Nicolas Widmer

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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203 publications

En préparation | In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | ...
Expert-derived recommendations for designing and facilitating tabletop crisis exercises: A Delphi study
Wallace K., Bollfrass A., Cooper O., Epstein D., Forrest S., Lukosch H., Mason R., Meesters K., Reid S., Waring S. et al. PsyArXiv Preprints.
Strengthening pharmaceutical management in a health centre in South Sudan through e-learning
Le Bloc'h F., von Grünigen S., Schumacher L., Berger C., Bonnabry P., Widmer N. Médecine de Catastrophe - Urgences Collectives. Peer-reviewed.
Population Pharmacokinetics in Oncology and Its Clinical Applications.
Widmer N., Guidi M., Buclin T., 2024/05/25. Pharmaceutics, 16 (6) p. 711. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic et prise en charge en urgence des incidents radiologiques [Diagnosis and emergency management of radiological incidents]
Porzi J., Porzi M., Patonnier M., Macri F., Widmer N., Desmettre T., Platon A., Poletti P.A., Gartner B.A., 2024. Revue Medicale Suisse, 20 (883) pp. 1418-1421. Peer-reviewed.
Interprofessional collaboration in an internal medicine department between physicians and clinical pharmacists: current state of practice during hospital stay and at discharge
Garin P., Garin N., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2024., 8. Frühjahrskongress der Schweizerische Gesellschaft fü Allgemeine Innere Medizin (SGAIM). pp. 3896/33S dans Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Interprofessionnal collaboration in the ICU: pharmacists’ integration for over 10 years
Grandchamp S., Tagan D., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2024. dans Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Intensivmedizin (SGI). Peer-reviewed.
Pharmaceutical consultations in oncology: A satisfaction survey
Pasteur C., Tournoud-Casanova M., Blatrie C., Salati E., Martelli S., Widmer N., Tschan-Gauchat G., 2024. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Tabletop exercises to improve business continuity plans in hospital pharmacies: A prospective interventional study
Le Bloc'h F., Schumacher L., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2024., 82nd FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences p. 302 dans Pharmacy Education. Peer-reviewed.
Tabletop exercises to improve business continuity plans in hospital pharmacies: A prospective interventional study
Le Bloc'h F., Schumacher L., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2024. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
"Ensemble vers une médication sûre" grâce à une chambre des erreurs mise en place au sein d’un hôpital régional
Grandchamp S., Cretton S., Firmann M., Baralon C., Schumacher L., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., 2023. dans 24e Hopipharm.
An interprofessional medication adherence program to optimize adherence to oral anticancer therapies: a randomized-controlled trial
Bandiera C., Cardoso E., Locatelli I., Digklia A., Zaman K., Diciolla A., Cristina V., Stravodimou A., Lopez V.A., Dolcan A. et al., 2023., 26th International Society for Medication Adherence (ESPACOMP) Conference p. 269 dans International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. Peer-reviewed.
Détection de patient·e·s à risque d’événements iatrogènes médicamenteux: Définition des règles de détection et réalisation d’une phase pilote
Bochatay L., Spaggiari S., Dobrinas M., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2023. dans 24es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
From personalized to precision medicine in oncology: A model-based dosing approach to optimize achievement of imatinib target exposure.
Goutelle S., Guidi M., Gotta V., Csajka C., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2023. Pharmaceutics, 15 (4) p. 1081. Peer-reviewed.
Management of the COVID-19 health crisis: a survey in Swiss hospital pharmacies
Schumacher L., Dhif Y., Bonnabry Y., Widmer N., 2023., 80th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences pp. 244-245 dans Pharmacy Education. Peer-reviewed.
Management of the COVID-19 health crisis: A survey in Swiss hospital pharmacies
Schumacher L., Dhif Y., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2023. BMC Health Services Research, 23 (1) p. 1134. Peer-reviewed.
Management of the COVID-19 Health Crisis: A Survey of Swiss Health Authorities' Responses.
Schumacher L., Tinguely Casserini J., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2023. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 17 pp. e406. Peer-reviewed.
Management of the COVID-19 health crisis: a survey of Swiss health authorities’ response
Schumacher L., Tinguely Casserini J., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2023., 80th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences p. 245 dans Pharmacy Education. Peer-reviewed.
Precision oncology by point-of-care therapeutic drug monitoring and dosage adjustment of conventional cytotoxic chemotherapies: A perspective.
Briki M., André P., Thoma Y., Widmer N., Wagner A.D., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Guidi M., Carrara S., 2023. Pharmaceutics, 15 (4) p. 1283. Peer-reviewed.
Full-scale simulations to improve disaster preparedness in hospital pharmacies.
Schumacher L., Senhaji S., Gartner B.A., Carrez L., Dupuis A., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2022/07/02. BMC Health Services Research, 22 (1) p. 853. Peer-reviewed.
Dosing strategies of imipenem in neonates based on pharmacometric modelling and simulation.
Dao K., Fuchs A., André P., Giannoni E., Decosterd L.A., Marchetti O., Asner S.A., Pfister M., Widmer N., Buclin T. et al., 2022/02/02. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 77 (2) pp. 457-465. Peer-reviewed.
Austrittsrezepte: pharmazeutische Interventionen in der Offizin [Ordonnances de sortie d’hôpital: interventions du pharmacien d’officine]
Dobrinas-Bonazzi M., Grandchamp S., Roussel M., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., 2022. pharmaJournal 3 pp. 22-24.
Cartographie de l’utilisation des médicaments anticholinergiques en établissement médico-social
Pellaton C., Humbert-Claude M., Borlat M.-L., Widmer N, Blanc A..-L., 2022. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Medication reconciliation for internal medicine inpatients: collaboration between clinical pharmacists and internists
Le Bloc h F., Rossier C., Dunner S., Matthys V., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2022., 6. Frühjahrskongress der Schweizerische Gesellschaft fü Allgemeine Innere Medizin (SGAIM). pp. 33S dans Primary and Hospital Care. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmaceutical interventions on hospital discharge prescriptions: Prospective observational study highlighting challenges for community pharmacists.
Grandchamp S., Blanc A.L., Roussel M., Tagan D., Sautebin A., Dobrinas-Bonazzi M., Widmer N., 2022. Drugs Real World Outcomes, 9 (2) pp. 253-261. Peer-reviewed.
Revue de traitement des résidents d'un établissement médico-social en vue de la préparation automatisée des semainiers
Pesenti F., Pellaton C., Bolomey C., Widmer N., Borlat M.-L., 2022. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Using risk analysis to anticipate and mitigate failures during a hospital pharmacy relocation.
