Stéphane Saillant

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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13 publications

Comparison between aborted/interrupted and actual suicide attempt: An observational study on clinical and sociodemographic characteristics
Forte A., Massimiliano O., Golay P., Armando M., Costanza A., Saillant S., Michaud L. Journal of Affective Disorders. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnosis and treatment of occupational burnout in the Swiss outpatient sector: A national survey of healthcare professionals' attributes and attitudes.
Guseva Canu I., Getzmann R., Shoman Y., Rota F., Saillant S., von Känel R., Cohidon C., Lazor-Blanchet C., Rochat L., Weissbrodt R. et al., 2024. PloS one, 19 (12) pp. e0294834. Peer-reviewed.
How socioprofessional factors effect serious suicide attemps: a case-control study
Saillant S., Paz J., Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., Guseva-Canu I., 2024. Acta Biomedica Atenei Parmensis, 95 (4) pp. e2024055. Peer-reviewed.
Authors' Reply: Nationwide Study on Stress Perception Among Surgical Residents.
Adamina M., Saillant S., 2022/12. World journal of surgery, 46 (12) pp. 3123-3124. Peer-reviewed.
When to discharge and when to voluntary or compulsory hospitalize? Factors associated with treatment decision after self-harm.
Michaud L., Berva S., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Golay P., Morandi S., 2022/11. Psychiatry research, 317 p. 114810. Peer-reviewed.
Is an Early Resumption of a Regular Diet After Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Safe?
Chevallay Mickael, Gialamas Eleftherios, Giudicelli Guillaume, Vuagniaux Aurélie, Guarino Laetitia, Worreth Marc, Saillant Stéphane, Diana Michele, Saadi Alend, 2022/10. Obesity Surgery, 32 (10) pp. 3375-3383. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge des personnes en burnout en Suisse : Résultats de l’étude épidémiologique auprès des professionnels de la santé
Plys Ekaterina, Al-Gobari Muaamar, Farine André, Rochat Lysiane, Talpain Olivier, Blanc Solenne, Weissbrodt Rafaël, Saillant Stéphane, Rota Fulvia, Droz Nadia et al., 2022/08/22. (337) 112 [Raisons de santé ; 337], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Importance de l’accompagnement des proches confrontés à une tentative de suicide [Relevance of interventions and support for relatives of an individual who made a suicide attempt]
Wenger N., Vallat J., Boto Gonçalves P., Michaud L., Saillant S., 2022/06/15. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (786) pp. 1224-1227. Peer-reviewed.
ASSIP : nouvelle modalité thérapeutique après un geste suicidaire [ASSIP: A new therapy following suicide attempt]
Keller R., Saillant S., Gysin-Maillart A., Michaud L., 2021/09/22. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (751) pp. 1602-1605. Peer-reviewed.
Patients with first versus multiple episodes of self-harm: how do their profiles differ?
Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Michaud L., 2021/05/13. Annals of general psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 30. Peer-reviewed.
Projet « cabinets de groupe » : collaboration entre médecine de premier recours et psychiatrie [« Group medical practices » project : collaboration between primary care medicine and institutional public psychiatry]
Saillant S., Marion-Veyron R., Oberhauser P.N., Planas P., Ben Cheikh A., Tzartzas K., 2020/09/02. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (704) pp. 1579-1581. Peer-reviewed.
Programme sentinelle : exemple de prévention du suicide auprès d’une population agricole en Suisse [Sentinel program: Example of suicide prevention for an agricultural population in Switzerland]
Saillant S., Michaud L., Besson J., Dorogi Y., 2020/08. L'Encephale, 46 (4) pp. 258-263. Peer-reviewed.
The implementation and first insights of the French-speaking Swiss programme for monitoring self-harm.
Ostertag L., Golay P., Dorogi Y., Brovelli S., Bertran M., Cromec I., Van Der Vaeren B., Khan R., Costanza A., Wyss K. et al., 2019/01/28. Swiss medical weekly, 149 pp. w20016. Peer-reviewed.
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