Pierre Magistretti

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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195 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 |
Common Genetic Variation and Age of Onset of Anorexia Nervosa.
Watson H.J., Thornton L.M., Yilmaz Z., Baker J.H., Coleman JRI, Adan RAH, Alfredsson L., Andreassen O.A., Ask H., Berrettini W.H. et al., 2022/10. Biological psychiatry global open science, 2 (4) pp. 368-378. Peer-reviewed.
Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors.
Mullins N., Kang J., Campos A.I., Coleman JRI, Edwards A.C., Galfalvy H., Levey D.F., Lori A., Shabalin A., Starnawska A. et al., 2022/02/01. Biological psychiatry, 91 (3) pp. 313-327. Peer-reviewed.
Role of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in the antidepressant actions of lactate.
Carrard A., Cassé F., Carron C., Burlet-Godinot S., Toni N., Magistretti P.J., Martin J.L., 2021/11. Molecular psychiatry, 26 (11) pp. 6723-6735. Peer-reviewed.
Reactive astrocyte nomenclature, definitions, and future directions.
Escartin C., Galea E., Lakatos A., O'Callaghan J.P., Petzold G.C., Serrano-Pozo A., Steinhäuser C., Volterra A., Carmignoto G., Agarwal A. et al., 2021/03. Nature neuroscience, 24 (3) pp. 312-325. Peer-reviewed.
Hydroxycarboxylic Acid Receptor 1 and Neuroprotection in a Mouse Model of Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion.
Buscemi L., Blochet C., Magistretti P.J., Hirt L., 2021. Frontiers in physiology, 12 p. 689239. Peer-reviewed.
Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies.
Munn-Chernoff M.A., Johnson E.C., Chou Y.L., Coleman JRI, Thornton L.M., Walters R.K., Yilmaz Z., Baker J.H., Hübel C., Gordon S. et al., 2021/01. Addiction biology, 26 (1) pp. e12880. Peer-reviewed.
Lactate measurement by neurochemical profiling in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex at 7T: accuracy, precision, and relaxation times.
Dehghani M., Do K.Q., Magistretti P., Xin L., 2020/06. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 83 (6) pp. 1895-1908. Peer-reviewed.
Extended preclinical investigation of lactate for neuroprotection after ischemic stroke
Buscemi Lara, Blochet Camille, Price Melanie, Magistretti Pierre J, Lei Hongxia, Hirt Lorenz, 2020/01/01. Clinical and Translational Neuroscience, 4 (1) pp. 2514183X2090457.
From the Principle of Inertia to the Death Drive: The Influence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics on the Freudian Theory of the Psychical Apparatus.
Tran The J., Ansermet J.P., Magistretti P., Ansermet F., 2020. Frontiers in psychology, 11 p. 325. Peer-reviewed.
Gangliosides: Treatment Avenues in Neurodegenerative Disease
Magistretti Pierre J., Geisler Fred H., Schneider Jay S., Li P. Andy, Fiumelli Hubert, Sipione Simonetta, 2019/08/06. Frontiers in neurology, 10. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide association study identifies eight risk loci and implicates metabo-psychiatric origins for anorexia nervosa.
Watson H.J., Yilmaz Z., Thornton L.M., Hübel C., Coleman JRI, Gaspar H.A., Bryois J., Hinney A., Leppä V.M., Mattheisen M. et al., 2019/08. Nature genetics, 51 (8) pp. 1207-1214. Peer-reviewed.
An investigation of indirect effects of personality features on anorexia nervosa severity through interoceptive dysfunction in individuals with lifetime anorexia nervosa diagnoses.
Duffy M.E., Rogers M.L., Joiner T.E., Bergen A.W., Berrettini W., Bulik C.M., Brandt H., Crawford S., Crow S., Fichter M. et al., 2019/02. The International journal of eating disorders, 52 (2) pp. 200-205. Peer-reviewed.
Hypertonic Lactate to Improve Cerebral Perfusion and Glucose Availability After Acute Brain Injury.
Carteron L., Solari D., Patet C., Quintard H., Miroz J.P., Bloch J., Daniel R.T., Hirt L., Eckert P., Magistretti P.J. et al., 2018/10. Critical care medicine, 46 (10) pp. 1649-1655. Peer-reviewed.
Dual action of L-Lactate on the activity of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors: from potentiation to neuroprotection.
Jourdain P., Rothenfusser K., Ben-Adiba C., Allaman I., Marquet P., Magistretti P.J., 2018/09/07. Scientific reports, 8 (1) p. 13472. Peer-reviewed.
Hypocretin/orexin deficiency decreases cocaine abuse liability.
Steiner N., Rossetti C., Sakurai T., Yanagisawa M., de Lecea L., Magistretti P.J., Halfon O., Boutrel B., 2018/05/01. Neuropharmacology, 133 pp. 395-403. Peer-reviewed.
Lactate in the brain: from metabolic end-product to signalling molecule.
Magistretti P.J., Allaman I., 2018/04. Nature reviews. Neuroscience, 19 (4) pp. 235-249. Peer-reviewed.
Peripheral administration of lactate produces antidepressant-like effects.
Carrard A., Elsayed M., Margineanu M., Boury-Jamot B., Fragnière L., Meylan E.M., Petit J.M., Fiumelli H., Magistretti P.J., Martin J.L., 2018/02. Molecular psychiatry, 23 (2) pp. 392-399. Peer-reviewed.
L-Lactate Regulates the Expression of Synaptic Plasticity and Neuroprotection Genes in Cortical Neurons: A Transcriptome Analysis.
Margineanu M.B., Mahmood H., Fiumelli H., Magistretti P.J., 2018. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience, 11 p. 375. Peer-reviewed.
The Epistemological Foundations of Freud's Energetics Model.
Tran The J., Magistretti P., Ansermet F., 2018. Frontiers in psychology, 9 p. 1861. Peer-reviewed.
Inadequate Brain Glycogen or Sleep Increases Spreading Depression Susceptibility.
Kilic K., Karatas H., Donmez-Demir B., Eren-Kocak E., Gursoy-Ozdemir Y., Can A., Petit J.M., Magistretti P.J., Dalkara T., 2017/12/15. Annals of neurology, 83 (1) pp. 61-73. Peer-reviewed.
A preclinical model for identifying rats at risk of alcohol use disorder.
Jadhav K.S., Magistretti P.J., Halfon O., Augsburger M., Boutrel B., 2017/08/25. Scientific reports, 7 (1) p. 9454. Peer-reviewed.