Schumacher L., Dobrinas M., Krähenbühl S., Pasteur C., Borlat M.L., Rouiller F., Blanc A.L., Widmer N., Blatrie C., 2021/11. European journal of hospital pharmacy, 28 (Suppl 2) pp. e164-e170. Peer-reviewed.
Using risk analysis to ensure patients' medication safety during hospital relocations and evacuations.
Schumacher L., Berthaudin F., Blanc A.L., Blatrie C., Staines A., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2021/11. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 28 (Suppl 2) pp. e171-e179. Peer-reviewed.
Swiss Armed Forces deployment during the COVID-19 pandemic: militia pharmacy officers' roles and duties.
Widmer N., Abbet C., Brunner J., Faro Barros J., Ullmann S., Beeler C., Hug B., Reichert C., Bättig VAD, Caglioti G. et al., 2021/04. BMJ military health, 167 (2) p. 141. Peer-reviewed.
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness of European Hospital Pharmacists: A Survey.
Schumacher L., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2021/02. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 15 (1) pp. 25-33. Peer-reviewed.
Centre de vaccination de masse: Implication des assistantes en pharmacie
Oliveira Alves S.., Cornaz E., Schumacher L., Piol N., Widmer N., Blatrie C., 2021. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Continuity of care: economic impacts of optimizing hospital discharge
Darioly C., Grandchamp S., Roussel M., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2021. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Elevated acute phase proteins affect pharmacokinetics in COVID-19 trials: Lessons from the CounterCOVID - imatinib study.
Bartelink I.H., Bet P.M., Widmer N., Guidi M., Duijvelaar E., Grob B., Honeywell R., Evelo A., Tielbeek IPE, Snape S.D. et al., 2021. CPT, 10 (12) pp. 1497-1511. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of oxycodone and morphine use in hospital wards
Le Bloc'h F., Spaggiari S., Seemater G., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., 2021. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Fonctionnement des Commissions des Médicaments: Benchmarking romand
Spaggiari S., Reymond L., Rouiller F., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., 2021. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Implementation of medication reviews into a psychiatric hospital: A monocentric, retrospective, observational study
Humbert-Claude M., Attalla N., della Paolera M., Spaggiari S., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., 2021., 49th European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) Virtual Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy pp. 1751-1752 dans International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. Peer-reviewed.
Optimizing oral targeted anticancer therapies study for patients with solid cancer: Protocol for a randomized controlled medication adherence program along with systematic collection and modeling of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data.
Bandiera C., Cardoso E., Locatelli I., Digklia A., Zaman K., Diciolla A., Cristina V., Stravodimou A., Lopez V.A., Dolcan A. et al., 2021. JMIR Research Protocols, 10 (6) pp. e30090. Peer-reviewed.
Évaluation et mise en place d’une unité de gestion des essais cliniques au sein d’une pharmacie d’hôpital
Wellnitz S., Borlat M.-L., Widmer N., Blatrie C., 2021. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Validation and clinical application of a multiplex high performance liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry assay for the monitoring of plasma concentrations of 12 antibiotics in patients with severe bacterial infections.
Decosterd L.A., Mercier T., Ternon B., Cruchon S., Guignard N., Lahrichi S., Pesse B., Rochat B., Burger R., Lamoth F. et al., 2020/11/10. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, 1157 p. 122160. Peer-reviewed.
Population Pharmacokinetics of Erlotinib in Patients With Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Its Application for Individualized Dosing Regimens in Older Patients.
Cardoso E., Guidi M., Khoudour N., Boudou-Rouquette P., Fabre E., Tlemsani C., Arrondeau J., Goldwasser F., Vidal M., Schneider M.P. et al., 2020/07. Clinical Therapeutics, 42 (7) pp. 1302-1316. Peer-reviewed.
Activités de pharmacie clinique et d’assistance pharmaceutique durant la crise COVID-19
Blanc Kaveh A.-L., Schumacher S., Dobrinas-Bonazzi M., Widmer N., 2020. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Gestion de la pandémie COVID-19 en Suisse : Rôles et défis d'une pharmacie interhospitalière [Management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: Roles and challenges of an interhospital pharmacy]
Schumacher L., Blatrie C., Krähenbühl S., Pasteur C., Blanc A.-L., Pellaton C., Bonnabry P., Rouiller F., Widmer N., 2020. Médecine de Catastrophe - Urgences Collectives, 4 (3) pp. 223-232. Peer-reviewed.
Management of the COVID-19 health crisis: a survey in Swiss hospital pharmacies
Schumacher L., Dhif Y., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2020. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Militia pharmacy officers’ roles in the Swiss Armed Forces during the COVID-19 pandemic
Widmer N., Abbet C., Brunner J., Faro Barros J., Ullmann S., Beeler C., Hug B., Reichert C., Bättig V.A.D., Caglioti G. et al., 2020., International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Virtual 2020 p. 142 dans Pharmacy Education. Peer-reviewed.
Militia pharmacy officers’ roles in the Swiss Armed Forces during the COVID-19 pandemic
Widmer N., Abbet C., Brunner J., Faro Barros J., Ullmann S., Beeler C., Hug B., Reichert C., Bättig V.A.D., Caglioti G. et al., 2020. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Multi-centre full-scale simulations in hospital pharmacies to improve disaster preparedness
Schumacher L., Senhaji S., Gartner B.A., Carrez L., Dupuis A., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2020. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Multi-centre full-scale simulations in hospital pharmacies to improve disaster preparedness
Schumacher L., Senhaji S., Gartner B.A., Carrez L., Dupuis A., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2020., International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Virtual 2020 p. 142 dans Pharmacy Education. Peer-reviewed.
Présence des assistantes en pharmacie en unités de soins psychiatriques : Impact sur les incidents médicamenteux
Humbert-Claude M., Horisberger S., Morier M., Mischler-Delavy C., Dubuis C., Saudan J., Dobrinas M., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., 2020. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Roles and challenges of a Swiss hospital pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic
Schumacher L., Blatrie C., Krähenbühl S., Pasteur C., Blanc A.-L., Pellaton C., Rouiller F., Widmer N., 2020., International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Virtual 2020 p. 41 dans Pharmacy Education. Peer-reviewed.
Roles and challenges of a Swiss hospital pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic
Schumacher L., Blatrie C., Krähenbühl S., Pasteur C., Blanc A.-L., Pellaton C., Rouiller F., Widmer N., 2020. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
The steps to therapeutic drug monitoring: A structured approach illustrated with imatinib
Buclin T., Thoma Y., Widmer N., André P., Guidi M., Csajka C., Decosterd L..A., 2020. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11 p. 177. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic drug monitoring of targeted anticancer protein kinase inhibitors in routine clinical use: A critical review.
