combined Collection and Analysis of Inorganic and Organic Gunshot Residues.
Redouté Minzière V., Werner D., Schneider D., Manganelli M., Jung B., Weyermann C., Gassner A.L., 2020/07. Journal of forensic sciences, 65 (4) pp. 1102-1113. Peer-reviewed.
Time since last discharge of firearms and spent ammunition elements: state of the art and perspectives
Gallidabino Matteo D., Weyermann Céline, 2020/06. Forensic Science International, 311 p. 110290. Peer-reviewed.
The potential of collaborative learning as a tool for forensic students: Application to signature examination
Cadola Liv, Hochholdinger Sarah, Bannwarth Anne, Voisard Romain, Marquis Raymond, Weyermann Céline, 2020/05. Science & Justice, 60 (3) pp. 273-283. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in latent fingermark glyceride composition as a function of sample age using UPLC-IMS-QToF-MSE
Frick Amanda A., Kummer Natalie, Moraleda Ana, Weyermann Céline, 2020. The Analyst, 145 (12) pp. 4212-4223. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of three collection methods for the sodium rhodizonate detection of gunshot residues on hands
Werner Denis, Gassner Anne-Laure, Marti Jorina, Christen Stephan, Wyss Philipp, Weyermann Céline, 2020. Science & Justice, 60 (1) pp. 63-71. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of organic gunshot residues in police vehicles
Gassner Anne-Laure, Weyermann Céline, 2020. Science & Justice, 60 (2) pp. 136-144. Peer-reviewed.
Chapter 11: Emerging approaches in the analysis of inks on questioned documents
Weyermann Céline, Techabowornkiat Korn-usa, 2019/10/01. dans In: Francese S. (eds) Emerging Technologies for the Analysis of Forensic Traces. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, Springer, Cham.
An investigation on the secondary transfer of organic gunshot residues
Maitre Matthieu, Chadwick Scott, Kirkbride K. Paul, Gassner Anne-Laure, Weyermann Céline, Beavis Alison, Roux Claude, 2019. Science & Justice, 59 (3) pp. 248-255. Peer-reviewed.
An untargeted lipidomic approach for qualitative determination of latent fingermark glycerides using UPLC-IMS-QToF-MSE
Frick Amanda, Weyermann Céline, 2019. Analyst, 144 pp. 3590-3600 . Peer-reviewed.
Combining forensic science and criminology to foster innovation in policing
Weyermann Céline, Jendly Manon, Rossy Quentin, 2019. Policing: : A Journal of Policy and Practice, 13 (1) pp. 1-4. Peer-reviewed.
Inscriptions murales à la peinture en spray : Du matériel de référence conventionnel peut-il être utilisé pour procéder à l'expertise en écriture ?
Cuany Sandrine, Marquis Raymond, Weyermann Céline, Cadola Liv, 2019. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et Police Technique et Scientifique, 2 pp. 191-207. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative profile–profile relationship (QPPR) modelling: a novel machine learning approach to predict and associate chemical characteristics of unspent ammunition from gunshot residue (GSR)
Gallidabino Matteo D., Barron Leon P., Weyermann Céline, Romolo Francesco S., 2019. The Analyst, 144 pp. 1128-1139. Peer-reviewed.
Secondary transfer of organic gunshot residues: Empirical data to assist the evaluation of three scenarios.
Gassner A.L., Manganelli M., Werner D., Rhumorbarbe D., Maitre M., Beavis A., Roux C.P., Weyermann C., 2019/01. Science & justice, 59 (1) pp. 58-66. Peer-reviewed.
Surveys of organic gunshot residue prevalence: comparison between civilian and police populations
Manganelli Manuela, Weyermann Céline, Gassner Anne-Laure, 2019. Forensic Science International pp. 48-57. Peer-reviewed.
