Martino Maggetti

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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92 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 |
Les cantons suisses face au droit international
Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, 2024/10/23., Savoir Suisse.
Trust, trustworthiness and AI governance
Lahusen Christian, Maggetti Martino, Slavkovik Marija, 2024/09/05. Nature Scientific Reports, 14 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Engaging with Human Rights: How Subnational Actors use Human Rights Treaties in Policy Processes
Miaz Jonathan, Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Kaempfer Constance, Maggetti Martino, 2024/05/19. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies (PSLS) 134, Palgrave.
Denationalization and the recentring of political authority in multilevel governance
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, 2024/04/05. European Journal of Political Research, 63 (2) pp. 621-643.
From international law to subnational practices: How intermediaries translate the Istanbul Convention
Miaz Jonathan, Niederhauser Matthieu, Maggetti Martino, 2024/01. Regulation & Governance, 18 (1) pp. 121-138. Peer-reviewed.
Multi‐level Implementation of International Law: The Role of Vertical Epistemic Communities
Niederhauser Matthieu, Maggetti Martino, 2023/12. Swiss Political Science Review, 29 (4) pp. 399-421.
From international law to subnational practices: How intermediaries translate the Istanbul Convention
Miaz Jonathan, Niederhauser Matthieu, Maggetti Martino, 2023/03/30. Regulation & Governance. Peer-reviewed.
Empirical research on policy integration: a review and new directions
Trein Philipp, Fischer Manuel, Maggetti Martino, Sarti Francesco, 2023/03. Policy Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 29-48.
How to tame the beast: the diverse development of European networks regulating finance and competition
Maggetti Martino, Vagionaki Thenia, 2022/10/03. Journal of European Public Policy, 29 (10) pp. 1590-1609. Peer-reviewed.
Que font les cantons de leurs obligations internationales ?
Schmid Evelyne, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, Niederhauser Matthieu, 2022/09/27..
Was machen die Kantone mit ihren internationalen Verpflichtungen?
Schmid Evelyne, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, Niederhauser Matthieu, 2022/09/27..
Public sector accountability styles in Europe comparing accountability and control of agencies in the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the UK
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Flinders Matthew, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Wood Matthew, 2022/06/10. Public Policy and Administration p. 095207672210982. Peer-reviewed.
Informal Europeanization processes and domestic governance networks
Rèfle Jan-Erik, Fischer Manuel, Maggetti Martino, 2022/02/06. European Policy Analysis.
Happily unaccountable? Perceptions of accountability by public managers
Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022/01/27. Public Policy and Administration, 38 (4) pp. 381-404. Peer-reviewed.
Anticorruption authorities
Di Mascio Fabrizio, Maggetti Martino, Natalini Alessandro, 2022. pp. 177-191 dans Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Handbook of regulatory authorities
Maggetti Martino, Di Mascio Fabrizio, Natalini Alessandro, 2022., Edward Elgar Publishing.
Independent regulators in the post-delegation stage
Maggetti Martino, 2022. pp. 227-239 dans Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Introduction to the Handbook of Regulatory Authorities
Maggetti Martino, Di Mascio Fabrizio, Natalini Alessandro, 2022. pp. 1-8 dans Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Policy diffusion
Maggetti Martino, 2022. pp. 212-219 dans Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Rethinking Participation in Global Governance: Voice and Influence after Stakeholder Reforms in Global Finance and Health
Pauwelyn Joost, Maggetti Martino, Büthe Tim, Berman Ayelet, 2022., Oxford University Press.
Switzerland: Experimental Governance and Polarized Consociationalism
Maggetti Martino, 2022. pp. 409-420 dans Governments’ Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe: Navigating the Perfect Storm, Springer.
Studying Time with Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Maggetti Martino, 2021/10/13. dans The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics, Oxford University Press.
Conflictual Accountability: Behavioral Responses to Conflictual Accountability of Agencies
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Fawcett Paul, Flinders Matthew, Fredriksson Magnus, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Rubecksen Kristin, Rykkja Lise H. et al., 2021/09. Administration & Society, 53 (8) pp. 1232-1262.
Understanding Felt Accountability : The institutional antecedents of the felt accountability of agency‐CEO's to central government
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Fawcett Paul, Flinders Matthew, Fredriksson Magnus, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Rubecksen Kristin, Rykkja Lise Hellebø et al., 2021/07. Governance pp. 893-916. Peer-reviewed.
Les parlements cantonaux suisses et leurs obligations internationales / Die Kantonsparlamente und ihre internationalen Verpflichtungen
Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, 2021/04/07. Parlament, Parlement, Parlamento (Bulletin de la Societé suisse de questions parlementaires), 24 (1) pp. 63-68.
