David Giauque

e-mail :
ORCID record :  orcid.org/0000-0001-7190-4574

Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration

Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP)
Gestion des ressources humaines
Position(s) : Full Professor

IDHEAP - Général
Quartier UNIL-Mouline
Bâtiment IDHEAP
Office : 1705
CH-1015 Lausanne
Téléphone : 021 692 36 37


Ethics and values in public organizations
Human resource management, hrm
Public administration
Sociology of organizations and public administration

Scientific distinctions and prizes

Public Personnel Management Scholarly Impact Award 2020

Public Personnel Management Scholarly Impact Award. David Giauque (University of Lausanne), winner of the 2019 award, whose article, "Attitudes Toward Organizational Change Among Public Managers," appeared in Volume 44, Issue 1 (pp. 70-98).
Recipient : David Giauque

Award for Excellence 2017 - Outstanding Paper 2017

The paper Stress among public middle managers dealing with reforms published in Journal of Health Organization and Management being selected by the journal's editorial team as a Highly Commended paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.
For further informations
Recipient : David Giauque

Participation to the book which has been awarded "Prix du Livre RH 2015". 2015

Participation to the following award winning book: Zawieja Philippe & Guarnieri Frank (eds). Dictionnaire des risques psychosociaux (pp. 507-511). Paris : Editions Seuil. This book includes this following chapter: Giauque D. (2014). « Nouveau Management Public ». In Zawieja Philippe & Guarnieri Frank (eds). Dictionnaire des risques psychosociaux (pp. 507-511). Paris : Editions Seuil
Recipient : David Giauque

International Review of Administrative Sciences - Best article prize 2011

Prize of the best scientific article appeared in 2011 in the International Review of Administrative Sciences for the following scientific communication: Giauque, D., Ritz, A., Varone, F., Anderfuhren-Biget, S., and Waldner, C. ( 2011 ). Putting public service motivation into context: a balance between universalism and particularism. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 77(2), 227-253.
Recipient : David Giauque, Adrian Ritz, Frédéric Varone, Simon Anderfuhren-Biget, Christian Waldner

Distinction for the best thesis concerning a subject in the field of public management 2004

Distinction given by the Swiss Society for Administrative Sciences for the best thesis.
Recipient : David Giauque

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University