Christophe Champod

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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165 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 |
Use of automated quality assessment algorithms in fingermark detection research – Application to IND/Zn vs DFO
Bonnaz Bérénice, Champod Christophe, Bécue Andy, 2024/07. Forensic Science International, 360 p. 112069. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary on: Hahn M, Anslinger K, Eckert M, Fimmers R, Grethe S, Hohoff C, et al. [Joint recommendations of the project group "Biostatistical DNA Calculations" and the Trace Commission on the Biostatistical Evaluation of Forensic DNA Analytical Findings with Fully Continuous Models (FCM)]. Rechtsmedizin (Berl). 2023; 33(1):3-12. doi: 10.1007/s00194-022-00599-5.
Berger CEH, Kruijver M., Hicks T., Champod C., Taylor D., Buckleton J., 2024/03. Journal of forensic sciences, 69 (2) pp. 730-735. Peer-reviewed.
Striated toolmarks comparison and reporting methods: review and perspectives
Patteet Jean-Alexandre, Champod Christophe, 2024/03. Forensic Science International p. 111997.
A practical treatment of sensitivity analyses in activity level evaluations
Taylor Duncan, Kokshoorn Bas, Champod Christophe, 2024/01. Forensic Science International p. 111944.
Interpol review of fingermarks and other body impressions (2019 – 2022)
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, 2023. Forensic Science International: Synergy, 6 p. 100304.
Overview and Meaning of Identification/Individualization
Champod Christophe, Biedermann Alex, 2023. pp. 53-62 dans Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Third Edition, Elsevier.
Fingermarks and Other Body Impressions – A review (July 2019 – June 2022)
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, 2022/11/08. dans 20th International Forensic Science Manager Symposium, 08-10 November 2022, Lyons (France).
Le rôle des forensiciens et des forensiciennes dans la prévention des erreurs judiciaires - Quelques enseignements issus de l'affaire Knox/Sollecito
Taroni Franco, Champod Christophe, 2022/06/10. pp. 659-677 dans Cimes et Châtiments. Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Laurent Moreillon, Stämpfli Editions.
Use of Bayesian Networks for the investigation of the nature of biological material in casework.
Samie L., Champod C., Delémont S., Basset P., Hicks T., Castella V., 2022/02. Forensic science international, 331 p. 111174. Peer-reviewed.
Machine learning algorithms in forensic science: A response to Morrison et al. (2022)
Swofford H., Champod C., 2022. Forensic Science International: Synergy, 5 p. 100277.
Probabilistic reporting and algorithms in forensic science: Stakeholder perspectives within the American criminal justice system
Swofford H., Champod C., 2022. Forensic Science International: Synergy, 4 p. 100220.
Using the likelihood ratio in bloodstain pattern analysis
Attinger Daniel, De Brabanter Kris, Champod Christophe, 2021/10/29. Journal of Forensic Sciences.
Proactive forensic science in biometrics: Novel materials for fingerprint spoofing
Saguy Michel, Almog Joseph, Cohn Daniel, Champod Christophe, 2021/10/07. Journal of Forensic Sciences.
The importance of considering common sources of unknown DNA when evaluating findings given activity level propositions
Taylor Duncan, Volgin Luke, Kokshoorn Bas, Champod Christophe, 2021/07. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 53 p. 102518.
A method for measuring the quality of friction skin impression evidence: Method development and validation
Swofford H., Champod C., Koertner A., Eldridge H., Salyards M., 2021/03. Forensic Science International, 320 p. 110703.
Predicting suitability of finger marks using machine learning techniques and examiner annotations
Eldridge Heidi, De Donno Marco, Champod Christophe, 2021/03. Forensic Science International, 320 p. 110712.
Implementation of algorithms in pattern & impression evidence: A responsible and practical roadmap
Swofford H., Champod C., 2021. Forensic Science International: Synergy, 3 p. 100142.
Mind-set – How bias leads to errors in friction ridge comparisons
Eldridge Heidi, De Donno Marco, Champod Christophe, 2021/01. Forensic Science International, 318 p. 110545.
Testing the accuracy and reliability of palmar friction ridge comparisons – A black box study
Eldridge Heidi, De Donno Marco, Champod Christophe, 2021/01. Forensic Science International, 318 p. 110457.
The use of statistics in legal proceedings: primer for courts
Nic Daéid Niamh, Biedermann Alex, Champod Christophe, Hutton Jane, Jackson Graham, Kitchin David, Neocleous Tereza, Spiegelhalter David, Willis Sheila, Wilson Amy, 2020/11/01. 72, The Royal Society and The Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Examining and expanding the friction ridge value decision.