Cardoso E., Guidi M., Blanchet B., Schneider M.P., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Csajka C., Widmer N., 2020. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 42 (1) pp. 33-44. Peer-reviewed.
Déménagement d’une pharmacie hospitalière: comment s’y prendre ?
Schumacher L., Dobrinas M., Krähenbühl S., Pasteur C., Borlat M.-L., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., Blatrie C., 2019. dans 22es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Emergency and disaster: How are hospital pharmacies prepared in Europe?
Schumacher L., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2019., 24th European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) Congress pp. A19 dans European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. Peer-reviewed.
Guaranteeing patient safety during hospital move and evacuation through prospective risk analysis
Schumacher L., Berthaudin F., Blanc A.-L., Blatrie C., Staines A., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2019. dans 22es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Improving patient safety during hospital evacuation through FMECA prospective risk analysis
Schumacher L., Berthaudin F., Blanc A.-L., Blatrie C., Staines A., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2019. dans 43rd ICMM World Congress on Military Medicine.
Precision dosing of imatinib: A model-based approach to optimize achievement of target exposure
Goutelle S., Widmer N., Buclin T., Csajka C., 2019., 23e Congrès de la Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique p. 35 dans Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)
Pascal A., Widmer N., Buclin T., 2019. pp. 1-9 dans Swiss recommendations for adult cystic fibrosis care chap. 4.2.3, RMS Editions/Médecine et Hygiène.
Using FMECA to improve patient safety during hospital moves and evacuations
Schumacher L., Berthaudin F., Blanc A.-L., Blatrie C., Staines A., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2019. dans 79th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Comparison against current standards of a DNA aptamer for the label-free quantification of tobramycin in human sera employed for therapeutic drug monitoring.
Tenaglia E., Ferretti A., Decosterd L.A., Werner D., Mercier T., Widmer N., Buclin T., Guiducci C., 2018/09/10. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 159 pp. 341-347. Peer-reviewed.
Quantification of the next-generation oral anti-tumor drugs dabrafenib, trametinib, vemurafenib, cobimetinib, pazopanib, regorafenib and two metabolites in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
Cardoso E., Mercier T., Wagner A.D., Homicsko K., Michielin O., Ellefsen-Lavoie K., Cagnon L., Diezi M., Buclin T., Widmer N. et al., 2018/04/15. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 1083 pp. 124-136. Peer-reviewed.
Continuité des soins et des médicaments : Etat des lieux de la gestion des sorties d’hôpitaux impliquant les centres médico-sociaux
Safa F., Dobrinas M., Sautebin A., Kern F., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2018. dans 21es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Effect of adherence on pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships of oral targeted anticancer drugs.
Cardoso E., Csajka C., Schneider M.P., Widmer N., 2018/01. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 57 (1) pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
Emergency and disaster: How are hospital pharmacies prepared in Europe?
Schumacher L., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2018. dans 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018.
Médicaments et micronutriments, quel impact après la chirurgie bariatrique ?
Wellnitz S., Neeman M., Maurer S., Borlat M.-L., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2018. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Optimisation de la médication en gériatrie par un pharmacien clinicien au sein d'un EMS
Thalmann-Mejdi S., Tauxe B., Baldini G., Widmer N., Borlat M.-L., 2018. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Prestations de pharmacie clinique dans le contexte d’un déménagement hospitalier: quelles sont les attentes du personnel médico-soignant ?
Schumacher L, Dobrinas M, Neeman M, Widmer N, Blanc A-L, 2018. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
Situation d’urgence et de catastrophe: Sommes-nous prêts ?
Schumacher L., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2018. dans Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA)-Kongress.
TDM of cancer therapy: An emerging field
Widmer N., 2018., German Congress of Laboratory Medicine: 15th Annual Congress of the DGKL (German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) and the 3rd Symposium on Biomedical Analysis pp. eA11 dans Journal of Laboratory Medicine.
Prescription of sedative drugs during hospital stay: A Swiss prospective study.
Schumacher L., Dobrinas M., Tagan D., Sautebin A., Blanc A.L., Widmer N., 2017/12. Drugs Real World Outcomes, 4 (4) pp. 225-234. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacie d’urgence et de catastrophe: Un centre spécialisé voit le jour en Suisse [Notfall- und Katastrophenpharmazie: Neues Schweizer Fachzentrum]
Widmer N., Schumacher L., Meister T., Krähenbühl J.-M., Mühlebach S., Bonnabry P., 2017. pharmaJournal 15 pp. 10-17.
Prise en charge des médicaments hors-liste hospitalière par les assistantes en pharmacie
Copt L.., Dobrinas M., Pasteur C., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., Krähenbühl S., 2017., Gemeinsame Jahrestagung 2017 Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Intensivmedizin (SGI) Schweizerischer Verein der Amts- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA) pp. 49S dans Swiss Medical Forum. Peer-reviewed.
Procédure d’urgence lors d’extravasation d’agents cytostatiques
Dhif Y., Dobrinas M., Blanc A.-L., Widmer N., Blatrie C., 2017., Gemeinsame Jahrestagung 2017 Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Intensivmedizin (SGI) Schweizerischer Verein der Amts- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA) pp. 50S dans Swiss Medical Forum. Peer-reviewed.
Transition of care: A set of pharmaceutical interventions improves hospital discharge prescriptions from an internal medicine ward
Neeman M., Dobrinas M., Maurer S., Tagan D., Sautebin A., Blanc A.L., Widmer N., 2017. European journal of internal medicine, 38 pp. 30-37. Peer-reviewed.
The emerging role of multiplex tandem mass spectrometry analysis for therapeutic drug monitoring and personalized medicine
Decosterd L.A., Widmer N., André P., Aouri M., Buclin T., 2016/11. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 84 pp. 5-13. Peer-reviewed.
Biases affecting injected doses of an experimental drug during clinical trials.
Perrottet N., Brunner-Ferber F., Grouzmann E., Spertini F., Biollaz J., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2016/07/16. Trials, 17 (1) p. 321. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse et amélioration de la sécurité de la préparation et de l'administration des chimiothérapies par une analyse prospective des risques
Ouali H., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., Blatrie C., 2016. dans 20es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Pharmaceutical interventions on hospital discharge prescriptions: challenges for community pharmacists
Maurer S., Dobrinas M., Neeman M., Tagan D., Sautebin A., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2016. dans 20es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Produits thérapeutiques "frontière": que faire ?
Schumacher L., Bertschy S., Landweer S., Goette J., Widmer N., Blatrie C., 2016. dans 20es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Transition of care: a set of pharmaceutical interventions improves hospital discharge prescriptions from an internal medicine ward
Neeman M., Dobrinas M., Maurer S., Tagan D., Sautebin A., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2016. dans 20es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Therapeutic drug monitoring of targeted anticancer therapy.