Lactate release from astrocytes to neurons contributes to cocaine memory formation.
Boury-Jamot B., Halfon O., Magistretti P.J., Boutrel B., 2016/12. BioEssays, 38 (12) pp. 1266-1273. Peer-reviewed.
A motion capture study to measure the feeling of synchrony in romantic couples and in professional musicians
Preissmann D., Charbonnier C., Chagué S., Antonietti J.-Ph., Ansermet F., Magistretti P. J., 2016/10. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep fragmentation alters brain energy metabolism without modifying hippocampal electrophysiological response to novelty exposure.
Baud M.O., Parafita J., Nguyen A., Magistretti P.J., Petit J.M., 2016/10. Journal of sleep research, 25 (5) pp. 583-590. Peer-reviewed.
Sodium signaling and astrocyte energy metabolism.
Chatton J.Y., Magistretti P.J., Barros L.F., 2016/10. Glia, 64 (10) pp. 1667-1676. Peer-reviewed.
Astrocytic β2-adrenergic receptors mediate hippocampal long-term memory consolidation.
Gao V., Suzuki A., Magistretti P.J., Lengacher S., Pollonini G., Steinman M.Q., Alberini C.M., 2016/07/26. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (30) pp. 8526-8531. Peer-reviewed.
Involvement of the agmatinergic system in the depressive-like phenotype of the Crtc1 knockout mouse model of depression.
Meylan E.M., Breuillaud L., Seredenina T., Magistretti P.J., Halfon O., Luthi-Carter R., Cardinaux J.R., 2016/07/12. Translational psychiatry, 6 (7) pp. e852. Peer-reviewed.
A Role for Lactate in the Consolidation of Drug-Related Associative Memories.
Boutrel B., Magistretti P.J., 2016/06/01. Biological psychiatry, 79 (11) pp. 875-877. Peer-reviewed.
Regulation of neuron-astrocyte metabolic coupling across the sleep-wake cycle.
Petit J.M., Magistretti P.J., 2016/05/26. Neuroscience, 323 pp. 135-156. Peer-reviewed.
Improvement of Neuroenergetics by Hypertonic Lactate Therapy in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury Is Dependent on Baseline Cerebral Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio.
Quintard H., Patet C., Zerlauth J.B., Suys T., Bouzat P., Pellerin L., Meuli R., Magistretti P.J., Oddo M., 2016/04/01. Journal of neurotrauma, 33 (7) pp. 681-687. Peer-reviewed.
The HDAC inhibitor SAHA improves depressive-like behavior of CRTC1-deficient mice: Possible relevance for treatment-resistant depression.
Meylan E.M., Halfon O., Magistretti P.J., Cardinaux J.R., 2016/03. Neuropharmacology, 107 pp. 111-121. Peer-reviewed.
Comparisons of verbal fluency brain correlates between adults and adolescents suffering from schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A pilot study
Urben S., Jaugey L., Fornari E., Magistretti P., Marquet P., Holzer L., Vianin P., 2016. The European Journal of Psychiatry, 30 (4) pp. 249-257. Peer-reviewed.
Glutamate Cysteine Ligase-Modulatory Subunit Knockout Mouse Shows Normal Insulin Sensitivity but Reduced Liver Glycogen Storage.
Lavoie S., Steullet P., Kulak A., Preitner F., Do K.Q., Magistretti P.J., 2016. Frontiers in Physiology, 7 p. 142. Peer-reviewed.
L-Lactate protects neurons against excitotoxicity: implication of an ATP-mediated signaling cascade.
Jourdain P., Allaman I., Rothenfusser K., Fiumelli H., Marquet P., Magistretti P.J., 2016. Scientific Reports, 6 p. 21250. Peer-reviewed.
Embodied memory: unconscious smiling modulates emotional evaluation of episodic memories.
Arminjon M., Preissmann D., Chmetz F., Duraku A., Ansermet F., Magistretti P.J., 2015/05. Frontiers In Psychology, 6 p. 650. Peer-reviewed.
A Cellular Perspective on Brain Energy Metabolism and Functional Imaging.
Magistretti P.J., Allaman I., 2015. Neuron, 86 (4) pp. 883-901. Peer-reviewed.
A New Outlook on Mental Illnesses: Glial Involvement Beyond the Glue.
Elsayed M., Magistretti P.J., 2015. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 9 p. 468. Peer-reviewed.
Alzheimer's disease: the amyloid hypothesis and the Inverse Warburg effect.
Demetrius L.A., Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 2015/01. Frontiers in Physiology, 5 p. 522. Peer-reviewed.
Complex regulation of CREB-binding protein by homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2.
Kovács K.A., Steinmann M., Halfon O., Magistretti P.J., Cardinaux J.R., 2015. Cellular Signalling, 27 (11) pp. 2252-2260. Peer-reviewed.
Deficiency in monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) in mice delays regeneration of peripheral nerves following sciatic nerve crush.
Morrison B.M., Tsingalia A., Vidensky S., Lee Y., Jin L., Farah M.H., Lengacher S., Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., Rothstein J.D., 2015. Experimental Neurology, 263 pp. 325-338. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic gene expression changes in astrocytes in Multiple Sclerosis cerebral cortex are indicative of immune-mediated signaling.
Zeis T., Allaman I., Gentner M., Schroder K., Tschopp J., Magistretti P.J., Schaeren-Wiemers N., 2015. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 48 pp. 313-325.
Neuroenergetic Response to Prolonged Cerebral Glucose Depletion after Severe Brain Injury and the Role of Lactate.
Patet C., Quintard H., Suys T., Bloch J., Daniel R.T., Pellerin L., Magistretti P.J., Oddo M., 2015. Journal of Neurotrauma, 32 (20) pp. 1560-1566. Peer-reviewed.
Sustained sleep fragmentation induces sleep homeostasis in mice.
Baud M.O., Magistretti P.J., Petit J.M., 2015. Sleep, 38 (4) pp. 567-579. Peer-reviewed.
High throughput second harmonic imaging for label-free biological applications.
Macias-Romero C., Didier M.E., Jourdain P., Marquet P., Magistretti P., Tarun O.B., Zubkovs V., Radenovic A., Roke S., 2014/12/15. Optics express, 22 (25) pp. 31102-31112. Peer-reviewed.
Lactate promotes plasticity gene expression by potentiating NMDA signaling in neurons.
Yang J., Ruchti E., Petit J.M., Jourdain P., Grenningloh G., Allaman I., Magistretti P.J., 2014/08/19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111 (33) pp. 12228-12233. Peer-reviewed.
