Anne-Emmanuelle Ambresin

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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86 publications

In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2007 | 2006 |
Correction to: how can primary care practitioners address substance use by adolescents? A position paper of the EUROPEAN academy of PEDIATRICS.
Michaud P.A., Bélanger R., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Ambresin A.E. International journal of colorectal disease. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescence : défis multiples des comportements addictifs dans une société addictogène.
Ambresin A.E., Merglen A., Chamay Weber C., 2024/04/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (870) pp. 775-776. Peer-reviewed.
Kétamine : une substance récréative qui fait mal [Ketamin: a harmful recreational drug]
Delacrétaz R., Guillod L., Bornand K., Clemens S., Ambresin A.E., 2024/04/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (870) pp. 784-787. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge interdisciplinaire des adolescent-e-s transgenres et non binaires. L’exemple du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) [Interdisciplinary care for gender diverse adolescents. The example of the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)]
Schmitt P.A., Busiah K., Morisod Harari M., Jacot-Guillarmod M., Zufferey A., Ambresin A.E., 2024/04/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (870) pp. 802-806. Peer-reviewed.
Enfance, adolescence et risque d’addiction : une perspective développementale [Childhood, adolescence and the risk of addiction: a developmental perspective]
Ambresin A.E., Leuchter R., 2024/02/21. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (862) pp. 377-381. Peer-reviewed.
Médecine de l’adolescence. Expliquer la douleur chronique fonctionnelle aux adolescents [Adolescent medicine. Explaining chronic functional pain to teenagers]
Ambresin A.E., Wosinski B., 2024/01/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (856-7) pp. 59-62. Peer-reviewed.
How to approach and take care of minor adolescents whose situations raise ethical dilemmas? a position paper of the European academy of pediatrics.
Michaud P.A., Takeuchi Y.L., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A.A., Ambresin A.E., 2023. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11 p. 1120324. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing and Supporting Adolescents' Capacity for Autonomous Decision-Making in Health-Care Settings: New Guidance From the World Health Organization.
Baltag V., Takeuchi Y., Guthold R., Ambresin A.E., 2022/07. The Journal of adolescent health, 71 (1) pp. 10-13. Peer-reviewed.
La santé des ados aujourd’hui.
Chamay Weber C., Ambresin A.E., 2022/04/20. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (778) p. 735. Peer-reviewed.
Soutenir activement la participation et les prises de décisions des adolescent-e-s dans le domaine de la santé [Actively supporting youth participation and autonomous decision-making in health matters]
Takeuchi Y.L., Ambresin A.E., 2022/04/20. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (778) pp. 746-749.
The Impact of COVID on Adolescent Mental Health, Self-Harm and Suicide: How Can Primary Care Provider Respond? A Position Paper of the European Academy of Pediatrics.
Michaud P.A., Michaud L., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Kapp C., Ambresin A.E., 2022. Frontiers in pediatrics, 10 p. 800000. Peer-reviewed.
'Demystifying' the encounter with adolescent patients: a qualitative study on medical students' experiences and perspectives during training with adolescent simulated patients.
Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Bonvin Raphaël, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, 2021/12. Medical education online, 26 (1) p. 1979445. Peer-reviewed.
Stop Saying It, Just Do It! Young People's Participation During the COVID Pandemic: A View From Europe.
Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Michaud Pierre-André, 2021/10. The Journal of adolescent health, 69 (4) pp. 674-675. Peer-reviewed.
Previsit Multidomain Psychosocial Screening Tools for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review.
Glasner J., Baltag V., Ambresin A.E., 2021/03. The Journal of adolescent health, 68 (3) pp. 449-459. Peer-reviewed.
Impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur la santé et le développement des jeunes en Suisse - Quel rôle pour les médecins ? [Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent health and development: a role to play for physicians]
Michaud P.A., Vassalli J.D., Schmitt P.A., Jaffé P.D., Ambresin A.E., 2021/01/20. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (722) pp. 150-154.
Assessing and supporting adolescents’ capacity for autonomous decision-making in health care settings: a tool for health-care providers
World Health Organization, Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, 2021., World Health Organization.
Assessing and supporting adolescents’ capacity for autonomous decision-making in health care settings: a tool for health-care providers: web annex: algorithm for health-care providers
World Health Organization, Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, 2021., World Health Organization.
Correction to: How can primary care practitioners address substance use by adolescents? A position paper of the EUROPEAN academy of PAEDIATRICS.
Michaud P.A., Bélanger R., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Ambresin A.E., 2020/08. European journal of pediatrics, 179 (8) pp. 1307-1308. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with weight gain in anorexia nervosa inpatients.