Decosterd L.A., Widmer N., Zaman K., Cardoso E., Buclin T., Csajka C., 2015/09. Biomarkers In Medicine, 9 (9) pp. 887-893. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse et amélioration de la préparation automatisée des semainiers pour EMS
Ançay E., Erard J., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., Weibel M.-L., 2015. dans GSASA-Kongress, Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker = Congrès annuel de la GSASA, Société suisse des pharmaciens de l'administration et des hôpitaux.
Antibiotic consumption in nursing homes of the Canton of Vaud: trends over the years 2009 - 2014
Plüss-Suard C., Niquille A., Héquet D., Pichon R., Widmer N., Zanetti G., Bugnon O., Pétignat C., 2015. dans GSASA-Kongress, Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker = Congrès annuel de la GSASA, Société suisse des pharmaciens de l'administration et des hôpitaux.
Ausbildungskonzept Militärapotheker: Zivile Bedürfnisse und militärische Anforderungen unter einem Hut [Training concept of military pharmacist: Civilian and military needs under one roof]
Lampert M., Widmer N., 2015. Swiss Review of Military and Disaster Medicine 2 pp. 27-29. Peer-reviewed.
Erlotinib: another candidate for the therapeutic drug monitoring of targeted therapy of cancer? A pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic systematic review of literature.
Petit-Jean E., Buclin T., Guidi M., Quoix E., Gourieux B., Decosterd L.A., Gairard-Dory A.C., Ubeaud-Séquier G., Widmer N., 2015. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 37 (1) pp. 2-21. Peer-reviewed.
Nouvelle pharmacie d'unité de soins: Quels impacts ?
Horisberger S., Michaud P., Widmer N., Weibel M.-L., 2015. dans GSASA-Kongress, Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker = Congrès annuel de la GSASA, Société suisse des pharmaciens de l'administration et des hôpitaux.
Population pharmacokinetic study to evaluate dosing strategies of imipenem in neonates and infants
Fuchs A., Giannoni E., Guidi M., Decosterd L.A., Marchetti O., Pfister M., Widmer N., Buclin T., Csajka C., 2015. pp. Abstr. 3505 dans 24th Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE) Meeting, PAGE. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe. Peer-reviewed.
Population pharmacokinetic study to evaluate dosing strategies of imipenem in neonates and infants
Fuchs A., Giannoni E., Guidi M., Decosterd L.A., Marchetti O., Pfister M., Widmer N., Buclin T., Csajka C., 2015. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting.
Prescription of hypnotics during hospital stay: an epidemiological study in a Swiss hospital
Schumacher L., Blanc A.L., Tagan D., Sautebin A., Widmer N., 2015. pp. 73-74 dans 83. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Praxis. Peer-reviewed.
Prescription of hypnotics during hospital stay: an epidemiological study in a Swiss hospital
Schumacher L., Dobrinas M., Tagan D., Sautebin A., Widmer N., Blanc A.-L., 2015. dans GSASA-Kongress, Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker = Congrès annuel de la GSASA, Société suisse des pharmaciens de l'administration et des hôpitaux.
Role and responsibility of hospital pharmacy in emergencies and disasters
Pesenti F., Blanc A.-L., Mühlebach S., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2015. dans GSASA-Kongress, Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker = Congrès annuel de la GSASA, Société suisse des pharmaciens de l'administration et des hôpitaux.
Role of hospital pharmacy in response to emergencies or disasters
Pesenti F., Blanc A.L., Mühlebach S., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2015. dans 75th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Rotation d'opioïde: Quel outil de calcul d'équianalgésie utiliser ?
Jermini M., Blanc A.-L., Dobrinas M., Widmer N., Rouiller F., 2015. dans GSASA-Kongress, Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker = Congrès annuel de la GSASA, Société suisse des pharmaciens de l'administration et des hôpitaux.
Réponse pharmaceutique aux situations sanitaires extraordinaires en milieu hospitalier [In-hospital pharmaceutical response to extraordinary health events]
Pesenti F., Blanc A.L., Mühlebach S., Bonnabry P., Widmer N., 2015. Swiss Review of Military and Disaster Medicine 2 pp. 43-47. Peer-reviewed.
Setting-up a multi-center human research: Systematic observation during a Swiss clinical trial
Gotta V., Vallotton L., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2015. Bioethica Forum, 8 (1) pp. 25-28. Peer-reviewed.
Caractérisation du profil pharmacocinétique de la vancomycine chez des patients hospitalisés en médecine générale et chirurgie
Ribeiro J., Cerruti J., Widmer N., Livio F., Buclin T., Csajka C., Guidi M., 2014. dans 2e Congrès Suisse des Pharmaciens.
Clinical usefulness of therapeutic concentration monitoring for imatinib dosage individualization: results from a randomized controlled trial.
Gotta V., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Chalandon Y., Heim D., Gregor M., Benz R., Leoncini-Franscini L., Baerlocher G.M., Duchosal M.A. et al., 2014. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 74 (6) pp. 1307-1319. Peer-reviewed.
Dosing regimen of gentamicin in neonates: evaluation of current guidelines based on a large population pharmacokinetic analysis
Fuchs A., Guidi M., Giannoni E., Werner D., Widmer N., Buclin T., Csajka C., 2014. dans ESCIM 2014, European and Swiss Congress of Internal Medicin.
EzeCHiel: a story of individualized medicine validation - case of gentamicin dosing regimen optimisation in newborns
Fuchs A., Thoma Y., Sutter Y., Stadelmann J., Csajka C., Guidi M., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2014. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting 2014: Virtual Edition.
Large-scale imatinib dose-concentration-effect study in CML patients under routine care conditions.
Gotta V., Bouchet S., Widmer N., Schuld P., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Mahon F.X., Csajka C., Molimard M., 2014. Leukemia Research, 38 (7) pp. 764-772. Peer-reviewed.
Médicaments et grossesse : modifications pharmacocinétiques et place du suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique [Pharmacokinetic Alterations in Pregnancy and Use of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring].
Panchaud A., Weisskopf E., Winterfeld U., Baud D., Guidi M., Eap C.B., Csajka C., Widmer N., 2014. Therapie, 69 (3) pp. 223-234. Peer-reviewed.
Population pharmacokinetic modelling and evaluation of different dosage regimens for darunavir and ritonavir in HIV-infected individuals.
Arab-Alameddine M., Lubomirov R., Fayet-Mello A., Aouri M., Rotger M., Buclin T., Widmer N., Gatri M., Ledergerber B., Rentsch K. et al., 2014. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 69 (9) pp. 2489-2498. Peer-reviewed.