Eldridge H., DeDonno M., Furrer J., Champod C., 2020/09. Forensic science international, 314 p. 110408. Peer-reviewed.
The use of Bayesian Networks and simulation methods to identify the variables impacting the value of evidence assessed under activity level propositions in stabbing cases.
Samie L., Champod C., Taylor D., Taroni F., 2020/09. Forensic science international. Genetics, 48 p. 102334. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison and interpretation of impressed marks left by a firearm on cartridge cases - Towards an operational implementation of a likelihood ratio based technique.
Riva F., Mattijssen E., Hermsen R., Pieper P., Kerkhoff W., Champod C., 2020/08. Forensic science international, 313 p. 110363. Peer-reviewed.
Occurrence and associative value of non-identifiable fingermarks
Stoney David A., De Donno Marco, Champod Christophe, Wertheim Pat A., Stoney Paul L., 2020/04. Forensic Science International, 309 p. 110219.
Estimating the quantity of transferred DNA in primary and secondary transfers.
Samie L., Taroni F., Champod C., 2020/03. Science & justice, 60 (2) pp. 128-135. Peer-reviewed.
Interpol review of fingermarks and other body impressions 2016–2019
Bécue Andy, Eldridge Heidi, Champod Christophe, 2020/03. Forensic Science International: Synergy.
Automated face recognition in forensic science: Review and perspectives
Jacquet Maëlig, Champod Christophe, 2020/02. Forensic Science International, 307 p. 110124.
Problematic reporting in DNA cases: the need for accredited formats and certified reporting competence
Hicks Tacha, Biedermann Alex, Taroni Franco, Champod Christophe, 2019/12. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 7 (1) pp. 205-207. Peer-reviewed.
Using Bayesian networks to track DNA movement through complex transfer scenarios.
Taylor D., Samie L., Champod C., 2019/09. Forensic science international. Genetics, 42 pp. 69-80. Peer-reviewed.
The efficiency of DNA extraction kit and the efficiency of recovery techniques to release DNA using flow cytometry.
Samie L., Champod C., Glutz V., Garcia M., Castella V., Taroni F., 2019/07. Science & justice, 59 (4) pp. 405-410. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence Interpretation
Champod Christophe, 2018/10. p. 138 dans Black Sue, Nic Daeid Niamh (eds.) 30-Second Forensic Science, The Ivy Press.
Footwear Marks
Champod Christophe, 2018/10. p. 80 dans Black Sue, Nic Daeid Niamh (eds.) 30-Second Forensic Science, The Ivy Press .
A response to “Likelihood ratio as weight of evidence: A closer look” by Lund and Iyer
Gittelson Simone, Berger Charles E.H., Jackson Graham, Evett Ian W., Champod Christophe, Robertson Bernard, Curran James M., Taylor Duncan, Weir Bruce S., Coble Michael D. et al., 2018/05/22. Forensic Science International, 288 pp. e15-e19. Peer-reviewed.
A template for constructing Bayesian networks in forensic biology cases when considering activity level propositions
Taylor Duncan, Biedermann Alex, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2018/03. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 33 pp. 136-146. Peer-reviewed.
A probabilistic approach to the evaluation of fibre evidence
Champod C., Taroni F., 2018. pp. 395-425 dans Robertson J, Roux C, Wiggins K. G. (eds.) Forensic examination of fibres, CRC Press.
Assessment of signature handwriting evidence via score-based likelihood ratio based on comparative measurement of relevant dynamic features
Chen Xiao-hong, Champod Christophe, Yang Xu, Shi Shao-pei, Luo Yi-wen, Wang Nan, Wang Ya-chen, Lu Qi-meng, 2018/01. Forensic Science International, 282 pp. 101-110. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic science and wrongful convictions
Vuille Joëlle, Champod Christophe, 2017/12/08. pp. 125-135 dans Rossy Quentin, Décary-Hétu David, Delémont Olivier, Mulone Massimiliano (eds.) International Handbook of Forensic Criminology, Routledge.
Finding the way forward for forensic science in the US—A commentary on the PCAST report
Evett I.W., Berger C.E.H., Buckleton J.S., Champod C., Jackson G., 2017/09. Forensic Science International, 278 pp. 16-23. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to Morrison et al. (2016) Refining the relevant population in forensic voice comparison – A response to Hicks et alii (2015) The importance of distinguishing information from evidence/observations when formulating propositions
Hicks T., Biedermann A., de Koeijer J.A., Taroni F., Champod C., Evett I.W., 2017/09. Science & Justice, 57 (5) pp. 401-402. Peer-reviewed.
Helping to distinguish primary from secondary transfer events for trace DNA.
