Anne Oppliger

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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123 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1991 |
Filling the knowledge gap: Scoping review regarding sampling methods, assays, and further requirements to assess airborne viruses.
Dias M., Gomes B., Pena P., Cervantes R., Beswick A., Duchaine C., Kolk A., Madsen A.M., Oppliger A., Pogner C. et al., 2024/10/10. The Science of the total environment, 946 p. 174016. Peer-reviewed.
A Systematized Overview of Published Reviews on Biological Hazards, Occupational Health, and Safety.
Descatha A., Hamzaoui H., Takala J., Oppliger A., 2023/12. Safety and health at work, 14 (4) pp. 347-357. Peer-reviewed.
Global Estimates on Biological Risks at Work
Takala Jukka, Descatha Alexis, Oppliger A., Hamzaoui H., Bråkenhielm Catherine, Neupane Subas, 2023/12. Safety and Health at Work, 14 (4) pp. 390-397. Peer-reviewed.
The risk of pig and chicken farming for carriage and transmission of Escherichia coli containing extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and mobile colistin resistance (mcr) genes in Thailand.
Sudatip D., Mostacci N., Tiengrim S., Thamlikitkul V., Chasiri K., Kritiyakan A., Phanprasit W., Thinphovong C., Abdallah R., Baron S.A. et al., 2023/03. Microbial genomics, 9 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Influence of occupational exposure to pigs or chickens on human gut microbiota composition in Thailand.
Sudatip D., Mostacci N., Thamlikitkul V., Oppliger A., Hilty M., 2022/12. One health, 15 p. 100463. Peer-reviewed.
Occupational Exposure to β-d-Glucans, Mould Allergens, Endotoxins and Cultivable Fungi in Pig Farms.
Kraemer J.G., Hilty M., Oppliger A., 2022/10/11. Annals of work exposures and health, 66 (8) pp. 967-973. Peer-reviewed.
Review of biological risks associated with the collection of municipal wastes.
Madsen A.M., Raulf M., Duquenne P., Graff P., Cyprowski M., Beswick A., Laitinen S., Rasmussen P.U., Hinker M., Kolk A. et al., 2021/10/15. The Science of the total environment, 791 p. 148287. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli in pig farms: A longitudinal study.
Moor J., Aebi S., Rickli S., Mostacci N., Overesch G., Oppliger A., Hilty M., 2021/09. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 58 (3) p. 106382. Peer-reviewed.
Nasal microbiota composition dynamics after occupational change in animal farmers suggest major shifts.
Kraemer J.G., Aebi S., Hilty M., Oppliger A., 2021/08/15. The Science of the total environment, 782 p. 146842. Peer-reviewed.
A One Health approach to assessing occupational exposure to antimicrobial resistance in Thailand: The FarmResist project.
Sudatip D., Chasiri K., Kritiyakan A., Phanprasit W., Thinphovong C., Tiengrim S., Thamlikitkul V., Abdallah R., Baron S.A., Rolain J.M. et al., 2021. PloS one, 16 (1) pp. e0245250. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of pig farming on human Gut Microbiota: role of airborne microbial communities.
Moor J., Wüthrich T., Aebi S., Mostacci N., Overesch G., Oppliger A., Hilty M., 2021. Gut microbes, 13 (1) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Microorganism identification and environmental cleaning effectiveness in radiology settings: cross-sectional and experimental studies
Ding Sandrine, Weber Nicolas, Oppliger Anne, 2020/12/12. Radiography Open, 6 (1) pp. 1-12.
Reusability of filtering facepiece respirators after decontamination through drying and germicidal UV irradiation.
Vernez D., Save J., Oppliger A., Concha-Lozano N., Hopf N.B., Niculita-Hirzel H., Resch G., Michaud V., Dorange-Pattoret L., Charrière N. et al., 2020/10. BMJ global health, 5 (10) pp. e003110. Peer-reviewed.
Standardized home inspection in search of antigen exposure in chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Daccord C., Oppliger A., Vernez D., Lazor R., 2019/06. p. 619 dans SGP Congress 2019, Respiration.
The Indoor-Air Microbiota of Pig Farms Drives the Composition of the Pig Farmers' Nasal Microbiota in a Season-Dependent and Farm-Specific Manner.
