Richard Frackowiak

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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468 publications

... | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | ...
The activity in human areas V1/V2, V3, and V5 during the perception of coherent and incoherent motion.
McKeefry D.J., Watson J.D., Frackowiak R.S., Fong K., Zeki S., 1997. Neuroimage, 5 (1) pp. 1-12.
The functional anatomy of a hysterical paralysis.
Marshall J.C., Halligan P.W., Fink G.R., Wade D.T., Frackowiak R.S., 1997. Cognition, 64 (1) pp. B1-B8.
The neural correlates of the noradrenergic modulation of human attention, arousal and learning.
Coull J.T., Frith C.D., Dolan R.J., Frackowiak R.S., Grasby P.M., 1997. European Journal of Neuroscience, 9 (3) pp. 589-598.
The structural components of music perception. A functional anatomical study.
Platel H., Price C., Baron J.C., Wise R., Lambert J., Frackowiak R.S., Lechevalier B., Eustache F., 1997. Brain, 120 ( Pt 2) pp. 229-243.
Transient phase-locking and dynamic correlations: Are they the same thing?
Friston K.J., Stephan K.M., Frackowiak R.S., 1997. Human Brain Mapping, 5 (1) pp. 48-57.
Two modulatory effects of attention that mediate object categorization in human cortex.
Rees G., Frackowiak R., Frith C., 1997. Science, 275 (5301) pp. 835-838.
'Theory of mind' in the brain. Evidence from a PET scan study of Asperger syndrome.
Happé F., Ehlers S., Fletcher P., Frith U., Johansson M., Gillberg C., Dolan R., Frackowiak R., Frith C., 1996. Neuroreport, 8 (1) pp. 197-201.
A critique of a new analysis proposed for functional neuroimaging.
Frackowiak R.S., Zeki S., Poline J.B., Friston K.J., 1996. European Journal of Neuroscience, 8 (11) pp. 2229-2231.
A fronto-parietal network for rapid visual information processing: a PET study of sustained attention and working memory.
Coull J.T., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Grasby P.M., 1996. Neuropsychologia, 34 (11) pp. 1085-1095.
A multivariate analysis of evoked responses in EEG and MEG data.
Friston K.J., Stephan K.M., Heather J.D., Frith C.D., Ioannides A.A., Liu L.C., Rugg M.D., Vieth J., Keber H., Hunter K. et al., 1996. Neuroimage, 3 (3 Pt 1) pp. 167-174.
A multivariate analysis of PET activation studies.
Friston K.J., Poline J.B., Holmes A.P., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Human Brain Mapping, 4 (2) pp. 140-151.
Active representation of shape and spatial location in man.
Baker S.C., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1996. Cerebral Cortex, 6 (4) pp. 612-619.
Brain activity during memory retrieval. The influence of imagery and semantic cueing.
Fletcher P.C., Shallice T., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1996. Brain, 119 ( Pt 5) pp. 1587-1596.
Brain activity during stimulus independent thought.
McGuire P.K., Paulesu E., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1996. Neuroreport, 7 (13) pp. 2095-2099.
Cerebral activation during the exertion of sustained static force in man.
Dettmers C., Lemon R.N., Stephan K.M., Fink G.R., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Neuroreport, 7 (13) pp. 2103-2110.
Clinical and neuroimaging features of familial Alzheimer's disease.
Rossor M.N., Kennedy A.M., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 777 pp. 49-56.
Comparison of methods for analysis of clinical [11C]raclopride studies.
Lammertsma A.A., Bench C.J., Hume S.P., Osman S., Gunn K., Brooks D.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 16 (1) pp. 42-52.
Comparison of regional cerebral blood flow with transcranial magnetic stimulation at different forces.
Dettmers C., Ridding M.C., Stephan K.M., Lemon R.N., Rothwell J.C., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Journal of Applied Physiology, 81 (2) pp. 596-603.
Demonstrating the implicit processing of visually presented words and pseudowords.
Price C.J., Wise R.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Cerebral Cortex, 6 (1) pp. 62-70.