Taylor D., Biedermann A., Samie L., Pun K.M., Hicks T., Champod C., 2017/05. Forensic science international. Genetics, 28 pp. 155-177. Peer-reviewed.
Cartridge Case and Bullet Comparison : Examples of Evaluative Reporting
Kerkhoff W., Stoel R., Mattijssen E., Hermsen R., Hertzman P., Hazard D. Durdica, Gallidabino Matteo, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2017. AFTE Journal, 49 (2) pp. 111-121. Peer-reviewed.
Cartridge case and bullet comparison: Examples of evaluative reporting
Kerkhoff W, Stoel R, Mattijssen E, Hermsen P, Hazard D, Gallibadino M, Hicks T, Champod C, 2017. AFTE Journal, 42 (2) pp. 111-121. Peer-reviewed.
Development of European standards for evaluative reporting in forensic science : The gap between intentions and perceptions
Biedermann Alex, Champod Christophe, Willis Sheila, 2017. The International Journal of Evicence and Proof, 21 (1-2) pp. 14-29. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution des techniques de reconnaissance des visages à des fins policières (19e-21e siècles)
Dessimoz Damien, Champod Christophe, 2017. pp. 327-348 dans Guido Laurent, Hennard Duteil de la Rochère Martine, Maire Brigitte, Panese Francesco, Roelens Nathalie (eds.) Visages : Histoires, représentations, créations chap. Caractères, Bibliothèque d'Histoire de la Médecine et de la Santé.
Les nouvelles lignes directrices du European Network of Forensic Sciences Institut en matière d’évaluation et de communication des résultats d’analyses et d’expertises scientifiques
Moreillon L., Vuille J., Biedermann A., Champod C., 2017. Forumpoenale, 2 pp. 105-110. Peer-reviewed.
Objective evaluation of subclass characteristics on breech face marks
Riva F., Hermsen R., Mattijssen E., Pieper P., Champod C., 2017. Journal of forensic sciences, 62 (2) pp. 417-422. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of Forensic DNA Traces When Propositions of Interest Relate to Activities : Analysis and Discussion of Recurrent Concerns
Biedermann A., Champod C., Jackson G., Gill P., Duncan T., Butler J., Morling N., Hicks T., Vuille J., Taroni F., 2016/12/12. frontiers in Genetics, 7 (Article 215) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermarks and Other Impressions, 2013-2016
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, 2016/11/11., 18th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (11-13 October 2016) pp. 617-696 dans Review papers. Peer-reviewed, Max M. Houck.
Discussion on how to implement a verbal scale in a forensic laboratory: benefits, pitfalls and suggestions to avoid misunderstandings
Marquis R., Biedermann A., Cadola L., Champod C., Gueissaz L., Massonnet G., Mazzella W., Taroni F., Hicks T., 2016/10. Science & Justice, 56 (5) pp. 364-370. Peer-reviewed.
Using sensitivity analyses in Bayesian Networks to highlight the impact of data paucity and direct future analyses: a contribution to the debate on measuring and reporting the precision of likelihood ratios
Taylor Duncan, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2016/09. Science & Justice, 56 (5) pp. 402-410. Peer-reviewed.
Altered fingerprint detection – algorithm performance evaluation
Haraksim Rudolf, Anthonioz Alexandre, Champod Christophe, Olsen Martin, Ellingsgaard John, Christophe Busch, 2016/03. dans 2016 4th International Conference on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
ENFSI Guideline for evaluative reporting in forensic science: a primer for legal practitioners
Champod C., Biedermann A., Vuille J., Willis S., De Kinder J., 2016/03. Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 180 (10) pp. 189-193. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating forensic biology results given source level propositions
Taylor Duncan, Abarno Damien, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2016/03. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 21 pp. 54-67. Peer-reviewed.
Functionalised silicon oxide nanoparticles for fingermark detection
Moret Sébastien, Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, 2016/02. Forensic Science International, 259 pp. 10-18. Peer-reviewed.
Fingerprint identification: advances since the 2009 National Research Council report
Champod C., 2015/06. Philosophical Transactions B, 370 (1674) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
The need for reporting standards in forensic science
Biedermann A., Vuille J., Taroni F., Champod C., 2015/06. Law, Probability & Risk, 14 (2) pp. 169-173. Peer-reviewed.
Des sciences sourdes et une justice aveugle
Champod C., Vuille J., 2015/03. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVIII (1) pp. 67-88. Peer-reviewed.
Quantifying the weight of fingerprint evidence through the spatial relationship, directions and types of minutiae observed on fingermarks
Neumann C., Champod C., Yoo M., Genessay T., Langenburg G., 2015/03. Forensic Science International, 248 pp. 154-171. Peer-reviewed.
