Karin Diserens

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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77 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1992 | 1991 |
Avoiding Misdiagnosis in Global Rostral Midbrain Syndrome (GRMS): Clinical Insights and Neurorehabilitation Approaches.
Jöhr J., Alioth A., Catalano Chiuvé S., Nazeeruddin S., Belouaer A., Daniel R.T., Momjian S., Diserens K., Bally J.F., 2024/09/27. Journal of clinical medicine, 13 (19) p. 5752. Peer-reviewed.
Explaining recovery from coma with multimodal neuroimaging.
Pozeg P., Jöhr J., Prior J.O., Diserens K., Dunet V., 2024/09. Journal of neurology, 271 (9) pp. 6274-6288. Peer-reviewed.
The Growing Role of Telerehabilitation and Teleassessment in the Management of Movement Disorders in Rare Neurological Diseases: A Scoping Review.
Lavorgna L., Maida E., Reinhard C., Cras P., Reetz K., Molnar M.J., Nonnekes J., Medijainen K., Summa S., Diserens K. et al., 2024/09. Telemedicine journal and e-health, 30 (9) pp. 2419-2430. Peer-reviewed.
Brain-Computer Interfaces for Communication in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: A Gap Analysis and Scientific Roadmap.
Schiff N.D., Diringer M., Diserens K., Edlow B.L., Gosseries O., Hill N.J., Hochberg L.R., Ismail F.Y., Meyer I.A., Mikell C.B. et al., 2024/08. Neurocritical care, 41 (1) pp. 129-145. Peer-reviewed.
Case report: Treatable immune-mediated severe orthostatic hypotension in SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Theiler K., Bronchain M., Grouzmann E., Duflon S., Hirt L., Du Pasquier R., Waeber G., Wuerzner G., Diserens K., Bally J.F., 2024. Frontiers in neuroscience, 18 p. 1505727. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring Salivary Cortisol to Assess the Effect of Natural Environments on Stress Level in Acute Patients With Severe Brain Injuries: An Exploratory Study.
Jöhr J., Martinez T., Marquis R., Bruce S., Binz P.A., Rey S., Hafner G., Attwell C., Diserens K., 2023/09. Cureus, 15 (9) pp. e44878. Peer-reviewed.
Guideline on multimodal rehabilitation for patients with post-intensive care syndrome.
Renner C., Jeitziner M.M., Albert M., Brinkmann S., Diserens K., Dzialowski I., Heidler M.D., Lück M., Nusser-Müller-Busch R., Sandor P.S. et al., 2023/07/31. Critical care, 27 (1) p. 301. Peer-reviewed.
A Focus on Subtle Signs and Motor Behavior to Unveil Awareness in Unresponsive Brain-Impaired Patients: The Importance of Being Clinical.
Diserens K., Meyer I.A., Jöhr J., Pincherle A., Dunet V., Pozeg P., Ryvlin P., Mureşanu D.F., Stevens R.D., Schiff N.D., 2023/06/13. Neurology, 100 (24) pp. 1144-1150. Peer-reviewed.
Terson Syndrome: Not to Be Missed in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.
Maslias E., Vijiala S., Epiney J.B., Konstantinidis L., Kawasaki A., Diserens K., 2023/05/29. Brain sciences, 13 (6) p. 879. Peer-reviewed.
A Biopsychosocial Evaluation of Post-Acute Outcome of Patients with Severe Brain Lesions Recovering from Coma: An Exploratory Study.
La Framboise N.F., Rochat E., Diserens K., 2023/05/20. Journal of clinical medicine, 12 (10) p. 3572. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility study of the Nox-T3 device to detect swallowing and respiration pattern in neurologically impaired patients in the acute phase.
Theytaz F., Vuistiner A., Schweizer V., Crépin A., Sandu K., Chaouch A., Piquilloud L., Lecciso G., Coombes K., Diserens K., 2023/05/05. Scientific reports, 13 (1) p. 7325. Peer-reviewed.
