Gilles Ambresin

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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38 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2004 | 2002 |
Changes in dreams- an indicator for transformation processes in psychoanalysis: Clinical Outcome and Process Research in the MODE Study.
Ambresin Gilles, Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne, 2024/02/08. dans Gullestad Siri Erika, Stänicke Erik, Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne (eds.) Psychoanalytic Studies of Change : An Integrative Perspective, Routledge.
Clinical Outcome and Process Research in the MODE Study: From the Psychoanalysis of a Young Man in Emerging Adulthood
Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne, Ambresin Gilles, 2024/02/08. dans Gullestad Siri Erika, Stänicke Erik, Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne (eds.) Psychoanalytic Studies of Change : An Integrative Perspective chap. 2, Routledge.
The multi-level outcome study of psychoanalysis for chronically depressed patients with early trauma (MODE): rationale and design of an international multicenter randomized controlled trial.
Ambresin G., Leuzinger-Bohleber M., Fischmann T., Axmacher N., Hattingen E., Bansal R., Peterson B.S., 2023/11/16. BMC psychiatry, 23 (1) p. 844. Peer-reviewed.
Correlates of chronic depression in the general population: results from the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus study.
Ambresin G., Strippoli M.F., Vandeleur C.L., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Preisig M., 2023/08. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 58 (8) pp. 1179-1191. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in dreams - the development of a dream-transformation scale in psychoanalyses with chronically depressed, early traumatized patients
Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne, Donié Marielle, Wichelmann Julia, Ambresin Gilles, Fischmann Tamara, 2023/07/03. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, 46 (1-2) pp. 82-93.
Intensive and Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Severely Depressed Inpatients: A Case Study and Thematic Analysis.
Tzartzas K., de Roten Y., Ambresin G., 2023/06. Psychodynamic psychiatry, 51 (2) pp. 224-240. Peer-reviewed.
Lost in translation? A qualitative study of representations and management of chronic depression in general practice.
Linder A., Widmer D., Fitoussi C., Gagnebin L., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Ambresin G., 2023/03/24. BMC primary care, 24 (1) p. 83. Peer-reviewed.
Recherche extra-clinique en psychanalyse : cadre conceptuel et exemple de recherche
Ambresin Gilles, 2021/12/06. Psychothérapies, Vol. 41 (4) pp. 187-198.
Pratiques et réflexivité des psychiatres-psychothérapeutes dans le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la dépression chronique
Linder Audrey, Widmer Daniel, Burguburu Antoine, Von Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2021/12. L'information psychiatrique, 97 (10) pp. 849-855. Peer-reviewed.
Comment prendre en charge la ­dépression chronique?
Widmer Daniel, Fitoussi Claire, Linder Audrey, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2021/07/06. Primary and hospital care: médecine interne générale. Peer-reviewed.
State of the psychoanalytic nation: Switzerland
Herrera Fabrice, Reith Bernard, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2021/04/03. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 35 (2) pp. 89-107.
Defense Mechanisms and Treatment Response in Depressed Inpatients.
de Roten Y., Djillali S., Crettaz von Roten F., Despland J.N., Ambresin G., 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 12 p. 633939. Peer-reviewed.
Dreams and Trauma Changes in the Manifest Dreams in Psychoanalytic Treatments - A Psychoanalytic Outcome Measure.
Fischmann T., Ambresin G., Leuzinger-Bohleber M., 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 12 p. 678440. Peer-reviewed.
La médecine de famille face à la dépression chronique [Facing chronic depression in family practice]
Fitoussi Claire, Linder Audrey, Widmer Daniel, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2020. Revue Médicale Suisse, 16 (708) pp. 1818-1821. Peer-reviewed.
Les enjeux de la collaboration entre médecins généralistes et psychiatres [The challenges of collaboration between general practitioners and psychiatrists.]
Linder A., Widmer D., Fitoussi C., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Ambresin G., 2019. Sante publique, Vol. 31 (4) pp. 543-552. Peer-reviewed.
Un cas de psychothérapie psychodynamique brève et intensive pour patients déprimés à l’hôpital
Herrera Fabrice, de Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2018/07/01. dans Scroccaro Nathalie (eds.) Huit cas cliniques en psychopathologie de l’adolescent et du jeune adulte, Dunod.
The role of cognitive biases in short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Kramer U., Ortega D., Ambresin G., Despland J.N., de Roten Y., 2018/06. Psychology and psychotherapy, 91 (2) pp. 143-156. Peer-reviewed.
Les médecins généralistes face à la "dépression chronique". Représentations et attitudes thérapeutiques
Linder Audrey, Widmer Daniel, Fitoussi Claire, de Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2018. Revue francaise des affaires sociales 4 pp. 239-258.
Efficacy of an adjunctive brief psychodynamic psychotherapy to usual inpatient treatment of depression: Results of a randomized controlled trial.
de Roten Y., Ambresin G., Herrera F., Fassassi S., Fournier N., Preisig M., Despland J.N., 2017/02. Journal of affective disorders, 209 pp. 105-113. Peer-reviewed.
