Cécile Jaques

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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28 publications

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Palliative Sedation Around the World: A Systematic Review.
Tomczyk M., Jaques C., Jox R.J., 2025/01. Journal of palliative care, 40 (1) pp. 58-71. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy and safety of neuraxial hydromorphone: A systematic review and meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis.
Grape S., El-Boghdadly K., Jaques C., Albrecht E., 2024/12. Journal of clinical anesthesia, 99 p. 111664. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy and safety of intrathecal diamorphine: a systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression and trial sequential analysis.
Grape S., El-Boghdadly K., Jaques C., Albrecht E., 2024/10. Anaesthesia, 79 (10) pp. 1081-1090. Peer-reviewed.
Non-pulmonary complications of intrathecal morphine administration: a systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression.
Renard Y., El-Boghdadly K., Rossel J.B., Nguyen A., Jaques C., Albrecht E., 2024/10. British journal of anaesthesia, 133 (4) pp. 823-838. Peer-reviewed.
Adjustments of iodinated contrast media using lean body weight for abdominopelvic computed tomography: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Gulizia M., Ding S., Sá Dos Reis C., Jaques C., Dromain C., 2024/09. European journal of radiology, 178 p. 111631. Peer-reviewed.
Effectiveness and family experiences of interventions promoting partnerships between families and pediatric and neonatal intensive care units: a mixed methods systematic review.
Barnes S., Macdonald I., Rahmaty Z., de Goumoëns V., Grandjean C., Jaques C., Ramelet A.S., 2024/07/01. JBI evidence synthesis, 22 (7) pp. 1208-1261. Peer-reviewed.
Palliative sedation: ethics in clinical practice guidelines - systematic review.
Tomczyk M., Jaques C., Jox R.J., 2024/01/08. BMJ supportive & palliative care, 13 (e3) pp. e651-e663. Peer-reviewed.
PSTPIP1-Associated Myeloid-Related Proteinemia Inflammatory (PAMI) Syndrome: A Systematic Review.
Mejbri M., Renella R., Candotti F., Jaques C., Holzinger D., Hofer M., Theodoropoulou K., 2023/08/19. Genes, 14 (8) p. 1655. Peer-reviewed.
On-site treatment of avalanche victims: Scoping review and 2023 recommendations of the international commission for mountain emergency medicine (ICAR MedCom).
Pasquier M., Strapazzon G., Kottmann A., Paal P., Zafren K., Oshiro K., Artoni C., Van Tilburg C., Sheets A., Ellerton J. et al., 2023/03. Resuscitation, 184 p. 109708. Peer-reviewed.
Major malformations risk following early pregnancy exposure to metformin: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Abolhassani N., Winterfeld U., Kaplan Y.C., Jaques C., Minder Wyssmann B., Del Giovane C., Panchaud A., 2023/01. BMJ open diabetes research & care, 11 (1) pp. e002919. Peer-reviewed.
Entrustable professional activities for residency in general internal medicine: a systematic review.
Valding B., Monti M., Junod Perron N., Frick S., Jaques C., Nendaz M., Gachoud D., 2022/11/04. Swiss medical weekly, 152 p. 40002. Peer-reviewed.
Contribuer à la qualité des revues systématiques : développement d’un outil d’identification des articles publiés dans des journaux prédateurs
Jaques Cécile, Zbinden Jérôme, Trombert Alexia, Elmers Jolanda, 2022/09/28., A l'occasion de la conférence "La publication scientifique face aux enjeux de l’ouverture et de la transparence" du 28 septembre 2022. https://www.bium.ch/confpub22.
Experience of hope in adult patients with advanced chronic disease and their informal caregivers: a qualitative systematic review protocol.
Befecadu FBP, Perrenoud B., Behaghel G., Jaques C., Pautex S., Rodrigues MGDR, Larkin P.J., 2022/08/01. JBI evidence synthesis, 20 (8) pp. 2025-2031. Peer-reviewed.
Ethical challenges in palliative sedation of adults: protocol for a systematic review of current clinical practice guidelines.
