Gériatrie. Focus sur les troubles neurocognitifs [Geriatrics. Focus on neurocognitive disorders]
Major K., Bosshard Taroni W., Fratangelo L., Humbert M., Lorusso G., D'Amelio P., 2025/01/15. Revue medicale suisse, 21 (900-1) pp. 30-33. Peer-reviewed.
Home-based Rehabilitation After Inpatient Rehabilitation: Utilization Rate and Characteristics of Referred Patients.
Bosshard W., Seematter-Bagnoud L., Major K., Krief H., Büla C.J., 2024/11. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 105 (11) pp. 2135-2141. Peer-reviewed.
Unknown osteoporosis in older patients admitted to post-acute rehabilitation.
Major K., Monod S., Bula C.J., Krief H., Hans D., Lamy O., Krieg M.A., 2020/06. Aging clinical and experimental research, 32 (6) pp. 1145-1152. Peer-reviewed.
Stamm E., Acchini A., Da Costa A., Besse S., Christou F., Launay C., Balmer P., Humbert M., Nguyen S., Major K. et al., 2019/01/09. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (N° 632-633) pp. 50-52. Peer-reviewed.
Maintien à domicile : quelles dimensions prendre en compte chez les personnes âgées ? [Staying at home : which dimensions to assess in older persons ?]
Büla C., Humbert M., Nguyen S., Major K., Joly Schwartz C., 2018/11/07. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (626) pp. 1993-1997. Peer-reviewed.
Classification and characterization of postural transitions using instrumented shoes.
Moufawad El Achkar C., Lenbole-Hoskovec C., Paraschiv-Ionescu A., Major K., Büla C., Aminian K., 2018/08. Medical & biological engineering & computing, 56 (8) pp. 1403-1412. Peer-reviewed.
Concern about Falling and Complexity of Free-Living Physical Activity Patterns in Well-Functioning Older Adults.
Paraschiv-Ionescu A., Büla C.J., Major K., Lenoble-Hoskovec C., Krief H., El-Moufawad C., Aminian K., 2018. Gerontology, 64 (6) pp. 603-611. Peer-reviewed.
Patients âgées vulnérables au cabinet: comment les identifier et quelles ressources mobiliser [Vulnerable older patients in primary care how to identify them? Which ressources to mobilize? ].
Smith C., Rubli E., Senn N., Major K., Nguyen S., Humbert M., Büla C., 2014/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (449) pp. 2077-2080.