Chatelet S., Wang J., Gjoertz M., Lier F., Monney Chaubert C., Ambresin A.E., 2020/08. Eating and weight disorders, 25 (4) pp. 939-950. Peer-reviewed.
How can primary care practitioners address substance use by adolescents? A position paper of the EUROPEAN academy of PAEDIATRICS.
Michaud P.A., Bélanger R., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Ambresin A.E., 2020/08. European journal of pediatrics, 179 (8) pp. 1297-1305. Peer-reviewed.
Nutrition Approach for Inpatients With Anorexia Nervosa: Impact of a Clinical Refeeding Guideline.
Gjoertz M., Wang J., Chatelet S., Monney Chaubert C., Lier F., Ambresin A.E., 2020/08. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, 44 (6) pp. 1124-1139. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescents transgenres et non ­binaires : approche et prise en charge par les médecins de premier recours [Transgender and non-binary teenagers : management in primary care]
Wahlen R., Brockmann C., Soroken C., Bertholet L., Yaron M., Zufferey A., Ambresin A.E., Merglen A., 2020/04/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (691) pp. 789-793.
Approche pratique des écrans en consultation avec les adolescents [Practical approach of media use in consultation with adolescents]
Ambresin A.E., Weber N., 2020/04/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (691) pp. 784-788.
L’adolescence : une ­métamorphose porte-parole de notre société
Ambresin A.E., Chamay-Weber C., 2020/04/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (691) p. 763.
Medical students' knowledge of and attitudes towards LGBT people and their health care needs: Impact of a lecture on LGBT health.
Wahlen R., Bize R., Wang J., Merglen A., Ambresin A.E., 2020. PloS one, 15 (7) pp. e0234743. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical profile and care pathways among unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Vaud, Switzerland.
Genton P.C., Wang J., Bodenmann P., Ambresin A.E., 2019/09/12. International journal of adolescent medicine and health, 34 (3). Peer-reviewed.
La Santé pour la performance : chimère idéaliste ou changementde paradigme essentiel dans la pratique du sport ?
Ambresin A.E., Gojanovic B., Tercier S., 2019/07/10. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (657) pp. 1303-1304.
Maltraitance du jeune sportif : la détecter et l’évaluer [Abuse and non-accidental violence in the adolescent athlete : how to detect and assess ?]
Ambresin A.E., Depallens S., Hindi M., Gojanovic B., 2019/07/10. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (657) pp. 1329-1332.
Que savez-vous du RED-S ? Une étude de terrain sur les connaissances des entraîneurs sportifs [What do you know of RED-S ? A field study on adolescent coaches' knowledge]
Brunet P., Ambresin A.E., Gojanovic B., 2019/07/10. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (657) pp. 1334-1338.
Quand tout est gelé, se remettre à bouger : programme FIT@CHUV [When everything is frozen, start moving again: the FIT@CHUV program]
Armengaud J.B., Vaucher S., Roche O., Dahner L., Tarditi B., Luisier M., Hodot C., Mercier A.A., Deppen A., Ambresin A.E., 2019/06/19. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (656) pp. 1276-1280.
Lipid Disturbances in Adolescents Treated With Second-Generation Antipsychotics: Clinical Determinants of Plasma Lipid Worsening and New-Onset Hypercholesterolemia.
Delacrétaz A., Vandenberghe F., Glatard A., Dubath C., Levier A., Gholam-Rezaee M., Holzer L., Ambresin A.E., Conus P., Eap C.B., 2019/04/09. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 80 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Improving the quality of care delivered to adolescents in Europe: a time to invest.
Michaud P.A., Weber M.W., Namazova-Baranova L., Ambresin A.E., 2019/03. Archives of disease in childhood, 104 (3) pp. 214-216. Peer-reviewed.
Advocating for Adolescent and Young Adult Male Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Position Statement From the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine.
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Santa Maria D., 2018/11. The Journal of adolescent health, 63 (5) pp. 657-661. Peer-reviewed.
Médecine du sport chez les adolescents : qui a parlé de simples blessures ? [Adolescent sport medicine : do simple injuries really exist in youth athletes ?]
Tercier S., Ambresin A.E., Gojanovic B., 2018/07/11. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (613) pp. 1346-1351.
Second-Generation Antipsychotics in Adolescent Psychiatric Patients: Metabolic Effects and Impact of an Early Weight Change to Predict Longer Term Weight Gain.