Kraemer J.G., Aebi S., Oppliger A., Hilty M., 2019/05/01. Applied and environmental microbiology, 85 (9). Peer-reviewed.
Age-Dependent Dissimilarity of the Nasopharyngeal and Middle Ear Microbiota in Children With Acute Otitis Media.
Brugger S.D., Kraemer J.G., Qi W., Bomar L., Oppliger A., Hilty M., 2019. Frontiers in Genetics, 10 p. 555. Peer-reviewed.
Occupational Exposure to Mycotoxins: Current Knowledge and Prospects.
Viegas S., Viegas C., Oppliger A., 2018/10/15. Annals of work exposures and health, 62 (8) pp. 923-941. Peer-reviewed.
Lack of evidence of IgE allergic sensitisation from working with lactic acid bacteria in the dairy foods industry
Barrera Coralie, Reboux Gabriel, Laboissière Audrey, Millon Laurence, Oppliger Anne, 2018/08. The Journal of Dairy Research, 85 (3) pp. 355-357. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of Pig Farming on the Human Nasal Microbiota: Key Role of Airborne Microbial Communities
Kraemer J.G., Ramette A., Aebi S., Oppliger A., Hilty M., 2018/03/01. Applied and environmental microbiology, 84 (6) pp. e02470-17[1-13]. Peer-reviewed.
Caractérisation de l'exposition aux agents biologiques et chimiques et effets sur la santé dans les filières de la valorisation des déchets organiques
Oppliger Anne, Krämer Julia, 2018. Bulletin de veille scientifiques : santé, environnement, travail 33 pp. 53-56.
Prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in pig farms in Switzerland
Kraemer Julia G., Pires Joao, Kueffer Marianne, Semaani Eulalia, Endimiani Andrea, Hilty Markus, Oppliger Anne, 2017/12/15. The Science of the Total Environment, 603-604 pp. 401-405. Peer-reviewed.
Risques biologiques lors de l'entretien des routes
Chagnon Krief Peggy, Glassey Stéphane, Oppliger Anne, 2017/09. pp. 366-367 dans La santé au travail d'aujourd'hui... et de demain! : 26es Journées franco-suisses de santé au travail, Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement.
Association of endotoxin and allergens with respiratory and skin symptoms: a descriptive study in laboratory animal workers
Oppliger Anne, Barresi Fabio, Maggi Marion, Schmid-Grendelmeier Peter, Huaux François, Hotz Philipp, Dressel Holger, 2017/08/01. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 61 (7) pp. 822-835. Peer-reviewed.
Can serum cytokine profile discriminate irritant-induced and allergen-induced symptoms? A cross-sectional study in workers mostly exposed to laboratory animals
Lemaire Muriel, Oppliger Anne, Hotz Philipp, Renauld Jean-Christophe, Braun Julia, Maggi Marion, Barresi Fabio, Schmid-Grendelmeier Peter, Huaux François, Dressel Holger, 2017/08. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 74 (8) pp. 592-600. Peer-reviewed.
What makes a disease 'occupational' ?
Oppliger Anne, Seixas Noah S., 2017/03/01. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 61 (2) pp. 135-136. Peer-reviewed.
Avis complémentaire de l’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail relatif aux facteurs de risques professionnels éventuellement en lien avec la surmortalité des égoutiers : résultats de la campagne de mesures de polluants biologiques dans l’air des égouts parisiens
Chubilleau Catherine, Frealle Emilie, Oppliger Anne, Paillat Amandine, 2017. 34, Anses.
Evaluation des dangers dans la filière du recyclage et de la valorisation des déchets : focus sur les sites de compostage
Oppliger Anne, 2017. p. 53 dans Formation continue du Groupement romand de médecine, d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail (GRMHST) à Sion, 5 octobre 2017, IZA.
Virus de la grippe du porc et risque d'infection chez les travailleurs de l'industrie du porc
Oppliger Anne, Kraemer Julia, 2017. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 32 pp. 42-44.
What is known about zoonotic bacteria in cattle and pig farms, and what should be done to prevent occupational infections
Kraemer Julia G., Oppliger Anne, 2017. pp. 361-389 dans Viegas Carla, Viegas Susana, Quintal Gomes Anita, Täuble Martin, Sabino Raquel (eds.) Exposure to Microbiological Agents in Indoor and Occupational Environments chap. 18, Springer.