Variability of stamp impression measurements under different apposition conditions
Rulli Patrizia, Marquis Raymond, Fürbach Martin, Weyermann Céline, 2019. Forensic Science International, 301 pp. 445.e1-445.e8.
A forensic investigation on the persistence of organic gunshot residues
Maitre Matthieu, Horder Marc, Kirkbride K. Paul, Gassner Anne-Laure, Weyermann Celine, Roux Claude, Beavis Alison, 2018. Forensic Science International, 292 pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Ink dating part II: Interpretation of results in a legal perspective
Koenig Agnès, Weyermann Céline, 2018/01. Science & Justice, 58 (1) pp. 31-46. Peer-reviewed.
Ink dating, part I: Statistical distribution of selected ageing parameters in a ballpoint inks reference population
Koenig Agnès, Weyermann Céline, 2018/01. Science & Justice, 58 (1) pp. 17-30. Peer-reviewed.
Spray paint writings on walls: Is conventional reference material adequate for comparison?
Cadola Liv, Cuany Sandrine, Weyermann Céline, Marquis Raymond, 2018. Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, 21 (2) pp. 3-11. Peer-reviewed.
A study of transfer and prevalence of organic gunshot residues
Hofstetter C., Maître M., Baevis A., Roux C., Weyermann C., Gassner A.-L., 2017/06/19. Forensic Science International, 277 pp. 241-251. Peer-reviewed.
Time since discharge of 9mm cartridges by headspace analysis, part 1: Comprehensive optimisation and validation of a headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE) method.
Gallidabino M., Romolo F.S., Weyermann C., 2017/03. Forensic science international, 272 pp. 159-170. Peer-reviewed.
Time since discharge of 9mm cartridges by headspace analysis, part 2: Ageing study and estimation of the time since discharge using multivariate regression.
Gallidabino M., Romolo F.S., Weyermann C., 2017/03. Forensic science international, 272 pp. 171-183. Peer-reviewed.
La datation des encres : Revue des méthodes basées sur l’analyse des solvants
Koenig Agnès, Weyermann Céline, 2017. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, LXX (3) pp. 336-375. Peer-reviewed.
Organic gunshot residues: observations about sampling and transfer mechanisms
Gassner A.-L., Ribeiro C., Kobylinska J., Zeichner A., Weyermann C., 2016/09. Forensic Science International, 266 pp. 369-378. Peer-reviewed.
Aging of target lipid parameters in fingermark residue using GC/MS: effects of influence factors and perspectives for dating purposes
Girod A., Holmes D., Spyratou A., Weyermann C., 2016/05. Science & Justice, 56 (3) pp. 165 - 180. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermark age determinations: Legal considerations, review of the literature and practical propositions.
Girod A., Ramotowski R., Lambrechts S., Misrielal P., Aalders M., Weyermann C., 2016/05. Forensic science international, 262 pp. 212-226. Peer-reviewed.
LC-MS method development and comparison of sampling materials for the analysis of organic gunshot residues
Gassner A.-L., Weyermann C., 2016/03. Forensic Science International, 264 pp. 47-55. Peer-reviewed.
Probabilistic graphical models to deal with age estimation of living persons
Sironi E., Gallidabino M., Weyermann C., Taroni F., 2016/03. International Journal of Legal Medicine., 130 (2) pp. 475-488.
Commentary on: Chang KH, Yew CH, Abdullah AFL. Study on the behaviors of gunshot residues from spent cartridges by headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatographic techniques. J Forensic Sci 2015;60(4):869-77.
Gallidabino Matteo, Weyermann Céline, 2016. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 61 (5) pp. 1409-1410.
Characterization of volatile organic gunshot residues in fired handgun cartridges by headspace sorptive extraction.
Gallidabino M., Romolo F.S., Weyermann C., 2015/09. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 407 (23) pp. 7123-7134. Peer-reviewed.
