Aymon Baud

Fields | Projects and contracts |

Research directions

Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the marine Permian-Triassic transition

Devoted to study of the marine rocks recorded on all the continents, this research is interested in the analysis of the greatest extinction of the life history, at its origin, with a global climate warming, with the level rise of the oceans and its physicochemical variations, as well as the emergence of an impoverished ecology.

History of the geological sciences at the University of Lausanne and at the Geological Museum

This history deals with the academic teaching of geology during the 19th and 20th centuries and the geological naturalists of the Canton of Vaud as well as the history of the Museum of Geology created by Eugène Renevier in 1874 and its evolution up to the beginning of the 21st century: Baud, A., 2019. L'enseignement académique de la géologie à Lausanne de 1832 à 1906: Eugène Renevier et les naturalistes géologues. Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles, vol. 98,‎ 159-197 (ISSN 0037-9603).
A working group led by Professor Michel Jaboyedoff is working to set up and update the website: https://hist-geol-unil.ch .

Geoheritage: stratotypes and geotopes in the canton of Vaud

The canton of Vaud has an important geological heritage among which stratotypes of the Triassic period such as the Saint-Triphon Formation in the hills of the same name (Baud, A. 1987, Stratigraphie et sédimentologie des calcaires de Saint-Triphon (Trias, Préalpes, Suisse et France). Mémoires de Géol., Lausanne, No. 1, 322p.) and geotope of national importance described in: "Pradervand, B. & Baud, A., 2007. Les collines de Saint-Triphon, un géotope unique, in: Guignard, H.L., Pradervand, B. (Eds.), Ollon Villars. Association de l'Académie du Chablais, pp. 98-107
The other stratotype is that of the Pralet Formation defined in the Rochers de Château d'Oex (Baud A. et al., 2016. Revised middle Triassic stratigraphy of the Swiss Prealps based on conodonts and correlation to the Briançonnais (Western Alps). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 109, 365-377).

Middle Triassic stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Swiss Prealps and Western Alps.

Studies on the Middle Triassic limestones and dolomites of the Pre-Alps and Western Alps, their fossiliferous content, their geochemistry and their correlations with the European Triassic.

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Swiss University