More is less: Partisan ideology, changes of government, and policy integration reforms in the UK
Maggetti Martino, Trein Philipp, 2021/01/02. Policy and Society, 40 (1) pp. 79-98. Peer-reviewed.
Covid-19–A Political Science Perspective
Maggetti Martino, Meyer Iris, Tresch Anke, 2021. Swiss Political Science Review, 27 (2) p. 227.
Necessary conditions for policy integration and administrative coordination reforms: an exploratory analysis
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, Meyer Iris, 2021. Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (9) pp. 1410-1431. Peer-reviewed.
Trust, Coordination and Multi-level Arrangements: Lessons for a European Health Union
Maggetti Martino, 2020/11/12. European Journal of Risk Regulation pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of Policy Integration and Administrative Coordination Reforms: A Comparative Empirical Analysis
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, 2020/03. Public Administration Review, 80 (2) pp. 198-208. Peer-reviewed.
National regulators, regulatory networks, and European agencies: Connecting the dots
Maggetti Martino, Di Mascio Fabrizio, Natalini Alessandro, 2020/02/09. Public Policy and Administration p. 095207671988674. Peer-reviewed.
Les acteurs des réseaux européens de régulateurs indépendants : Une exploration de leurs rôles et identités
Maggetti Martino, 2020. dans Politique de l'indépendance, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
L’Échelon International-Transnational de l’Action Publique
Maggetti Martino, 2020. dans Traité en analyse des politiques publiques, Larcier.
Swiss energy transition and the relationship with Europe
van Baal Paul, Flinger Matthias, Fischer Manuel, Maggetti Martino, Morger Livia, Pflieger Géraldine, Refle Jan-Erik, 2020/01/01., FNS Project- NRP70 Energy Turnaround / NRP71 Managing Energy Consumption.
Towards a comprehensive system of controls for EU agencies
Scholten Miroslava, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2020. pp. 312-327 dans Scholten Miroslava, Brenninkmeijer Alex (eds.) Controlling Agencies. The Rule of Law in a Multi-jurisdictional Legal Order, Edward Elgar.
Interest Groups and the (Non-)Enforcement Powers of EU Agencies: The Case of Energy Regulation
Maggetti Martino, 2019/09. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 10 (3) pp. 458-484. Peer-reviewed.
Integration, functional differentiation and problem‐solving in multilevel governance
Trein Philipp, Thomann Eva, Maggetti Martino, 2019/06. Public Administration, 97 (2) pp. 339-354. Peer-reviewed.
What's the Problem? Multilevel Governance and Problem‐Solving
Thomann Eva, Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, 2019/05. European Policy Analysis, 5 (1) pp. 37-57. Peer-reviewed.
Multilevel governance and problem-solving: Towards a dynamic theory of multilevel policy-making?
Maggetti Martino, Trein Philipp, 2019/01/24. Public Administration, 97 (2) pp. 355-369. Peer-reviewed.
The Integration and Coordination of Public Policies: A Systematic Comparative Review
Trein Philipp, Meyer Iris, Maggetti Martino, 2019. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 21 (4) pp. 332-349. Peer-reviewed.
The Principal–Agent Framework and Independent Regulatory Agencies
Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2018/08. Political Studies Review, 16 (3) pp. 172-183. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring the Dynamics of Delegation Over Time : Insights from Italian Anti‐Corruption Agencies (2003–2016)
Di Mascio Fabrizio, Maggetti Martino, Natalini Alessandro, 2018/03/05. Policy Studies Journal pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Linking democratic anchorage and regulatory authority : The case of internet regulators
Ewert Christian, Kaufmann Céline, Maggetti Martino, 2018/02/13. Regulation & Governance pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative Regulatory Regimes and Public Policy
Maggetti Martino, Ewert Christian, 2018. pp. 635-651 dans Ongaro Edoardo, Van Thiel Sandra (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe chap. 33, Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Mixed-Methods Designs
Maggetti Martino, 2018. pp. 1-18 dans Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Policy style(s) in Switzerland : under stress
Papadopoulos Yannis, Maggetti Martino, 2018. pp. 157-179 dans Howlett Michael, Tosun Jale (eds.) Policy Styles and Policy-Making : Exploring the Linkages, Routledge.
The Policy-Making of Investment Treaties in Brazil: Policy Learning in the Context of Late Adoption
Maggetti Martino, Choer Moraes Henrique, 2018. pp. 295-316 dans Learning in Public Policy, Springer International Publishing.