Structural connectivity in recovery after coma: Connectome atlas approach.
Pozeg P., Alemán-Goméz Y., Jöhr J., Muresanu D., Pincherle A., Ryvlin P., Hagmann P., Diserens K., Dunet V., 2023/03. NeuroImage. Clinical, 37 p. 103358. Peer-reviewed.
Early detection of ICU-acquired weakness in septic shock patients ventilated longer than 72 h.
Attwell C., Sauterel L., Jöhr J., Piquilloud L., Kuntzer T., Diserens K., 2022/12/06. BMC pulmonary medicine, 22 (1) p. 466. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical Cognitive Motor Dissociation: A Case Report Showing How Pitfalls Can Hinder Early Clinical Detection of Awareness.
Jöhr J., Aureli V., Meyer I., Cossu G., Diserens K., 2022/01/25. Brain sciences, 12 (2) p. 157. Peer-reviewed.
Disentangling the percepts of illusory movement and sensory stimulation during tendon vibration in the EEG.
Schneider C., Marquis R., Jöhr J., Lopes da Silva M., Ryvlin P., Serino A., De Lucia M., Diserens K., 2021/11/01. NeuroImage, 241 p. 118431. Peer-reviewed.
European Academy of Neurology and European Federation of Neurorehabilitation Societies guideline on pharmacological support in early motor rehabilitation after acute ischaemic stroke.
Beghi E., Binder H., Birle C., Bornstein N., Diserens K., Groppa S., Homberg V., Lisnic V., Pugliatti M., Randall G. et al., 2021/09. European journal of neurology, 28 (9) pp. 2831-2845. Peer-reviewed.
Dataset for disentangling the percepts of illusory movement and sensory stimulation during tendon vibration in the EEG
Schneider Christoph, Marquis Renaud, Johr Jane, Da Silva Lopes Marina, Ryvlin Philippe, Serino Andrea, De Lucia Marzia, Diserens Karin, 2021/05/05..
Neurorééducation en phases aiguë et postaiguë : qu’avons-nous appris de la première vague de Covid-19 ? [Neurorehabilitation in the acute and post-acute phase: what did we learn from the first wave of COVID-19?]
Diserens K., Carda S., Epiney J.B., Meyer I., Jöhr J., 2021/04/28. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (736) pp. 835-840. Peer-reviewed.
Case Report: Behavioral Unresponsiveness in Acute COVID-19 Patients: The Utility of the Motor Behavior Tool-Revised and <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT.
Vijiala S., Epiney J.B., Jöhr J., Pincherle A., Meyer M.M., Du Pasquier R., Prior J.O., Diserens K., 2021. Frontiers in neurology, 12 p. 644848. Peer-reviewed.
Early discrimination of cognitive motor dissociation from disorders of consciousness: pitfalls and clues.
Pincherle A., Rossi F., Jöhr J., Dunet V., Ryvlin P., Oddo M., Schiff N., Diserens K., 2021/01. Journal of neurology, 268 (1) pp. 178-188. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: New Advances in Diagnostic Tools and Rehabilitation of Disorders of Consciousness in the Acute Phase.
Pincherle A., Rosanova M., Diserens K., 2021. Frontiers in neurology, 12 p. 770791. Peer-reviewed.
Movement-Related Cortical Potentials in Embodied Virtual Mirror Visual Feedback.
Garipelli G., Rossy T., Perez-Marcos D., Jöhr J., Diserens K., 2021. Frontiers in neurology, 12 p. 646886. Peer-reviewed.
Neurorééducation en phases aiguë et postaiguë : qu’avons-nous appris de la première vague de Covid-19 ? [Neurorehabilitation in the acute and post-acute phase: what did we learn from the first wave of COVID-19?]
Diserens Karin, Carda Stefano, Epiney Jean-Benoît, Meyer Ivo, Jöhr Jane, 2021. Revue Médicale Suisse, 17 (736) pp. 835-840. Peer-reviewed.
Disability through COVID-19 pandemic: neurorehabilitation cannot wait.