Rodolphe Archibald Reiss, un criminaliste-criminologue au milieu de la guerre
Montani I., Sapin E., Champod C., 2015. pp. 245-275 dans Vuillemier C. (eds.) La Suisse et la guerre de 1914-1918, Slatkine.
Study on Accuracy of Judgments by Chinese Fingerprint Examiners
Shiquan L., Champod C., Wu J., Luo Y., 2015/01. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 1 (1) pp. 33-37. Peer-reviewed.
The importance of distinguishing information from evidence/observations when formulating propositions
Hicks T., Biedermann A., de Koeijer J. A., Taroni F., Champod C., Evett I. W., 2015. Science & Justince, 55 (6) pp. 520-525. Peer-reviewed.
Nanoparticles for fingermark detection: an insight into the reaction mechanism
Moret S., Bécue A., Champod C., 2014/10. Nanotechnology, 25 (42) pp. 425502 (10 pp.). Peer-reviewed.
On the use of the likelihood ratio for forensic evaluation: response to Fenton et al.
Biedermann A., Hicks T., Taroni F., Champod C., Aitken C., 2014/07. Science & Justice, 54 (4) pp. 316-318. Peer-reviewed.
Supporting interdisciplinary case studies: development and implementation of a joint learning environment for students in forensic science and criminal law
Biedermann A., Voisard R., Scoundrianos A., Furrer J., Taroni F., Champod C., 2014/07. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 46 (3) pp. 317-329. Peer-reviewed.
Automatic Comparison and Evaluation of Impressions Left by a Firearm on Fired Cartridge Cases
Riva F., Champod C., 2014/05. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59 (3) pp. 637-647. Peer-reviewed.
Improving the Understanding and the Reliability of the Concept of "Sufficiency" in Friction Ridge Examination
Neumann C., Champod C., Yoo M., Genessay T., Langenburg G., 2014/03. NIJ Publication Update pp. 1-97. Peer-reviewed.
Research focused mainly on bias will paralyse forensic science
Champod C., 2014/03. Science & Justice, 54 pp. 107-109. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence evaluation in fingerprint comparison and automated fingerprint identification systems: modeling between finger variability
Egli Anthonioz N., Champod C., 2014/02. Forensic Science International, 235 pp. 86-101. Peer-reviewed.
Integration of Pore Features into the Evaluation of Fingerprint Evidence
Anthonioz A., Champod C., 2014/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59 (1) pp. 82-93. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermarks and other Impressions, Review 2010-2013
Egli Nicole, Moret Sébastien, Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, 2013/10/08., 17th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (08-10 October 2013) pp. 745-820 dans Review papers. Peer-reviewed, Niamh Nic Daéid.
Modern statistical models for forensic fingerprint examinations : a critical review
Abraham J., Champod C., Lennard C., Roux C., 2013/10. Forensic Science International, 232 (1-3) pp. 131-150. Peer-reviewed.
E-learning initiatives in forensic interpretation: report on experiences from current projects and outlook
Biedermann A., Hicks T., Voisard R., Taroni F., Champod C., Aitken C., Evett I., 2013/07. Forensic Science International, 230 (1-3) pp. 2-7. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial analysis of corresponding fingerprint features from match and close non-match populations
Abraham J., Champod C., Lennard C., Roux C., 2013/07. Forensic Science International, 230 (1-3) pp. 87-98. Peer-reviewed.
Friction Ridge Skin Impression Evidence - Standards of Proof
Champod C., 2013/04. pp. 111-116 dans Siegel J. A., Saukko P. J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Second Edition, Academic.
Overview and Meaning of Identification/Individualization
Champod C., 2013/04. pp. 303-309 dans Siegel J. A., Saukko P. J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Second Edition, Academic.
Cadmium-free quantum dots in aqueous solution: potential for fingermark detection, synthesis and an application to the detection of fingermarks in blood on non-porous surfaces
Moret S., Bécue A., Champod C., 2013/01. Forensic Science International, 224 (1-3) pp. 101-110. Peer-reviewed.
How to assign a likelihood ratio in a footwear mark case: an analysis and discussion in the light of R v T
Biedermann A., Taroni F., Champod C., 2012/12. Law, Probability and Risk, 11 (4) pp. 259-277.
Reply to Hamer: the R v T controversy: forensic evidence, law and logic
Biedermann A., Taroni F., Champod C., 2012/12. Law, Probability and Risk, 11 (4) pp. 361-362. Peer-reviewed.
An AFIS Candidate List Centric Fingerprint Likelihood Ratio Model based on Morphometric and Spatial Analyses (MSA)
Abraham J., Kwan P., Champod C., Lennard C., Roux C., 2012/11. pp. 221-250 dans Yang J., Xie S. J. (eds.) New Trends and Developments in Biometrics chap. 10, INTECH.
