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Neil Forsyth
Teaching given to the UNIL
Old teaching
from 10/11 to 10/11
Shakespeare at Stratford/London...Cours
from 09/10 to 09/10
English Literature Survey 2: Introduction to Modern English Literature...Cours
from 09/10 to 09/10
Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 09/10 to 09/10
Introduction to English Poetry...Cours-Séminaire
from 09/10 to 09/10
from 09/10 to 09/10
Shakespeare at Stratford/London...Cours
from 08/09 to 08/09
Charles Dickens...Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09
English Literature Survey 2: Introduction to Modern English Literature...Cours
from 08/09 to 08/09
Impact of Frankenstein...Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09
Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 08/09 to 08/09
Introduction to English Poetry...Cours-Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09
Shakespeare at Stratford/London...Cours
from 08/09 to 08/09
Shakespeare at Stratford/London...Cours-Séminaire
from 07/08 to 07/08
English Literature Survey 2: Introduction to Modern English Literature...Cours
from 07/08 to 07/08
Explication de textes: Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children...Séminaire
from 07/08 to 07/08
Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 07/08 to 07/08
Introduction to English Poetry...Cours-Séminaire
from 07/08 to 07/08
from 07/08 to 07/08
Shakespeare on Film...Cours
from 06/07 to 06/07
Early Modern Poetry...Séminaire
from 06/07 to 06/07
English Literature Survey 2: Introduction to Modern English Literature...Cours
from 06/07 to 06/07
Introduction to English Poetry...Cours
from 06/07 to 06/07
Introduction to English Poetry...Séminaire
from 06/07 to 06/07
Introduction to Shakespeare...Cours
from 06/07 to 06/07
Séminaire de la formation doctorale interdisciplinaire IRIS 4 , pôle de recherches et d'enseignement "Langues et littératures européennes. Analyses discursives et comparatives"....Séminaire
from 06/07 to 06/07
Shakespeare at Stratford...Cours
from 05/06 to 05/06
English Literature Survey 2: Introduction to Modern English Literature...Cours
from 05/06 to 05/06
Introduction to English Poetry...Séminaire
from 05/06 to 05/06
Introduction to English Poetry...Cours
from 05/06 to 05/06
IRIS 4 : Recherches interdisciplinaires en Analyse textuelle et comparée des discours : Le rôle de la généricité dans la production et la réception des textes....Cours-Séminaire
from 05/06 to 05/06
Medieval and Early Modern Theatre...Cours-Séminaire
from 05/06 to 05/06
Milton ...Séminaire
from 05/06 to 05/06
Shakespeare on Film...Cours
from 05/06 to 05/06
Shakespeare on Film...Cours
from 04/05 to 04/05
Dickens and the Form of the Novel...Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05
Dickens and the Form of the Novel...Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05
English Drama: a Brief History...Cours
from 04/05 to 04/05
Introduction to English Poetry...Cours
from 04/05 to 04/05
Introduction to Modern Literature (English Literature Survey II)...Cours
from 04/05 to 04/05
Les genres discursifs et littéraires à la croisée des disciplines (1)...Cours-Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05
Les genres discursifs et littéraires à la croisée des disciplines (2)...Cours-Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05
Shakespeare at Stratford...Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04
Explication de texte II: Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto III...Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04
Introduction to Modern Literature (English Literature Survey II)...Cours
from 03/04 to 03/04
Introduction to Shakespeare...Cours
from 03/04 to 03/04
L'analyse textuelle et comparée des discours : séminaire d'épistémologie et de méthodologie...Cours-Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04
Les discours sur la nature et la culture humaine : des mythes de la création aux manipulations génétiques...Cours-Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04
Milton, Paradise Lost...Cours-Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04
Mistakes in Love...Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04
Shakespeare on Film...Cours-Séminaire
from 02/03 to 02/03
Reading English Poetry...Cours
from 02/03 to 02/03
The Sublime...Séminaire
from 01/02 to 01/02
Adapting the Nineteenth Century Novel: Austen, Brontë, Dickens: Romans du XIXème siècle...Séminaire
from 01/02 to 01/02
English drama: a Brief History...Cours
from 01/02 to 01/02
Introduction to Modern Literature (English Literature Survey II)...Cours-Séminaire
from 01/02 to 01/02
Introduction to Shakespeare...Cours
from 01/02 to 01/02
The Romantics...Séminaire