Population pharmacokinetic study of gentamicin in a large cohort of premature and term neonates.
Fuchs A., Guidi M., Giannoni E., Werner D., Buclin T., Widmer N., Csajka C., 2014. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 78 (5) pp. 1090-1101. Peer-reviewed.
Representation of medical guidelines with a computer interpretable model
Simalatsar A., You W., Gotta V., Widmer N., De Micheli G., 2014. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 23 (03) pp. 1460003/1-24. Peer-reviewed.
Review of therapeutic drug monitoring of anticancer drugs part one - Cytotoxics.
Paci A., Veal G., Bardin C., Levêque D., Widmer N., Beijnen J., Astier A., Chatelut E., 2014. European Journal of Cancer, 50 (12) pp. 2010-2019. Peer-reviewed.
Review of therapeutic drug monitoring of anticancer drugs part two - Targeted therapies.
Widmer N., Bardin C., Chatelut E., Paci A., Beijnen J., Levêque D., Veal G., Astier A., 2014. European Journal of Cancer, 50 (12) pp. 2020-2036. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer - Are we missing a trick?
Bardin C., Veal G., Paci A., Chatelut E., Astier A., Levêque D., Widmer N., Beijnen J., 2014. European Journal of Cancer, 50 (12) pp. 2005-2009. Peer-reviewed.
Towards a new combination therapy for tuberculosis with next generation benzothiazinones.
Makarov V., Lechartier B., Zhang M., Neres J., van der Sar A.M., Raadsen S.A., Hartkoorn R.C., Ryabova O.B., Vocat A., Decosterd L.A. et al., 2014. Embo Molecular Medicine, 6 (3) pp. 372-383. Peer-reviewed.
A control flow prototype for a dose recommending device for chronic myeloid leukemia patients
Simalatsar A., Wenqi Y., Dechao S., Gotta V., Widmer N., De Micheli G., 2013. dans 4th Workshop on Medical Cyber Physical Systems. Peer-reviewed.
Benchmarking therapeutic drug monitoring software: A review of available computer tools
Fuchs A., Csajka C., Thoma Y., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2013. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 52 (1) pp. 9-22. Peer-reviewed.
Biases on the administered parenteral doses of an experimental drug during phase I clinical trials
Perrottet Ries N., Brunner-Ferber F., Grouzmann E., Spertini F., Biollaz J., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2013. pp. e2-e3 dans 11th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT), Clinical Therapeutics. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical pharmacokinetics of imatinib and its therapeutic relevance
Widmer N., Gotta V., Haouala A., Blanc J., von Mehren M., Duchosal M., Leyvraz S., Csajka C., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., 2013. pp. 15-43 dans Akhtari M., Elhemaidi I. (eds.) Imatinib: Chemical structure, pharmacology and adverse effects chap. 2, Nova Science Publishers.
Clinical usefulness of therapeutic concentration monitoring for imatinib dosage individualization: Results from the randomized controlled I-COME Trial
Gotta V., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Chalandon Y., Heim D., Benz R., Gregor M., Leoncini-Franscini L., Baerlocher G., Duchosal M. et al., 2013. pp. e6 dans 11th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT), Clinical Therapeutics. Peer-reviewed.
EzeCHiel validation: Comparison of gentamicin drug concentration predictions to a reference method (NONMEM)
Fuchs A., Thoma Y., Csajka C., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2013. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting.
Higher CNS penetration-effectiveness of long-term combination antiretroviral therapy is associated with better HIV-1 viral suppression in cerebrospinal fluid.
Cusini A., Vernazza P.L., Yerly S., Decosterd L.A., Ledergerber B., Fux C.A., Rohrbach J., Widmer N., Hirschel B., Gaudenz R. et al., 2013. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 62 (1) pp. 28-35. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term prospective population PK study in GIST patients--letter.
Chatelut E., Gandia P., Gotta V., Widmer N., 2013. Clinical Cancer Research, 19 (4) p. 949. Peer-reviewed.
Personalized drug administrations using Support Vector Machine
You W., Simalatsar A., Widmer N., De Micheli G., 2013. BioNanoScience, 3 (4) pp. 378-393. Peer-reviewed.
Population pharmacokinetic study of gentamicin: A retrospective analysis in a large cohort of neonate patients
Fuchs A., Guidi M., Giannoni E., Buclin T., Widmer N., Csajka C., 2013. pp. Abstr. 2906 dans 22nd Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE) Meeting, PAGE. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of drug concentration using parametrized Support Vector Machines
You W., Simalatsar A., Widmer N., De Micheli G., 2013. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting.
Prediction of free imatinib concentrations based on total plasma concentrations in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours.
Haouala A., Widmer N., Guidi M., Montemurro M., Leyvraz S., Buclin T., Eap C.B., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., 2013. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 75 (4) pp. 1007-1018. Peer-reviewed.
Response to Calcagno comment on"Higher CNS penetration-effectiveness of long-term combination antiretroviral therapy is associated with better HIV-1 viral suppression in cerebrospinal fluid"
Cusini A., Ledergerber B., Widmer N., Günthard H.F., 2013. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 64 (2) pp. e14-e15. Peer-reviewed.
Simulation-based systematic review of imatinib population pharmacokinetics and PK-PD relationships in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients
Gotta V., Buclin T., Widmer N., Csajka C., 2013. pp. Abstr. 2904 dans 22nd Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE) Meeting, PAGE. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe. Peer-reviewed.
Suivi thérapeutique des concentrations d'inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase et d'autres médicaments oncologiques = Therapeutisches Drug-Monitoring der Konzentration von Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren und anderen Onkologika
Widmer N., 2013. Pipette Swiss Laboratory Medicine 3 pp. 8-9.
Systematic review of population pharmacokinetic analyses of imatinib and relationships with treatment outcomes
Gotta V., Buclin T., Csajka C., Widmer N., 2013. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 35 (2) pp. 150-167. Peer-reviewed.
A drug administration decision support system
You W., Simalatsar A., Widmer N., De Micheli G., 2012. pp. 122-129 dans 2012 Workshop on Pharmaco-Informatics for Drug Discovery in Conjunction with 2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2012). Peer-reviewed.
A survey on the enlistment of pharmacists in a hospital battalion of the Swiss Armed Forces
Krähenbühl J.M., Kurmann P., Hürlimann P., Cecconi M., Guillod Y., Friggeri C., Freudweiler M., Widmer N., 2012. dans World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012 FIP Centennial Congress.
An agenda for UK clinical pharmacology: Monitoring drug therapy
Buclin T., Gotta V., Fuchs A., Widmer N., Aronson J., 2012. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 73 (6) pp. 917-923.