Merkel cells and the individuality of friction ridge skin
Kücken M., Champod C., 2012/10. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 317 pp. 229-237. Peer-reviewed.
The development of an automatic recognition system for earmark and earprint comparisons
Junod S., Pasquier J., Champod C., 2012/09. Forensic Science International, 222 (1-3) pp. 170-178. Peer-reviewed.
Informing the judgments of fingerprint analysts using quality metric and statistical assessment tools
Langenburg G., Champod C., Genessay T., 2012/06. Forensic Science International, 219 (1-3) pp. 183-198. Peer-reviewed.
"Pas vraiment, votre honneur...": vadémécum de la communication entre experts forensiques et magistrats
Champod C., Vuille J., 2012/01. pp. 227-242 dans Niggli M. A., Jendly M. (eds.) Système pénal et discours publics: entre justice câline et justice répressive, Stämpfli.
Using the Number of Pores on Fingerprint Images to Detect Spoofing Attacks
Espinoza M., Champod C., 2011/12. Proceedings of the IEEE. 2011 International Conference on Hand-Based Biometrics, Hong-Kong, China pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
Scientific Evidence in Europe : Admissibility, Evaluation and Equality of Arms
Champod C., Vuille J., 2011/11. International Commentary on Evidence, 9 (1) pp. 1-68. Peer-reviewed.
The GYRO System: a Recommended Approach to More Transparent Documentation
Langenburg G., Champod C., 2011/07. Journal of Forensic Identification, 61 (4) pp. 373-384. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive Issues in Fingerprint Analysis: Inter- and Intra-Expert Consistency and the Effect of a "Target" Comparison
Dror I., Champod C., Langenburg G., Charlton D., Hunt H., Rosenthal R., 2011/05. Forensic Science International pp. 10-17. Peer-reviewed.
Design of a Control Slide for Cyanoacrylate Polymerization : Application to the CA-Bluestar Sequence
Thiburce N., Bécue A., Champod C., Crispino F., 2011/05. Journal of Forensic Identification, 61 (3) pp. 232-249. Peer-reviewed.
Use of stains to detect fingermarks
Bécue A., Moret S., Champod C., Margot P., 2011/05. Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 86 (3) pp. 140-160. Peer-reviewed.
Expressing evaluative opinions: a position statement
Aitken C., Berger C., Buckelton J., Champod C., Curran J., Dawid A., Evett I., Gill P., Gonzalez-Rodriguez J., Jackson G. et al., 2011/03. Science and Justice, 51 (1-2) pp. 1-2. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of the Reproductibility of Third-Level Characteristics
Anthonioz A., Egli N., Champod C., Neumann C., Puch-Solis R., Bromage-Griffiths A., 2011/03. Journal of Forensic Identification, 61 (2) pp. 171-192. Peer-reviewed.
Initial Results on the Composition of Fingerprints and its Evolution as a Function of Time by GC/MS Analysis
Weyermann C., Roux C., Champod C., 2011/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 102-108. Peer-reviewed.
Risk Evaluation for Spoofing against a Sensor Supplied with Liveness Detection
Espinoza M., Champod C., 2011/01. Forensic Science International, 204 (1-3) pp. 162-168. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnerabilities of Fingerprint Reader to Fake Fingerprint Attacks
Espinoza M., Champod C., Margot P., 2011/01. Forensic Science International, 204 (1-3) pp. 41-49. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnerabilities of fingerprint reader to fake fingerprints attacks
Espinoza M., Champod C., Margot P., 2011/01. Forensic Science International, 204 (1-3) pp. 41-49. Peer-reviewed.
Development of Standardized Test Strips as a Process Control for the Detection of Latent Fingermarks using Physical Developers
Kupferschmid E., Schwarz L., Champod C., 2010/12. Journal of Forensic Identification, 60 (6) pp. 619-638. Peer-reviewed.
Statistische Bewertung von DNA-Datenbank-Treffern
Taroni F., Biedermann A., Coquoz R., Hicks T., Champod C., 2010/12. Rechtsmedizin, 21 pp. 55-57. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermarks and Other Impressions Left by the Human Body, Review 2007-2010
Bécue Andy, Egli Nicole, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2010/10/05., 16th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (05-08 October 2010) pp. 222-319 dans Review papers. Peer-reviewed, Niamh Nic Daéid.
Scientific evidence in Europe - Admissibility, appraisal and equality of arms; Comparative study on scientific evidence drawn up for the Bureau of the Council of Europe's European Committee on Crime Problems
Champod C., Vuille J., 2010/06., Council of Europe - European Committee on Crime Problems.