Cerebral metabolic effects of exogenous lactate supplementation on the injured human brain.
Bouzat P., Sala N., Suys T., Zerlauth J.B., Marques-Vidal P., Feihl F., Bloch J., Messerer M., Levivier M., Meuli R. et al., 2014/03. Intensive care medicine, 40 (3) pp. 412-421. Peer-reviewed.
Control of mitochondrial pH by uncoupling protein 4 in astrocytes promotes neuronal survival.
Perreten Lambert H., Zenger M., Azarias G., Chatton J.Y., Magistretti P.J., Lengacher S., 2014. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289 (45) pp. 31014-31028. Peer-reviewed.
Hypertonic lactate and the injured brain: facts and the potential for positive clinical implications.
Bouzat P., Magistretti P.J., Oddo M., 2014. Intensive Care Medicine, 40 (6) pp. 920-921. Peer-reviewed.
Increased activation in Broca's area after cognitive remediation in schizophrenia.
Vianin P., Urben S., Magistretti P., Marquet P., Fornari E., Jaugey L., 2014. Psychiatry Research, 221 (3) pp. 204-209. Peer-reviewed.
Review of quantitative phase-digital holographic microscopy: promising novel imaging technique to resolve neuronal network activity and identify cellular biomarkers of psychiatric disorders.
Marquet P., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., 2014. Neurophotonics, 1 (2) p. 020901. Peer-reviewed.
Synaptic plasticity and the Warburg effect.
Magistretti P.J., 2014. Cell Metabolism, 19 (1) pp. 4-5. Peer-reviewed.
The human CFTR protein expressed in CHO cells activates aquaporin-3 in a cAMP-dependent pathway: study by digital holographic microscopy.
Jourdain P., Becq F., Lengacher S., Boinot C., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2014. Journal of Cell Science, 127 (Pt 3) pp. 546-556. Peer-reviewed.
Cerebral extracellular lactate increase is predominantly nonischemic in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
Sala N., Suys T., Zerlauth J.B., Bouzat P., Messerer M., Bloch J., Levivier M., Magistretti P.J., Meuli R., Oddo M., 2013. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 33 (11) pp. 1815-1822.
Embodied memory: memory malleability by facial feedback manipulation during reconsolidation
Chmetz F., Preissmann D., Arminjon M., Duraku A., Ansermet F., Magistretti P.J., 2013. dans ESCOP 2013, Eighteenth Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Budapest.
Exploring neural cell dynamics with digital holographic microscopy.
Marquet P., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., 2013. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 15 pp. 407-431. Peer-reviewed.
Genes involved in the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS) are specifically regulated in cortical astrocytes following sleep deprivation in mice.
Petit J.M., Gyger J., Burlet-Godinot S., Fiumelli H., Martin J.L., Magistretti P.J., 2013. Sleep, 36 (10) pp. 1445-1458. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of CRTC1 Polymorphisms on Body Mass Index and Fat Mass in Psychiatric Patients and the General Adult Population.
Choong E., Quteineh L., Cardinaux J.R., Gholam-Rezaee M., Vandenberghe F., Dobrinas M., Bondolfi G., Etter M., Holzer L., Magistretti P. et al., 2013. JAMA Psychiatry, 70 (10) pp. 1011-1019. Peer-reviewed.
Label-free cytotoxicity screening assay by digital holographic microscopy
Kühn J., Shaffer E., Mena J., Breton B., Parent J., Rappaz B., Chambon M., Emery Y., Magistretti P., Depeursinge C. et al., 2013. Assay and Drug Development Technologies, 11 (2) pp. 101-107.
Marker-free phase nanoscopy
Cotte Y., Toy F., Jourdain P., Pavillon N., Boss D., Magistretti P., Marquet P., Depeursinge C., 2013. Nature Photonics, 7 (2) pp. 113-117. Peer-reviewed.
Maturation and Chronicity Impact on Brain Correlates Underlying Executive Function in Schizophrenia: An FMRI Exploratory Study
Jaugey Laure, Urben Sebastien, Vianin Pascal, Marquet Pierre, Fornari Eleonora, Halfon Olivier, Bovet Pierre, Magistretti Pierre, Holzer Laurent, 2013. pp. 269-269 dans 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement of absolute cell volume, osmotic membrane water permeability, and refractive index of transmembrane water and solute flux by digital holographic microscopy.
Boss D., Kühn J., Jourdain P., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2013. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18 (3) p. 36007. Peer-reviewed.
Peripuberty stress leads to abnormal aggression, altered amygdala and orbitofrontal reactivity and increased prefrontal MAOA gene expression.
Marquez C., Poirier G. L., Cordero M. I., Larsen M. H., Groner A., Marquis J., Magistretti P. J., Trono D., Sandi C., 2013/01. Translational psychiatry, 3 pp. e216.
Regulation of neurotrophic factors and energy metabolism by antidepressants in astrocytes.
Martin J.L., Magistretti P.J., Allaman I., 2013. Current Drug Targets, 14 (11) pp. 1308-1321. Peer-reviewed.
Resistance to diet-induced obesity and associated metabolic perturbations in haploinsufficient monocarboxylate transporter 1 mice
Lengacher S., Nehiri-Sitayeb T., Steiner N., Carneiro L., Favrod C., Preitner F., Thorens B., Stehle J.C., Dix L., Pralong F. et al., 2013. PLoS One, 8 (12) pp. e82505.
The psychostimulant modafinil enhances gap junctional communication in cortical astrocytes.
Liu X., Petit J.M., Ezan P., Gyger J., Magistretti P., Giaume C., 2013. Neuropharmacology, 75 pp. 533-538. Peer-reviewed.
An introduction to the International Brain Research Organization: IBRO's beginnings.
Rockstad-Rex R., Magistretti P.J., 2012/10/02. Neurology, 79 (14) pp. 1496-1498. Peer-reviewed.
Oligodendroglia metabolically support axons and contribute to neurodegeneration.
Lee Y., Morrison B.M., Li Y., Lengacher S., Farah M.H., Hoffman P.N., Liu Y., Tsingalia A., Jin L., Zhang P.W. et al., 2012/07. Nature, 487 (7408) pp. 443-448. Peer-reviewed.
Brain lactate metabolism in humans with subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Oddo M., Levine J.M., Frangos S., Maloney-Wilensky E., Carrera E., Daniel R.T., Levivier M., Magistretti P.J., LeRoux P.D., 2012. Stroke, 43 (5) pp. 1418-1421.
