Milena Abbiati

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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32 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 |
Validity Evidence of a Screening Tool for Early Detection of Clinical Crisis-Related Anxiety Amongst Medical Students.
Abbiati M., Severac F., Bajwa N., Sibilia J., Pelaccia T., 2024. Teaching and learning in medicine, 36 (4) pp. 528-537. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring the Severity of Objective and Subjective Patient-to-Staff Violence in Psychogeriatric and Adult Psychiatric Wards: A Retrospective Study of Four Swiss Hospitals.
Abbiati M., Golay P., De Maria L.F., Palix J., 2023/11. Issues in mental health nursing, 44 (11) pp. 1142-1149. Peer-reviewed.
Do students' personality traits change during medical training? A longitudinal cohort study.
Abbiati M., Cerutti B., 2023/10. Advances in health sciences education, 28 (4) pp. 1079-1092. Peer-reviewed.
The utility of physiological measures in assessing psychosocial and inhibitory capacities of violent offenders
Translational Forensics (eds.), 2022/11/13..
Dynamics of parasympathetic activity in violent incarcerated offenders before, during, and in recovery from an emotional inhibition task.
Palix J., Gillespie S.M., Abbiati M., Abu-Akel A., 2022/05/03. Scientific reports, 12 (1) p. 7126. Peer-reviewed.
Pratique expertale et mineurs : résultats d'une enquête nationale
Palix Julie, Abbiati Milena, Wouters Emilie, Seker Süheyla, Aebi Marcel, Boonmann Cyril, 2022. Jusletter 1100.
The Utility of Physiological Measures in Assessing the Empathic Skills of Incarcerated Violent Offenders.
Palix J., Abu-Akel A., Moulin V., Abbiati M., Gasser J., Hasler C., Marcot D., Mohr C., Dan-Glauser E., 2022/01. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 66 (1) pp. 98-122. Peer-reviewed.
When I say … Self.
Abbiati M., Pelaccia T., 2022/01. Medical education, 56 (1) pp. 23-24. Peer-reviewed.
And if we had to do it all over again, would we send medical students to the emergency departments during a pandemic? Lessons learned from the COVID-19 outbreak.
Pelaccia T., Sibilia J., Fels É., Gauer L., Musanda A., Severac F., Abbiati M., 2021/10. Internal and emergency medicine, 16 (7) pp. 1967-1974. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of Change in Approaches to Learning and Their Impact on Academic Performance Among Medical Students: Longitudinal Analysis.
Piumatti G., Abbiati M., Gerbase M.W., Baroffio A., 2021. Teaching and learning in medicine, 33 (2) pp. 173-183. Peer-reviewed.
Empathy trajectories throughout medical school: relationships with personality and motives for studying medicine.
Piumatti G., Abbiati M., Baroffio A., Gerbase M.W., 2020/12. Advances in health sciences education, 25 (5) pp. 1227-1242. Peer-reviewed.
Motivational factors influencing student intentions to practise in underserved areas: Authors' reply.
Abbiati M., Savoldelli G.L., Baroffio A., Bajwa N.M., 2020/10. Medical education, 54 (10) pp. 965-966. Peer-reviewed.
General practitioners' perspectives on barriers to depression care: development and validation of a questionnaire.
Senchyna A., Abbiati M., Chambe J., Haller D.M., Maisonneuve H., 2020/08/01. BMC family practice, 21 (1) p. 156. Peer-reviewed.
Motivational factors influencing student intentions to practise in underserved areas.
Abbiati M., Savoldelli G.L., Baroffio A., Bajwa N.M., 2020/04. Medical education, 54 (4) pp. 356-363. Peer-reviewed.
Le processus d'évaluation du risque de récidive en consensus : intérêts et limites
Moulin Valérie, Gholamrezaee Mehdi-M., Palix Julie, Gasser Jacques, Abbiati Milena, 2020. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 178 (5) pp. 540-547.
Protective Factor Assessments: What Are We Measuring?—An Investigation of the Internal Validity of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk
Abbiati Milena, Golay Philippe, Gasser Jacques, Moulin Valerie, 2020. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47 (4) pp. 383-398. Peer-reviewed.
Construct and predictive validity of the Strength of Motivation for Medical School-Revised (SMMS-R) questionnaire: a French validation study.
Abbiati M., Severac F., Baroffio A., Pelaccia T., 2019/07. Canadian medical education journal, 10 (3) pp. e39-e48. Peer-reviewed.
Qu'est-ce qui motive [ou non] les étudiants en médecine à choisir comme spécialité la médecine d'urgence ?