Explorer les intersections entre la science forensique et la criminologie au travers de la temporalité de trois types d'actions de contrôle social
Weyermann C., Jendly M., Rossy Q., 2015/09. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et Police Technique et Scientifique, LXVIII (3) pp. 284-298. Peer-reviewed.
A comparative study of ballpoint ink ageing parameters using GC/MS.
Koenig A., Magnolon S., Weyermann C., 2015/07. Forensic science international, 252 pp. 93-106. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermark initial composition and aging using Fourier transform infrared microscopy (μ-FTIR)
Girod A., Xiao L., Reedy B., Roux C., Weyermann C., 2015/07. Forensic Science International, 254 pp. 185-196. Peer-reviewed.
Ink dating using thermal desorption and gas chromatography / mass spectrometry: comparison of results obtained in two laboratories
Koenig A., Bügler J., Kirsch D., Köhler F., Weyermann C., 2015/01. Journal of Forensic Science, 60 (S1) pp. 152-161. Peer-reviewed.
Une question de temps: apprentissage par problème dans un cours de police scientifique
Weyermann C., Daele A., Muehlethaler C., Voisard R., 2015/01. Revue international de pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur, 31-1 pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a novel headspace sorptive extraction method to study the aging of volatile compounds in spent handgun cartridges
Gallidabino M., Romolo F. S., Bylenga K., Weyermann C., 2014/06. Analytical chemistry, 86 (9) pp. 4471-4478. Peer-reviewed.
La datation des traces digitales (partie II): proposition d'une approche formelle
Girod A., Roux C., Weyermann C., 2014/06. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et Police Technique et Scientifique, 67 (2) pp. 226-249. Peer-reviewed.
Lipid composition of fingermark residue and donor classification using GC/MS
Girod A., Weyermann C., 2014/05. Forensic Science International pp. 68-82. Peer-reviewed.
La datation des traces digitales (partie I): revue critique
Girod A., Weyermann C., 2013/09. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et Police Technique et Scientifique pp. 364-377. Peer-reviewed.
Une question de temps: apprentissage par problèmes dans un cours de police scientifique
Weyermann C., Daele A., Muehlethaler C., Voisard R., 2013/06. dans Questions de Pédagogie dans l'Enseignement Supérieur: actes du VIIe colloque, Sherbrooke, Québec. Peer-reviewed.
Estimating the time since discharge of spent cartridges: a logical approach fro interpreting the evidence
Gallidabino M., Weyermann C., Romolo F., Taroni F., 2013/03. Science & Justice, 53 (1) pp. 41-48. Peer-reviewed.
Dating: documents
Weyermann C., 2013. pp. 1-11 dans J. Wiley & Sons (eds.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Jamieson A. Moenssens A..
Composition of fingermark residue: a qualitative and quantitative review
Girod A., Ramotowski R., Weyermann C., 2012/11. Forensic Science International, 223 (1.3) pp. 10-24. Peer-reviewed.
Situating forensic traces in time
Weyermann C., Ribaux O., 2012/06. Science & Justice, 52 (2) pp. 68-75. Peer-reviewed.
Statistical evaluation of the reproducibility and the influence of paper on the analysis of black gel pen ink using laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry
Iqbal A., Majcherczyk P., Weyermann C., 2012/06. Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, 15 (1) pp. 31-40. Peer-reviewed.
Statistical discrimination of black gel pen inks analysed by laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
Weyermann C., Bucher L., Majcherczyk P., Mazzella W., Roux C., Esseiva P., 2012/04. Forensic Science International, 217 (1-3) pp. 127-133.
Identification of Wax Esters in Latent Print Residues by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectromertry and Their Potential Use as Aging Parameters
Koenig A., Girod A., Weyermann C., 2011/11. Journal of Forensic Identification, 61 (6) pp. 606-631. Peer-reviewed.
Minimum requirements for application of ink dating methods based on solvent analysis in casework
Weyermann C., Almog J., Bügler J., Cantu A., 2011/07. Forensic Science International, 210 (1-3) pp. 52-62. Peer-reviewed.
