Carole Grandjean

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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6 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Prescription d’antipsychotiques chez les adultes : à quoi faut-il être attentif ? [Antipsychotic prescribing in adults : what to watch out for ?]
Grandjean C., Vandenberghe F., Dubath C., Sibailly G., Ansermot N., Crettol Wavre S., Eap C.B., 2023/09/20. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (842) pp. 1707-1712. Peer-reviewed.
Insomnia disorders are associated with increased cardiometabolic disturbances and death risks from cardiovascular diseases in psychiatric patients treated with weight-gain-inducing psychotropic drugs: results from a Swiss cohort.
Laaboub N., Dubath C., Ranjbar S., Sibailly G., Grosu C., Piras M., Délessert D., Richard-Lepouriel H., Ansermot N., Crettol S. et al., 2022/05/17. BMC psychiatry, 22 (1) p. 342. Peer-reviewed.
Gabapentinoïdes : mésusages et addictions [Gabapentinoids : misuses and addictions]
Grandjean C., Crettol Wavre S., Khazaal Y., Sanchis Zozaya J., Ansermot N., Vandenberghe F., Sibailly G., Eap C.B., 2021/12/15. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (763) pp. 2206-2208. Peer-reviewed.
Recommandations de prise en charge des mésusages et addictions aux benzodiazepines [Recommendations for management of misuses and addictions to benzodiazepines]
Grandjean C., Crettol Wavre S., Khazaal Y., Sanchis Zozaya J., Ansermot N., Vandenberghe F., Sibailly G., Eap C.B., 2021/10/13. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (754) pp. 1754-1759. Peer-reviewed.
Traitement de l’insomnie, par quoi commencer ? [Treatment of insomnia, with what to start ?]
Grandjean C., Crettol Wavre S., Ansermot N., Vandenberghe F., Sibailly G., Eap C.B., 2021/05/05. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (737) pp. 890-897. Peer-reviewed.
Agitation aiguë chez l’adulte : proposition d’un algorithme de traitement psychopharmacologique [Rapid tranquilisation in adults : algorithm proposed for psychopharmacological treatment]
Crettol Wavre S., Ansermot N., Sibailly G., Vandenberghe F., Grandjean C., Teixeira Robalo B., Fassassi Gallo S., Thonney J., Solida-Tozzi A., Conus P. et al., 2020/09/23. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (707) pp. 1751-1755. Peer-reviewed.
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