Assessing disproportionality : indexes of policy responses to the 2007–2008 banking crisis
De Francesco Fabrizio, Maggetti Martino, 2017/11/28. Policy Sciences pp. 1-22. Peer-reviewed.
Political and judicial accountability in shared enforcement in the EU
Scholten Miroslava, Maggetti Martino, Versluis Esther, 2017/11/24. pp. 353-376 dans Law Enforcement by EU Authorities chap. 14, Edward Elgar.
Designing Research With Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) : Approaches, Challenges, and Tools
Thomann Eva, Maggetti Martino, 2017/10/03. Sociological Methods & Research pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Not Quite the Same : Regulatory Intermediaries in the Governance of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Maggetti Martino, Ewert Christian, Trein Philipp, 2017/03. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 670 (1) pp. 152-169. Peer-reviewed.
The Principal-Agent Framework and Independent Regulatory Agencies
Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2016/11/21. Political Studies Review pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Transnational Regulatory Networks as Means of EU Governance : The Administrative Dimension of Multilevel Coordination
Bach Ruffing, De Francesco Fabrizio, Maggetti Martino, Ruffing Eva (eds.)Bach Ruffing, De Francesco Fabrizio, Maggetti Martino, Ruffing Eva, 2016/07/07., 94 1 284, Public Administration.
Qualitative Comparative Analysis and the Study of Policy Processes
Fischer Manuel, Maggetti Martino, 2016/03/16. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis : Research and Practice pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Problems (and solutions) in the measurement of policy diffusion mechanisms
Maggetti Martino, Gilardi Fabrizio, 2016/03. Journal of Public Policy, 36 (01) pp. 87-107. Peer-reviewed.
Regulating side by side : The role of hybrid organisations in transnational environmental sustainability
Ewert Christian, Maggetti Martino, 2016/03. Policy and Society, 35 (1) pp. 91-102. Peer-reviewed.
Transnational Bureaucratic Politics: An Institutional Rivalry Perspective on EU Network Governance
Bach Tobias, De Francesco Fabrizio, Maggetti Martino, Ruffing Eva, 2016/03. Public Administration, 94 (1) pp. 9-24. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges
Braun D., Maggetti M. (eds.), 2015/11. 208, Edward Elgar.
Maggetti M., Braun D., 2015/11. pp. 186-194 dans Braun D., Maggetti M. (eds.) Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges, Edward Elgar.
Hard and Soft Governance
Maggetti M., 2015. pp. 252-265 dans Lynggaard K., Manners I., Löfgren K. (eds.) Research Methods in European Union Studies, Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Braun D., Maggetti M., 2015. pp. 1-13 dans Braun D., Maggetti M. (eds.) Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges, Edward Elgar.
Knowledge Progress in Comparative Politics
Maggetti M., 2015. pp. 154-185 dans Braun D., Maggetti M. (eds.) Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges, Edward Elgar.
Methodological Pluralism
Giraud O., Maggetti M., 2015. pp. 125-153 dans Maggetti M., Braun D. (eds.) Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges, Edward Elgar.
The Political Communication of Independent Regulatory Agencies
Biela J., Maggetti M., Puppis M., Gilardi F., Papadopoulos Y., 2014/09. Revue suisse de science politique, 20 (3) pp. 388-412. Peer-reviewed.
Institutional change and the evolution of the regulatory state: evidence from the Swiss case
Maggetti M., 2014. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80 (2) pp. 276-297. Peer-reviewed.
Network governance and the domestic adoption of soft rules
Maggetti M., Gilardi F., 2014. Journal of European Public Policy, 21 (9) pp. 1293-1310. Peer-reviewed.
Promoting Corporate Responsibility in Private Banking: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Joining the Wolfsberg Initiative Against Money Laundering
Maggetti M., 2014. Business & Society, 53 (6) pp. 787-819. Peer-reviewed.
Representation and Network Governance in Europe
Maggetti M., 2014. pp. 216-249 dans Kroeger S. (eds.) Representation in the European Union: Still Democratic in Times of Crisis?, Routledge.
Special Issue: New perspectives on bureaucratic autonomy
Maggetti M., Verhoest K. (eds.), 2014., 80, International Review of Administrative Sciences.
The Politics of Network Governance in Europe: The Case of Energy Regulation
Maggetti M., 2014. West European Politics, 37 (3) pp. 497-514. Peer-reviewed.
The rewards of cooperation: The effects of membership in European regulatory networks
Maggetti M., 2014. European Journal of Political Research, 53 (3) pp. 480-499. Peer-reviewed.