Benchmarking therapeutic drug monitoring software: A systematic evaluation of available computer tools
Fuchs A., Csajka C., Thoma Y., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2012. pp. 113S-114S dans 80. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Swiss Medical Forum. Peer-reviewed.
Benchmarking therapeutic drug monitoring software: A systematic evaluation of available computer tools
Fuchs A., Csajka C., Thoma Y., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2012. pp. Abstr. 2351 dans 21st Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE) Meeting, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe. Peer-reviewed.
Benchmarking therapeutic drug monitoring software: A systematic evaluation of available computer tools
Fuchs A., Csajka C., Thoma Y., Buclin T., Widmer N., 2012. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting.
Cytogenetic response to imatinib in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients: concentration dependency and associated influences under field-conditions
Gotta V., Bouchet S., Widmer N., Csajka C., Buclin T., Mahon F.-X., Molimard M., 2012. pp. 107S dans 80. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Swiss Medical Forum. Peer-reviewed.
EzeCHiel: Drug concentration prediction and analysis software
Noverraz B., Stadelmann J., Sambuc L., Gotta V., Fuchs A., Widmer N., Buclin T., Thoma Y., 2012. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting.
Inhibiteurs des tyrosines kinases dans la LMC: Guide pratique des interactions médicamenteuses
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Nicolini F., Rothuizen L., Réa D., 2012., 2012 80, Editions Scientifiques L & C.
La Pharmacie en mutation = Die Apotheke im Wandel
Ledermann F., Geissbühler A., Borchard G., Mühlebach S., Locca J.F., Bezençon J., Widmer N., 2012. Pharmajournal, 150 (6) pp. 21-22.
Monitoring drug therapy.
Buclin T., Gotta V., Fuchs A., Widmer N., Aronson J., 2012. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 73 (6) pp. 917-923. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacokinetic (PK)-based dosage individualization of imatinib: evaluation of efficiency and clinical usefulness
Gotta V., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Montemurro M., Leyvraz S., Chalandon Y., Heim D., Gregor M., Benz R., Leoncini-Franscini L. et al., 2012. dans 3rd Symposium of the Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO), Personalised Medicine in Clinical Research.
Population pharmacokinetics in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients: observations under field-conditions
Gotta V., Bouchet S., Widmer N., Mahon F.-X., Molimard M., Buclin T., Csajka C., 2012. pp. 111S-112S dans 80. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Swiss Medical Forum. Peer-reviewed.
Pragmatic approach for interpreting antiretroviral drug concentrations based on a systematic review of population pharmacokinetic studies
Arab-Alameddine M., Buclin T., Guidi M., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., 2012. pp. Abstr. 2441 dans 21st Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE) meeting, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe. Peer-reviewed.
Probability of achieving optimal molecular response to imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients: Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) relationships observed under field-conditions
Gotta V., Bouchet S., Widmer N., Mahon F.X., Molimard M., Buclin T., Csajka C., 2012. pp. Abstr. 2504 dans 21st Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE) Meeting, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe. Peer-reviewed.
SVM-based Drug Administration Decision Support System
You W., Simalatsar A., Widmer N., De Micheli G., 2012. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting.
The Swiss young pharmacists group: Preparing for the future by examining the past
Ledermann F., Geissbühler A., Borchard G., Mühlebach S., Locca J.F., Bezençon J., Widmer N., 2012. International Pharmacy Journal, 28 (1) pp. 20-23.
Therapeutic drug monitoring of imatinib: Bayesian and alternative methods to predict trough levels
Gotta V., Widmer N., Montemurro M., Leyvraz S., Haouala A., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Buclin T., 2012. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 51 (3) pp. 187-201. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic drug monitoring of targeted anticancer therapy. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and selective estrogen receptor modulators: A clinical pharmacology laboratory perspective
Decosterd L.A., Dahmane E., Neeman M., Buclin T., Csajka C., Haouala A., Widmer N., 2012. pp. 197-250 dans Xu Q.A, Madden T.L. (eds.) LC-MS in drug bioanalysis chap. 9, Springer.
Correlations between imatinib pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adherence, and clinical response in advanced metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST): An emerging role for drug blood level testing?
von Mehren M., Widmer N., 2011. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 37 (4) pp. 291-299. Peer-reviewed.
Drug interactions with the tyrosine kinase inhibitors imatinib, dasatinib, and nilotinib.
Haouala A., Widmer N., Duchosal M.A., Montemurro M., Buclin T., Decosterd L.A., 2011. Blood, 117 (8) pp. e75-e87. Peer-reviewed.
Engagements des pharmaciens militaires de milice dans les bataillons hôpital de l'armée [Einsätze der Miliz-Militärapotheker in den Spitalbataillonen der Armee]
Widmer N., Krähenbühl J.M., Kurmann P., Hürlimann P., Cecconi M., Guillod Y., Friggeri C., Freudweiler M., 2011. GSASA Journal, 25 (4) pp. 107-111.
Example-based support vector machine for drug concentration analysis
You W., Widmer N., De Micheli G., 2011. pp. 153-157 dans EMBC 2011, 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2011). Peer-reviewed.
Example-Based Support Vector Machine for Personalized Medicine
You W., Widmer N., Simalatsar A., De Micheli G., 2011. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting.
Improvement of therapeutic drug monitoring of imatinib by Bayesian prediction of trough levels. Personalized drug dosage
Gotta V., Widmer N., Montemurro M., Leyvraz S., Haouala A., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Buclin T., 2011. p. 478 dans 12th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT), Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Peer-reviewed.
Need of reduced and harmonized bureaucracy in multi-centre clinical research - a case-report from a Swiss trial
Gotta V., Vallotton L., Widmer N., Buclin T., 2011. p. 7 dans 2011 Joint Annual Meeting of the German, Swiss, and Austrian Societies for Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Peer-reviewed.
Personalized drug dosage: Monitoring of imatinib concentration with a Bayesian interpretation tool
Gotta V., Widmer N., Montemurro M., Leyvraz S., Haouala A., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Buclin T., 2011. dans Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting.
Personalized modeling for drug concentration prediction using Support Vector Machine
You W., Widmer N., De Micheli G., 2011. pp. 1523-1527 dans BMEI 2011, 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. Peer-reviewed.
Symposium swissYPG 2011 "Die Apotheke im Wandel"
Widmer N., Bezençon J., Locca J.F., Lüscher B., 2011. Pharmajournal, 149 (16) p. 17.
Symposium swissYPG 2011 "La Pharmacie en mutation"
Widmer N., Bezençon J., Locca J.F., Lüscher B., 2011. Pharmajournal, 149 (16) p. 19.
Who is in charge of assessing therapeutic drug monitoring? The case of imatinib.