Airborne and grain dust fungal community compositions are shaped regionally by plant genotypes and farming practices
Pellissier L., Oppliger Anne, Hirzel A.H., Savova-Bianchi Dessislava, Mbayo G., Mascher F., Kellenberger S., Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, 2016/01/29. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82 (7) pp. 2121-2131. Peer-reviewed.
Airborne fungal communities in wheat grain dusts
Pellissier Loïc, Oppliger Anne, Hirzel Alexandre H., Savova-Bianchi Dessislava, Mbayo Guilain, Mascher Fabio, Kellenberger Stefan, Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, 2016. p. 17 dans Current and Future Trends in Food Mycology : methods, taxonomy, and emerging problems : International Commission on Food Mycology Workshop 2016, Freising, Germany, 13-15 June, 2016 : programme and abstracts.
Antibiorésistance : de l'animal à l'homme
Oppliger Anne, 2016. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 28 pp. 49-52.
Bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques dans les élevages d'animaux : risque de transmission pour l'éleveur et essai d'éradication
Oppliger Anne, Krämer Julia, 2016. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 30 pp. 34-37.
Facteurs de risques professionnels éventuellement en lien avec la surmortalité des égoutiers : avis de l'Anses, rapport d'expertise collective
Chubilleau Catherine, Bourgkard Eve, Ferrari Luc, Garlantezec Ronan, Garnaud Stéphane, Jeanjean Agnès, Marescaux Laurence, Oppliger Anne, Squinazi Fabien, Tremblay Michèle, 2016. 20, 329, Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail.
Highly contaminated workplaces
Oppliger Anne, Duquenne Philippe, 2016. pp. 79-105 dans Viegas Carla, Pinheiro Ana Catarina, Sabino Raquel, Viegas Susana, Brandao Joao, Verissimo Cristina (eds.) Environmental mycology in public health : fungi and mycotoxins risk assessment and management chap. 8, Elsevier.
Santé respiratoire des agriculteurs
Oppliger Anne, 2016. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 29 pp. 66-68.
Risques biologiques lors de l'entretien des routes
Krief Peggy, Glassey Stéphane, Oppliger Anne, 2015., Strasbourg : Société de médecine et de santé au travail p. 47 dans 26èmes Journées franco-suisses de santé au travail, 11 et 12 juin 2015, Strasbourg.
Zoonotic occupational diseases in forestry workers: Lyme borreliosis, tularemia and leptospirosis in Europe
Richard Stéphanie, Oppliger Anne, 2015. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine : Aaem, 22 (1) pp. 43-50. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of airborne virus contamination in wastewater treatment plants.
Masclaux Frédéric G., Hotz Philipp, Gashi Drita, Savova-Bianchi Dessislava, Oppliger Anne, 2014/08. Environmental Research, 133 pp. 260-265. Peer-reviewed.
Advancing the science of bioaerosol exposure assessment
Oppliger Anne, 2014. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 58 (6) pp. 661-663. Peer-reviewed.
Concentration aéroportée en champignons et endotoxines dans des usines de transformation de café vert
Oppliger Anne, Charriere Nicole, Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, 2014. p. 317 dans 25e Journées franco-suisses de santé au travail, 13 et 14 juin 2013, Lyon, Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement.
Effets respiratoires de l'exposition aux poussières de céréales chez des céréaliers du canton de Vaud (Suisse)
Dorribo Victor, Pralong Jacques A., Wild Pascal, Reboux Gabriel, Oppliger Anne, Danuser Brigitta, Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Krief Peggy, 2014. pp. 311-312 dans 25e Journées franco-suisses de santé au travail, 13 et 14 juin 2013, Lyon, Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement.
Exposition à des particules virales aéroportées potentiellement pathogènes dans des abattoirs et dans la filière du tri des déchets
Oppliger Anne, 2014. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 23 pp. 28-30.
Industrie laitière : de la vache à la fromagerie, identification des tâches générant de fortes quantités de bioaérosols
Oppliger Anne, 2014. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 25 pp. 57-59.
Propagation dans l'environnement des microorganismes et autres particules organiques issus des élevages intensifs et conséquences pour la santé des riverains
Oppliger Anne, 2014. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 24 pp. 69-72.