Deletion of CREB-Regulated Transcription Coactivator 1 Induces Pathological Aggression, Depression-Related Behaviors, and Neuroplasticity Genes Dysregulation in Mice.
Breuillaud L., Rossetti C., Meylan E.M., Mérinat C., Halfon O., Magistretti P.J., Cardinaux J.R., 2012. Biological Psychiatry, 72 (7) pp. 528-536. Peer-reviewed.
Early cell death detection with digital holographic microscopy.
Pavillon N., Kühn J., Moratal C., Jourdain P., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2012. Plos One, 7 (1) pp. e30912. Peer-reviewed.
New evidence of neuroprotection by lactate after transient focal cerebral ischaemia: extended benefit after intracerebroventricular injection and efficacy of intravenous administration.
Berthet C., Castillo X., Magistretti P.J., Hirt L., 2012. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 34 (5-6) pp. 329-335. Peer-reviewed.
Simultaneous Optical Recording in Multiple Cells by Digital Holographic Microscopy of Chloride Current Associated to Activation of the Ligand-Gated Chloride Channel GABA(A) Receptor.
Jourdain P., Boss D., Rappaz B., Moratal C., Hernandez M.C., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2012. Plos One, 7 (12) pp. e51041. Peer-reviewed.
Spatially-resolved eigenmode decomposition of red blood cells membrane fluctuations questions the role of ATP in flickering.
Boss D., Hoffmann A., Rappaz B., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., Van de Ville D., Marquet P., 2012. Plos One, 7 (8) pp. e40667. Peer-reviewed.
Sweet sixteen for ANLS.
Pellerin L., Magistretti P.J., 2012. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 32 (7) pp. 1152-1166. Peer-reviewed.
The Island of Drive. Representations, somatic states and the origin of drive
Magistretti Pierre J., Ansermet François, 2012. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie = Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164 (8) pp. 281-285. Peer-reviewed.
Absence of association between specific common variants of the obesity-related FTO gene and psychological and behavioral eating disorder phenotypes.
Jonassaint C.R., Szatkiewicz J.P., Bulik C.M., Thornton L.M., Bloss C., Berrettini W.H., Kaye W.H., Bergen A.W., Magistretti P., Strober M. et al., 2011. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 156 (4) pp. 454-461. Peer-reviewed.
Altered glycogen metabolism in cultured astrocytes from mice with chronic glutathione deficit; relevance for neuroenergetics in schizophrenia.
Lavoie S., Allaman I., Petit J.M., Do K.Q., Magistretti P.J., 2011. Plos One, 6 (7) pp. e22875. Peer-reviewed.
Association of candidate genes with phenotypic traits relevant to anorexia nervosa.
Root T.L., Szatkiewicz J.P., Jonassaint C.R., Thornton L.M., Pinheiro A.P., Strober M., Bloss C., Berrettini W., Schork N.J., Kaye W.H. et al., 2011. European Eating Disorders Review : the Journal of the Eating Disorders Association, 19 (6) pp. 487-493. Peer-reviewed.
Astrocyte-neuron lactate transport is required for long-term memory formation.
Suzuki A., Stern S.A., Bozdagi O., Huntley G.W., Walker R.H., Magistretti P.J., Alberini C.M., 2011. Cell, 144 (5) pp. 810-823. Peer-reviewed.
Astrocyte-neuron metabolic relationships: for better and for worse.
Allaman I., Bélanger M., Magistretti P.J., 2011. Trends In Neurosciences, 34 (2) pp. 76-87. Peer-reviewed.
A{beta}42 Neurotoxicity Is Mediated by Ongoing Nucleated Polymerization Process Rather than by Discrete A{beta}42 Species.
Jan A., Adolfsson O., Allaman I., Buccarello A.L., Magistretti P.J., Pfeifer A., Muhs A., Lashuel H.A., 2011. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286 (10) pp. 8585-8596. Peer-reviewed.
Determination of Transmembrane Water Fluxes in Neurons Elicited by Glutamate Ionotropic Receptors and by the Cotransporters KCC2 and NKCC1: A Digital Holographic Microscopy Study.
Jourdain P., Pavillon N., Moratal C., Boss D., Rappaz B., Depeursinge C., Marquet P., Magistretti P.J., 2011. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (33) pp. 11846-11854. Peer-reviewed.
Differential effects of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines alone or in combinations on the metabolic profile of astrocytes.
Bélanger M., Allaman I., Magistretti P.J., 2011. Journal of Neurochemistry, 116 (4) pp. 564-576. Peer-reviewed.
Fluoxetine regulates the expression of neurotrophic/growth factors and glucose metabolism in astrocytes.
Allaman I., Fiumelli H., Magistretti P.J., Martin J.L., 2011. Psychopharmacology, 216 (1) pp. 75-84. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic Association of Recovery from Eating Disorders: The Role of GABA Receptor SNPs.
Bloss C.S., Berrettini W., Bergen A.W., Magistretti P., Duvvuri V., Strober M., Brandt H., Crawford S., Crow S., Fichter M.M. et al., 2011. Neuropsychopharmacology, 36 (11) pp. 2222-32. Peer-reviewed.
Glutamate Transport Decreases Mitochondrial pH and Modulates Oxidative Metabolism in Astrocytes.
Azarias G., Perreten H., Lengacher S., Poburko D., Demaurex N., Magistretti P.J., Chatton J.Y., 2011. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (10) pp. 3550-3559. Peer-reviewed.
La recherche en neurosciences : "on est fait pour s'entendre" ou comment neurosciences et psychiatrie se sont rentonctrées au Département de psychiatrie
Magistretti Pierre, 2011. pp. 234-236 dans Guex Patrice, Gasser Jacques (eds.) Pour une psychiatrie scientifique et humaniste chap. 16, Georg.
Role of the glyoxalase system in astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection.
Bélanger M., Yang J., Petit J.M., Laroche T., Magistretti P.J., Allaman I., 2011. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (50) pp. 18338-18352.
Strategic Adaptation in Function of Chronicity of Schizophrenic Symptoms During A Fluency Task: An fMRI Study
Jaugey L., Urben S., Vianin P., Marquet P., Fornari E., Halfon O., Bovet P., Magistretti P., Holzer L., 2011. pp. 232S-233S dans 66th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Émergence du moi cérébral de Theodor Meynert à Antonio Damasio = Emergence of the cerebral self, from Theodor Meynert to Antonio Damasio
Arminjon M., Ansermet F., Magistretti P., 2011. Psn-Psychiatrie Sciences Humaines Neurosciences, 9 (3) pp. 153-161. Peer-reviewed.