Buclin T., Widmer N., Biollaz J., Decosterd L.A., 2011. Lancet Oncology, 12 (1) pp. 9-11. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiovascular drug interactions with tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Haouala A., Widmer N., Montemurro M., Buclin T., Decosterd L., 2010. Cardiovascular Medicine, 13 (5) pp. 147-154. Peer-reviewed.
Determination of oseltamivir and oseltamivir carboxylate in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Aouri M., Zanolari B., Meylan P., Ivanyuk A., Buclin T., Decosterd L.A., Widmer N., 2010. pp. 25S dans Réunion annuelle Société Suisse de Médecine Intensive, Société Suisse d'Infectiologie, Société Suisse d'Hygiène Hospitalière, Société Suisse de Pharmacologie et Toxicologie Cliniques, Communauté Suisse d'intérêts pour soins intensifs, Invité: Société Suisse de Transplantation, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of the impact of a therapeutic drug monitoring program in a Swiss University Hospital
Fernandez S., Widmer N., Buclin T., Biollaz J., Csajka C., 2010. pp. 283-284 dans ESCP-GSASA, 38th Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, 30 years of clinical pharmacy : a bright future ahead, Pharmacy World and Science. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) for Imatinib: Preliminary considerations on the dosage adjustment approach for CML patients enrolled in the Imatinib Concentration Monitoring (I-COME) study
Gotta V., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Duchosal M.A., Chalandon Y., Heim D., Gregor M., Buclin T., 2010. pp. 90S dans 78. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Imatinib plasma concentrations variability in oncologic patients
Widmer N., 2010. 248 p., LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
Imatinib plasma levels: correlation with clinical benefit in GIST patients.
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Montemurro M., Haouala A., Leyvraz S., Buclin T., 2010. British Journal of Cancer, 102 (7) pp. 1198-1199. Peer-reviewed.
Multiplex ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for simultaneous quantification in human plasma of fluconazole, itraconazole, hydroxyitraconazole, posaconazole, voriconazole, voriconazole-N-oxide, anidulafungin, and caspofungin.
Decosterd L.A., Rochat B., Pesse B., Mercier T., Tissot F., Widmer N., Bille J., Calandra T., Zanolari B., Marchetti O., 2010. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 54 (12) pp. 5303-5315. Peer-reviewed.
Nouvelles du swissYPG [Neuigkeiten der swissYPG]
Widmer N., Krähenbühl J.M., Grossenbacher-Flückiger C., Lüscher B., Riethmann N., Locca J.F., 2010. GSASA Journal, 24 (4) pp. 123-124.
Oseltamivir in seasonal, avian H5N1 and pandemic 2009 A/H1N1 influenza: pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics.
Widmer N., Meylan P., Ivanyuk A., Aouri M., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., 2010. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 49 (11) pp. 741-765. Peer-reviewed.
siRNA-Mediated Knock-Down of P-Glycoprotein Expression Reveals Distinct Cellular Disposition of Anticancer Tyrosine Kinases Inhibitors.
Haouala A., Rumpold H., Untergasser G., Buclin T., Ris H.B., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., 2010. Drug Metabolism Letters, 4 (2) pp. 114-119. Peer-reviewed.
Suivi thérapeutique de l'imatinib
Gotta V., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Duchosal M.A., Chalandon Y., Heim D., Gregor M., Buclin T., 2010. Forum Medical Suisse, 10 (23) pp. 403-406. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of Imatinib: Effectiveness of Bayesian dose adjustment for CML patients enrolled in the Imatinib Concentration Monitoring (I-COME) study
Gotta V., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Duchosal M.A., Chalandon Y., Heim D., Gregor M., Buclin T., 2010. pp. 28S dans Réunion annuelle Société Suisse de Médecine Intensive, Société Suisse d'Infectiologie, Société Suisse d'Hygiène Hospitalière, Société Suisse de Pharmacologie et Toxicologie Cliniques, Communauté Suisse d'intérêts pour soins intensifs, Invité: Société Suisse de Transplantation, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors concentration monitoring in chronic myeloid leukemia.
Widmer N., Gotta V., Haouala A., Decosterd L.A., 2010. Leukemia Research, 34 (6) pp. 698-699. Peer-reviewed.
Le swissYPG se présente [Die swissYPG stellt sich vor]
Widmer N., Locca J.-F., Krähenbühl J.-M., Panchaud Monnat A., Grossenbacher-Flückiger C., 2009. GSASA Journal, 23 (3) pp. 71-72.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of the new targeted anticancer agents imatinib, nilotinib, dasatinib, sunitinib, sorafenib and lapatinib by LC tandem mass spectrometry.
Haouala A., Zanolari B., Rochat B., Montemurro M., Zaman K., Duchosal M.A., Ris H.B., Leyvraz S., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., 2009. Journal of Chromatography. B, 877 (22) pp. 1982-1996. Peer-reviewed.
Suivi thérapeutique des médicaments (I). Les principes [Principles of therapeutic drug monitoring]
Widmer N., Csajka C., Werner D., Grouzmann E., Decosterd L.A., Eap C.B., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2008/07/16. Revue medicale suisse, 4 (165) pp. 1644-1648. Peer-reviewed.
Suivi thérapeutique des médicaments (II). La pratique clinique [Therapeutic drug monitoring: clinical practice]
Widmer N., Werner D., Grouzmann E., Eap C.B., Marchetti O., Fayet A., Csajka C., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., 2008/07/16. Revue medicale suisse, 4 (165) pp. 1649-1650,1652-1660. Peer-reviewed.
Imatinib metabolite profiling in parallel to imatinib quantification in plasma of treated patients using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Rochat B., Fayet A., Widmer N., Lahrichi S.L., Pesse B., Décosterd L.A., Biollaz J., 2008/02. Journal of mass spectrometry, 43 (6) pp. 736-52. Peer-reviewed.
Dépistage des substances d'abus
Widmer N., Buclin T., Augsburger M., 2008. Pharma-Flash, 35 (2-3) pp. 5-11. Peer-reviewed.
Efavirenz Dose Adjustment in HIV Patients with Impaired CYP2B6 Function
Csajka C., Cavassini M., Rotger M., Decosterd L. A., Furrer H., Calmy A., Fayet A., Arab-Alameddine M., Widmer N., di Iulio J. et al., 2008. Pharmacotherapy, 28 (9) pp. 215e-216e. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship of imatinib-free plasma levels and target genotype with efficacy and tolerability
Widmer N., Decosterd L. A., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M. A., Rosselet A., Debiec-Rychter M., Csajka C., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2008. British Journal of Cancer, 98 (10) pp. 1633-1640. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical consequences of imatinib plasma concentrations variability in hemato-oncologic patients
Widmer N., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M.A., Rosselet A., Csajka C., Henry H., Debiec-Rychter M., Eap C.B., Biollaz J., Buclin T. et al., 2007. p. 481 dans 10th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT), Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Peer-reviewed.