Fingermarks, Bitemarks and Other Impressions (Barefoot, Ears, Lips), Review 2004-2007
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2010/02/20. pp. 695-778 dans Interpol's Forensic Science Review, Niamh Nic Daéid, Max Houck .
Use of quantum dots in aqueous solution to detect blood fingermarks on non-porous surfaces.
Bécue A., Moret S., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/10. Forensic Science International, 191 (1-3) pp. 36-41. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence interpretation: a logical approach
Champod C., Evett I., 2009/05. pp. 968-76 dans Moenssens A. Jamieson A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, J. Wiley & Sons.
Friction ridge examination (fingerprints): interpretation of
Champod C., 2009/05. pp. 1277-82 dans Moenssens A. Jamieson A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, J. Wiley & Sons.
Identification and individualization
Champod C., 2009/05. pp. 1508-11 dans Moenssens A. Jamieson A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, J. Wiley & Sons.
Testing for potential contextual bias effects during the verification stage of the ACE-V methodology when conducting fingerprint comparisons
Langenburg G., Champod C., Wertheim P., 2009/05. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 54 (3) pp. 571-582. Peer-reviewed.
Champod C., Chamberlain P., 2009. pp. 57-83 dans Fraser J., Williams R. (eds.) Handbook of Forensic Science chap. 3, Willan Publ.
Human Fingerprint Imaging by Scanning Electro-Chemical Microscopy (Secm)
Cortés-Salazar F., Zhang M., Bécue A., Busnel J.-M., Prudent M., Champod C., Girault H., 2009. Chimia, 63 (9) p. 580. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of promising antigenic components in latent fingermark residues
Drapel V., Bécue A., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/01. Forensic Science International, 184 (1-3) pp. 47-53. Peer-reviewed.
Single-metal deposition: optimization of this fingermark enhancement technique
Durussel P., Stauffer E., Bécue A., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/01. Journal of Forensic Identification, 59 (1) pp. 80-96. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental design for acquiring relevant data to address the issue of comparing consecutively manufactured tools and firearms
Buckleton J., Triggs C., Taroni F., Champod C., Wevers G., 2008/12. Science & Justice, 48 (4) pp. 178-181. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermark detection based on the in situ growth of luminescent nanoparticles—Towards a new generation of multimetal deposition
Bécue Andy, Scoundrianos Aurèle, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2008/07. Forensic Science International, 179 (1) pp. 39-43. Peer-reviewed.
Codeine accumulation and elimination in larvae, pupae, and imago of the blowfly Lucilia sericata and effects on its development.
Kharbouche H., Augsburger M., Cherix D., Sporkert F., Giroud C., Wyss C., Champod C., Mangin P., 2008. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 122 (3) pp. 205-211. Peer-reviewed.
Level 3 Details and Their Role in Fingerprint Identification : A Survey among Practitioners
Anthonioz A., Egli N., Champod C., Neumann C., Puch-Solis R., Bromage-Griffiths A., 2008. Journal of Forensic Identification, 58 (5) pp. 562-589.
Linkages between Biometrics and Forensic Science
Dessimoz D., Champod C., 2008. pp. 425-460 dans Jain Anil, Flynn Patrick, Ross Arun (eds.) Handbook of Biometrics chap. 21. Linkages between Biometrics and Forensic Science, Springer.
Linkages between Biometrics and Forensic Science.
Dessimoz D., Champod C., 2008. Handbook of Biometrics., Chapitre 21 (Springer Verlag) pp. 425-459.
Traces de souliers
Girod A., Champod C., Ribaux O., 2008. Collection sciences forensiques, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie in der forensischen Befundwertung : "neue" Richtlinien, alte Probleme
Biedermann A., Taroni F., Champod C., 2008. Kriminalistik, 3 pp. 174-175.
Fingermarks, Bitemarks and other Impressions (Barefoot, Ears, Lips), Review 2004-2007
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/10/23., 15th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (23-26 October 2007) pp. 745-800 dans Review Papers. Peer-reviewed, Niamh Nic Daéid.
Single-metal deposition (SMD) as a latent fingermark enhancement technique: An alternative to multimetal deposition (MMD)
Stauffer Eric, Bécue Andy, Singh Kanwar Vikas, Thampi K. Ravindranathan, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/05. Forensic Science International, 168 (1) pp. e5-e9. Peer-reviewed.
Use of gold nanoparticles as molecular intermediates for the detection of fingermarks
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/05. Forensic Science International, 168 (2-3) pp. 169-176. Peer-reviewed.
