Education and work experience
2007: PhD in social sciences, University of Lausanne
1996: Master of Arts in social sciences, University of Lausanne
1986: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology, University of Lausanne
1983: High School Diploma (sciences) - Gymnase de la Cité, Lausanne
Work experience
2008 - xxxx: Substitute Senior Lecturer and Researcher- University of Lausanne
2008 - xxxx: Tenured Senior Lecturer and Researcher- University of Lausanne
2002 - 2006: Research assistant - University of Lausanne
1995 - 2002: Project leader, Addiction suisse (formerly Swiss Institute for the prevention of alcohol and drug problems - SIPA), Lausanne
1993 - 1995: Research assistant - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne
1990 - 1993: Research assistant - Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Bern
1988 - 1990: Teacher, SIC vocational school, Lausanne
French mother tongue
data analysis and management with SAS
Programing in R and Perl
Very good knowledge of German
Very good knowledge of English