Laurent Seravalli

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3 publications

2015 | 2014 | 2009 |
Nouvelles stratégies dans la prise en charge: Infections complexes en médecine intensive
Eggimann P, Pagani JL, Seravalli L, Revelly JP, Que YA, 2015. Forum Medical Suisse, 15 (6) pp. 124-128. Peer-reviewed.
Are older patients at increased risk for hospital and long term mortality after prolonged mechanical ventilation?
Piquilloud L, Gabriel M, Seravalli L, Besch G, Jolliet P, Revelly J-P, 2014. p. 10 dans Congrés SGI-SSMI 2014, Swiss Medical Forum.
Fonction surrénalienne après bolus d'étomidate en chirurgie cardiaque: une étude rétrospective [Adrenal function after induction of cardiac surgery patients with etomidate: a retrospective study]
Seravalli L., Pralong F., Revelly J.P., Que Y.A., Chollet M., Chioléro R., 2009. Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de réanimation, 28 (9) pp. 743-747. Peer-reviewed.
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