Vandenberghe F., Najar-Giroud A., Holzer L., Conus P., Eap C.B., Ambresin A.E., 2018/05. Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 28 (4) pp. 258-265. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescents souffrant d’anorexie mentale Le rôle des parents, une approche baséesur l’évidence : bilan en 2018 [Adolescents suffering from anorexia nervosa: an evidence-based approach of the parent's role in 2018]
Vust S., Cook-Darzens S., Lier F., Ambresin A.E., 2018/04/18. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (603) pp. 835-838.
La transition : entre vulnérabilité et résilience
Ambresin A.E., Narring F., 2018/04/18. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (603) pp. 819-820.
L’union fait la force :traitement des troubles fonctionnels complexes à l’adolescence [Together we are stronger: management of complex functional disorders during adolescence]
Ambresin A.E., Deppen A., Hofer M., Dahner L., Roche O., Huguenin Dezot M., Beltrami D., Nouvellet P., Armengaud J.B., 2018/04/18. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (603) pp. 839-842.
Paediatric departments need to improve residents' training in adolescent medicine and health: a position paper of the European Academy of Paediatrics.
Michaud P.A., Schrier L., Ross-Russel R., van der Heijden L., Dossche L., Copley S., Alterio T., Mazur A., Dembinski L., Hadjipanayis A. et al., 2018/04. European journal of pediatrics, 177 (4) pp. 479-487. Peer-reviewed.
The age of adolescence…and young adulthood.
McDonagh J.E., European Training Effective Care and Health Faculty, 2018/04. The Lancet. Child & adolescent health, 2 (4) pp. e6. Peer-reviewed.
Effective School Health Service: A Response to Adolescent Health Needs in Europe.
Michaud P.A., Namazova-Baranova L., Weber M., Ambresin A.E., 2018/02. The Journal of pediatrics, 193 pp. 278-279.e1. Peer-reviewed.
Mindfulness and Other Psycho-Social Resources Protective Against Mental Illness and Suicidality Among Gay Men.
Wang J., Häusermann M., Ambresin A.E., 2018. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9 p. 361. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the plight of young unaccompanied refugees
Blaser J., Ambresin A.E., Monnat M., Faucherre F., Sanchis J., Rojas-Urrego A., Hunziker B., Gehri M., Bodenmann P., 2017/11/29. Swiss medical weekly, 147 pp. w14547. Peer-reviewed.
Training General Practitioners to Detect Probable Mental Disorders in Young People During Health Risk Screening.
Ambresin A.E., Otjes C.P., Patton G.C., Sawyer S.M., Thuraisingam S., English D.R., Haller D.M., Sanci L.A., 2017/09. The Journal of adolescent health, 61 (3) pp. 302-309. Peer-reviewed.
Medical students knowledge of and beliefs about LGBT and their health care needs: what's the impact of a class on LGBT adolescent health?
Wahlen R., Bize R., Bonvin R., Wang J., Merglen A., Ambresin A. E., 2017/05/29. pp. S12 dans Joint annual meeting Swiss Society of Paediatrics and the Swiss Society for Allergology and ImmunologyJointly organized with the 4th Lymphoid Tissue Meeting “Focus on Stromal Cells”St. Gallen (Switzerland), June 1–3, 2017, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Pédiatrie [Novelties 2016 in pediatrics]
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Fletgen Richard C., Goncalves Pereira Pinto D., Stadelmann C., Avignon V., Vial Y., Tolsa J.F., Ambresin A.E., Armengaud J.B., Castaneda M. et al., 2017/01/11. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (544-545) pp. 92-95.
La parole aux adolescents. Sommes-nous prêts à les entendre?
Narring F., Ambresin A., 2016/06/08. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (522) p. 1123.
Prise en charge somatique et complications de l'anorexie mentale chez l'adolescente [Somatic care and complications of anorexia nervosa in adolescent girls]
Helfer J., Favaro A., Ambresin A.E., 2016/06/08. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (522) pp. 1129-1132.
Consultation for Disordered Puberty: What Do Adolescent Medicine Patients Teach Us?
Michaud P.A., Ambresin A.E., 2016. Endocrine Development, 29 pp. 240-255.
A qualitative study of adolescents with medically unexplained symptoms and their parents. Part 1: Experiences and impact on daily life.
Moulin V., Akre C., Rodondi P.Y., Ambresin A.E., Suris J.C., 2015. Journal of Adolescence, 45 pp. 307-316. Peer-reviewed.
A qualitative study of adolescents with medically unexplained symptoms and their parents. Part 2: How is healthcare perceived?