Differential activation of the prefrontal cortex in successful and unsuccessful memory retrieval.
Rugg M.D., Fletcher P.C., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1996. Brain, 119 ( Pt 6) pp. 2073-2083.
Functional anatomy of a common semantic system for words and pictures.
Vandenberghe R., Price C., Wise R., Josephs O., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Nature, 383 (6597) pp. 254-256.
Functional anatomy of inner speech and auditory verbal imagery.
McGuire P.K., Silbersweig D.A., Murray R.M., David A.S., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1996. Psychological Medicine, 26 (1) pp. 29-38.
Functional topography: multidimensional scaling and functional connectivity in the brain.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Fletcher P., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Cerebral Cortex, 6 (2) pp. 156-164.
Hearing and saying. The functional neuro-anatomy of auditory word processing.
Price C.J., Wise R.J., Warburton E.A., Moore C.J., Howard D., Patterson K., Frackowiak R.S., Friston K.J., 1996. Brain, 119 ( Pt 3) pp. 919-931.
Human cerebral activity with increasing inspiratory force: a study using positron emission tomography.
Fink G.R., Corfield D.R., Murphy K., Kobayashi I., Dettmers C., Adams L., Frackowiak R.S., Guz A., 1996. Journal of Applied Physiology, 81 (3) pp. 1295-1305.
Is developmental dyslexia a disconnection syndrome? Evidence from PET scanning.
Paulesu E., Frith U., Snowling M., Gallagher A., Morton J., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1996. Brain, 119 ( Pt 1) pp. 143-157.
Is multivariate analysis of PET data more revealing than the univariate approach? Evidence from a study of episodic memory retrieval.
Fletcher P.C., Dolan R.J., Shallice T., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Friston K.J., 1996. Neuroimage, 3 (3 Pt 1) pp. 209-215.
Learning to find your way: a role for the human hippocampal formation.
Maguire E.A., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1996. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 263 (1377) pp. 1745-1750.
Mapping human memory--a brief review.
Frackowiak R.S., Fletcher P., 1996. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 96 (3) pp. 189-192.
Motor imagery--anatomical representation and electrophysiological characteristics.
Stephan K.M., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Neurochemical Research, 21 (9) pp. 1105-1116.
Movement-related effects in fMRI time-series.
Friston K.J., Williams S., Howard R., Frackowiak R.S., Turner R., 1996. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 35 (3) pp. 346-355.
Neural systems engaged by planning: a PET study of the Tower of London task.
Baker S.C., Rogers R.D., Owen A.M., Frith C.D., Dolan R.J., Frackowiak R.S., Robbins T.W., 1996. Neuropsychologia, 34 (6) pp. 515-526.
Neuroanatomie cognitive du langage: contribution de l'imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale [Cognitive neuroanatomy of language: contribution of functional cerebral imaging].
Habib M., Démonet J.F., Frackowiak R., 1996. Revue Neurologique, 152 (4) pp. 249-260.
Noun and verb retrieval by normal subjects. Studies with PET.
Warburton E., Wise R.J., Price C.J., Weiller C., Hadar U., Ramsay S., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Brain, 119 ( Pt 1) pp. 159-179.
Primary progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy presenting as an extrapyramidal syndrome.
Bhatia K.P., Morris J.H., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Journal of Neurology, 243 (1) pp. 91-95.
Quantitative comparison of functional magnetic resonance imaging with positron emission tomography using a force-related paradigm.
Dettmers C., Connelly A., Stephan K.M., Turner R., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., Gadian D.G., 1996. Neuroimage, 4 (3 Pt 1) pp. 201-209.
Reproducibility of PET activation studies: lessons from a multi-center European experiment. EU concerted action on functional imaging.
Poline J.B., Vandenberghe R., Holmes A.P., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Neuroimage, 4 (1) pp. 34-54.
Silent ischemia as a central problem: regional brain activation compared in silent and painful myocardial ischemia.
Rosen S.D., Paulesu E., Nihoyannopoulos P., Tousoulis D., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., Jones T., Camici P.G., 1996. Annals of Internal Medicine, 124 (11) pp. 939-949.