Respiratory effects of an exposure to wheat dust among grain workers and farmers: a longitudinal study
Wild Pascal, Dorribo Victor, Pralong Jacques, Reboux Gabriel, Oppliger Anne, Danuser Brigitta, Krief Peggy, Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, 2014. pp. A18-A19 dans 24th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), June 24-27, 2014 in Chicago, Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
High occurrence of hepatitis E virus in samples from wastewater treatment plants in Switzerland and comparison with other enteric viruses.
Masclaux Frédéric G., Hotz Philipp, Friedli Drita, Savova-Bianchi Dessisslava, Oppliger Anne, 2013/09/15. Water Research, 47 (14) pp. 5101-5109. Peer-reviewed.
Concentration of airborne Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA and MSSA), total bacteria, and endotoxins in pig farms.
Masclaux Frédéric G., Sakwinska Olga, Charrière Nicole, Semaani Eulalia, Oppliger Anne, 2013/06. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 57 (5) pp. 550-557. Peer-reviewed.
Concentration aéroportée d'adénovirus et de norovirus dans les stations d'épuration des eaux usées
Oppliger Anne, Hotz Philipp, Masclaux Frédéric, 2013., Aubière: Imp. Sciences p. 22 dans MicrobAERO 2013 : colloque national "Microbiologie des aérosols", 7-9 octobre 2013, La Bourboule.
Effets respiratoires de l'exposition aux poussières de céréales chez des céréaliers du canton de Vaud (Suisse)
Dorribo Victor, Pralong Jacques A., Wild Pascal, Reboux Gabriel, Oppliger Anne, Danuser Brigitta, Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Krief Peggy, 2013. p. 17 dans Les allergies professionnelles: Conférence INRS 2013 sur la recherche en santé au travail, 3, 4, 5 avril 2013, Palais des Congrès, Nancy, France, Nancy : INRS.
Farmers acquire antimicrobial resistant Staphylococcus aureus from pigs
Oppliger Anne, 2013., Basel : Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute pp. Abstract ID 2980 dans Environment and Health: bridging South, North, East and West, Basel, Switzerland 19-23 August, 2013.
Health effects of an exposure to grain dust microbiota among Vaud grain workers
Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Dorribo Victor, Wild Pascal, Pralong Jacques, Reboux Gabriel, Oppliger Anne, Danuser Brigitta, Krief Peggy, 2013. p. 46 dans Arbeitsmedizin in Europa, Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen und Beruf: 53. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin, Jahrestagung der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin, Frühjahrstagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin, Bregenz, 13.-16. März 2013, Stuttgart : Gentner Verl..
Propagation du virus de la grippe dans les transports aériens et survie du virus dans l'air ambiant
Oppliger Anne, 2013. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 20 pp. 29-31.
Qualité de l'air intérieur dans les écoles et toxicité potentielle des particules en suspension
Oppliger Anne, 2013. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 21 pp. 60-62.
Respiratory effects of an exposure to grain dust among grain workers in the Vaud region (Switzerland)
Dorribo Victor, Pralong Jacques A., Wild Pascal, Reboux Gabriel, Oppliger Anne, Danuser Brigitta, Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Krief Peggy, 2013. pp. 201s-202s dans ERS 23rd Annual Congress, Barcelona Spain, 7-11 September 2013, European Respiratory Journal.
Respiratory effects of an exposure to grain dust among grain workers in the Vaud region (Switzerland)
Dorribo Victor, Pralong Jacques A., Wild Pascal, Reboux Gabriel, Oppliger Anne, Danuser Brigitta, Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Krief Peggy, 2013. pp. 534-535 dans Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology and the Swiss Respiratory Society, Bern, 17-19 April, 2013, Respiration.
Antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureus strains acquired by pig farmers from pigs
Oppliger Anne, Moreillon Philippe, Charrière Nicole, Giddey Marlyse, Morisset Delphine, Sakwinska Olga, 2012. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78 (22) pp. 8010-8014. Peer-reviewed.
Exposition aéroportée aux endotoxines : caractérisation de la réponse inflammatoire et influence des facteurs génétiques
Oppliger Anne, Masclaux Frédéric, 2012. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail : notes d'actualité scientifique 17 pp. 68-70.