Unexplored aspects of bureaucratic autonomy: a state of the field and ways forward
Maggetti M., Verhoest K., 2014. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80 (2) pp. 239-256. Peer-reviewed.
Dealing with Errors in QCA
Maggetti M., Levi-Faur D., 2013. Political Research Quarterly, 66 (1) pp. 198-204. Peer-reviewed.
Designing Research in the Social Sciences
Maggetti M., Gilardi F., Radaelli C., 2013., Sage.
Having Your Cake and Eating It, Too: Can Regulatory Agencies Be Both Independent and Accountable?
Maggetti M., Ingold K., Varone F., 2013. Swiss Political Science Review, 19 (1) pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
Les autorités de régulation en Suisse
Gilardi F., Maggetti M., Servalli F., 2013. pp. 193-212 dans Ladner A., Chappelet J.-L., Emery Y., Knoepfel P., Mader L., Soguel N., Varone F. (eds.) Manuel d'administration publique suisse, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes.
Le problème de l'interdépendance dans la comparaison des politiques publiques infranationales : une méta-analyse des mécanismes de diffusion
Maggetti M., 2012. Revue internationale de politique comparée, 19 (2) pp. 99-120. Peer-reviewed.
Regulation in Practice: The De Facto Independence of Regulatory Agencies
Martino M., 2012., ECPR Press.
The many uses of regulatory impact assessment: A meta-analysis of EU and UK cases
Dunlop C. A., Maggetti M., Radaelli C. M., Russel D., 2012. Regulation & Governance, 6 (1) pp. 23-45. Peer-reviewed.
The media accountability of independent regulatory agencies
Maggetti M., 2012. European Political Science Review, 4 (3) pp. 385-408. Peer-reviewed.
Liberalization and Economic Regulatory Reforms
Maggetti M., Afonso A., Fontana M.-C., 2011. pp. 205-223 dans Trampusch C., Mach A. (eds.) Switzerland in Europe : continuity and change in the Swiss political economy, Routledge.
Regulierungsbehörden, Regulierungsnetzwerke und die Diffusion von "best practices"
Maggetti M., Gilardi F., 2011. pp. 13-30 dans Kübler D., Koch P. (eds.) Finanzkrise und Demokratie : Herausforderung für Politik, Recht und Bildung, Schulthess.
The Accountability and Legitimacy of Regulatory Agencies in the Communication Sector
Puppis M., Maggetti M., 2011. pp. 77-94 dans Puppis M., Just N. (eds.) Trends in Communication Policy Research : New Theories, Methods and Subjects, Intellect.
The Independence of Regulatory Authorities
Gilardi F., Maggetti M., 2011. pp. 201-214 dans Levi-Faur D. (eds.) Handbook On The Politics Of Regulation, Edward Elgar.
The policy-making structure of European regulatory networks and the domestic adoption of standards
Maggetti M., Gilardi F., 2011. Journal of European Public Policy, 18 (6) pp. 830-847. Peer-reviewed.
Are Regulatory Agencies Delivering What They Promise?
Maggetti M., 2010. pp. 195-210 dans Laegreid P., Verhoest K. (eds.) Governance of Public Sector Organizations : Proliferation, Autonomy and Performance, Palgrave Macmillan.
Legitimacy and Accountability of Independent Regulatory Agencies: A Critical Review
Maggetti M., 2010. Living Reviews in Democracy, 2 pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
The role of independent regulatory agencies in policy-making: a comparative analysis
Maggetti Martino, 2009/04. Journal of European Public Policy, 16 (3) pp. 450 - 470. Peer-reviewed.
Delegated Authority: Legitimizing Independent Regulatory Agencies
Maggetti Martino, 2009. pp. 135-150 dans Blühdorn Ingolfur (eds.) In Search of Legitimacy. Complexity, Efficiency and the Foundations of Democratic Politics, Barbara Budrich Verlag.
De Facto Independence After Delegation: a Fuzzy-Set Analysis
Maggetti Martino, 2007/12. Regulation & Governance, 1 (4) pp. 271-294. Peer-reviewed.
Bilaterals II: Reaching the Limits of the Swiss Third Way?
Afonso Alexandre, Maggetti Martino, 2007. pp. 215-233 dans Church Clive (eds.) Switzerland and the European Union: A Close, Contradictory and Misunderstood Relationship, Routledge.
Assessing the De Facto Independence of Regulatory Agencies. The Case of the Swiss Federal Banking Commission in the Years 1990
Maggetti M., 2006. 35, Travaux de Science Politique - Political Science Working Paper Series, IEPI, Université de Lausanne.
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