Pelaccia T., Roy P.-M., Douillet D., Bilbault P., Abbiati M., 2019/07. Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence, 9 (4) pp. 221-228.
Huit ans après la réforme de la formation en soins infirmiers, comment les étudiants perçoivent-ils leur milieu d'apprentissage ? Étude descriptive et comparative
Kliem Mootien Fanny, Abbiati Milena, Baroffio Barbier Anne, Groc Yann, Poteaux Nicole, 2019/06. Revue Francophone Internationale de Recherche Infirmière, 5 (2) pp. e63-e72.
Motives influencing students' preferences for obstetrics and gynaecology speciality: A cross-sectional multi-site Swiss study.
Fehlmann A., Abbiati M., Dällenbach P., Savoldelli L.G., 2019/06. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, 237 pp. 157-163. Peer-reviewed.
Associations between motivational factors for studying medicine, learning approaches and empathy among medical school candidates.
Piumatti G., Abbiati M., Baroffio A., Gerbase M.W., 2019/05. Advances in health sciences education, 24 (2) pp. 287-300. Peer-reviewed.
Predicting physically violent misconduct in prison: A comparison of four risk assessment instruments.
Abbiati M., Palix J., Gasser J., Moulin V., 2019/01. Behavioral sciences & the law, 37 (1) pp. 61-77. Peer-reviewed.
Integrated problem-based learning versus lectures: a path analysis modelling of the relationships between educational context and learning approaches.
Gustin M.P., Abbiati M., Bonvin R., Gerbase M.W., Baroffio A., 2018/12. Medical education online, 23 (1) p. 1489690. Peer-reviewed.
Validity and Predictive Accuracy of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk in Criminal Forensic Evaluations : A Swiss Cross-Validation Retrospective Study
Abbiati Milena, Azzola Agathe, Palix Julie, Gasser Jacques, Moulin Valerie, 2017/04. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 44 (4) pp. 493-510. Peer-reviewed.
Le traitement médiatique du crime dans la presse romande: individualisation, émotionnalisation et agressions sexuelles
Abbiati Milena, Hammer Raphaël, 2016. pp. 277-293 dans Gravier Bruno, Roman Pascal (eds.) Penser les agressions sexuelles chap. 13, Erès.
Personal profile of medical students selected through a knowledge-based exam only: are we missing suitable students?
Abbiati M., Baroffio A., Gerbase M.W., 2016. Medical education online, 21 p. 29705. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation du risque de récidive dans les expertises pénales: quels outils? Quets indicateurs? Quelles pratiques [Risk assessment in forensic psychiatric reports: what kind assessment instrument? What indicator? What practical?].
Moulin V., Abbiati M., Azzola A., Palix J., Gasser J., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (486) pp. 1710, 1712-1710, 1714. Peer-reviewed.
Victimization in Childhood of Male Sex Offenders: Relationship between Violence Experienced and Subsequent Offenses through Discourse Analysis
Abbiati Milena, Mezzo Belinda, Waeny-Desponds Jessica, Minervini Joseph, Mormont Christian, Gravier Bruno, 2014. Victims and Offenders, 9 pp. 234-254. Peer-reviewed.
Victims and the penal process: roles, expectations and disappointments
Languin Noëlle, Nils-Robert Christian, Abbiati Milena, Rauschenbach Mina, 2012. pp. 80-89 dans Scnacken Sonja, Dumortier Els (eds.) Resisting punitiveness in Europe? welfare, human rights and democracy chap. 9, Routledge.
Geocentric gestures as a research tool
Dasen Pierre R., Changkakoti Nilima, Abbiati Milena, Niraula Shanta, Mishra Ramesh C., Foy Harold, 2009., 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology pp. 115-121 dans Gari Aikaterini, Mylonas Kostas (eds.) Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus’ ethnographic journeys to cross-cultural research: Proceedings from the 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).
Évaluation du potentiel suicidaire chez les adolescents: lien entre fréquence, satisfaction et moyens utilisés par différents intervenants en pédopsychiatrie = Assessment of risks of attempted suicides by adolescents: the relationship between frequency, satisfaction and means used by different caregivers in the field of adolescent psychiatry
Laget Jacques, Abbiati Milena, Plancherel Bernard, Bolognini Monique, Halfon Olivier, 2007. Annales Médico-psychologiques, 165 (8) pp. 556-561. Peer-reviewed.
Le réseau conceptuel de l'idéation suicidaire chez l'adolescent
Abbiati Milena, 2005. pp. 161-176 dans Chavagnat Jean-Jacques (eds.) Prévention du suicide , J. Libbey Eurotext,.
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