Alessandro Villa

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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98 publications

Event-Related Potentials and Fast Optical Imaging of Cortical Activity During an Auditory Oddball Task
Jaquerod Manon E., Villa Alessandro E. P., Knight Ramisha, Lintas AlessandraSNF/Careers/POLAP1_178329true, Journal article support, non U.S Gov't.
Electrophysiological Markers of Fairness and Selfishness Revealed by a Combination of Dictator and Ultimatum Games
Miraghaie Ali M., Pouretemad Hamidreza, Villa Alessandro E. P., Mazaheri Mohammad A., Khosrowabadi Reza, Lintas Alessandra, 2022/05/09. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 16.
Attention Networks in ADHD Adults after Working Memory Training with a Dual n-Back Task
Dotare Masashi, Bader Michel, Mesrobian Sarah K., Asai Yoshiyuki, Villa Alessandro E. P., Lintas Alessandra, 2020/10/08. Brain Sciences, 10 (10) p. 715.
Unsupervised Analysis of Event-related Potentials (ERPs) during an emotional Go/NoGo Task
Masulli P., Masulli F., Rovetta S., Lintas A., Villa A.E.P., 2017/02. pp. 151-161 dans Loia V., Pedrycz W., Petrosino A. (eds.) Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing Applications WILF 2016, Springer International Publishing.
Expressive power of first-order recurrent neural networks determined by their attractor dynamics
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2016/12. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 82 (8) pp. 1232-1250. Peer-reviewed.
The topology of the directed clique complex as a network invariant
Masulli Paolo, Villa Alessandro E. P., 2016/12. SpringerPlus, 5 (1) p. 388. Peer-reviewed.
Attractor-based complexity of a Boolean model of the basal ganglia-thalamocortical network
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2016/07. dans 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Attractor Dynamics Driven by Interactivity in Boolean Recurrent Neural Networks
Cabessa J., Villa A. E. P., 2016. pp. 115-122 dans Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer International Publishing.
Dynamics of Evolving Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Their Topological Invariants
Masulli P., Villa A.E. P., 2016. pp. 99-106 dans Villa A.E.P., Masulli P., Pons Rivero A.J. (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2016, Springer Nature.
Theoretical Models of Decision-Making in the Ultimatum Game: Fairness vs. Reason
Guy T.V., Kárný M., Lintas A., Villa A.E.P., 2016. pp. 185-191 dans Wang R., Pan X. (eds.) Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (V) chap. 26, Springer Nature.
Synchronization-based computation through networks of coupled oscillators
Malagarriga D., García-Vellisca M.A., Villa A.E.P., Buldú J.M., García-Ojalvo J., Pons A.J., 2015/08/04. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 9 pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Computational capabilities of recurrent neural networks based on their attractor dynamics
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2015/07. dans 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Mesoscopic Segregation of Excitation and Inhibition in a Brain Network Model
Malagarriga D., Villa A.E.P., Garcia-Ojalvo J., Pons A.J., 2015/02/11. PLOS Computational Biology, 11 (2) pp. e1004007. Peer-reviewed.
Imperfect Decision Making and Risk Taking Are Affected by Personality
Mesrobian S. K., Bader M., Götte L., Villa A. E. P., Lintas A., 2015. pp. 145-184 dans Guy T. V. , Kárný M., Wolpert D. H. (eds.) Decision Making: Uncertainty, Imperfection, Deliberation and Scalability chap. 6, Springer Nature.
Neural Dynamics Associated to Preferred Firing Sequences
Villa A.E.P., Lintas A., Cabessa J., 2015. pp. 597-604 dans Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics. Peer-reviewed, Springer Netherlands.
On Super-Turing Neural Computation
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2015. pp. 307-312 dans Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics. Peer-reviewed, Springer Netherlands.
Recurrent Neural Networks and Super-Turing Interactive Computation
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2015. pp. 1-29 dans Artificial Neural Networks, Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics. Peer-reviewed, Springer International Publishing.
An Attractor-Based Complexity Measurement for Boolean Recurrent Neural Networks
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2014/04/11. PLoS ONE, 9 (4) pp. e94204. Peer-reviewed.
Excitation/Inhibition Patterns in a System of Coupled Cortical Columns
Malagarriga D., Villa A.E.P., García-Ojalvo J., Pons A.J., 2014. pp. 651-658 dans Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Peer-reviewed, Springer International Publishing.
Interactive Evolving Recurrent Neural Networks Are Super-Turing Universal
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2014. pp. 57-64 dans Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Peer-reviewed, Springer International Publishing.
Visual thalamocortical circuits in parvalbumin-deficient mice
Lintas A., Schwaller B., Villa A.E.P., 2013/11. pp. 107-118 dans Brain Research. Peer-reviewed, Elsevier BV.
Cooperative behavior in a jump diffusion model for a simple network of spiking neurons
Villa A.E.P., Sacerdote L., Sirovich R., 2013/10. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 11 (2) pp. 385-401. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of Feedback Information on Neuroeconomic Performance in ADHD and Control Participants
Mesrobian Sarah K., Lintas Alessandra, Bader Michel, Götte Lorenz, Villa Alessandro E.P., 2013/09/27., Society for Neuroeconomics dans 9th Annual Conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics. Peer-reviewed.
Event-related potentials associated with participant’s personality while performing an iterated ultimatum game
Lintas Alessandra, Mesrobian Sarah K., Villa Alessandro E.P., 2013/09/27., Society for Neuroeconomics dans 9th Annual Conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics. Peer-reviewed.
The calcium-binding protein parvalbumin modulates the firing 1 properties of the reticular thalamic nucleus bursting neurons
Alberi L., Lintas A., Kretz R., Schwaller B., Villa A.E.P., 2013/06/01. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109 (11) pp. 2827-2841. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of Emotion and Personality on Deviation from Purely Rational Decision-Making
Fiori M., Lintas A., Mesrobian S., Villa A. E. P., 2013/02. pp. 129-161 dans Guy T. V., Karny M., Wolpert D. (eds.) Decision Making and Imperfection chap. 5, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
The Super-Turing Computational Power of Interactive Evolving Recurrent Neural Networks
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2013. pp. 58-65 dans Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Peer-reviewed, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
The expressive power of analog recurrent neural networks on infinite input streams
Cabessa J., Villa A. E. P., 2012/06. Theoretical Computer Science, 436 pp. 23-34. Peer-reviewed.
An Effect of Short and Long Reciprocal Projections on Evolution of Hierarchical Neural Networks
Shaposhnyk V., Villa A.E.P., 2012. pp. 371-378 dans Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Peer-reviewed, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Dopamine deficiency increases synchronized activity in the rat subthalamic nucleus
Lintas A., Silkis I.G., Albéri L., Villa A.E.P., 2012/01. Brain Research, 1434 pp. 142-151. Peer-reviewed.
Integration and transmission of distributed deterministic neural activity in feed-forward networks
Asai Y., Villa A.E.P., 2012/01. Brain Research, 1434 pp. 17-33. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroheuristics of Decision Making: From Neuronal Activity to EEG
Villa A.E. P., Missonnier P., Lintas A., 2012. pp. 159-194 dans Intelligent Systems Reference Library chap. 7, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Reciprocal projections in hierarchically organized evolvable neural circuits affect EEG-like signals
Shaposhnyk V., Villa A.E.P., 2012/01. Brain Research, 1434 pp. 266-276. Peer-reviewed.
Spike Transmission on Diverging/Converging Neural Network and Its Implementation on a Multilevel Modeling Platform
Asai Y., Villa A.E.P., 2012. pp. 272-279 dans Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Peer-reviewed, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Distributed Deterministic Temporal Information Propagated by Feedforward Neural Networks
Asai Y., Villa A.E.P., 2011. pp. 258-265 dans Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Peer-reviewed, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Dynamical Systems and Accurate Temporal Information Transmission in Neural Networks
Villa A.E.P., Asai Y., Iglesias J., Chibirova O.K., Cabessa J., Dutoit P., Shaposhnyk V., 2011. pp. 61-65 dans Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II). Peer-reviewed, Springer Netherlands.
Effect of emotion on the imperfectness of decision making
Villa A., Fiori M., Mesrobian S., Lintas A., Shaposhnyk V., Missonnier P., 2011. dans Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Decision Making with Multiple Imperfect Decision Makers.
Functional interactions in hierarchically organized neural networks studied with spatiotemporal firing patterns and phase-coupling frequencies.
Perrig S., Iglesias J., Shaposhnyk V., Chibirova O., Dutoit P., Cabessa J., Espa-Cervena K., Pelletier L., Berger F., Villa A.E., 2010/12/31. The Chinese Journal of Physiology, 53 (6) pp. 382-395. Peer-reviewed.
A Hierarchical Classification of First-Order Recurrent Neural Networks
Cabessa J., Villa A.E.P., 2010/12. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 53 (6) pp. 407-416. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamic control for synchronization of separated cortical areas through thalamic relay
Gollo L.L., Mirasso C., Villa A.E.P., 2010/09. NeuroImage, 52 (3) pp. 947-955. Peer-reviewed.