Computation of Likelihood Ratios in Fingerprint Identification for Configurations of Any Number of Minutiae
Neumann Cédric, Champod Christophe, Puch-Solis Roberto, Egli Nicole, Anthonioz Alexandre, Bromage-Griffiths Andie, 2007/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 52 (1) pp. 54-64. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of preliminary isotopic analysis (13 C and 15 N) of explosives. A likelihood ratio approach to assess the links between semtex samples.
Pierrini G., Doyle S., Champod C., Taroni F., Wakelin D., Lock C., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (1) pp. 43-48.
Evidence evaluation in fingerprint comparison and automated fingerprint identification systems - Modelling within finger variability.
Egli N., Champod C., Margot P., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 189-195.
Evidence evaluation in fingerprint comparison and automated fingerprint identification systems--Modelling within finger variability
Egli Nicole M., Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 189-195.
Fingerprint Examination: Towards more Transparency
Champod Christophe, 2007. Law Probability and Risk, to appear.
Multimodal biometrics for identity documents.
Dessimoz D., Richiardi J., Champod C., Drygajlo A., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 154-159. Peer-reviewed.
Nicephor (e) : A web-based solution for teaching forensic and scientific photography.
Voisard R., Champod C., Furrer J., Curchod J., Vautier A., Massonnet G., Buzzini P., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 196-200.
Nicephor[e]: A web-based solution for teaching forensic and scientific photography
Voisard R., Champod C., Furrer J., Curchod J., Vautier A., Massonnet G., Buzzini P., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 196-200.
SECM imaging of MMD-enhanced latent fingermarks
Zhang Meiqin, Bécue Andy, Prudent Michel, Champod Christophe, Girault Hubert H., 2007. Chemical Communications 38 pp. 3948-3950. Peer-reviewed.
The potentia (negative) influence of observational biases at the analysis stage of fingermark individualisation.
Schiffer B., Champod C. and, 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 116-120.
The potential (negative) influence of observational biases at the analysis stage of fingermark individualisation
Schiffer Beatrice, Champod Christophe, 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 116-120.
Value of DNA tests: a decision perspective.
Taroni F., Bozza S., Bernard M., Champod C., 2007. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 52 (1) pp. 31-39.
Computation of Likelihood Ratios in Fingerprint Identification for Configurations of Three Minutiae
Neumann Cedric, Champod Christophe, Puch-Solis Roberto, Egli Nicole, Anthonioz Alexandre, Meuwly Didier, Bromage-Griffiths Andie, 2006/11. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 51 (6) pp. 1255-1266. Peer-reviewed.
MBioID - Multimodal Biometrics for Identity Documents - State-of-the-Art
Dessimoz Damien, Richiardi Jonas, Champod C., Drygajlo A., 2006/04. (PFS 341-08.05 (version 1.1)), Ecole des sciences criminelles/Institut de Police Scientifique et Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
An extended likelihood ratio framework for interpreting evidence
Buckleton J.S., Triggs C.M., Champod C., 2006. Science & Justice, 46 (2) pp. 69-78.
An extended likelihood ratio framework for interpreting evidence.
Buckleton J.S., Triggs C.M., Champod C., 2006. Science and Justice., 46 (2) pp. 69-78.
The nature of forensic science opinion - a possible framework to guide thinking and practice in investigations and in court proceedings.
Jackson G., Jones S., Booth G., Champod C., Evett I., 2006. Science and Justice., 46 (1).
The Nature of Forensic Science Opinion – a Possible Framework to Guide Thinking and Practice in Investigations and in Court Proceedings.
Jackson Graham, Jones Stella, Booth Gareth, Champod Christophe, Evett Ian W., 2006. Science and Justice, 46 (1) pp. 33-44.
Between-source Modelling for Likelihood Ratio Computation in Forensic Biometric Recognition
Ramos-Castro Daniel, Gonzales-Rodriguez Joaquin, Champod Christophe, Fierrez-Aguilar J., Ortega-Garcia J., 2005. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA), LNCS 3546 pp. 1080-1089.
Establishing the most appropriate database for addressing source level propositions.
Champod C, Evett IW, Jackson G, 2004. Science & Justice, Vol. 44 No 3 pp. 153-164.
Establishing the Most Appropriate Databases for Addressing Source Level Propositions
Champod Christophe, Evett Ian W., Jackson Graham, 2004. Science and Justice, 44 (3) pp. 153-164.
Fingermarks, Shoesole and Footprint Impressions, Tire Impression, Ear impression, Toolmarks, Lipmarks, Bitemarks - A Review.
Champod C, Egli N, Margot P, 2004. Proceedings of the 14th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium.