Factors promoting the exposure to bioaerosols among crop workers
Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Oppliger Anne, 2012. pp. [8p.] dans Bioaerosols: 6th International Scientific Conference on Bioaerosols, Fungi, Bacteria, Mycotoxins in Indoor and Outdoor Environments and Human Health. Peer-reviewed, Albany, NY : Fungal Research Group Foundation.
Health effects of occupational exposure in a dairy food industry, with a specific assessment of exposure to airborne lactic acid bacteria
Zeilfelder Bernd, Chouanière Dominique, Reboux Gabriel, Vacheyrou Mallory, Milon Antoine, Wild Pascal, Oppliger Anne, 2012. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 54 (8) pp. 969-973. Peer-reviewed.
Hygiène des mains et utilisation de protection respiratoire : attention aux risques de contamination microbiologique imprévue!
Oppliger Anne, 2012. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 18 pp. 35-37.
Impact of agroecosystem disturbance on wheat fungal community structure
Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Oppliger Anne, 2012. pp. EHU-4, p. 12 dans The World of Omics, FBM Research Day, Thursday June 7th, 2012, FBM Research Day, University of Lausanne, Faculty of Biology and Medicine.
Sex differences in urinary levels of several biological indicators of exposure: a human volunteer study
Tomicic Catherine, Berode Michèle, Oppliger Anne, Castella Vincent, Leyvraz Fabienne, Praz-Christinaz Sophie Maria, Danuser Brigitta, 2011/05/10. Toxicology Letters, 202 (3) pp. 218-225. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of airborne microorganisms by real-time PCR: optimistic findings and research challenges
Oppliger Anne, Masclaux Frédéric G., Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, 2011. Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar Edition), 3 (163) pp. 445-453. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation de l'exposition professionnelle aux microorganismes et à leurs toxines dans le milieu céréalier
Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Bernardet Laure, Oppliger Anne, 2011. pp. 504-505 dans XXIVe Journées franco-suisses de médecine et santé au travail, Fribourg, 16-17 juin 2011, Résumés des communications, Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement. Peer-reviewed.
Exposition au virus de l'hépatite E dans les stations d'épuration
Masclaux Frédéric, Gashi D., Duquenne Philippe, Hotz Philipp, Oppliger Anne, 2011. p. 490 dans XXIVe Journées franco-suisses de médecine et santé au travail, Fribourg, 16-17 juin 2011, Résumés des communications, Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement. Peer-reviewed.
Exposition au virus de l'hépatite E dans les STEP
Masclaux Frédéric, Duquenne Philippe, Hotz Philipp, Oppliger Anne, 2011. pp. EHU-2, 7 dans Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders, FBM Research Day, January 27, 2011, FBM Research Day, Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et de médecine.
Exposition environmentale à certains virus
Oppliger Anne, Masclaux Frédéric, 2011. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail : notes d'actualité scientifique 15 pp. 42-45.
Exposure to bioaerosols, respiratory health and lung-specific proteins: a prospective study in garbage and wastewater workers.
Tschopp Alois, Bernard Alfred, Thommen Annette M., Jeggli Stefan, Dumont Xavier, Oppliger Anne, Hotz Philipp, 2011. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 68 (11) pp. 856-859. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure to microorganisms and endotoxins in crop workers
Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Oppliger Anne, 2011. pp. ENA-8, 15 dans Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders, FBM Research Day, January 27, 2011, FBM Research Day, Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et de médecine.
Factors promoting the exposure to bioaerosols among crop workers
Niculita-Hirzel Hélène, Oppliger Anne, 2011. p. 65 dans 6th International Scientific Conference on Bioaerosols, Fungi, Bacteria, Mycotoxins in Indoor and Outdoor Environments and Human Health, September 6 - 9, 2011, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA, Fungal Research Group Foundation.
Pollution bactérienne autour des installations d'élevages intensifs d'animaux de rente
Oppliger Anne, 2011. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail : notes d'actualité scientifique 13 pp. 71-74.
Qualité microbiologique de l'air des écuries et conséquences pour la santé des travailleurs du secteur équestre
Oppliger Anne, 2011. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail : notes d'actualité scientifique 12 pp. 54-57.
