Raymond Olivier

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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20 publications

2020 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1994 | 1993 | 1990 | 1989 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 |
Clinical Reasoning: A 69-year-old man with rare complex visual symptoms.
Vicino A., Rouaud O., Du Pasquier R., Strambo D., 2020/08/18. Neurology, 95 (7) pp. 316-320. Peer-reviewed.
2.5D gravimetric modelling and a 1:100'000 isohypse map of the rocky substrate of the Rhone valley between Villeneuve and Brig (Switzerland)
Rosselli A., Olivier R., 2003. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 96 pp. 399 - 423. Peer-reviewed.
Integration of ground-penetrating radar and microgravimetric methods to map shallow caves
Beres M., Luetscher M., Olivier R., 2001. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 46 pp. 249 - 262. Peer-reviewed.
Integration of Ground-Penetration Radar and Microgravimetric Methods to Map.
Beres M, Luetscher M, Olivier R, 2001. Shallow Caves, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Elsevier, 46 pp. 249-262.
3D Bedrock Modeling using Gravity and DGPS Techniques on an alpine temperate Glacier (Lobbia Glacier, Adamello Massif, Italy).
Rosselli A, Olivier R, Logean P, Dumont B, 2000. European Journal of EEGS, 5 pp. 55-74.
Gravimetry applied to the hydrogeological research in largest alpine valleys in Trentino Region
Rosselli A., Olivier R., Veronese L., 1998. Acta Geologica, 75 pp. 53 - 64. Peer-reviewed.
Gravity and seismic reflection applied to the hydrological research in a large Alpine valley.
Rosselli A, Olivier R, Veronese G, 1998. EEGS - European Section,, IV Meeting, Barcelona-Spain, 14-17 September 1998 pp. 225-228.
The cover basement contact beneath the Rawil axial depression (Western Alps) - True amplitude seismic processing, petrophysical properties, and modeling
Levato L., Sellami S., Epard J.-L., Pruniaux B., Olivier R., Wagner J.J., Masson H., 1994. Tectonophysics, 232 pp. 391-409. Peer-reviewed.
An interpretation of the deep seismic lines from the Penninic Alps of Valais (Switzerland)
Marchant R.H., Steck A., Escher A., Levato L., Masson H., Olivier R., Stampfli G.M., Wagner J.J., 1993. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 164 pp. 395-414. Peer-reviewed.
Characteristic reflection patterns in the southeast Canadian cordillera, northern Appalachians and Swiss Alps
Green A.G., Levato L., Valasek P., Olivier R., Mueller St., Milereit B., Wagner J.-J., 1993. Tectonophysics, 219 pp. 71 - 92. Peer-reviewed.
Processing and preliminary results of NFP/PNR20 seismic reflection profiles from the Western Swiss Alps
Levato L., Pruniaux B., Burri M., Escher A., Olivier R., Sellami S., Wagner J.-J., 1993. Tectonophysics, 219 pp. 93 - 107. Peer-reviewed.
Aspects particuliers du traitement sismique des profils alpins suisses du PNR-20
Dubois L., Levato L., Besnard J., Marchant R., Olivier R., Ouwehand M., Sellami S., Wagner J.-J., 1990. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, 1 pp. 47-57. Peer-reviewed.
Interaction entre le traitement des données sismiques réflexion et leur modélisation géologique
Levato L., Dubois L., Marchant R., Olivier R., Sellami S., Sunderland P., Wagner J.-J., 1990. Supercomputing Review, 2 pp. 11-13. Peer-reviewed.
Pseudo-3D study using crooked line processing from the Swiss Alpine western profile-line 2 (Val d'Anniviers, Valais)
Dubois L., Levato L., Besnard J., Escher A., Marchant R.H., Olivier R., Ouwehand M., Sellami S., Steck A., Wagner J.J., 1990. Tectonophysics, 173 pp. 31-42. Peer-reviewed.
Reflexion seismic data from Vancoucer Island processed using Geovecteur software package on a Cray supercomputer (CCSS topic III)
Levato L., Alioth D., Olivier R., Wagner J.-J., 1990. Geological Survey of Canada, 89-13 pp. 191-205. Peer-reviewed.
Geotraverses across the Swiss Alps
Frei W., Heitzmann P., Lehner P., Müller S., Olivier R., Pfiffner A., Steck A., Valasek P., 1989. Nature, 340 pp. 544-548. Peer-reviewed.
Improvement of the conic prism model for terrain correction in rugged topography
Olivier R.J., Simard R.G, 1981. Geophysics, 46 pp. 1054 - 1056. Peer-reviewed.
Recent crustal movements in Switzerland and their geophysical interpretation
Gubler E., Kahle H.-G., Klingelé E., Mueller S., Olivier R., 1981. Tectonophysics, 71 pp. 125 - 152. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of a precipitation map (Switzerland) using a smoothed elevation-precipitation relationship and optimal estimates (Kriging).
De Montmollin F.A., Olivier R.J., Simard R.G., Zwahlen F., 1980. Nordic Hydrology, 11 pp. 113 - 120. Peer-reviewed.
Use of a digitalized grid in the mapping of the water balance elements in a river basin
De Montmollin F., Olivier R., Zwahlen F., 1979. journal of Hydrology, 44 pp. 191 - 209. Peer-reviewed.
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