Fingermarks, Shoesoles and Footprint Impressions, Tire Impressions, Ear Impressions, Toolmarks, Lipmarks, Bitemarks - A Review (2001-2004)
Champod Christophe, Egli Nicole, Margot Pierre A., 2004. Proceeding of the 14th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium pp. IFSS/meeting14/ReviewPapers.pdf.
Fingerprints and Other Ridge Skin Impressions
Champod C, Lennard C, Margot P, Stoilovic M, 2004., CRC Press.
The classification and discrimination of glass fragments using non destructive energy dispersive X-ray microfluorescence.
Hicks T., Monard Sermier F., Goldmann T., Brunelle A., Champod C., Margot P., 2003/11/26. Forensic science international, 137 (2-3) pp. 107-118. Peer-reviewed.
Firearm and tool marks identification : the Bayesian approach.
Champod C, Baldwin D, Taroni F, Buckleton J.S, 2003. Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners Journal (AFTE Journal), 35 pp. 307-316.
Interpreting DNA Evidence : A Review.
Foreman L, Champod C, Ewett I, Lambert J, Pope S, 2003. International Statistical Review, 71/3 pp. 473-495.
Earmarks as Evidence: a critical review.
Champod C, Evett IW, Kuchler B, 2001. J of Forensic Sci, 46 (6) pp. 1275-1284.
Forensic Identification Databases in Criminal Investigations and Trials.
Champod C, Ribaux O, 2001. pp. 463-484 dans J.F. Nijboer & W.J.J.M. Sprangers (eds.) Harmonisation in Forensic Expertise. An Inquiry into the Desirability of and Opportunities for International Standards, J.F. Nijboer W.J.J.M. Sprangers.
A Statistical Study of Air Bubbles on Athletic Shoesoles.
Champod C, Voisard R, Girod A, 2000. Information Bulletin for Shoeprint/Toolmark Examiners, 6/1 pp. 105-124.
A statistical study of air bubbles on athletic shoesoles.
Champod C, Voisard R, Girod A, 2000. Forensic Science International, 109 pp. 105-123.
La révélation des traces papillaires sur les douilles par les techniques de Etchning et de Blueing et comparaison avec la déposition multimétallique.
Schütz F, Bonfanti M, Champod C, 2000. Canadian Society of Forensic Science, 33/2 pp. 65-81.
Overview and Meaning of ID.
Champod C, 2000. pp. 1077-1084 dans Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Academic Press.
Standards of Proof.
Champod C, 2000. pp. 884-890 dans Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Academic Press.
The Dreyfus Case - An Early Debate on Expert's Conclusions.
Champod C, Taroni F, Margot P, 2000. International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, 5 pp. 446-459.
A Statistical Study of Air Bubbles on Athletic Shoesoles.
Girod A, Champod C, Voisard R, 1999. Information Bulletin for Shoeprint & Toolmark Examiners, Vol. 5, No 2, June p. 20.
Fingermarks, Shoesole impressions, Ear impressions and Toolmarks.
Champod C, Margot P, 1999. pp. 303-331 dans Proceedings of the 12th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium, The Forensic Sciences Foundation Press.
Forerunners of Bayesianism in Early Forensic Science.
Taroni F, Champod C, Margot P, 1999. Journal of Forensic Identification, Vol. 49, No 3, May-June pp. 285-305.
"Forerunners of Bayesianism in Early Forensic Science".
Taroni F, Champod C, Margot P, 1998. Jurimetrics Journal, 38 pp. 183-200.
"The inference of Identity in Forensic Speaker Recognition".
Champod Ch, Meuwly D, 1998. pp. 125-135 dans Proceedings of IEEEE-ESCA Workshop on Speaker Recogntion and its Commercial and Forensic Applications, Avignon.
Bayesian Framework for the Evaluation of Fibre Transfer Evidence.
Champod C, Taroni F, 1997. Science and Justice, 37/2 pp. 75-83.
Computer Assisted Analysis of Minutiae Occurences on Fingerprints.
Champod C, Margot P, 1996. pp. 305-318 dans Almog J et Springer E (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fingerprint Detection and Identification, Israel National Police.
La preuve dactyloscopique et la preuve par l'ADN: vers une unité de doctrine dans l'évaluation de la force probante.
Margot P, Champod C, 1996. Revue pénale suisse, Mélange en l'honneur du prof. Gauthier pp. 229-248.
Statistics: a Future in Toolmarks Examination ?
Champod C, Taroni F, Margot P, 1996. AFTE Journal, 28/4 pp. 222-229.
The Detection and Identification of Denatured Alcohol in Fire Debris Samples.
Tristan Rochaix V, Champod C, Lennard C, 1996. pp. 191-195 dans Dr. Köster (eds.) Advances in Forensic Sciences, Vol. 3, Berlin, Jacob & Bonte.
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