Leocani L., Diserens K., Moccia M., Caltagirone C., Neurorehabilitation Scientific Panel of the European Academy of Neurology-EAN, 2020/09. European journal of neurology, 27 (9) pp. e50-e51. Peer-reviewed.
Comment faciliter la réinsertion socioprofessionnelle du patient neurolésé ? Outils pour le praticien [How to improve social and professional reinsertion of patients with neurodiabilities ? Practical indications for the general practitioner]
Perret N., González-Morón D., Queijo H., Honorez-Erard I., Attwell C., Ryvlin P., Bovay G., Dorthe D., Newman C.J., Diserens K., 2020/05/06. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (692) pp. 911-914. Peer-reviewed.
Neurorééducation : quelques outils pour le médecin traitant.
Diserens K., Schnider A., 2020/05/06. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (692) p. 883. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge de la spasticité : une évaluation interprofessionnelle [Spasticity management: an interprofessional evaluation]
Carda S., Vuadens P., Van Den Keybus K., Diserens K., 2020/05/06. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (692) pp. 904-906. Peer-reviewed.
Syndrome douloureux régional complexe : rôle du système nerveux central et implications pour la prise en charge [Brain function in complex regional pain syndrome : implications for pain management]
Diserens K., Vuadens P., Ghika J., 2020/05/06. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (692) pp. 885-889. Peer-reviewed.
European Academy of Neurology guideline on the diagnosis of coma and other disorders of consciousness.
Kondziella D., Bender A., Diserens K., van Erp W., Estraneo A., Formisano R., Laureys S., Naccache L., Ozturk S., Rohaut B. et al., 2020/05. European journal of neurology, 27 (5) pp. 741-756. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology 2019]
Perrenoud M., Pantazou V., Michel P., Hirt L., Ryvlin P., Theaudin M., Rouaud O., Benninger D., Novy J., Rossetti A.O. et al., 2020/01/15. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (676-7) pp. 68-71. Peer-reviewed.
Intensive Care Admission and Early Neuro-Rehabilitation. Lessons for COVID-19?
Pincherle A., Jöhr J., Pancini L., Leocani L., Dalla Vecchia L., Ryvlin P., Schiff N.D., Diserens K., 2020. Frontiers in neurology, 11 p. 880. Peer-reviewed.
Recovery in cognitive motor dissociation after severe brain injury: A cohort study.
Jöhr J., Halimi F., Pasquier J., Pincherle A., Schiff N., Diserens K., 2020. PloS one, 15 (2) pp. e0228474. Peer-reviewed.
Predictive Factors of Swallowing Disorders and Bronchopneumonia in Acute Ischemic Stroke.
Beharry A., Michel P., Faouzi M., Kuntzer T., Schweizer V., Diserens K., 2019/08. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, 28 (8) pp. 2148-2154. Peer-reviewed.
Motor behavior unmasks residual cognition in disorders of consciousness.
Pincherle A., Jöhr J., Chatelle C., Pignat J.M., Du Pasquier R., Ryvlin P., Oddo M., Diserens K., 2019/03. Annals of neurology, 85 (3) pp. 443-447. Peer-reviewed.
Families' Needs of Patients With Acquired Brain Injury: Acute Phase and Rehabilitation.
de Goumoëns V., Didier A., Mabire C., Shaha M., Diserens K., 2019. Rehabilitation nursing, 44 (6) pp. 319-327. Peer-reviewed.
Neurosensory stimulation outdoors enhances cognition recovery in cognitive motor dissociation: A prospective crossover study.
Attwell C., Jöhr J., Pincherle A., Pignat J.M., Kaufmann N., Knebel J.F., Berney L., Ryvlin P., Diserens K., 2019. NeuroRehabilitation, 44 (4) pp. 545-554. Peer-reviewed.
Peri-personal space encoding in patients with disorders of consciousness and cognitive-motor dissociation.
