Education and work experience
PhD in theology (1981)
Thesis : "Le Jugement dans l'évangile de Matthieu", rewarded with the "Prix de la Société académique vaudoise"
University of Lausanne
Certificate of research in biblical sciences (1975)
IRSB, University of Lausanne
Bachelor of theology (1968)
University of Lausanne (after studies in Lausanne and Göttingen)
Work experience
Invited Professor
Universities of Geneva and Neuchâtel
Invited Professor (March 2003)
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France
Invited Professor (October 2002)
"Collège Dominicain de théologie et philosophie", Ottawa, and at the "Institut de Pastorale", Montréal (Canada)
Invited Professor (March 1993 & May 2001)
"Facolta Valdese di Teologia", Roma, Italy
Invited Professor (March-April 2001)
"Ecole Biblique et Archéologique Française", Jerusalem, Israël
Invited Professor (September-October 2000)
University of Montréal and at the "Collège Dominicain de théologie et philosophie", Ottawa (Canada)
Invited Professor (February-March 1993)
Pontifical Biblical Institute, Roma, Italy
Visiting Scholar (Octobre-December 1992)
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Canada
Pastor (1980-1984)
Parish of Syens
Lecturer (1982-1984)
Faculty of Theology, University of Fribourg
Pastor (1972-1976)
Parish of Ouchy, Lausanne
Director (1970-1972)
"Foyer pour collégiens et gymnasiens", Lausanne
Others activities
Director of series
"Monde de la Bible" (Labor et Fides, Geneva)
"Bible et image" (Editions Saint-Augustin, Saint-Maurice)
Member of the editorial board of the following reviews
"New Testament Studies"
"Lire et Dire"
"Review of Biblical Literature"
"Le Monde de la Bible"
Biblical commentary serie "La Bible en face" (Labor et Fides, Geneva)
"Société Vaudoise de Théologie"
"Réseau de recherche en analyse narrative des textes bibliques" (RRENAB)
Member of the comittee (1993-1997)
"Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas"
Member of the "Commission théologique" (1989-1995)
Fédération des églises protestantes de Suisse, Berne