Moulin V., Akre C., Rodondi P.Y., Ambresin A.E., Suris J.C., 2015. Journal of Adolescence, 45 pp. 317-326. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescent health
Michaud Pierre-André, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Catalano Richard F., Diers Judith, Patton Georges C, 2015. p. 1359 dans Detels R., Martin G., Quarraisha Abdool K., Chorh Chuan T. (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health chap. 10.4, Oxford University Press.
Importance of early weight changes to predict long-term weight gain during psychotropic drug treatment.
Vandenberghe F., Gholam-Rezaee M., Saigí-Morgui N., Delacrétaz A., Choong E., Solida-Tozzi A., Kolly S., Thonney J., Gallo S.F., Hedjal A. et al., 2015. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76 (11) pp. e1417-e1423. Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie. (2.) Consultation de médecine du sport dédiée à l'adolescent [Sport medicine consultation for adolescents].
Tercier S., Depallens S., Zambelli P.Y., Ambresin A.E., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (456-457) pp. 116-117. Peer-reviewed.
Responding to Young People's Health Risks in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomised Trial of Training Clinicians in Screening and Motivational Interviewing.
Sanci L., Chondros P., Sawyer S., Pirkis J., Ozer E., Hegarty K., Yang F., Grabsch B., Shiell A., Cahill H. et al., 2015. Plos One, 10 (9) pp. e0137581. Peer-reviewed.
Transactional sex and HIV risks - evidence from a cross-sectional national survey among young people in Uganda.
Choudhry V., Ambresin A.E., Nyakato V.N., Agardh A., 2015. Global health action, 8 p. 27249. Peer-reviewed.
Transition aux soins adultes : une vue d'ensemble [Transition to adult care: an overview]
Meynard A., Ambresin A.E., Suris J.C., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (462) pp. 434-437.
Consultations spécialisées en médecine de l'adolescent: à qui s'adressent-elles? [Specialized adolescent health clinic: who should be referred to it?]
Chamay W.C., Meynard A., Haller D.M., Yaron M., Messerli K., Ambresin A.E., Narring F., 2014/06/11. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (434) pp. 1282,1284-1286.
Characteristics of Young Adolescents Accessing Pornography Online
Suris J.C., Akre Christina, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Berchtold André, Piguet Claire, Zimmermann Grégoire, 2014/02., Annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2014, Austin, USA pp. S46 dans Journal of Adolescent Health, Supl.. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic Internet Use and Substance Use in Adolescence
Suris J.C., Akre Christina, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Berchtold André, Piguet Claire, Zimmermann Grégoire, 2014/02., Annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2014, Austin, USA pp. S8 dans Journal of Adolescent Health, Supl.. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge d'adolescents souffrant d'anorexie mentale: le rôle des parents, une approche basée sur l'évidence [Adolescents with an eating disorder: an evidence-based approach on the role of parents].
Ambresin A.E., Vust S., Lier F., Michaud P.A., 2014/01/15. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (412-413) pp. 66-68. Peer-reviewed.
A measurement framework for quality health care for adolescents in hospital.
Sawyer S.M., Ambresin A.E., Bennett K.E., Patton G.C., 2014. Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine, 55 (4) pp. 484-490. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility and clinical outcomes when using practice guidelines for evaluation of fever in returning travelers and migrants : a validation study.
Mueller Y., D'Acremont V., Ambresin A.E., Rossi I., Martin O., Burnand B., Genton B., 2014. Journal of Travel Medicine, 21 (3) pp. 169-182. Peer-reviewed.
Giving or Receiving Something for Sex: A Cross-Sectional Study of Transactional Sex among Ugandan University Students.
Choudhry V., Ostergren P.O., Ambresin A.E., Kyagaba E., Agardh A., 2014. Plos One, 9 (11) pp. e112431. Peer-reviewed.
Is Internet use unhealthy? A cross-sectional study of adolescent Internet overuse.
Suris J.C., Akre C., Piguet C., Ambresin A.E., Zimmermann G., Berchtold A., 2014. Swiss Medical Weekly, 144 pp. w14061. Peer-reviewed.
Les adolescents et leur santé
Michaud PA, Ambresin AE, 2014. pp. 263-286 dans Claes M., Lannegrand-Willems L. (eds.) La psychologie de l'adolescence, Presses de l'université de Montréal.
Services "amis des jeunes": promouvoir des soins adaptés aux adolescents [Youth friendly health services: how to promote quality health care for adolescents].
Ambresin A.E., Michaud P.A., Haller D.M., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (434) pp. 1278-1281.
Successful transitions: beyond disease control to better life chances.
