Research directions
International Marketing
Research in this domain covers :
Country of origin and country image issues
Cross-cultural consumer behavior
Cultural issues relating to international marketing behavior, especially as they refer to time and temporal cultures
International Marketing
Research in this domain covers :
- Country of origin and country image issues
- cross-cultural consumer behavior
- cultural issues relating to international marketing behavior, especially as they refer to time and temporal cultures
Cross-cultural / Comparative management
This research stream is mosly concerned with issues of equivalence across cultural contexts and measurement equivalence in international research in marketing and management. Particular emphasis is given to the role of languages in influencing mindsets, translation, and conceptual equivalence issues
Issues in Trust and Commerce
This research domain covers :
Comparative analysis of trusting behavior in different nations (especially through experimental games)
Issues relating trust to negotiation behavior,especially how cultural differences and intercultural communication affect agreement building and contract/deal monitoring
Research in Commerce : exploring the interface between economic/self-interested and altruistic/other-oriented motives and behavior
Confiance et Commerce
La confiance entre acteurs économiques est un thème qui devient central pour expliquer la formation d'un capital social qui permet des relations commerciales à faibles coûts de transaction. Cette piste de recherche comprend différents travaux, articulés sur le management comparé, relevant aussi bien d'expériences de laboratoire liées aux méthodes d'économie expérimentale, qu'à des enquêtes par questionnaire
Cross-cultural / Comparative management
This research stream is mosly concerned with issues of equivalence across cultural contexts and measurement equivalence in international research in marketing and management. Particular emphasis is given to the role of languages in influencing mindsets, translation, and conceptual equivalence issues