Exposition au virus de l'hépatite E dans les STEP
Masclaux Frédéric, Duquenne Philippe, Hotz Philipp, Oppliger Anne, 2010. p. 1 dans Les rencontres scientifiques de l'Afsset : risques émergents, Mardi 11 mai 2010, Afsset, Maisons-Alfort.
Exposition aux bioaérosols dans deux milieux professionnels : les cabinets de dentistes et les cultures de concombres et tomates
Oppliger Anne, 2010. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail : notes d'actualité scientifique 11 pp. 52-55.
Les staphylocoques résistants à la méthicilline (MRSA) : un nouveau risque professionnel chez les éleveurs de porcs
Oppliger Anne, 2010. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail : notes d'actualité scientifique 10 pp. 48-51.
MRSA ST398 in Switzerland : not only colonization of pigs and pig workers but also cow mastitis
Sakwinska Olga, Oppliger Anne, Giddey Marlyse, Morisset Delphine, Moreillon Martine, Waldvogel Andreas, Moreillon Philippe, 2010. pp. ENA-1 dans Immunology and Cancer, CHUV Research Day, January 28, 2010, CHUV Research Day, Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et de médecine.
Surfactant protein-D and exposure to bioaerosols in wastewater and garbage workers.
Daneshzadeh Tabrizi R., Bernard A., Thommen A.M., De Winter F., Oppliger Anne, Hilfiker S., Tschopp A., Hotz P., 2010. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 83 (8) pp. 879-886. Peer-reviewed.
Quantification of thermotolerant campylobacter in Swiss water treatment plants, by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction
Rinsoz Thomas, Hilfiker Silvia, Oppliger Anne, 2009/09. Water Environment Research, 81 (9) pp. 929-933. Peer-reviewed.
Antibiotiques et bactéries antibiorésistantes dans les effluents d'hôpitaux : état des lieux en Europe (revue de la littérature)
Oppliger Anne, 2009. Techniques Hospitalières, 64 (714) pp. 51-55.
Exposition aux bactéries aéroportées dans, et autour des élevages de porcs
Oppliger Anne, 2009. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail : notes d'actualité scientifique 9 pp. 30-32.
Exposition aux endotoxines : effets protecteurs contre les allergies mais augmentation des problèmes respiratoires chroniques et aigus
Oppliger Anne, 2009. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail : notes d'actualité scientifique 8 pp. 26-27.
Exposition aux Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méthicilline (MRSA) et autres bioaérosols dans les élevages de porcs en Suisse
Oppliger Anne, Giddey Marlyse, Charrière Nicole, Sakwinska Olga, 2009. pp. 588-589 dans XXIIIe Journées franco-suisses de médecine et santé au travail, Chambéry, 18-19 juin 2009, Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement. Peer-reviewed.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) : an occupational risk in pig farmers?
Oppliger Anne, Giddey Marlyse, Charrière Nicole, Semaani Eulalie, Blanc Dominique, Sakwinska Olga, 2009. pp. ENA-2 dans Genes and Diseases, CHUV Research Day, January 29, 2009, Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et de médecine.
MRSA ST398 in Switzerland : not only colonization of pigs and pig workers but also cow mastitis
Sakwinska Olga, Oppliger Anne, Giddey Marlyse, Morisset Delphine, Moreillon Martine, Waldvogel Andreas, Moreillon Philippe, 2009. pp. 18B, 34 dans Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococci in Animals : veterinary and public health implications : ASM Conferences, September 22-25, 2009, London, England, American Society for Microbiology.
Transmission of MRSA and MSSA between humans and farm animals
Sakwinska Olga, Oppliger Anne, Giddey Marlyse, Moreillon Martine, Waldvogel Andreas, Moreillon Philippe, 2009. pp. P050, 110 dans Microbes rule the world : 68th Annual Assembly of the SSM, Amphipôle, University of Lausanne, 4-5 June, 2009, Swiss Society for Microbiology.
Antibiotiques et bactéries antibio-résistantes dans les effluents d'hôpitaux : état des lieux en Europe : revue de la littérature
Oppliger Anne, 2008. pp. 160-167 dans Les effluents liquides des établissements de santé : état des lieux et perspectives de gestion : Chambéry le 26 et 27 novembre 2008 : actes du congrès.