Label-free second-harmonic phase imaging of biological specimen by digital holographic microscopy.
Shaffer E., Moratal C., Magistretti P., Marquet P., Depeursinge C., 2010/12/15. Optics letters, 35 (24) pp. 4102-4104. Peer-reviewed.
Amyloid-beta aggregates cause alterations of astrocytic metabolic phenotype: impact on neuronal viability.
Allaman I., Gavillet M., Bélanger M., Laroche T., Viertl D., Lashuel H.A., Magistretti P.J., 2010/03/03. The Journal of neuroscience, 30 (9) pp. 3326-3338. Peer-reviewed.
A la rencontre de Pierre Magistretti
Magistretti Pierre, Parizot Suzanne (interviewer), Conus Philippe (interviewer), 2010. Information psychiatrique, 86 (6) pp. 529-532.
Association study of 182 candidate genes in anorexia nervosa.
Pinheiro A.P., Bulik C.M., Thornton L.M., Sullivan P.F., Root T.L., Bloss C.S., Berrettini W.H., Schork N.J., Kaye W.H., Bergen A.W. et al., 2010. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 153B (5) pp. 1070-1080. Peer-reviewed.
Cell morphology and intracellular ionic homeostasis explored with a multimodal approach combining epifluorescence and digital holographic microscopy.
Pavillon N., Benke A., Boss D., Moratal C., Kühn J., Jourdain P., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2010. Journal of Biophotonics, 3 (7) pp. 432-436. Peer-reviewed.
Comment on recent modeling studies of astrocyte-neuron metabolic interactions.
Jolivet R., Allaman I., Pellerin L., Magistretti P.J., Weber B., 2010. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 30 (12) pp. 1982-1986.
Glycogen metabolism as a marker of astrocyte differentiation.
Brunet J.F., Allaman I., Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 2010. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 30 (1) pp. 51-55.
JULIDE: a software tool for 3D reconstruction and statistical analysis of autoradiographic mouse brain sections.
Ribes D., Parafita J., Charrier R., Magara F., Magistretti P.J., Thiran J.P., 2010. Plos One, 5 (11) pp. e14094. Peer-reviewed.
Les énigmes du plaisir
Ansermet François, Magistretti Pierre, 2010. 239, O. Jacob.
Metabolic response of the cerebral cortex following gentle sleep deprivation and modafinil administration.
Petit J.M., Tobler I., Kopp C., Morgenthaler F., Borbély A.A., Magistretti P.J., 2010. Sleep, 33 (7) pp. 901-908. Peer-reviewed.
Neuron-glia metabolic coupling and plasticity.
Magistretti P.J., 2010. Experimental Physiology, 96 (4) pp. 407-410. Peer-reviewed.
Neurosciences et psychanalyse : une rencontre autour de la singularité
Magistretti Pierre, Ansermet François (eds.), 2010. Collège de France 326, O. Jacob.
Plasticité et homéostasie à l'interface entre neurosciences et psychanalyse
Magistretti Pierre, Ansermet François, 2010. pp. 17-28 dans Magistretti Pierre, Ansermet François (eds.) Neurosciences et psychanalyse : une rencontre autour de la singularité, O. Jacob.
Quel inconscient ?
Ansermet François, Margistretti Pierre, 2010. pp. 195-200 dans Magistretti Pierre, Ansermet François (eds.) Neurosciences et psychanalyse : une rencontre autour de la singularité, O. Jacob.
Recent Progress and Perspectives in Digital Holographic Microscopy
Marquet P., Jourdain P., Boss D., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P., 2010. p. 012024 dans 8th International Workshop on Information Optics, Journal of Physics Conference Series.
The homeostatic psyche: Freudian theory and somatic markers.
Arminjon M., Ansermet F., Magistretti P., 2010. Journal of Physiology, Paris, 104 (5) pp. 272-278. Peer-reviewed.
Trace, représentation et homéostasie
Armingon Mathieu, Ansermet François, Magistretti Pierre, 2010. pp. 83-102 dans Magistretti Pierre, Ansermet François (eds.) Neurosciences et psychanalyse : une rencontre autour de la singularité, O. Jacob.
Mouse fertility is not dependent on the CREB coactivator Crtc1.
Breuillaud L., Halfon O., Magistretti P.J., Pralong F.P., Cardinaux J.R., 2009/09. Nature medicine, 15 (9) pp. 989-90. Peer-reviewed.
Alteration of brain glycogen turnover in the conscious rat after 5h of prolonged wakefulness.
Morgenthaler F.D., Lanz B.R., Petit J.M., Frenkel H., Magistretti P.J., Gruetter R., 2009. Neurochemistry International, 55 (1-3) pp. 45-51. Peer-reviewed.
An unusual cause of shoulder pain: undisplaced Salter-Harris type I fracture of the coracoid process.
Mwaturura T., Bourne R., 2009. American Journal of Orthopedics (belle Mead, N.j.), 38 (6) pp. E101-E103. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive remediation in schizophrenia
Jaugey L., Vianin P., Marquet P., Magistretti P., Bovet P., Holzer E., Meuli R., Fornari E., 2009. dans CIBM-CHUV MR Research Meeting.
Deciphering neuron-glia compartmentalization in cortical energy metabolism.
Jolivet R., Magistretti P.J., Weber B., 2009. Frontiers In Neuroenergetics, 1 p. 4. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroprotective role of lactate after cerebral ischemia.
Berthet C., Lei H., Thevenet J., Gruetter R., Magistretti P.J., Hirt L., 2009. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 29 (11) pp. 1780-1789. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroscience. Low-cost travel in neurons.
Magistretti P.J., 2009. Science, 325 (5946) pp. 1349-1351.
Noninvasive characterization of the fission yeast cell cycle by monitoring dry mass with digital holographic microscopy.
Rappaz B., Cano E., Colomb T., Kühn J., Depeursinge C., Simanis V., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2009. Journal of biomedical optics, 14 (3) p. 034049. Peer-reviewed.
Plasticité neuronale et inconscient
Ansermet François, Magistretti Pierre, 2009. pp. 201-211 dans Ouss Lisa (eds.) Vers une neuropsychanalyse ?, O. Jacob.
Red blood cell structure and dynamics explored with digital holographic microspcopy
Marquet P., Rappaz B., Barbuld A., Korensteind R., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P., 2009. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging, 7182 pp. 71821A. Peer-reviewed.
Role of glutamate in neuron-glia metabolic coupling.