The effect of varying stimulus rate and duration on brain activity during reading.
Price C.J., Moore C.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Neuroimage, 3 (1) pp. 40-52.
The neural correlates of inner speech and auditory verbal imagery in schizophrenia: relationship to auditory verbal hallucinations.
McGuire P.K., Silbersweig D.A., Wright I., Murray R.M., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1996. British Journal of Psychiatry, 169 (2) pp. 148-159.
The neural regions sustaining object recognition and naming.
Price C.J., Moore C.J., Humphreys G.W., Frackowiak R.S., Friston K.J., 1996. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 263 (1376) pp. 1501-1507.
The sensory guidance of movement: a comparison of the cerebellum and basal ganglia.
Jueptner M., Jenkins I.H., Brooks D.J., Frackowiak R.S., Passingham R.E., 1996. Experimental Brain Research, 112 (3) pp. 462-474.
The time course of binding to striatal dopamine D2 receptors by the neuroleptic ziprasidone (CP-88,059-01) determined by positron emission tomography.
Bench C.J., Lammertsma A.A., Grasby P.M., Dolan R.J., Warrington S.J., Boyce M., Gunn K.P., Brannick L.Y., Frackowiak R.S., 1996. Psychopharmacology, 124 (1-2) pp. 141-147.
The trouble with cognitive subtraction.
Friston K.J., Price C.J., Fletcher P., Moore C., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1996. Neuroimage, 4 (2) pp. 97-104.
Where in the brain does visual attention select the forest and the trees?
Fink G.R., Halligan P.W., Marshall J.C., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1996. Nature, 382 (6592) pp. 626-628.
A voxel-based method for the statistical analysis of gray and white matter density applied to schizophrenia.
Wright I.C., McGuire P.K., Poline J.B., Travere J.M., Murray R.M., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Friston K.J., 1995. Neuroimage, 2 (4) pp. 244-252.
Abnormal monitoring of inner speech: a physiological basis for auditory hallucinations.
McGuire P.K., Silbersweig D.A., Wright I., Murray R.M., David A.S., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1995. Lancet, 346 (8975) pp. 596-600.
Activation of human hippocampal formation during memory for faces: a PET study.
Kapur N., Friston K.J., Young A., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Cortex, 31 (1) pp. 99-108.
Activation of limbic structures during stimulated breathing in awake man.
Corfield D.R., Fink G.R., Ramsay S.C., Murphy K., Harty H.R., Watson J.D., Adams L., Frackowiak R.S., Guz A., 1995. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 393 pp. 331-334.
Analysis of fMRI time-series revisited.
Friston K.J., Holmes A.P., Poline J.B., Grasby P.J., Williams S.C., Frackowiak R.S., Turner R., 1995. Neuroimage, 2 (1) pp. 45-53.
Brain systems for encoding and retrieval of auditory-verbal memory. An in vivo study in humans.
Fletcher P.C., Frith C.D., Grasby P.M., Shallice T., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1995. Brain, 118 ( Pt 2) pp. 401-416.
Changes in regional cerebral blood flow on recovery from depression.
Bench C.J., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1995. Psychological Medicine, 25 (2) pp. 247-261.
Characterizing dynamic brain responses with fMRI: a multivariate approach.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Turner R., 1995. Neuroimage, 2 (2) pp. 166-172.
Characterizing evoked hemodynamics with fMRI.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Turner R., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Neuroimage, 2 (2) pp. 157-165.
Chromosome 14 linked familial Alzheimer's disease. A clinico-pathological study of a single pedigree.
Kennedy A.M., Newman S.K., Frackowiak R.S., Cunningham V.J., Roques P., Stevens J., Neary D., Bruton C.J., Warrington E.K., Rossor M.N., 1995. Brain, 118 ( Pt 1) pp. 185-205.
Deficits in cerebral glucose metabolism demonstrated by positron emission tomography in individuals at risk of familial Alzheimer's disease.
