Antonio Mucciolo

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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15 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2013 | 2010 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 |
Ume6-dependent pathways of morphogenesis and biofilm formation in Candida auris.
Louvet M., Li J., Brandalise D., Bachmann D., Sala de Oyanguren F., Labes D., Jacquier N., Genoud C., Mucciolo A., Coste A.T. et al., 2024/11/05. Microbiology spectrum, 12 (11) pp. e0153124. Peer-reviewed.
Air channels create a directional light signal to regulate hypocotyl phototropism.
Nawkar G.M., Legris M., Goyal A., Schmid-Siegert E., Fleury J., Mucciolo A., De Bellis D., Trevisan M., Schueler A., Fankhauser C., 2023/11/24. Science, 382 (6673) pp. 935-940. Peer-reviewed.
Correlated cryo-SEM and CryoNanoSIMS imaging of biological tissue.
Meibom A., Plane F., Cheng T., Grandjean G., Haldimann O., Escrig S., Jensen L., Daraspe J., Mucciolo A., De Bellis D. et al., 2023/06/07. BMC biology, 21 (1) p. 126. Peer-reviewed.
ABCG transporters export cutin precursors for the formation of the plant cuticle.
Elejalde-Palmett C., Martinez San Segundo I., Garroum I., Charrier L., De Bellis D., Mucciolo A., Guerault A., Liu J., Zeisler-Diehl V., Aharoni A. et al., 2021/05/24. Current biology, 31 (10) pp. 2111-2123.e9. Peer-reviewed.
Drosophila melanogaster cloak their eggs with pheromones, which prevents cannibalism.
Narasimha S., Nagornov K.O., Menin L., Mucciolo A., Rohwedder A., Humbel B.M., Stevens M., Thum A.S., Tsybin Y.O., Vijendravarma R.K., 2019. PLoS Biology, 17 (1) pp. e2006012. Peer-reviewed.
A targeted 3D EM and correlative microscopy method using SEM array tomography.
Burel A., Lavault M.T., Chevalier C., Gnaegi H., Prigent S., Mucciolo A., Dutertre S., Humbel B.M., Guillaudeux T., Kolotuev I., 2018/06/21. Development, 145 (12) p. 1. Peer-reviewed.
Connecting the Molecular Structure of Cutin to Ultrastructure and Physical Properties of the Cuticle in Petals of Arabidopsis.
Mazurek S., Garroum I., Daraspe J., De Bellis D., Olsson V., Mucciolo A., Butenko M.A., Humbel B.M., Nawrath C., 2017. Plant Physiology, 173 (2) pp. 1146-1163. Peer-reviewed.
Cuticular Defects in Oryza sativa ATP-binding Cassette Transporter G31 Mutant Plants Cause Dwarfism, Elevated Defense Responses and Pathogen Resistance.
Garroum I., Bidzinski P., Daraspe J., Mucciolo A., Humbel B.M., Morel J.B., Nawrath C., 2016/04. Plant & cell physiology, 57 (6) pp. 1179-1188. Peer-reviewed.
The ABCG transporter PEC1/ABCG32 is required for the formation of the developing leaf cuticle in Arabidopsis.
Fabre G., Garroum I., Mazurek S., Daraspe J., Mucciolo A., Sankar M., Humbel B.M., Nawrath C., 2016. New Phytologist, 209 (1) pp. 192-201.
Transmission Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy allows simultaneous assessment of cutin and cell-wall polysaccharides of Arabidopsis petals.
Mazurek S., Mucciolo A., Humbel B.M., Nawrath C., 2013. Plant Journal, 74 (5) pp. 880-891.
PPARgamma in placental angiogenesis.
Nadra K., Quignodon L., Sardella C., Joye E., Mucciolo A., Chrast R., Desvergne B., 2010. Endocrinology, 151 (10) pp. 4969-4981. Peer-reviewed.
Nanotechnology and memory shape alloys ffor syndfhronous heart compression : the next step in cardiac assist ?
Tozzi P., Corno A., Mucciolo A., von Segesser L., 2004. pp. S46 dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Cardiologie (SSC) et de la Société Suisse d'Angiologie (SSA), Kardiovaskuläre Medizin = Médecine Cardiovasculaire.
Coupes au diamant en résine méthyle methacrylate : nouveaux outils pour évaluer le modèle histologique d 'endoprothèse aortiques
Mucciolo A., Marty B., Tozzi P., Mucciolo G., Godar G., Mucciolo G., Corno A., von Segesser L., 2003. p. 57 dans Comgrès Annuel de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie organisé en commun avec la Société Suisse de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire, Swiss Surgery.
Sutureless distal coronary anastmoses : experimental long term results with the new Graft Connector generation
Tozzi P., Solem J., Mucciolo A., Corno A., Von Segesser L., 2003. pp. 39S dans Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Cardiologie, Kardiovaskuläre Medizin = Médecine Cardiovasculaire.
The GraftConnector experience. Long-term patency and histological work up in an animal model.
Tozzi P., Solem J.O., Boumzebra D., Mucciolo A., Mueller X., von Segesser L.K., 2001. Swiss surgery = Schweizer Chirurgie = Chirurgie suisse = Chirurgia svizzera, 7 (5) pp. 209-12.
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