Magistretti P.J., 2009. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90 (3) pp. 875S-880S. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial analysis of erythrocyte membrane fluctuations by digital holographic microscopy.
Rappaz B., Barbul A., Hoffmann A., Boss D., Korenstein R., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2009. Blood cells, molecules & diseases, 42 (3) pp. 228-32. Peer-reviewed.
Stimulation-induced increases of astrocytic oxidative metabolism in rats and humans investigated with 1-11C-acetate
Wyss M.T., Weber B., Treyer V., Heer S., Pellerin L., Magistretti P.J., Buck A., 2009. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 29 (1) pp. 44-56. Peer-reviewed.
The role of astroglia in neuroprotection.
Bélanger M., Magistretti P.J., 2009. Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience, 11 (3) pp. 281-295. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative study of human erythrocytes by digital holographic microscopy, confocal microscopy, and impedance volume analyzer.
Rappaz B., Barbul A., Emery Y., Korenstein R., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2008/10. Cytometry. Part A, 73 (10) pp. 895-903. Peer-reviewed.
Non-invasive dry mass determination and monitoring at the single cell level with digital holographic microscopy
Rappaz Benjamin, Cano Elena, Kühn Jonas, Colomb Tristan, Depeursinge Christian, Magistretti Pierre J., Marquet Pierre, 2008/04/25. Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care, 6991 p. 699111. Peer-reviewed.
Simultaneous cell morphometry and refractive index measurement with dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy and dye-enhanced dispersion of perfusion medium.
Rappaz B., Charrière F., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P.J., Marquet P., 2008/04/01. Optics letters, 33 (7) pp. 744-746. Peer-reviewed.
Distribution of the monocarboxylate transporter MCT2 in human cerebral cortex: an immunohistochemical study
Chiry O., Fishbein W.N., Merezhinskaya N., Clarke S., Galuske R., Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 2008. Brain Research, 1226 pp. 61-69. Peer-reviewed.
Expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor is not modulated by chronic mild stress in the rat hippocampus and amygdala.
Allaman I., Papp M., Kraftsik R., Fiumelli H., Magistretti P.J., Martin J.L., 2008. Pharmacological Reports, 60 (6) pp. 1001-1007. Peer-reviewed.
Induction of brain aquaporin 9 (AQP9) in catecholaminergic neurons in diabetic rats.
Badaut J., Brunet J.F., Petit J.M., Guérin C.F., Magistretti P.J., Regli L., 2008. Brain research, 1188 pp. 17-24. Peer-reviewed.
Modulation of astrocytic metabolic phenotype by proinflammatory cytokines
Gavillet M., Allaman I., Magistretti P.J., 2008. Glia, 56 (9) pp. 975-989. Peer-reviewed.
Neuronal plasticity: a new paradigm for resilience
Magistretti P.J., Ansermet F., 2008. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie, 159 (8) pp. 475-479.
A coherent neurobiological framework for functional neuroimaging provided by a model integrating compartmentalized energy metabolism.
Aubert A., Pellerin L., Magistretti P.J., Costalat R., 2007. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (10) pp. 4188-93. Peer-reviewed.
Activity-dependent regulation of energy metabolism by astrocytes: an update.
Pellerin L., Bouzier-Sore A.K., Aubert A., Serres S., Merle M., Costalat R., Magistretti P.J., 2007. Glia, 55 (12) pp. 1251-62. Peer-reviewed.
Biology of freedom : neural plasticity, experience, and the unconscious
Ansermet François, Magistretti Pierre, 2007. 254, Other Press.
Long-term monitoring of post-stroke plasticity after transient cerebral ischemia in mice using in vivo and ex vivo diffusion tensor MRI.
Granziera C., D'Arceuil H., Zai L., Magistretti P.J., Sorensen A.G., de Crespigny A.J., 2007. Open Neuroimaging Journal, 1 pp. 10-17. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic compartmentalization in the human cortex and hippocampus: evidence for a cell- and region-specific localization of lactate dehydrogenase 5 and pyruvate dehydrogenase.
Laughton J.D., Bittar P., Charnay Y., Pellerin L., Kovari E., Magistretti P.J., Bouras C., 2007. BMC neuroscience, 8 p. 35. Peer-reviewed.
Thrombin-induced ischemic tolerance is prevented by inhibiting c-jun N-terminal kinase.
Granziera C., Thevenet J., Price M., Wiegler K., Magistretti P.J., Badaut J., Hirt L., 2007. Brain research, 1148 pp. 217-25. Peer-reviewed.
TORC1 is a calcium- and cAMP-sensitive coincidence detector involved in hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity.
Kovács K.A., Steullet P., Steinmann M., Do K.Q., Magistretti P.J., Halfon O., Cardinaux J.R., 2007. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (11) pp. 4700-5. Peer-reviewed.
Neuron-glia metabolic coupling and plasticity.
Magistretti P.J., 2006/06. The Journal of experimental biology, 209 (Pt 12) pp. 2304-2311. Peer-reviewed.
A key role for hypocretin in regulating brain reward function and reinstatement for drug seeking behaviour in rats
Boutrel Benjamin, Kenny Paul J., Specio Sheila E., Halfon Olivier, Magistretti Pierre J., Markou Athina, Koob George F., Lecea L. de , 2006. p. 16 dans , Neuropsychobiology. Peer-reviewed.
A prefrontal cortex defect of glutamate release capacity in the phencyclidine (PCP) model of schizophrenia
Baccaglioni Emanuela, Brambilla L., Magara Fluvio, Magistretti Pierre J., Volterra A., 2006. p. 5 dans , Neuropsychobiology. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of stress and behavioural effects induced by 'CaResS' a new device designed for sleep restriction/deprivation studies in mice
Petit J., Haeberli C., Singy A., Laughton J.D., Steimer T., Magistretti Pierre J., 2006. pp. 170-171 dans , Journal of Sleep Research. Peer-reviewed.
C/EBPbeta couples dopamine signalling to substance P precursor gene expression in striatal neurones.
Kovács K.A., Steinmann M., Magistretti P.J., Halfon O., Cardinaux J.R., 2006. Journal of neurochemistry, 98 (5) pp. 1390-9. Peer-reviewed.
Expression of the monocarboxylate transporter MCT1 in the adult human brain cortex.
Chiry O., Pellerin L., Monnet-Tschudi F., Fishbein W.N., Merezhinskaya N., Magistretti P.J., Clarke S., 2006. Brain Research, 1070 (1) pp. 65-70. Peer-reviewed.