Kennedy A.M., Frackowiak R.S., Newman S.K., Bloomfield P.M., Seaward J., Roques P., Lewington G., Cunningham V.J., Rossor M.N., 1995. Neuroscience Letters, 186 (1) pp. 17-20.
Dopaminergic modulation of impaired cognitive activation in the anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia.
Dolan R.J., Fletcher P., Frith C.D., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., Grasby P.M., 1995. Nature, 378 (6553) pp. 180-182.
Estimating smoothness in statistical parametric maps: variability of p values.
Poline J.B., Worsley K.J., Holmes A.P., Frackowiak R.S., Friston K.J., 1995. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 19 (5) pp. 788-796.
Evidence for limbic system activation during CO2-stimulated breathing in man.
Corfield D.R., Fink G.R., Ramsay S.C., Murphy K., Harty H.R., Watson J.D., Adams L., Frackowiak R.S., Guz A., 1995. Journal of Physiology, 488 ( Pt 1) pp. 77-84.
Functional anatomy of the mental representation of upper extremity movements in healthy subjects.
Stephan K.M., Fink G.R., Passingham R.E., Silbersweig D., Ceballos-Baumann A.O., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Journal of Neurophysiology, 73 (1) pp. 373-386.
Functional MR imaging correlations with positron emission tomography. Initial experience using a cognitive activation paradigm on verbal working memory.
Paulesu E., Connelly A., Frith C.D., Friston K.J., Heather J., Myers R., Gadian D.G., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Neuroimaging Clinics of North America, 5 (2) pp. 207-225.
Hyperpnoea during and immediately after exercise in man: evidence of motor cortical involvement.
Fink G.R., Adams L., Watson J.D., Innes J.A., Wuyam B., Kobayashi I., Corfield D.R., Murphy K., Jones T., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Journal of Physiology, 489 ( Pt 3) pp. 663-675.
Imaging and Alzheimer disease: current issues.
Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 9 (1) p. 5.
Modulation of conscious experience by peripheral sensory stimuli.
Bottini G., Paulesu E., Sterzi R., Warburton E., Wise R.J., Vallar G., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1995. Nature, 376 (6543) pp. 778-781.
Organisation und Reorganisation im menschlichen Kortex [Organization and reorganization of the human cortex].
Stephan K.M., Dettmers C., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Arzneimittel-forschung, 45 (3A) pp. 390-393.
Other minds in the brain: a functional imaging study of "theory of mind" in story comprehension.
Fletcher P.C., Happé F., Frith U., Baker S.C., Dolan R.J., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1995. Cognition, 57 (2) pp. 109-128.
Positron emission tomography in familial Alzheimer disease.
Kennedy A.M., Rossor M.N., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 9 (1) pp. 17-20.
Regional brain activity in chronic schizophrenic patients during the performance of a verbal fluency task.
Frith C.D., Friston K.J., Herold S., Silbersweig D., Fletcher P., Cahill C., Dolan R.J., Frackowiak R.S., Liddle P.F., 1995. British Journal of Psychiatry, 167 (3) pp. 343-349.
Relation between cerebral activity and force in the motor areas of the human brain.
Dettmers C., Fink G.R., Lemon R.N., Stephan K.M., Passingham R.E., Silbersweig D., Holmes A., Ridding M.C., Brooks D.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Journal of Neurophysiology, 74 (2) pp. 802-815.
Retinotopic maps in human prestriate visual cortex: the demarcation of areas V2 and V3.
Shipp S., Watson J.D., Frackowiak R.S., Zeki S., 1995. Neuroimage, 2 (2) pp. 125-132.
The effect of the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine on regional cerebral blood flow during the performance of a memory task.
Grasby P.M., Frith C.D., Paulesu E., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1995. Experimental Brain Research, 104 (2) pp. 337-348.
The functional anatomy of recovery from auditory agnosia. A PET study of sound categorization in a neurological patient and normal controls.
Engelien A., Silbersweig D., Stern E., Huber W., Döring W., Frith C., Frackowiak R.S., 1995. Brain, 118 ( Pt 6) pp. 1395-1409.
