Sébastien Pilet

Fields |

Research directions

The origin of continental and oceanic volcanism

The origin of continental and oceanic volcanism is my main research interest. What is the source of alkaline lavas? Are their emission controlled by tectonic processes or related to deep hot spots? What is the origin of mantle heterogeneity and what is the implication for the global mantle geochemistry and circulation? These are some of the questions that I try to answer. For these issues I use various constraints like field observation, mineralogy, whole-rock and mineral chemistry, radiogenic and stable isotope chemistry, experimental petrology. This combined approach corresponds to my scientific "philosophy", which suggests that a scientific problem, in particular for natural systems, can be constrained only using various and complementary methods

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University