Glucose and lactate are equally effective in energizing activity-dependent synaptic vesicle turnover in purified cortical neurons.
Morgenthaler F.D., Kraftsik R., Catsicas S., Magistretti P.J., Chatton J.Y., 2006. Neuroscience, 141 (1) pp. 157-65. Peer-reviewed.
Le lactate est-il un substrat énergétique majeur pour les neurones [Is lactate a major energy substrate for neurons?]
Costalat R., Aubert A., Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 2006. Médecine sciences : M/S, 22 (4) pp. 356-7. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic activation pattern of distinct hippocampal subregions during spatial learning and memory retrieval.
Ros J., Pellerin L., Magara F., Dauguet J., Schenk F., Magistretti P.J., 2006. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 26 (4) pp. 468-477. Peer-reviewed.
Neuron-glia metabolic coupling and plasticity
Magistretti Pierre J., 2006. pp. 296-296 dans , International Journal of Psychophysiology. Peer-reviewed.
Synaptic changes in the lateral amygdala as an underlying factor for the high concordance rate of anxiety disorders and temporal lobe epilepsy
Pickenhagen A., Magistretti Pierre J., Stoop Ronaldus, 2006. p. 19 dans , Neuropsychobiology. Peer-reviewed.
A key role for hypocretin in regulating brain reward function and reinstatement for drug-seeking behavior in rats
Boutrel Benjamin, Kenny Paul J., Specio Sheila E., Winsky-Sommerer Raphaëlle, Halfon Olivier, Magistretti Pierre J., Markou Athina, Koob George F., Lecea Luis de, 2005. p. 60 dans , Behavioural Pharmacology. Peer-reviewed.
Ampakine CX546 bolsters energetic response of astrocytes: a novel target for cognitive-enhancing drugs acting as alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor modulators.
Pellerin L., Magistretti P.J., 2005. Journal of neurochemistry, 92 (3) pp. 668-77. Peer-reviewed.
Brain lactate kinetics: Modeling evidence for neuronal lactate uptake upon activation.
Aubert A., Costalat R., Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 2005. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (45) pp. 16448-53. Peer-reviewed.
Die Individualität des Gehirns : Neurobiologie und Psychoanalyse
Ansermet François, Magistretti Pierre, 2005. 282, Suhrkamp.
Digital holographic microscopy: a noninvasive contrast imaging technique allowing quantitative visualization of living cells with subwavelength axial accuracy.
Marquet P., Rappaz B., Magistretti P.J., Cuche E., Emery Y., Colomb T., Depeursinge C., 2005. Optics letters, 30 (5) pp. 468-70. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxia/hypoglycemia preconditioning prevents the loss of functional electrical activity in organotypic slice cultures.
Badaut J., Hirt L., Price M., de Castro Ribeiro M., Magistretti P.J., Regli L., 2005. Brain research, 1051 (1-2) pp. 117-22. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement of the integral refractive index and dynamic cell morphometry of living cells with digital holographic microscopy.
Rappaz B., Marquet P., Cuche E., Emery Y., Depeursinge C., Magistretti P., 2005. Optics Express, 13 (23) pp. 9361-9373. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship between L-glutamate-regulated intracellular Na+ dynamics and ATP hydrolysis in astrocytes.
Magistretti P.J., Chatton J.Y., 2005. Journal of Neural Transmission, 112 (1) pp. 77-85. Peer-reviewed.
A chacun son cerveau : plasticité neuronale et inconscient
Ansermet François, Magistretti Pierre, 2004. 263, O. Jacob.
A mechanism for astrocyte-neuron metabolic coupling: relevance for functional imaging
Magistretti Pierre J., Chatton Jean-Yves, Pellerin Luc, 2004. pp. 10-11 dans , International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. Peer-reviewed.
Neurosciences: Le point sur les collaborations cantonales
Jost V., Magistretti P., Bogousslavski J., Cardinaux JR., Clarke S., Meuli R., Regli F., Volterra A., 2004. Uniscope 504 pp. 1-3.
CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein family members recruit the coactivator CREB-binding protein and trigger its phosphorylation.
Kovács K.A., Steinmann M., Magistretti P.J., Halfon O., Cardinaux J.R., 2003. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278 (38) pp. 36959-36965. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of calcium-binding proteins in human inferior colliculus: identification of subdivisions and evidence for putative parallel systems.
Tardif E., Chiry O., Probst A., Magistretti P.J., Clarke S., 2003. Neuroscience, 116 (4) pp. 1111-1121. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of calcium-binding proteins support parallel and hierarchical organization of human auditory areas.
Chiry O., Tardif E., Magistretti P.J., Clarke S., 2003. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17 (2) pp. 397-410. Peer-reviewed.
Pertinence d'un programme de remédiation cognitive pour patients schizophrènes : l'hypothèse de la plasticité cérébrale
Vianin P., Marquet P., Magistretti P.J., Bovet P., 2003. Médecine et Hygiène, 61 (2450) pp. 1737-1742.
Cellular perspectives on the glutamate-monoamine interactions in limbic lobe structures and their relevance for some psychiatric disorders.
Pralong E., Magistretti P., Stoop R., 2002. Progress in neurobiology, 67 (3) pp. 173-202. Peer-reviewed.
The role of astrocytes in coupling synaptic activity to glucose utilization
Magistretti Pierre, Chatton Jean-Yves, Pellerin Luc, 2002. pp. 75-83 dans Volterra Andrea, Magistretti Pierre J., Haydon Philip G. (eds.) The tripartite synapse : glia in synaptic transmission chap. 6, Oxford University Press.
The tripartite synapse: glia in synaptic transmission
Volterra A., Magistretti P. J., Haydon P. G., 2002., Oxford University Press.
Stress et mémoire
Ghika-Schmid Florence, Ansermet François, Magistretti Pierre, 2001/11. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 159 (9) pp. 632-638. Peer-reviewed.
Astrocyte-specific expression of aquaporin-9 in mouse brain is increased after transient focal cerebral ischemia
Badaut J., Hirt L., Granziera C., Bogousslavsky J., Magistretti P. J., Regli L., 2001/05. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 21 (5) pp. 477-82. Peer-reviewed.
A quantitative analysis of L-glutamate-regulated Na+ dynamics in mouse cortical astrocytes: implications for cellular bioenergetics.
Chatton J.Y., Marquet P., Magistretti P.J., 2000. European Journal of Neuroscience, 12 (11) pp. 3843-3853. Peer-reviewed.