The mind's eye--precuneus activation in memory-related imagery.
Fletcher P.C., Frith C.D., Baker S.C., Shallice T., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1995. Neuroimage, 2 (3) pp. 195-200.
The physiology of coloured hearing. A PET activation study of colour-word synaesthesia.
Paulesu E., Harrison J., Baron-Cohen S., Watson J.D., Goldstein L., Heather J., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1995. Brain, 118 ( Pt 3) pp. 661-676.
A graded task approach to the functional mapping of brain areas implicated in auditory-verbal memory.
Grasby P.M., Frith C.D., Friston K.J., Simpson J., Fletcher P.C., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1994. Brain, 117 ( Pt 6) pp. 1271-1282.
A PET study of cognitive strategies in normal subjects during language tasks. Influence of phonetic ambiguity and sequence processing on phoneme monitoring.
Démonet J.F., Price C., Wise R., Frackowiak R.S., 1994. Brain, 117 ( Pt 4) pp. 671-682.
Brain activity during reading. The effects of exposure duration and task.
Price C.J., Wise R.J., Watson J.D., Patterson K., Howard D., Frackowiak R.S., 1994. Brain, 117 ( Pt 6) pp. 1255-1269.
Brain regions associated with acquisition and retrieval of verbal episodic memory.
Shallice T., Fletcher P., Frith C.D., Grasby P., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1994. Nature, 368 (6472) pp. 633-635.
Central nervous pathways mediating angina pectoris.
Rosen S.D., Paulesu E., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., Davies G.J., Jones T., Camici P.G., 1994. Lancet, 344 (8916) pp. 147-150.
Cerebral responses to pain in patients with atypical facial pain measured by positron emission tomography.
Derbyshire S.W., Jones A.K., Devani P., Friston K.J., Feinmann C., Harris M., Pearce S., Watson J.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1994. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 57 (10) pp. 1166-1172.
Cortical control of saccades and fixation in man. A PET study.
Anderson T.J., Jenkins I.H., Brooks D.J., Hawken M.B., Frackowiak R.S., Kennard C., 1994. Brain, 117 ( Pt 5) pp. 1073-1084.
Cortical function in progressive lower motor neuron disorders and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a comparative PET study.
Kew J.J., Brooks D.J., Passingham R.E., Rothwell J.C., Frackowiak R.S., Leigh P.N., 1994. Neurology, 44 (6) pp. 1101-1110.
Cortical function in progressive muscular atrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Kew J.J., Brooks D.J., Rassingham R.E., Rothwell J.C., Frackowiak R.S., Leigh P.N., 1994. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 124 Suppl p. 72.
Depression in Parkinson's disease. A positron emission study.
Ring H.A., Bench C.J., Trimble M.R., Brooks D.J., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1994. British Journal of Psychiatry, 165 (3) pp. 333-339.
Differential activation of right and left posterior sylvian regions by semantic and phonological tasks: a positron-emission tomography study in normal human subjects.
Démonet J.F., Price C., Wise R., Frackowiak R.S., 1994. Neuroscience Letters, 182 (1) pp. 25-28.
Evidence for long-term survival and function of dopaminergic grafts in progressive Parkinson's disease.
Lindvall O., Sawle G., Widner H., Rothwell J.C., Björklund A., Brooks D., Brundin P., Frackowiak R., Marsden C.D., Odin P., 1994. Annals of Neurology, 35 (2) pp. 172-180.
Functional anatomy of obsessive-compulsive phenomena.
McGuire P.K., Bench C.J., Frith C.D., Marks I.M., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1994. British Journal of Psychiatry, 164 (4) pp. 459-468.
Functional mapping of verbal memory and language.
Frackowiak R.S., 1994. Trends in Neurosciences, 17 (3) pp. 109-115.
Functional neuroanatomy of the human brain: positron emission tomography--a new neuroanatomical technique.
Frackowiak R.S., Friston K.J., 1994. Journal of Anatomy, 184 ( Pt 2) pp. 211-225.
Hemiplegia in pregnancy due to metastatic cerebral angiosarcoma.
