Research directions
Research tracks in international management
The Institute of International Management of the University of Lausanne focuses on how consumers and companies adjust to increasingly globalized markets. Its research undertakings mostly deal with new organizational forms and management systems that multinational companies adopt to take into account economic, cultural, and institutional diversity. Our orientation at IUMI is international and comparative. Research projects and publications deal with the economics of global markets and international competitiveness of nations and firms, as well as with the main areas of management: finance, marketing, HRM, and logistics.
Global Market
- Intra-industry trade labour market adjustment
- Economic integration and the location of industries
- International Trade disputes
- International development of services companies
- Global corporate competitiveness
- International Competitiveness of nations
- Global logistics
- International Operations Management
- Global Corporate Strategy
- International Marketing Management
- International Business negotiations
- Legal aspects of Internet
- International distribution and agency contracts
- Global consumer behavior and International Marketing Management
International Accounting, Tax and Finance
- International Financial Accounting and Corporate Disclosure
- International and European Tax
- Corporate Tax
- Performance Measurement
- Behavioral Accounting and Incentive Systems
- Ergonomy of Management Tools
Comparative Management
- Global Human Ressources Management and Comparative Organizational Issues
- Intercultural and cross-cultural management
- Multinational Corporate responsibility
- Politique de l'entreprise internationale
- Ethical issues in international marketing
- Global and comparative entrepreneurship
- Applied decision theory
Moral Disengagement
La mesure du leadership
Cognitive antecedents of effective leadership
The links among leadership, work design, and motivation
Experimental social psychology
Statistical methods
Structural-equation/latent-variable modeling (e.g., factor analysis, latent growth curves, multilevel/hierarchical modeling, etc.) using ML estimation (and other estimators e.g., PLS). Other multivariate techniques (e.g., repeated/panel measures ANOVA, Multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA), ANCOVA/MANCOVA, etc.)