Giuseppina Lenzo

Education and work experience


Habilitation à diriger des recherches en Sciences religieuses, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris
Titre de l'habilitation: "La transmission des textes funéraires en Égypte ancienne au début du Ier millénaire av. n. è.: Nouvelles perspectives, synthèses et enjeux concernant les textes et les pratiques".

PhD in Egyptology, University of Geneva

Doctoral fellowship: one month at the French Institute (IFAO) in Cairo

Fellowship for prospective researcher of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): one year at the Institut für Ägyptologie und Altorientalistik, University of Mainz, Germany

Fellowship of the Academic Society of Geneva : two months at the Egyptian Museum of Turin.

Master of Arts in Egyptology, Ancient History and Italian, University of Geneva

Student grant from the Italian government, one year at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy.

Work experience

Since 2024 - Senior lecturer and researcher
Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Religion, IRSB, Religion of Ancient Egypt

2012-2024 - Senior lecturer and researcher
University of Lausanne, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Since 2015 - Research Consultant

2015 - Lecturer in egyptology, University of Geneva

2011-2014 - Senior SNSF Researcher
University of Lausanne, Institute of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Senior SNSF Researcher in the project "Roles and status of the Ptolemaic queens from Cleopatra I to Berenike IV : a gender study based on Greek and Egyptian documents", in charge of hieroglyphic and demotic documents

2008-2012 - Lecturer, University of Lausanne

2005-2008 - Faculty Advisor (Staff and educational development in Higher Education)
University of Lausanne, Centre de soutien à l'enseignement (2007 and 2008)
University of Geneva, Secteur Formation & Evaluation (2005-2007)

2000-2005 - Graduate assistant and assistant lecturer in Egyptology
University of Geneva

Others activities

Scientific mission, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire

Guest lecturer, Institut d'Égyptologie Victor Loret, Université Lyon 2

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Swiss University