Application of real-time PCR for total airborne bacterial assessment : comparison with epifluorescence microscopy and culture-dependent methods
Rinsoz Thomas, Duquenne Philippe, Greff-Mirguet Guylaine, Oppliger Anne, 2008. Atmospheric Environment, 42 (28) pp. 6767-6774. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of bioaerosol exposure on work-related symptoms among Swiss sawmill workers
Rusca Sophie, Charrière Nicole, Droz Pierre-Olivier, Oppliger Anne, 2008. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 81 (4) pp. 415-421. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure to bioaerosols in poultry houses at different stages of fattening: use of real-time PCR for airborne bacterial quantification
Oppliger Anne, Charrière Nicole, Droz Pierre-Olivier, Rinsoz Thomas, 2008. pp. ENA-1, 23 dans Regenerative medicine, CHUV Research Day, January 17, 2008, Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et de médecine.
Exposure to bioaerosols in poultry houses at different stages of fattening; use of real-time PCR for airborne bacterial quantification
Oppliger Anne, Charriere Nicole, Droz Pierre-Olivier, Rinsoz Thomas, 2008. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 52 (5) pp. 405-412. Peer-reviewed.
Installations de compostage industriel : exposition aux bioaérosols et effets sur la santé des travailleurs
Oppliger Anne, 2008. Bulletin de veille scientifique : santé, environnement, travail 7 pp. 32-34.
Assessment of bacterial load in the indoor air of a poultry house: evaluation of the performance of real-time quantitative PCR
Rinsoz Thomas, Oppliger Anne, Duquenne Philippe, 2007. pp. EHU-13, 27 dans Biomedical imaging, CHUV Research Day, February 1, 2007, Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et de médecine.
Introduction à l'hygiène du travail : un support de formation
Bernhard Claude Alain, Droz Pierre-Olivier, Favre Olivier, Gonik Viviane, Guillemin Michel, Herrera Horacio, Lazor-Blanchet Catherine, Mann Sabine, Oppliger Anne, Perret Vincent et al., 2007. 138, Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail.
Promiscuity and high level of multiple paternity in common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis): data from microsatellite markers
Oppliger Anne, Degen Loic, Bouteiller-Reuter Caroline, John-Alder Henry-B., 2007. Amphibia-Reptilia, 28 (2) pp. 301-303. Peer-reviewed.
Sick building syndrom
Oppliger Anne, 2007. Context : le magazine de la SEC Suisse 16 p. 24.
Surfactant protein A, exposure to endotoxin, and asthma in garbage collectors and in wastewater workers.
Widmeier Suzanne, Bernard Alfred, Tschopp Alois, Jeggli Stefan, Dumont Xavier, Hilfiker Silvia, Oppliger Anne, Hotz Philipp, 2007. Inhalation toxicology, 19 (4) pp. 351-360. Peer-reviewed.
Wood ants use resin to protect themselves against pathogens
Chapuisat M., Oppliger Anne, Magliano P., Christe P., 2007. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 274 (1621) pp. 2013-2017. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of bioaerosols and inhalable dust exposure in Swiss sawmills
Oppliger Anne, Rusca Sophie, Charrière Nicole, Vu Duc Trinh, Droz Pierre-Olivier, 2005. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 49 (5) pp. 385-391. Peer-reviewed.
Clara cell protein and surfactant protein B in garbage collectors and in wastewater workers exposed to bioaerosols
Steiner Denise, Jeggli Stefan, Tschopp Alois, Bernard Alfred, Oppliger Anne, Hilfiker Sylvia, Hotz Philippe, 2005. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 78 (3) pp. 189-197. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of seasons and sampling strategy on assessment of bioaerosols in sewage treatment plants in Switzerland
Oppliger Anne, Hilfiker Silvia, Vu Duc Trinh, 2005. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 49 (5) pp. 393-400. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of testosterone on immunocompetence, parasite load, and metabolism in the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)
Oppliger Anne, Giorgi Maude S., Conelli Alberto, Nembrini Marco, John-Alder Henri, 2004. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82 (11) pp. 1713-1719. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of microsatellite loci in the wall lizard Podarcis muralis (Sauria: Lacertidae)
Nembrini M., Oppliger Anne, 2003. Molecular Ecology Notes, 3 (1) pp. 123-124. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence for collective medication in ants
Christe P., Oppliger Anne, Bancala F., Castella G., Chapuisat M., 2003. Ecology Letters, 6 (1) pp. 19-22. Peer-reviewed.