Applications of a transportable Raman spectrometer for the in situ detection of controlled substances at border controls
Weyermann C., Mimoune Y., Anglada F., Massonnet G., Esseiva P., Buzzini P., 2011/06. Forensic Science International, 209 (1-3) pp. 21-28. Peer-reviewed.
A statistical methodology for the comparison of blue gel pen inks analyzed by laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
Weyermann C., Bucher L., Majcherczyk P., 2011. Science & Justice, 51 (3) pp. 122-130. Peer-reviewed.
Differentiation of blue ballpoint pen inks by positive and negative mode LDI-MS
Gallidabino M., Weyermann C., Marquis R., 2011/01. Forensic Science International, 204 (1-3) pp. 169-178. Peer-reviewed.
Initial Results on the Composition of Fingerprints and its Evolution as a Function of Time by GC/MS Analysis
Weyermann C., Roux C., Champod C., 2011/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 102-108. Peer-reviewed.
Different likelihood ratio approaches to evaluate the strength of evidence of MDMA tablet comparisons
Bolck A., Weyermann C., Dujourdy L., Esseiva P., Van den Berg J., 2009/10. Forensic Science International, 191 (1-3) pp. 42-51. Peer-reviewed.
Weyermann C, Gueissaz L, Lefeuvre A, Curchod J, Milliet Q, Voisard R, 2009/06. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXII (2) pp. 37-48.
Documents : Dating a document
Weyermann C., 2009/05. pp. 684-692 dans Jamieson A., Moenssens A. (eds.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, J. Wiley & Sons.
The profiling of MDMA tablets: a study of the combination of physical characteristics and organic impurities as sources of information
Milliet Q., Weyermann C., Esseiva P., 2009/05. Forensic Science International, 187 (1-3) pp. 58-65. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of the Photodegradation of Crystal Violet upon Light Exposure by Mass Spectrometric and Spectroscopic Methods
Weyermann C., Kirsch D., Costa Vera C., Spengler B., 2009/03. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 54 (2) pp. 339-345. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of organic volatile residues in 9 mm spent cartridges
Weyermann C., Belaud V., Riva F., Romolo F., 2009. Forensic Science International, 186 pp. 29-35. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary on: Berger-Karin C, Hendricks U, Geyer-Lippmann J. Comparison of natural and artificial aging of ballpoint inks
Weyermann C., Mazzella W., Margot P., 2009. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53 (4) p. 967. Peer-reviewed.
Taktische Auswertungspotential einer umfassenden Ecstasy-Tabletten Datenbank: Ein effizientes Werkzeug zur Bekämpfung des illegalen Drogenhandels
Bovens M., Weyermann C., Esseiva P., Alvarez D., Berner H., Fichtl S., 2008/12. Kriminalistik-Schweiz, 12 pp. 679-685. Peer-reviewed.
Est-il possible de déterminer l'âge d'un document en analysant l'encre ? / Ist es möglich die Alterbestimmung von Dokumenten durch Tintenanalytik zu bestimmen ?
Weyermann C., 2008/04. Journal criminalistique suisse / Schweizer Kriminalistikjournal, 5 pp. 17-20.
A logical framework to ballpoint ink dating interpretation
Weyermann C., Schiffer B., Margot P., 2008. Science & Justice, 48 (iii) pp. 118-125. Peer-reviewed.
Differenzierung von blauen Kugelschreibertinten mit LDI-MS: ein Vergleich gegenüber Routinemethoden
Weyermann C., Gallidabino M., Marquis R., Mazzella W., Spengler B., 2008. dans 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie (DGMS).
Drug intelligence based on MDMA tablets data : (1) Organic impurities profiling.
Weyermann C., Marquis R., Delaporte C., Esseiva P., Dujourdy L., Lock E., Aalberg L., Dieckmann S., Zrcek F., Bosenko J., 2008. Forensic Science International, 177 (1) pp. 11-16. Peer-reviewed.