Noel J.P., Chatelle C., Perdikis S., Jöhr J., Ryvlin P., De Lucia M., Millán JDR, Diserens K., Serino A., 2019. NeuroImage. Clinical, 24 p. 101940. Peer-reviewed.
Processus d’implantation d’une échelle d’évaluation de la douleur pour les patients cérébrolésés : description d’un projet de changement de pratique clinique basé sur le Modèle Intégré de la Consultation [Process for implementing a pain assessment scale for patients with brain injuries: description of a project methodology based on the Integrated Model of Consultation].
de Goumoens V., Decaillet F., Didier A., Montreuil C., Diserens K., Ramelet A.S., 2017/03. Recherche en soins infirmiers 128 pp. 79-91. Peer-reviewed.
Sympathetic activity and early mobilization in patients in intensive and intermediate care with severe brain injuries: a preliminary prospective randomized study.
Rocca A., Pignat J.M., Berney L., Jöhr J., Van de Ville D., Daniel R.T., Levivier M., Hirt L., Luft A.R., Grouzmann E. et al., 2016/09/13. BMC neurology, 16 p. 169. Peer-reviewed.
Sinking flap syndrome with abdominal pain: an atypical presentation.
Beuchat I., Michel P., Maeder P., Diserens K., 2016/09/06. BMJ case reports, 2016 p. 215946. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome Prediction of Consciousness Disorders in the Acute Stage Based on a Complementary Motor Behavioural Tool.
Pignat J.M., Mauron E., Jöhr J., Gilart de Keranflec'h C., Van De Ville D., Preti M.G., Meskaldji D.E., Hömberg V., Laureys S., Draganski B. et al., 2016. PloS one, 11 (6) pp. e0156882. Peer-reviewed.
Neurobehavioural evaluation of disorders of consciousness
Jöhr Jane, 2015/07/22. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 166 (05) pp. 163-169.
Bilateral ptosis: Lesion in the oculomotor nuclei or supranuclear lesion?
Dimitriou J., Montoute T., Levivier M., Borruat F.X., Diserens K., 2015. Neurorehabilitation, 36 (3) pp. 323-327. Peer-reviewed.
From disorders of consciousness to early neurorehabilitation using assistive technologies in patients with severe brain damage.
Pignat J.M., Jöhr J., Diserens K., 2015. Current Opinion in Neurology, 28 (6) pp. 587-594. Peer-reviewed.
Reliability of maximal grip strength measurements and grip strength recovery following a stroke.
Bertrand A.M., Fournier K., Wick Brasey M.G., Kaiser M.L., Frischknecht R., Diserens K., 2015. Journal of Hand Therapy : Official Journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists, 28 (4) pp. 356-62; quiz 363. Peer-reviewed.
Acute neurorehabilitation: does a neurosensory and coordinated interdisciplinary programme reduce tracheostomy weaning time and weaning failure?
Berney L., Wasserfallen J.B., Grant K., Levivier M., Simon C., Faouzi M., Paillex R., Schweizer V., Diserens K., 2014. Neurorehabilitation, 34 (4) pp. 809-817. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic dyspraxia by disrupted fiber connections of the posterior corpus callosum after distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysm rupture.
Cossu G., Messerer M., Daniel R.T., Diserens K., 2014. Acta Neurochirurgica, 156 (7) pp. 1327-1328. Peer-reviewed.
Déglutition et états de conscience altérée [Swallowing in disorders of consciousness.]
Bicego A., Lejoly K., Maudoux A., Lefebvre P., Laureys S., Schweizer V., Diserens K., Faymonville M.E., Vanhaudenhuyse A., 2014. Revue Neurologique, 170 (10) pp. 630-641.
Kernohan's notch and misdiagnosis of disorders of consciousness.
Simonin A., Levivier M., Nistor S., Diserens K., 2014. Bmj Case Reports, 02 pp. -.
Rééducation précoce pour maximiser les chances de récupération [Early rehabilitation to maximize the chances of recovery].