Advances in structural modeling robust to outliers in explanatory and response variables
Shaposhnyk V., Villa A.E.P., Aksenova T., 2010/07. dans The 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Extending existing applications functionality through
Iglesias J., Villa A.E.P., 2010/06. dans 2010 IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
A hierarchical classification of first-order recurrent neural networks
Cabessa J., Villa A. E. P., 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6031 pp. 142-153. Peer-reviewed.
Cross-frequency coupling in mesiotemporal EEG recordings of epileptic patients
Villa A. E. P., Tetko I. V., 2010. Journal of Physiology - Paris, 104 (3-4) pp. 197-202. Peer-reviewed. a Community-Based Sharing System.
A. E. P. Villa , J. Iglesias , S. Ghernaouti-Hélie , 2010. pp. 321-328 dans Gerald Eichler, Peter G. Kropf , Ulrike Lechner, Phayung Meesad, Herwig Unger (eds.) 10th International Conference on Innovative Internet Community Services (I2CS), Jubilee Edition 2010, June 3-5, 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, Lecture Notes in Informatics. Peer-reviewed, GI.
Recurrent spatiotemporal firing patterns in large spiking neural networks with ontogenetic and epigenetic processes.
Iglesias J., Villa A.E., 2010. Journal of physiology, Paris, 104 (3-4) pp. 137-146. Peer-reviewed.
Transmission of Distributed Deterministic Temporal Information through a Diverging/Converging Three-Layers Neural Network
Asai Y., Villa A.E.P., 2010. pp. 145-154 dans Artificial Neural Networks – ICANN 2010. Peer-reviewed, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
A Bio-Inspired Agent Framework for Hardware Accelerated Distributed Pervasive Applications
Brousse O., Guillot J., Sassatelli G., Gil T., Robert M., Moreno J. M., Villa A.E.P, Sanchez E., 2009/07. pp. 415-422 dans 2009 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems. Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
A framework for simulation and analysis of dynamically organized distributed neural networks
Shaposhnyk V., Dutoit P., Contreras-Lámus V., Perrig S., Villa A. E. P., 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5768 pp. 277-286. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in quadratic phase coupling of EEG signals during wake and sleep in two chronic insomnia patients, before and after cognitive behavioral therapy
Perrig S., Dutoit P., Espa-Cervena K., Shaposhnyk V., Pelletier L., Berger F., Villa A. E. P., 2009. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 204 pp. 217-228. Peer-reviewed.
JubiTool: Unified design flow for the Perplexus SIMD hardware accelerator
Brousse O., Guillot J., Gil T., Grize F., Sassatelli G., Moreno J. M., Madrenas J., Villa A. E. P., Volken H., Robert M., 2009. pp. 2070-2075 dans 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vols. 1-5 (CEC '09). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Deterministic neural dynamics transmitted through neural networks
Asai Y., Guha A., Villa A. E. P., 2008/08. Neural Networks, 21 (6) pp. 799-809. Peer-reviewed.
Emergence of preferred firing sequences in large spiking neural networks during simulated neuronal development
Iglesias J., Villa A. E. P., 2008/08. International Journal of Neural Systems, 18 (4) pp. 267-277. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics of firing patterns in evolvable hierarchically organized neural networks
Chibirova O., Iglesias J., Shaposhnyk V., Villa A. E. P., 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5216 pp. 296-307. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of feedback strength in coupled spiking neural networks
Iglesias J., Garcá-Ojalvo J., Villa A. E. P., 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5164 pp. 646-654. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of the background activity on the reconstruction of spike train by spike pattern detection
Asai Y., Villa A. E. P., 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5164 pp. 607-616. Peer-reviewed.
Reconstruction of underlying nonlinear deterministic dynamics embedded in noisy spike trains
Asai Y., Villa A. E. P., 2008. Journal of Biological Physics, 34 (3-4) pp. 325-340. Peer-reviewed.
Knowledge Sharing by means of
Villa A., Iglesias J., Ghernaouti-Hélie S., 2007/10. dans Proceedings of 2nd Workshop IST_Africa - Supporting Research Engagement with Africa. Peer-reviewed.
Detection of spectral instability in EEG recordings during the preictal period
Aksenova T. I., Volkovych V. V., Villa A. E., 2007/09. Journal of Neural Engineering, 4 (3) pp. 173-178. Peer-reviewed. - A socialware for knowledge sharing
Villa A., Iglesias J., Ghernaouti-Hélie S., 2007/09. dans Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA). Peer-reviewed. a dynamic middleware for knowledge production and distribution
Villa A., Iglesias J., Ghernaouti-Hélie S., 2007/06. dans Proceedings of International conference - Towards a Knowledge Society: Is Knowledge a Public Good? Dynamics of Knowledge Production and Distribution (ESSHRA). Bern. Peer-reviewed.