Cell-specific localization of monocarboxylate transporters, MCT1 and MCT2, in the adult mouse brain revealed by double immunohistochemical labeling and confocal microscopy.
Pierre K., Pellerin L., Debernardi R., Riederer B.M., Magistretti P.J., 2000. Neuroscience, 100 (3) pp. 617-627.
Post-ischemic neuronal regeneration: A potential for therapy,Régénération cellulaire neuronale post-ischémique: Potentiel thérapeutique
Badaut J.D., Hirt L., Regli L., Villemure J.G., Bogousslavsky J., Magistretti P.J., 2000. Medecine et Hygiene 58 pp. 2032-2037.
Pro-inflammatory cytokines induce the transcription factors C/EBPbeta and C/EBPdelta in astrocytes.
Cardinaux J.R., Allaman I., Magistretti P.J., 2000. Glia, 29 (1) pp. 91-97. Peer-reviewed.
Deep hypothermia and rewarming alters glutamate levels and glycogen content in cultured astrocytes.
Bissonnette B., Pellerin L., Ravussin P., Daven V.B., Magistretti P.J., 1999. Anesthesiology, 91 (6) pp. 1763-9. Peer-reviewed.
Energy on demand.
Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., Rothman D.L., Shulman R.G., 1999. Science, 283 (5401) pp. 496-497.
Mécanismes cellulaires du métabolisme énergétique cérébral: implications pour l'imagerie fonctionnelle
Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 1999. M/S Médecine Sciences, 15 (4) pp. 451-456.
High potency of the orally-active NMDA-receptor antagonist CGP 40 116 in inhibiting excitatory postsynaptic potentials of rat basolateral amygdala neurones in vitro
Ferry B., Magistretti P.J., Pralong E., 1998. Neuropharmacology, 36 (11-12) pp. 1555-1559. Peer-reviewed.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulates phosphorylation of stathmin in cortical neurons.
Cardinaux J.R., Magistretti P.J., Martin J.L., 1997/11. Brain research. Molecular brain research, 51 (1-2) pp. 220-8. Peer-reviewed.
Beta-adrenergic stimulation promotes homocysteic acid release from astrocyte cultures: evidence for a role of astrocytes in the modulation of synaptic transmission
Do K.Q., Benz B., Sorg O., Pellerin L., Magistretti P.J., 1997/06. Journal of neurochemistry, 68 (6) pp. 2386-2394. Peer-reviewed.
AMPA/kainate receptor activation blocks K+ currents via internal Na+ increase in mouse cultured stellate astrocytes
Robert A., Magistretti P.J., 1997. Glia, 20 (1) pp. 38-50. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of astrocyte function in an in vitro model of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA).
Bissonnette B, Magistretti P, Ravussin P, 1997. Roche International.
Biological basis of cerebral perfusion SPECT
Slosman D.O., Magistretti P.J., 1997. pp. 513-519 dans Deyn P.P. de (eds.) A textbook of: SPECT in neurology and psychiatry, Libbey.
Coupling of cerebral blood flow and metabolism
Magistretti P.J., 1997. pp. 70-75 dans Welch K.M.A. (eds.) Primer on cerebrovascular diseases, Academic Press.
Metabolic coupling during activation: a cellular view
Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 1997. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 413 pp. 161-166. Peer-reviewed.
Noradrenaline modulates glutamate-mediated neurotransmission in the rat basolateral amygdala in vitro
Ferry B., Magistretti P.J., Pralong E., 1997. European journal of neuroscience, 9 (7) pp. 1356-1364. Peer-reviewed.
The cellular bases of functional brain imaging: evidence for astrocyte-neuron metabolic coupling
Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 1997. Neuroscientist, 3 (6) pp. 361-365. Peer-reviewed.
Cellular bases of brain energy metabolism and their relevance to functional brain imaging: evidence for a prominent role of astrocytes.
Magistretti P.J., Pellerin L., 1996. Cerebral Cortex, 6 (1) pp. 50-61. Peer-reviewed.
Cerebral SPECT imaging : advances in radiopharmaceuticals and quantitative analysis.
Slosman D.O., Magistretti P.J., 1996. pp. 445-450 dans Becker Robert, Giacobini Ezio (eds.) Alzheimer disease : from molecular biology to therapy, Birkhäuser.
Large deletion (7.2 kb) of mitochondrial DNA with novel boundaries in a case of progressive external ophthalmoplegia.
Hirt L., Magistretti P.J., Bogousslavsky J., Boulat O., Borruat F.X., 1996. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 61 (4) pp. 422-3. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic coupling between glia and neurons
Tsacopoulos M., Magistretti P.J., 1996. Journal of Neuroscience, 16 (3) pp. 877-885. Peer-reviewed.
Role of neuron-glia interactions in brain energy metabolism : implications for neurodegenerative disorders
Magistretti P.J., Bittar P., Pellerin L., 1996. pp. 113-119 dans Becker Robert, Giacobini Ezio (eds.) Alzheimer disease : from molecular biology to therapy, Birkhäuser.
Selective distribution of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in neurons and astrocytes of human brain.
Bittar P.G., Charnay Y., Pellerin L., Bouras C., Magistretti P.J., 1996. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 16 (6) pp. 1079-1089. Peer-reviewed.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) potentiate the glutamate-evoked release of arachidonic acid from mouse cortical neurons. Evidence for a cAMP-independent mechanism.
Stella N., Magistretti P.J., 1996. Journal of biological chemistry, 271 (39) pp. 23705-23710. Peer-reviewed.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide, and noradrenaline induce the transcription factors CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP)-beta and C/EBP delta in mouse cortical astrocytes: involvement in cAMP-regulated glycogen metabolism.
Cardinaux J.R., Magistretti P.J., 1996. Journal of Neuroscience, 16 (3) pp. 919-929. Peer-reviewed.
Regional distribution of vasoactive intestinal peptide immunoreactivity in the brain of salmon, trout and carp.
Canciglia P., Martin J.L., Bolis C.L., Randall D., Magistretti P.J., 1995. Biological Signals, 4 (2) pp. 86-93.
Regulation of astrocyte energy metabolism by neurotransmitters.
Magistretti P.J., Sorg O., Naichen Y., Pellerin L., de Rham S., Martin J.L., 1994. Renal Physiology and Biochemistry, 17 (3-4) pp. 168-171.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide and noradrenaline regulate energy metabolism in astrocytes: a physiological function in the control of local homeostasis within the CNS.
Magistretti P.J., 1994. Progress in brain research, 100 pp. 87-93. Peer-reviewed.
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