Fabiano Riva

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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23 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2009 |
Extracorporeal bullet trajectory determination from scanned phantoms with bullet defects
Crombag G.A.J.C., Hofman B.J.M., Riva F., Hofman P.A.M., Kerkhoff W., 2024/05. Legal Medicine, 68 p. 102410. Peer-reviewed.
The systemic error in the vertical component of handgun bullet trajectory reconstructions
Kerkhoff Wim, Broekhuis Frits R., Mattijssen Erwin J. A. T., Riva Fabiano, 2024/03. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 69 (2) pp. 651-658. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic Radiological Appearance of Explosion Injuries
Gassend Jean-Loup, Riva Fabiano, Magnin Virginie, 2024. pp. 183-188 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Gunshot Trauma
Gassend Jean-Loup, Riva Fabiano, Magnin Virginie, 2024. pp. 101-111 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
The influence of impact velocity on bullet trajectory deflection through ballistic gelatine.
Kerkhoff W., Glardon M.J., Schyma C., Alberink I., Oostra R.J., Riva F., 2023/05. Forensic science international, 346 p. 111675. Peer-reviewed.
Error estimation on extracorporeal trajectory determination from body scans.
Riva F., Buck U., Buße K., Hermsen R., Mattijssen EJAT, Kerkhoff W., 2022/05. International journal of legal medicine, 136 (3) pp. 729-737. Peer-reviewed.
Practical application of synthetic head models in real ballistic cases.
Riva F., Fracasso T., Guerra A., Genet P., 2021/08/15. International journal of legal medicine, 135 (6) pp. 2567-2579. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison and interpretation of impressed marks left by a firearm on cartridge cases - Towards an operational implementation of a likelihood ratio based technique.
Riva F., Mattijssen E., Hermsen R., Pieper P., Kerkhoff W., Champod C., 2020/08. Forensic science international, 313 p. 110363. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of bullet type and muzzle-to-target distance on trajectory deflection through a soft tissue simulant.
Kerkhoff W., Mattijssen EJAT, Riva F., 2020/06. Forensic science international, 311 p. 110289. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of a soft tissue layer covering the kidney upon blunt impact.
Siegenthaler L., Sprenger F., Riva F., Glardon M.J., Kneubuehl B.P., Frenz M., 2020/05. International journal of legal medicine, 134 (3) pp. 1007-1013. Peer-reviewed.
How to recognise the traces left on a crime scene by a 3D-printed Liberator? Part 2. Elements of ammunition, marks on the weapons and polymer fragments
Honsberger Hanna, Werner Denis, Rhumorbarbe Damien, Riva Fabiano, Glardon Matthieu, Gallusser Alain, Delémont Olivier, 2019/02. Forensic Science International, 295 pp. 137-144. Peer-reviewed.
Individual synthetic head models in wound ballistics - A feasibility study based on real cases.
Riva F., Lombardo P., Zech W.D., Jackowski C., Schyma C., 2019/01. Forensic science international, 294 pp. 150-159. Peer-reviewed.
Rifle bullet deflection through a soft tissue simulant.
Riva F., Mattijssen EJAT, Kerkhoff W., 2018/10. Forensic science international, 291 pp. 199-206. Peer-reviewed.
Pistol bullet deflection through soft tissue simulants.
Kerkhoff W., Bolck A., Alberink I., Mattijssen EJAT, Hermsen R., Riva F., 2018/08. Forensic science international, 289 pp. 270-276. Peer-reviewed.
How to recognize the traces left on a crime scene by a 3D-printed Liberator?: Part 1. Discharge, exterior ballistic and wounding potential
Honsberger Hanna, Rhumorbarbe Damien, Werner Denis, Riva Fabiano, Glardon Matthieu, Gallusser Alain, Delémont Olivier, 2018/05. Forensic Science International, 286 pp. 245-251. Peer-reviewed.
Energy loss and impact of various stunning devices used for the slaughtering of water buffaloes.
Glardon M., Schwenk B.K., Riva F., von Holzen A., Ross S.G., Kneubuehl B.P., Stoffel M.H., 2018/01. Meat science, 135 pp. 159-165. Peer-reviewed.
Possible influences on bullet trajectory deflection in ballistic gelatine.
Riva F., Kerkhoff W., Bolck A., Mattijssen EJAT, 2017/02. Forensic science international, 271 pp. 107-112. Peer-reviewed.
Bullet fragmentation preceding a contour shot: case study and experimental simulation.
Sterzik V., Kneubuehl B.P., Bohnert M., Riva F., Glardon M., 2017/01. International journal of legal medicine, 131 (1) pp. 173-177. Peer-reviewed.
Detection and differentiation of early acute and following age stages of myocardial infarction with quantitative post-mortem cardiac 1.5T MR.
Schwendener N., Jackowski C., Persson A., Warntjes M.J., Schuster F., Riva F., Zech W.D., 2017/01. Forensic science international, 270 pp. 248-254. Peer-reviewed.
Objective evaluation of subclass characteristics on breech face marks
Riva F., Hermsen R., Mattijssen E., Pieper P., Champod C., 2017. Journal of forensic sciences, 62 (2) pp. 417-422. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem quantitative 1.5-T MRI for the differentiation and characterization of serous fluids, blood, CSF, and putrefied CSF.
Zech W.D., Schwendener N., Persson A., Warntjes M.J., Riva F., Schuster F., Jackowski C., 2015/09. International journal of legal medicine, 129 (5) pp. 1127-1136. Peer-reviewed.
Automatic Comparison and Evaluation of Impressions Left by a Firearm on Fired Cartridge Cases
Riva F., Champod C., 2014/05. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59 (3) pp. 637-647. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of organic volatile residues in 9 mm spent cartridges
Weyermann C., Belaud V., Riva F., Romolo F., 2009. Forensic Science International, 186 pp. 29-35. Peer-reviewed.
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