Sawyer S.M., Ambresin A.E., 2014. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 (4) pp. 365-366.
The health of adolescents around a world in transition.
Michaud P.A., Ambresin A.E., 2014. Georgian Medical News 230 pp. 54-59. Peer-reviewed.
Transition of young people with chronic conditions: a cross-sectional study of patient perceptions before and after transfer from pediatric to adult health care.
Rutishauser C., Sawyer S.M., Ambresin A.E., 2014. European Journal of Pediatrics, 173 (8) pp. 1067-1074. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of youth-friendly health care: a systematic review of indicators drawn from young people's perspectives.
Ambresin A.E., Bennett K., Patton G.C., Sanci L.A., Sawyer S.M., 2013. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52 (6) pp. 670-681.
La santé des adolescents en Suisse [The health of adolescents in Switzerland].
Michaud P.A., Ambresin A.E., 2013. Praxis, 102 (18) pp. 1111-1116. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescent Friendly Hospital Survey
Sawyer S., Ambresin A.E., Bennett K., Hearps S., Romaniuk H., Patton G., 2012., The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne - Centre for adolescent Health.
Body dissatisfaction on top of depressive mood among adolescents with severe dysmenorrhea.
Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Bélanger Richard E., Chamay Catherine, Berchtold André, Narring Françoise, 2012. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 25 (1) pp. 19-22. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical and pharmacogenetic study on psychotropic drug induced weight gain and other metabolic complications in a Swiss psychiatric population
Eap C, Vandenberghe F, Choong Eva, Ambresin A, Von Gunten A, Conus P, 2012. dans International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology.
La dysménorrhée: un problème pour le pédiatre [Dysmenorrhea: a problem for the pediatrician?].
Narring F., Yaron M., Ambresin A.E., 2012. Archives de Pédiatrie, 19 (2) pp. 125-130. Peer-reviewed.
Extra burden of psychosomatic complaints among adolescents suffering from chronic conditions.
Suris Joan-Carles, Bélanger Richard E., Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Chabloz Jeanne-Marie, Michaud Pierre-André, 2011. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 32 (4) pp. 328-331. Peer-reviewed.
A new highly penetrant form of obesity due to deletions on chromosome 16p11.2.
Walters R.G., Jacquemont S., Valsesia A., de Smith A.J., Martinet D., Andersson J., Falchi M., Chen F., Andrieux J., Lobbens S. et al., 2010/02/04. Nature, 463 (7281) pp. 671-675. Peer-reviewed.
Body dissatisfaction on top of depressive mood among adolescent with severe dysmenorrhea
Ambresin A.E., Bélanger R.E., Chamay C., Berchtold A., Narring F., 2010. pp. 35S dans Joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics, Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Enfants et adolescents migrants, une perspective de santé et de droits ?
Zermatten J., Mele C., Ambresin A.E., Braunschweig C., Guéniat O., Michaud P.A., Benaroyo L., 2010., Institut international des Droits de l'Enfant (IDE) dans Enfants et adolescents migrants, une perspective de santé et de droits ?, Institut international des Droits de l'Enfant (IDE).
Fatal attraction: smoking among adolescents with chronic pulmonary conditions
Bélanger Richard E., Akré Christina, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. pp. 36S dans Joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics and Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Crans Montana (Switzerland), June 17-18, 2010, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Health status of adolescents who report psychosomatic symptoms in comparison to those who are chronically ill
Suris Joan-Carles, Bélanger Richard E., Berchtold André, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Michaud Pierre-André, 2010. pp. S47-S48 dans Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 April 2010, Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
Les troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCA) à l'adolescence
Ambresin A.E., Vust S., 2010. Dépendances 41 pp. 9-11.
Soins aux mineurs non accompagnés (MNA): l'expérience lausannoise [Caring for unaccompanied minors: an experience from Lausanne].
Depallens Villanueva S., Ambresin A.E., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (253) pp. 1248-50, 1252. an online study prototype to evaluate the safety and feasibility of computerized guidelines for fever in returning travellers and migrants
Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, D'Acremont Valérie, Mueller Yolanda, Martin O., Burnand Bernard, Genton Blaise, 2007. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 85 (1) pp. 19-31. Peer-reviewed.
Practice Guidelines for Evaluation of Fever in Returning Travelers and Migrants
D'Acremont Valérie, Burnand Bernard, Ambresin Ann-Emmanuelle, Genton Blaise, 2006/03/08. Journal of Travel Medicine, 10 (Suppl. 2) pp. S25-S45. Peer-reviewed.
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