Psycho­thérapie de la dépression en médecine de premier recours
Ambresin Gilles, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2016/08/10. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 167 (05) pp. 147-154. Peer-reviewed.
What factors influence long-term antidepressant use in primary care? Findings from the Australian diamond cohort study.
Ambresin G., Palmer V., Densley K., Dowrick C., Gilchrist G., Gunn J.M., 2015/05/01. Journal of affective disorders, 176 pp. 125-132. Peer-reviewed.
Does agomelatine have a place in the treatment of depression?
Ambresin G., Gunn J., 2014. Bmj (clinical Research Ed.), 348 pp. g2157. Peer-reviewed.
How Does Addressing Patient's Defenses Help to Repair Alliance Ruptures in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?: An Exploratory Study.
Gerostathos A., de Roten Y., Berney S., Despland J.N., Ambresin G., 2014. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202 (5) pp. 419-424. Peer-reviewed.
Self-rated health and long-term prognosis of depression.
Ambresin G., Chondros P., Dowrick C., Herrman H., Gunn J.M., 2014. Annals of family medicine, 12 (1) pp. 57-65. Peer-reviewed.
A trajectory-based approach to understand the factors associated with persistent depressive symptoms in primary care
Gunn Jane, Elliott Peter, Densley Konstancja, Middleton Aves, Ambresin Gilles, Dowrick Christopher, Herrman Helen, Hegarty Kelsey, Gilchrist Gail, Griffiths Frances, 2013/06. Journal of Affective Disorders, 148 (2-3) pp. 338-346.
Efficacy of an adjunctive brief psychodynamic psychotherapy to usual inpatient treatment of depression: rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial.
Ambresin G., Despland J.N., Preisig M., de Roten Y., 2012. Bmc Psychiatry, 12 (1) p. 182. Peer-reviewed.
La recherche en psychothérapie
de Roten Yves, Ambresin Gilles, 2011. pp. 229-233 dans Guex Patrice, Gasser Jacques (eds.) Pour une psychiatrie scientifique et humaniste chap. 16, Georg.
Formulation de cas de Monsieur H
Ambresin Gilles, Beretta Véronique, Berney Sylvie, 2010. pp. 147-154 dans Despland Jean-Nicolas, Michel Luc, De Roten Yves (eds.) Intervention psychodynamique brève : un modèle de consultation thérapeutique chez l'adulte, Elsevier Masson.
L'interaction de transfert
Ambresin Gilles, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Michel Luc, 2010. pp. 111-129 dans Despland Jean-Nicolas, Michel Luc, De Roten Yves (eds.) Intervention psychodynamique brève : un modèle de consultation thérapeutique chez l'adulte, Elsevier Masson.
Quelle place pour la psychothérapie dans la psychiatrie publique [What place for psychotherapy in public psychiatry?].
Kramer U., Ambresin G., de Roten Y., Fassassi S., Hedjal A., Herrera F., Kolly S., Pomini V., Preisig M., Despland J.N., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (263) pp. 1760-2, 1764. Peer-reviewed.
Comparaison entre évaluation des défenses à l'aide du DMRS et par auto-questionnaire (DSQ)
Roten Yves de, Ambresin Gilles, 2009. pp. 153-163 dans Perry J. Christopher (eds.) Mécanismes de défense : principes et échelles d'évaluation chap. 6, Elsevier Masson.
Durée de traitement et évolution clinique en psychothérapie : enjeux de la relation dose-effet [Length of treatment and patient clinical change in psychotherapy: the dose-effect relationship issue]
Ambresin G., Zimmermann G., de Roten Y., Despland J.-N., 2009. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie, 160 (1) pp. 20-26. Peer-reviewed.
Mécanismes de défense : principes et échelles d'évaluation
Perry J. Christopher (eds.)Guelfi Julien Daniel, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Hanin Bertrand, Lamas Claire, Roten Yves de, Ambresin Gilles, 2009., 2e éd. Pratiques en psychothérapie 170, Elsevier Masson.
Psychothérapie psychodynamique brève de la dépression pour patients hospitalisés
Ambresin Gilles, de Coulon Nicolas, de Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2009. Psychothérapies, 29 (2) pp. 75-84. Peer-reviewed.
Early change in maladaptive defence style and development of the therapeutic alliance
Ambresin Gilles, Roten Yves de, Drapeau Martin, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2007. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 14 (2) pp. 89-95. Peer-reviewed.
Early change in maladaptive defense style and development of the therapeutic alliance
Ambresin Gilles, Roten Yves de, Drapeau Martin, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2007. p. 204 dans , European Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Olanzapine excretion into breast milk: a case report.
Ambresin G., Berney P., Schulz P., Bryois C., 2004. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, 24 (1) pp. 93-5. Peer-reviewed.
Schizophrénie, diabète et nouveaux neuroleptiques [Schizophrenia, diabetes and new neuroleptics].
Ambresin G., Bryois C.h., 2002. Praxis, 91 (50) pp. 2181-2192.
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