Sperm length influences fertilization success during sperm competition in the snail Viviparus ater
Oppliger Anne, Naciri-Graven Y., Ribi G., Hosken D. J., 2003. Molecular Ecology, 12 (2) pp. 485-492. Peer-reviewed.
Trade-offs in phenotypic traits: endurance at birth, growth, survival, predation and susceptibility to parasitism in a lizard, Lacerta vivipara
Clobert J., Oppliger Anne, Sorci G., Ernande B., Swallow J. G., Garland T., 2000. Functional Ecology, 14 (6) pp. 675-684. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of water constraint on growth rate, activity and body temperature of yearling common lizard (Lacerta vivipara)
Lorenzon P., Clobert J., Oppliger Anne, John-Alder H., 1999. Oecologia, 118 (4) pp. 423-430. Peer-reviewed.
Parasite local maladaptation in the Canarian lizard Gallotia galloti (Reptilia : Lacertidae) parasitized by haemogregarian blood parasite
Oppliger Anne, Vernet R., Baez M., 1999. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 12 (5) pp. 951-955. Peer-reviewed.
Environmental stress increases the prevalence and intensity of blood parasite infection in the common lizard Lacerta vivipara
Oppliger Anne, Clobert J., Lecomte J., Lorenzon P., Boudjemadi K., John-Alder H. B., 1998. Ecology Letters, 1 (2) pp. 129-138. Peer-reviewed.
Snail sperm production characteristics vary with sperm competition risk
Oppliger Anne, Hosken D. J., Ribi G., 1998. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 265 (1405) pp. 1527-1534. Peer-reviewed.
Clutch size and malarial parasites in female great tits.
Oppliger Anne, Christe P., Richner H., 1997. Behavioral Ecology, 8 (2) pp. 148-152. Peer-reviewed.
Reduced tail regeneration in the Common Lizard, Lacerta vivipara, parasitized by blood parasites
Oppliger Anne, Clobert J., 1997. Functional Ecology, 11 (5) pp. 652-655. Peer-reviewed.
Erratum: Clutch size and malaria resistance
Oppliger Anne, Christe Philippe, Richner Heinz, 1996/08. Nature, 382 (6591) pp. 502-502.
Begging food provisioning and nestling competition in great tit broods infested with ectoparasites
Christe P., Richner H., Oppliger Anne, 1996. Behavioral Ecology, 7 (2) pp. 127-131. Peer-reviewed.
Clutch size and malaria resistance.
Oppliger Anne, Christe P., Richner H., 1996. Nature, 381 (6583) p. 565. Peer-reviewed.
Of great tits and fleas: sleep baby sleep
Christe P., Richner H., Oppliger Anne, 1996. Animal Behaviour, 52 (6) pp. 1087-1092. Peer-reviewed.
Physiological and behaviour changes in common lizards parasitized by haemogregarines
Oppliger Anne, Celerier M. L., Clobert J., 1996. Parasitology, 113 (5) pp. 433-438. Peer-reviewed.
Paternal investment affects prevalence of malaria.
Richner H., Christe P., Oppliger Anne, 1995. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92 (4) pp. 1192-1194. Peer-reviewed.
Ectoparasite affects choice and use of roost sites in the great tit, Parus major
Christe P., Oppliger Anne, Richner H., 1994. Animal Behaviour, 47 (4) pp. 895-898. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of an ectoparasite on lay date, nest-site choice, desertion, and hatching success in the great tit (Parus major)
Oppliger Anne, Richner H., Christe P., 1994. Behavioral Ecology, 5 (2) pp. 130-134. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation de deux techniques d'ELISA pour le diagnostic de la paratuberculose bovine
Meylan M., Nicolet J., Oppliger Anne, Burnens A., Martig J., 1994. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 136 (11-12) pp. 377-381. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of an ectoparasite on reproduction in great tits.
Richner H., Oppliger Anne, Christe P., 1993. Journal of Animal Ecology, 62 (4) pp. 703-710. Peer-reviewed.
Maladie de Newcastle: un enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay pour le contrôle des anticorps chez les poussins
Oppliger Anne, 1991. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 133 (8) pp. 391-394. Peer-reviewed.
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