Relations entre les taux plasmatiques d'imatinib et ses effets cliniques
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M.A., Rosselet A., Debiec-Rychter M., Csajka C., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2007. dans 14es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Relationships between imatinib plasma levels and efficacy
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M.A., Rosselet A., Debiec-Rychter M., Csajka C., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2007. pp. 80S dans 75. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerisches Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Resistance reversal by RNAi silencing of MDR1 in CML cells associated with increase in imatinib intracellular levels.
Widmer N., Rumpold H., Untergasser G., Fayet A., Buclin T., Decosterd L.A., 2007. Leukemia, 21 (7) pp. 1561-2; author reply 1562-4. Peer-reviewed.
The development of a stable oral solution of captopril for paediatric patients
Berger-Gryllaki M., Podilsky G., Widmer N., Gloor S., Testa B., Pannatier A., 2007. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Science, 13 (3) pp. 67-72. Peer-reviewed.
Étude des biais sur la dose parentérale d'un nouveau médicament lors d'un essai clinique avec profil cinétique.
Widmer N., Perrottet N., Brunner F., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2007. pp. 81S dans 75e Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne (SSMI), Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Oral imatinib treatment reduces early fibrogenesis but does not prevent progression in the long term
Neef M., Ledermann M., Saegesser H., Schneider V., Widmer N., Decosterd L. A., Rochat B., Reichen J., 2006/01. Journal of Hepatology, 44 (1) pp. 167-75. Peer-reviewed.
Population pharmacokinetics of imatinib and the role of alpha-acid glycoprotein
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M.A., Rosselet A., Rochat B., Eap C.B., Henry H., Biollaz J. et al., 2006. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 62 (1) pp. 97-112. Peer-reviewed.
Relations entre la pharmacocinétique de population de l'imatinib et l'alpha-1-glycoproteine acide chez des patients hémato-oncologiques
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M.A., Rosselet A., Rochat B., Eap C.B., Henry H., Biollaz J. et al., 2006. dans 13es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Relationship between imatinib population pharmacokinetics and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M.A., Rosselet A., Rochat B., Eap C.B., Henry H., Biollaz J. et al., 2006. pp. 71S dans 74e Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne (SSMI), Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Urgences psychiatriques: état d'agitation
Erb M., Herzog A., Widmer N., 2006. pp. 83-85 dans Gehri M., Laubscher B., Di Paolo E.R., Mazouni S.M. (eds.) Vade-Mecum de Pédiatrie chap. 8, BabyGuide.
Étude des biais sur la dose parentérale d'un nouveau médicament lors d'un essai clinique avec profil cinétique
Widmer N., Perrottet N., Brunner F., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2006. p. 22 dans Gemeinsamer Kongress der Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker (GSASA) und Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Spitalhygiene (SGS) = Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse des Pharmaciens de l'Administration et des Hôpitaux (GSASA) et de la Société Suisse d'Hygiène Hospitalière (SSHH), GSASA Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Formulation Optimization in a University Hospital: The Example of Pediatric Solutions of the ACE Inhibitor Captopril
Berger-Gryllaki M., Podilsky G., Widmer N., Gloor S., Testa B., Pannatier A., 2005/06/01. CHIMIA, 59 (6) p. 357. Peer-reviewed.
Auto-évaluation de la qualité d'un site Internet de pharmacie hospitalière
De Giorgi I., Widmer N., Cingria L., Wasilewski A.F., Fonzo-Christe C., Bonnabry P., 2005. dans GSASA-Kongress, Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amt- und Spitalapotheker = Congrès annuel de la GSASA, Société suisse des pharmaciens de l'administration et des hôpitaux.
Canicule et Pharmacie hospitalière: Conséquences cliniques et logistiques pour la pharmacie hospitalière en Valais.
Widmer N, De Giorgi I, Reymond J-P, 2005. GSASA Journal, 19 (2) pp. 56-59.
Population pharmacokinetics of imatinib in CML and GIST patients under long-term treatment
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M.A., Csajka C., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2005. pp. 116-117 dans 7th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT), Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. Peer-reviewed.
Population pharmacokinetics of imatinib in CML and GIST patients under long-term treatment
Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Leyvraz S., Duchosal M.A., Csajka C., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2005. pp. 63S dans 73e Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne (SSMI), Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Severe pustular eruption associated with imatinib and voriconazole in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia
Gambillara E., Laffitte E., Widmer N., Decosterd L. A., Duchosal M. A., Kovacsovics T., Panizzon R. G., 2005. Dermatology, 211 (4) pp. 363-365. Peer-reviewed.
Determination of imatinib (Gleevec) in human plasma by solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-ultraviolet absorbance detection
Widmer N., Beguin A., Rochat B., Buclin T., Kovacsovics T., Duchosal M. A., Leyvraz S., Rosselet A., Biollaz J., Decosterd L. A., 2004/04. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 803 (2) pp. 285-292. Peer-reviewed.
Canicule et Pharmacie hospitalière en Valais
Widmer N., De Giorgi I., Reymond J.P., 2004. dans 12es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Dose-adjustment of imatinib based on plasma level measurement in a patient with CML
Heizmann M., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Oppliger E., Tobler A., 2004. pp. 32S dans 72e Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne (SSMI), Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Dose-adjustment of imatinib based on plasma level measurement in a patient with CML
Heizmann M., Widmer N., Decosterd L.A., Oppliger E., Tobler A., 2004. pp. S39 dans 9th Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA), Hematology Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Développement d'une solution orale pédiatrique de captopril
Gryllaki-Berger M., Podilsky G., Widmer N., Gloor S., Pannatier A., 2004. dans 12es Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière.
Les médicaments génériques : quelle place à l'hôpital?
Widmer N., Reymond J.-P., 2004. HRM-Info, 36 pp. 6-7.
Toxidermie pustuleuse après imatinib et voriconazole
Gambillara E., Laffitte E., Widmer N., Kovacsovics T., Panizzon R.G., 2004. p. 245 dans Journées Dermatologiques de Paris, Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie. Peer-reviewed.
Functional consequence of MDR1 expression on imatinib intracellular concentrations
Widmer N., Colombo S., Buclin T., Decosterd L. A., 2003/08. Blood, 102 (3) p. 1142. Peer-reviewed.
Toxidermie pustuleuse après imatinib et voriconazole
Gambillara E., Laffitte E., Widmer N., Kovacsovics T., Panizzon R.G., 2003. dans 85e Réunion annuelle de la Société Suisse de Dermatologie et de Vénérologie (SSDV).
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