Décaillet F., Gilart de Keranflec'h C., Diserens K., 2014. Krankenpflege. Soins Infirmiers, 107 (5) pp. 70-73.
Challenge of transition in the socio-professional insertion of youngsters with neurodisabilities.
Baumann P., Newman C.J., Diserens K., 2013. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 16 (4) pp. 271-276. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of pro-cholinergic treatment in patients suffering from spatial neglect.
Lucas N., Saj A., Schwartz S., Ptak R., Schnider A., Thomas C., Conne P., Leroy R., Pavin S., Diserens K. et al., 2013. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7 (574) pp. 1-15.
Gambling against neglect: unconscious spatial biases induced by reward reinforcement in healthy people and brain-damaged patients.
Lucas N., Schwartz S., Leroy R., Pavin S., Diserens K., Vuilleumier P., 2013. Cortex, 49 (10) pp. 2616-2627. Peer-reviewed.
Early mobilization out of bed after ischaemic stroke reduces severe complications but not cerebral blood flow: a randomized controlled pilot trial.
Diserens Karin, Moreira Tiago, Hirt Lorenz, Faouzi Mohamed, Grujic Jelena, Bieler Gilles, Vuadens Philippe, Michel Patrik, 2012. Clinical Rehabilitation, 26 (5) pp. 451-459. Peer-reviewed.
Psychogenic tetraparesis and bilateral upper limb dystonia, regressive under short propofol-induced sedation and during hepatic encephalopathy.
Medlin F., Aybek S., Berney A., Guedj E., Delaloye A.B., Prior J.O., Diserens K., 2012. Psychosomatics, 53 (5) pp. 485-488. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of long-term climbing training on cerebellar ataxia: a case series.
Stephan M.A., Marianne Anke S., Krattinger S., Sylvie K., Pasquier J., Jérôme P., Bashir S., Shahid B., Fournier T., Thomas F. et al., 2011. Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 2011 p. 525879.
La neurorééducation: pour qui? Avec quel objectif [Neurorehabilitation: for whom? With what objectives?].
Diserens K., Vingerhoets F.J.G., Frackowiak R.S., Burkhard P.R., Pollak P., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (293) p. 939.
Neurorééducation précoce au Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois: du rêve à la réalité [Early neurorehabilitation in an acute university hospital: from dream to reality].
Berney L., Wasserfallen J.B., Schweizer V., Michel P., Oddo M., Jolliet P., Bloch J., Levivier M., Frackowiak R., Diserens K., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (293) pp. 952-956.
Effect of repetitive arm cycling following botulinum toxin injection for poststroke spasticity: evidence from FMRI.
Diserens K., Ruegg D., Kleiser R., Hyde S., Perret N., Vuadens P., Fornari E., Vingerhoets F., Seitz R.J., 2010. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24 (8) pp. 753-762.
Dokumentation des Zielsetzungsprozesses als ergebnisrelevanter Qualitätsindikator in der neurologischen Rehabilitation.
Diserens K, Baronti F, Beer S, Bischoff P, Combremont P, Conti F, Dommen I, Ettlin T, Eugster T., Felder M. et al., 2008. Bulletin des médecins suisses, 89 pp. 1021-1024.
The effect of repetitive arm cycling on post stroke spasticity and motor control: repetitive arm cycling and spasticity
Diserens K., Perret N., Chatelain S., Bashir S., Ruegg D., Vuadens P., Vingerhoets F., 2007/02. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 253 (1-2) pp. 18-24.
An efficient P300-based brain-computer interface for disabled subjects
Hoffmann U., Vesin J. M., Ebrahimi T., Diserens K., 2007. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 167 (1) pp. 115-125. Peer-reviewed.
Neuréhabilitation après un accident vasculaire cérébral
Beer S., Clarke S., Diserens K., Engelter S., Müri R., Schnider A., Urscheler N., 2007. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 7 (12) pp. 294-297.
Toxine botulinique de Type A: recommandations pour le traitement de spasticité
Baumberger M., Diserens K., Kaelin A., Kätterer C., Müri R., Schweikert K., Tobon A., Vuadens P., Zutter D., 2007. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 7 (22) pp. 483-484.