Tomczyk M., Jaques C., Jox R.J., 2022/07/01. BMJ open, 12 (7) pp. e059189. Peer-reviewed.
Intensity-dependent effects of exercise therapy on walking performance and aerobic fitness in symptomatic patients with lower-extremity peripheral artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Fassora M., Calanca L., Jaques C., Mazzolai L., Kayser B., Lanzi S., 2022/04. Vascular medicine, 27 (2) pp. 158-170. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the Will to Live: A Scoping Review.
Bornet M.A., Bernard M., Jaques C., Rubli Truchard E., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., 2021/04. Journal of pain and symptom management, 61 (4) pp. 845-857.e18. Peer-reviewed.
Symptom perception in heart failure - Interventions and outcomes: A scoping review.
Santos G.C., Liljeroos M., Dwyer A.A., Jaques C., Girard J., Strömberg A., Hullin R., Schäfer-Keller P., 2021/04. International journal of nursing studies, 116 p. 103524. Peer-reviewed.
Instruments assessing medication literacy in adult recipients of care: A systematic review of measurement properties.
Gentizon J., Hirt J., Jaques C., Lang P.O., Mabire C., 2021/01. International journal of nursing studies, 113 p. 103785. Peer-reviewed.
Planification anticipée concernant la santé chez des personnes avec une capacité de discernement limitée : revue de la littérature et état des lieux en Suisse
Bosisio Francesca, Bornet Marc-Antoine, Haunreiter Katja, Jaques Cécile, Jones Laura, Ritzenthaler Daniela, Jox Ralf, Rubli Truchard Eve, 2020/12/10., Office fédéral de la santé publique.
Psychological impact of an epidemic/pandemic on the mental health of healthcare professionals: a rapid review
Stuijfzand Suzannah, Deforges Camille, Sandoz Vania, Sajin Consuela-Thais, Jaques Cecile, Elmers Jolanda, Horsch Antje, 2020/12. BMC Public Health, 20 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Nursing discharge teaching for hospitalized older people: A rapid realist review.
Pellet J., Weiss M., Rapin J., Jaques C., Mabire C., 2020/11. Journal of advanced nursing, 76 (11) pp. 2885-2896. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of incarceration on cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systematic review and meta-regression on weight and BMI change
Bondolfi C., Taffe P., Augsburger A., Jaques C., Malebranche M., Clair C., Bodenmann P., 2020/10/16. BMJ open, 10 (10) pp. e039278. Peer-reviewed.
A Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acute Procedural Pain on Neonates.
Balice-Bourgois C., Zumstein-Shaha M., Vanoni F., Jaques C., Newman C.J., Simonetti G.D., 2020/05. The Clinical journal of pain, 36 (5) pp. 390-398. Peer-reviewed.
Symptom perception in heart failure: a scoping review on definition, factors and instruments.
Santos G.C., Liljeroos M., Dwyer A.A., Jaques C., Girard J., Strömberg A., Hullin R., Schäfer-Keller P., 2020/02. European journal of cardiovascular nursing, 19 (2) pp. 100-117. Peer-reviewed.
Patients souffrant de lésions cérébrales: les soins à la famille
De Goumoëns V., Rio L., Jaques C., Ramelet A.-S., 2019. Krankenpflege. Soins infirmiers 04 pp. 74-75.
Experiences of newly diagnosed cancer patients in confronting the finitudes of life: a qualitative systematic review protocol.
Stanic J., Perrenoud B., Rochat E., Ballabeni P., Jaques C., Schaer-Chaudhry A.C., Zumstein-Shaha M., 2018/12. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 16 (12) pp. 2288-2294. Peer-reviewed.
Family-oriented interventions for adults with acquired brain injury and their families: a scoping review.
de Goumoëns V., Rio L.M., Jaques C., Ramelet A.S., 2018/12. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 16 (12) pp. 2330-2367. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of context on nursing discharge teaching mechanisms for older inpatients: a realist review protocol.
Pellet J., Jaques C, Rapin J., Weiss M., Mabire C., 2018..
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