Differences in locomotor behavior revealed in mice deficient for the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin D-28k or both
Farré-Castany M. A., Schwaller B., Gregory P., Barski J., Mariethoz C., Eriksson J. L., Tetko I. V., Wolfer D., Celio M. R., Schmutz I. et al., 2007/03. Behavioural Brain Research, 178 (2) pp. 250-261. Peer-reviewed.
Deterministic nonlinear spike train filtered by spiking neuron model
Asai Y., Yokoi T., Villa A. E. P., 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4668 pp. 924-933. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of increasing inhibitory inputs on information processing within a small network of spiking neurons
Sirovich R., Sacerdote L., Villa A. E. P., 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4507 pp. 23-30. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of stimulus-driven pruning on the detection of spatiotemporal patterns of activity in large neural networks
Iglesias J., Villa A. E. P., 2007. BioSystems, 89 pp. 287-293. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of the temporal distribution of electric pulses on transcallosal single unit responses
Villa A. E. P., Asai Y., Segundo J. P., 2007. BioSystems, 89 pp. 143-153. Peer-reviewed.
Nonlinear dynamics emerging in large scale neural networks with ontogenetic and epigenetic processes
Iglesias J., Chibirova O. K., Villa A. E. P., 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4668 pp. 579-588. Peer-reviewed.
On a phase diagram for random neural networks with embedded spike timing dependent plasticity
Turova T. S., Villa A. E. P., 2007. BioSystems, 89 pp. 280-286. Peer-reviewed. Evolvable information processing environment
Villa A. E. P., Iglesias J., 2007. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4578 pp. 227-236. Peer-reviewed.
PERPLEXUS: Pervasive computing framework for modeling complex virtually-unbounded systems
Sanchez E., Perez-Uribe A., Upegui A., Thoma Y., Moreno J. M., Villa A., Volken H., Napieralski A., Sassatelli G., Lavarec E., 2007. pp. 587-591 dans Proceedings of the Second NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems. Peer-reviewed.
Learning of auditory equivalence classes for vowels by rats
Eriksson J. L., Villa A. E. P., 2006/11. Behavioural Processes, 73 (3) pp. 348-359. Peer-reviewed. a collaborative sharing environment
Villa A.E.P., Iglesias J., Ghernaouti-Hélie S., 2006/10. dans Proceedings of E-Challenges 2006. Peer-reviewed.
On the classification of experimental data modeled via a stochastic leaky integrate and fire model through boundary values
Sacerdote L., Villa A. E. P., Zucca C., 2006/08. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 68 (6) pp. 1257-1274. Peer-reviewed.
OpenAdap.Net: a Community-Based Shared System
Villa A.E.P., Iglesias J., Ghernaouti-Hélie S., 2006/06. dans Proceedings of 6th International Workshop Innovative Internet Community Systems. Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Peer-reviewed.
OpenAdap.Net: a technical perspective
Villa A.E.P., Iglesias J., Ghernaouti-Hélie S., 2006/05. dans Proceedings Workshop IST_Africa - Supporting Research Engagement with Africa (IST-Africa 2006). Peer-reviewed.
Artificial Neural Networks simulation of learning of auditory equivalence classes for vowels
Eriksson J. L., Villa A. E. P., 2006. pp. 526-533 dans Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006.. Peer-reviewed.
Detection of a dynamical system attractor from spike train analysis
Asai Y., Yokoi T., Villa A. E. P., 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4131 pp. 623-631. Peer-reviewed.
Neuronal cell death and synaptic pruning driven by spike-timing dependent plasticity
Iglesias J., Villa A. E. P., 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4131 pp. 953-962. Peer-reviewed.
Physical mapping of spiking neural networks models on a bio-inspired scalable architecture
Moreno J. M., Iglesias J., Eriksson J. L., Villa A. E. P., 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4131 pp. 936-943. Peer-reviewed.
The POEtic electronic tissue and its role in the emulation of large-scale biologically inspired spiking neural networks models
Moreno J. M., Thoma Y., Sanchez E., Eriksson J., Iglesias J., Villa A., 2006. Complexus, 3 pp. 32-47. Peer-reviewed.
Anticipated Detection of Epilepsy Seizure Onset with a Novel Online Disharmony Index
Aksenova T.I., Volkovich V.V., Villa A.E.P., 2005. Epilepsia, 46, Suppl. 6 p. 380.