Acute autonomic dysfunction contralateral to acute strokes: a prospective study of 100 consecutive cases.
Diserens K., Vuadens P., Michel P., Reichhart M., Herrmann F.R., Arnold P., Bogousslavsky J., Ghika J., 2006. European Journal of Neurology, 13 (11) pp. 1245-1250. Peer-reviewed.
Early mobilisation after stroke: Review of the literature.
Diserens K., Michel P., Bogousslavsky J., 2006. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 22 (2-3) pp. 183-190. Peer-reviewed.
Cognition-enhancing effects of donepezil in traumatic brain injury.
Khateb A., Ammann J., Annoni J.M., Diserens K., 2005. European Neurology, 54 (1) pp. 39-45. Peer-reviewed.
Is early rehabilitation useful
Diserens K., Rothacher G., 2005. 189-208.
Acute autonomic dysfunction (AD) contralateral to stroke: A prospective study of 100 consecutive cases
Diserens K, Vuadens P, Reichhart M, Michel P, Herrmann F, Bogousslavsky J, Ghika J, 2004. pp. A141-A142 dans 56th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Neurology.
Supplement "Leistungen der Rehabilitation" zum Handbuch zur Standardisierung der medizinischen und wirtschaftlichen Bewertung medizinischer Leistungen
Schwenglenks M., Diserens K., Frischknecht R., Knuesel O., Muehlheim M., Schneider W., Gross J., Arbeitsgruppe Rehabilitationsleistungen der Eidgenössischen Leistungskommission. , 2003. 18 S., Bundesamt für Sozialversicherung.
Système pour la Promotion et l 'Evaluation de la Qualité dans les établissements de réadaptation - SPEQ Réadaptation
Brunet J. F., Bula C., Diserens K., Favez P., Frischknecht R., Haizmann J. J., Michaud C., Pauchard F., Pochon J. D., 2001., Agence pour la Promotion et l'Evaluation de la Qualité dans les institutions sanitaires (APEQ).
System für die Promotion und die Evaluation der Qualität in der stationären Rehabilitation : SPEQ Rehabilitation
Brunet J.F., Bula C., Diserens K., Favez P., Frischknecht R., Haizmann J.J., Michaud C., Pauchard F., Pochon J.D., 2000., Agence pour la Promotion et l'Evaluation de la Qualité dans les institutions sanitaires (APEQ).
Système pour la Promotion et l'Evaluation de la Qualité dans les établissements de réadaptation : SPEQ Réadaptation
Brunet J.F., Bula C., Diserens K., Favez P., Frischknecht R., Haizmann J.J., Michaud C., Pauchard F., Pochon J.D., 2000., Agence pour la promotion et l'évaluation de la qualité dans les institutions sanitaires (APEQ).
Soins infirmiers en neuro-rehabilitation. Un pilier therapeutique. therapeutique. [Nursing care in neuro-rehabilitation: a therapeutic stronghold]
Benedetti S., Diserens K., 1998/05. Krankenpflege (Soins Infirmiers), 91 (5) p. 75.
Corticosteroid-responsive postmalaria encephalopathy characterized by motor aphasia, myoclonus, and postural tremor
Schnorf H., Diserens K., Schnyder H., Chofflon M., Loutan L., Chaves V., Landis T., 1998/03. Archives of Neurology, 55 (3) pp. 417-20.
Manifestations osteoarticulaires de la brucellose. A propose de deux cas de sacro-iliite brucellienne. [Osteoarticular manifestations of brucellosis. Apropos of 2 cases of brucellosis-induced sacroiliitis]
Buchard P. A., Diserens K., Saudan Y., 1992/08. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 112 (8) pp. 703-7.
Opercular cheiro-oral syndrome.
Bogousslavsky J., Diserens K., Regli F., Despland P.A., 1991. Archives of Neurology, 48 (6) pp. 658-661.
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