Drug intelligence based on MDMA tablets data : (2) Physical characteristics profiling
Marquis R., Weyermann C., Delaporte C., Esseiva P., Dujourdy L., Koper C., Aalberg L., Dahlenburg R., Zrcek F., Bosenko J., 2008. Forensic Science International, 178 (1) pp. 34-39. Peer-reviewed.
Methodenentwicklung zum "Ecstasy Profiling": Massenspektrometrische Untersuchung von Verunreinigungen in 3,4-Methylendioxy-methamphetamin (MDMA) mit GC/MS und ICP-MS
Weyermann C., Esseiva P., Aarlberg L., Bozenko J., Dahlenburg R., Dujourdy L., Koper C., Lock E., Zreck F., 2008. dans 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie (DGMS).
Revue des méthodes de datation de l'encre : Est-il possible de déterminer l'âge d'un document en analysant l'encre ?
Weyermann C., 2008. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, 3 (LXI) pp. 359-376. Peer-reviewed.
The potential of artificial aging for modelling of natural aging processes of ballpoint ink
Weyermann C., Spengler B., 2008. Forensic Science International, 180 pp. 21-31. Peer-reviewed.
A GC/MS study of the drying of ballpoint pen ink on paper
Weyermann C., Kirsch D., Vera C.C., Spengler B., 2007. Forensic Science International, 168 (2-3) pp. 119-127. Peer-reviewed.
Differentiation of Blue Ballpoint Pen Inks by Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry and High- Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography.
Weyermann C., Marquis R., Mazzella W., Spengler B., 2007. Journal of Forensic Science, 52 (1) pp. 216-220. Peer-reviewed.
Le potentiel des données collectées sur les comprimés Ecstasy saisis en Suisse . (2) Renseignement tactique et opérationnel.
Weyermann C., Esseiva P., Anglada F., Zingg C., Bovens M., 2007. Revue internationale de Criminologie et de Police technique et scientifique, 2 pp. 236-247. Peer-reviewed.
Le potentiel des données collectées sur les comprimés Ecstasy saisis en Suisse : (1) Tendances du marché clandestin.
Weyermann C., Esseiva P., Anglada F., Baer I., Bovens M., Zingg C., 2007. Revue internationale de Criminologie et de Police technique et scientifique, 1 pp. 103-115. Peer-reviewed.
Photofading of Ballpoint Dyes Studied on Paper by LDI- and MALDI-MS Analysis
Weyermann C., Kirsch D., Costa Vera C., Spengler B., 2006. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectometry, 17 pp. 297-306. Peer-reviewed.
Establishment of an operational system for drug profiling : a Swiss experience
Ioset S., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., Weyermann C., Anglada F., Lociciro S., Hayoz P., Baer I., Gasté L., Terrettaz Zufferey. A. L. et al., 2005. Bulletin on narcotics.UNITED NATIONS Office on Drugs and Crime., LVII (1-2) pp. 121-147. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of a New Amphetamine Type Stimulant : 3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)amphetamine (MDHOET)
Koper C., Ali-Tolppa E., Bozenko J. S., Dufey V., Puetz M., Weyermann C., Zrcek F., 2005. Microgram Journal, 3 (3-4) pp. 166-174.
Dating of Ink Entries by MALDI/LDI-MS and GC-MS analysis: Reality or Utopia?
Weyermann C., Kirsch D., Andermann T., Spengler B., 2003., European Association of Forensic Science Meeting pp. 73-74 dans Proceedings of the 3rd European Academy of Forensic Science meeting, Forensic science international, Elsevier.
Analysis of the degradation process of ballpoint ink by mass spectrometry.
Weyermann C., Kirsch D., Andermann T., Spengler B., 2002. dans Proceedings 50th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics.
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