Cross-channel coupling of neuronal activity in parvalbumin-deficient mice susceptible to epileptic seizures
Villa A.E.P., Asai Y., Tetko I.V., Pardo B., Celio M.R., Schwaller B., 2005. Epilepsia, 46, Suppl. 6 p. 359.
Dynamics of pruning in simulated large-scale spiking neural networks
Iglesias J., Eriksson J., Grize F., Tomassini M., Villa A., 2005. Biosystems, 79 (1-3) pp. 11 - 20. Peer-reviewed.
Emergence of oriented cell assemblies associated with spike-timing-dependent plasticity
Iglesias J., Eriksson J., Pardo B., Tomassini M., Villa A., 2005. pp. 127 - 132 dans Proceedings of ICANNN 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer.
Event-related potentials in an auditory oddball situation in the rat
Eriksson J.L., Villa A.E.P., 2005. BioSystems, 79 (1-3) pp. 207-212. Peer-reviewed.
Implementation of Biologically Plausible Spiking Neural Networks Models on the POEtic Tissue
Moreno J.M., Eriksson J., Iglesias J., Villa A.E.P., 2005. pp. 188-197 dans Moreno J.M., Madrenas J., Cosp J. (eds.) Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: 6th International Conference, ICES 2005, Sitges, Spain, September 12-14, 2005. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer.
On-Line Real-Time Oriented Application for Neuronal Spike Sorting with Unsupervised Learning.
Asai Y., Aksenova T.I., Villa A.E.P., 2005. pp. 109-114 dans Duch W., Kacprzyk J., Oja E., Zadrożny S. (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations – ICANN 2005: 15th International Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 11-15, 2005. Proceedings, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer.
Robust Structural Modeling and Outlier Detection with GMDH-Type Polynomial Neural Networks
Aksenova T.I., Volkovich V.V., Villa A.E.P., 2005. pp. 881-886 dans Duch W., Kacprzyk J., Oja E., Zadrożny S. (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models and Their Applications – ICANN 2005: 15th International Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 11-15, 2005. Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer.
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Spike Occurrences in Freely-Moving Rats Associated to Perception of Human Vowels
Villa A.E.P., 2005. pp. 275-293 dans Heil P., Scheich H., Budinger E., König R. (eds.) The Auditory Cortex: A Synthesis of Human and Animal Research, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Stimulus-driven unsupervised synaptic pruning in large neural networks
Iglesias J., Eriksson J., Pardo B., Tomassini M., Villa A., 2005. pp. 59 - 68 dans Proceedings of BV & Ai, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer.
Unsupervised Recognition of Neuronal Discharge Waveforms for On-line Real-Time Operation
Asai Y., Aksenova T.I., Villa A.E.P., 2005. pp. 29-38 dans Brain, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence: First International Symposium, BVAI 2005, Naples, Italy, October 19 – 21, 2005. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer.
Unsupervised Spike Sorting of extracellular electrophysiological recording in subthalamic nucleus of Parkinsonian patients
Chibirova O.K., Aksenova T.I., Benabid A.L., Chabardes S., Larouche S., Rouat J., Villa A.E.P., 2005. BioSystems, 79 (1-3) pp. 159-171. Peer-reviewed.
Detection of syntonies between multiple spike trains using a coarse-grain binarization of spike count distributions
Del Prete V., Martinon L., Villa A.E.P., 2004. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 15 (1) pp. 13-28. Peer-reviewed.
Dopamine modulation of glutamate metabotropic receptors in conditioned reaction of sensory motor cortex neurons of the cat.
Strozhuk V.M., Khorevin V.I., Rozuman N.M., Villa A.E.P., Tekto I.V., 2004. Neuroscience Letters, 356 (2) pp. 127-130. Peer-reviewed.
Hardware optimization and serial implementation of a novel spiking neuron model for the POEtic tissue
Toores O., Eriksson J., Moreno J.M., Villa A.E.P., 2004. BioSystems, 76 (1-3) pp. 201-208.
Nonlinear oscillation models for the spike sorting of single units recorded extracellulary
Aksenova T.I., Chibirova O.K., Villa A.E.P., 2004. pp. 3029-3033 dans 2004 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Proceedings, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Nonparametric On-Line Detection of Changes in Signal Spectral Characteristics for Early Prediction of Epilepsy Seizure Onset
Aksenova T.I., Volkovich V.V., Villa A.E.P., 2004. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 36 (8) pp. 35-45.
Parvalbumin-deficiency affects network properties resulting in increased susceptibility to epileptic seizure
Schwaller B., Tetko I.V., Tandon P., Silveira D.C., Vreugdenhil M., Henzi T., Potier M.C., Celio M.R., Villa A.E.P., 2004. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 25 (4) pp. 650-663. Peer-reviewed.
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