Research directions
Personne de contact Corinne Piguet
Si vous souhaitez effectuer un TM sur un sujet de néonatologie, merci de ne pas contacter directement le tuteur mais le secrétariat dont l'adresse se trouve dans le titre. Mme Piguet se fera un plaisir de vous répondre.
Neonatal innate immunity and sepsis
Sepsis is a major public health problem worldwide. More than half of the 50 million cases of sepsis each year occur in children. Newborns are at the greatest risk of invasive infection and complications of infection such as death or disability.
Our research focuses on innate immunity and neonatal sepsis, with both laboratory and clinical projects aimed at improving the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of neonatal sepsis.
Our projects aim to achieve the following objectives:
1. Understand how the interaction between the newborn's developing immune system and microorganisms can lead to life-threatening infection.
2. Identify early and precisely the newborns at greatest risk of adverse outcomes through epidemiological studies, analysis of biomarkers and physiological markers, and the development and validation of new assessment systems based on artificial intelligence.
3. Optimize antibiotic prescribing while minimizing overall exposure.
Links to sites describing the projects:
- Host-pathogen interactions in Group B streptococcal sepsis:
- Accelerating detection of neonatal sepsis (ADONIS): a machine learning-based approach:
- Antibiotic Exposure for suspected neonatal early-onset sepsis:
- Swiss Pediatric Sepsis Study:
- Early life immune responses to infection:
- SwissPedHealth:
- Neonatal Sepsis Trial Network: