Stéphanie Stolz

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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14 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 | 2013 | 2009 | 2007 | 2003 | 2000 |
Wound-response jasmonate dynamics in the primary vasculature.
Morin H., Chételat A., Stolz S., Marcourt L., Glauser G., Wolfender J.L., Farmer E.E., 2023/11. The New phytologist, 240 (4) pp. 1484-1496. Peer-reviewed.
Ricca's factors as mobile proteinaceous effectors of electrical signaling.
Gao Y.Q., Jimenez-Sandoval P., Tiwari S., Stolz S., Wang J., Glauser G., Santiago J., Farmer E.E., 2023/03/30. Cell, 186 (7) pp. 1337-1351.e20. Peer-reviewed.
The carboxy-terminal tail of GLR3.3 is essential for wound-response electrical signaling.
Wu Q., Stolz S., Kumari A., Farmer E.E., 2022/12. The New phytologist, 236 (6) pp. 2189-2201. Peer-reviewed.
ACA pumps maintain leaf excitability during herbivore onslaught.
Fotouhi N., Fischer-Stettler M., Lenzoni G., Stolz S., Glauser G., Zeeman S.C., Farmer E.E., 2022/06/06. Current biology, 32 (11) pp. 2517-2528.e6. Peer-reviewed.
Jasmonate Precursor Biosynthetic Enzymes LOX3 and LOX4 Control Wound-Response Growth Restriction.
Yang T.H., Lenglet-Hilfiker A., Stolz S., Glauser G., Farmer E.E., 2020/10. Plant physiology, 184 (2) pp. 1172-1180. Peer-reviewed.
Insect-damaged Arabidopsis moves like wounded Mimosa pudica.
Kurenda A., Nguyen C.T., Chételat A., Stolz S., Farmer E.E., 2019/12/17. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (51) pp. 26066-26071. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of cell populations necessary for leaf-to-leaf electrical signaling in a wounded plant.
Nguyen C.T., Kurenda A., Stolz S., Chételat A., Farmer E.E., 2018/10/02. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (40) pp. 10178-10183. Peer-reviewed.
Axial and Radial Oxylipin Transport.
Gasperini D., Chauvin A., Acosta I.F., Kurenda A., Stolz S., Chételat A., Wolfender J.L., Farmer E.E., 2015/11. Plant physiology, 169 (3) pp. 2244-2254. Peer-reviewed.
Role of NINJA in root jasmonate signaling.
Acosta I.F., Gasperini D., Chételat A., Stolz S., Santuari L., Farmer E.E., 2013. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (38) pp. 15473-15478.
Nonenzymatic oxidation of trienoic fatty acids contributes to reactive oxygen species management in Arabidopsis.
Mène-Saffrané L., Dubugnon L., Chételat A., Stolz S., Gouhier-Darimont C., Farmer E.E., 2009. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (3) pp. 1702-1708. Peer-reviewed.
A downstream mediator in the growth repression limb of the jasmonate pathway.
Yan Y., Stolz S., Chételat A., Reymond P., Pagni M., Dubugnon L., Farmer E.E., 2007. Plant Cell, 19 (8) pp. 2470-2483.
Genetic removal of tri-unsaturated fatty acids suppresses developmental and molecular phenotypes of an Arabidopsis tocopherol-deficient mutant. Whole-body mapping of malondialdehyde pools in a complex eukaryote.
Mène-Saffrané L., Davoine C., Stolz S., Majcherczyk P., Farmer E.E., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (49) pp. 35749-35756.
Reactive electrophile species activate defense gene expression in Arabidopsis.
Alméras E., Stolz S., Vollenweider S., Reymond P., Mène-Saffrané L., Farmer E.E., 2003. Plant Journal, 34 (2) pp. 205-216.
Fatty acid ketodienes and fatty acid ketotrienes: Michael addition acceptors that accumulate in wounded and diseased Arabidopsis leaves.
Vollenweider S., Weber H., Stolz S., Chételat A., Farmer E.E., 2000/11. The Plant journal, 24 (4) pp. 467-476. Peer-reviewed.
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