Chaudhuri K.R., Jager R., Bridger J., Fusi L., Thomas D.G., Frackowiak R.S., 1994. European Neurology, 34 (5) pp. 295-297.
Human cortical areas selectively activated by apparent sound movement.
Griffiths T.D., Bench C.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1994. Current Biology, 4 (10) pp. 892-895.
Identification of the central vestibular projections in man: a positron emission tomography activation study.
Bottini G., Sterzi R., Paulesu E., Vallar G., Cappa S.F., Erminio F., Passingham R.E., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1994. Experimental Brain Research, 99 (1) pp. 164-169.
Imaging transient, randomly occurring neuropsychological events in single subjects with positron emission tomography: an event-related count rate correlational analysis.
Silbersweig D.A., Stern E., Schnorr L., Frith C.D., Ashburner J., Cahill C., Frackowiak R.S., Jones T., 1994. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 14 (5) pp. 771-782.
Motor sequence learning: a study with positron emission tomography.
Jenkins I.H., Brooks D.J., Nixon P.D., Frackowiak R.S., Passingham R.E., 1994. Journal of Neuroscience, 14 (6) pp. 3775-3790.
Neuropsychological dysfunction in depression: the relationship to regional cerebral blood flow.
Dolan R.J., Bench C.J., Brown R.G., Scott L.C., Frackowiak R.S., 1994. Psychological Medicine, 24 (4) pp. 849-857.
Reorganization of cortical blood flow and transcranial magnetic stimulation maps in human subjects after upper limb amputation.
Kew J.J., Ridding M.C., Rothwell J.C., Passingham R.E., Leigh P.N., Sooriakumaran S., Frackowiak R.S., Brooks D.J., 1994. Journal of Neurophysiology, 72 (5) pp. 2517-2524.
The brain activity related to residual motion vision in a patient with bilateral lesions of V5.
Shipp S., de Jong B.M., Zihl J., Frackowiak R.S., Zeki S., 1994. Brain, 117 ( Pt 5) pp. 1023-1038.
The cerebral activity related to the visual perception of forward motion in depth.
de Jong B.M., Shipp S., Skidmore B., Frackowiak R.S., Zeki S., 1994. Brain, 117 ( Pt 5) pp. 1039-1054.
The role of the right hemisphere in the interpretation of figurative aspects of language. A positron emission tomography activation study.
Bottini G., Corcoran R., Sterzi R., Paulesu E., Schenone P., Scarpa P., Frackowiak R.S., Frith C.D., 1994. Brain, 117 ( Pt 6) pp. 1241-1253.
The timing of visual evoked potential activity in human area V4.
Buchner H., Weyen U., Frackowiak R.S., Romaya J., Zeki S., 1994. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 257 (1348) pp. 99-104.
Update on functional neuro-imaging.
Frackowiak R., 1994. Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 15 (3) pp. 131-133.
A positron emission tomography study of essential tremor: evidence for overactivity of cerebellar connections.
Jenkins I.H., Bain P.G., Colebatch J.G., Thompson P.D., Findley L.J., Frackowiak R.S., Marsden C.D., Brooks D.J., 1993. Annals of Neurology, 34 (1) pp. 82-90.
Activation of the human hippocampal formation during auditory-verbal long-term memory function.
Grasby P.M., Frith C.D., Friston K., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1993. Neuroscience Letters, 163 (2) pp. 185-188.
Alzheimer's disease families with amyloid precursor protein mutations.
Rossor M.N., Newman S., Frackowiak R.S., Lantos P., Kennedy A.M., 1993. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 695 pp. 198-202.
Area V5 of the human brain: evidence from a combined study using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Watson J.D., Myers R., Frackowiak R.S., Hajnal J.V., Woods R.P., Mazziotta J.C., Shipp S., Zeki S., 1993. Cerebral Cortex, 3 (2) pp. 79-94.
Asymmetrical pre-synaptic and post-synpatic changes in the striatal dopamine projection in dopa naïve parkinsonism. Diagnostic implications of the D2 receptor status.
Sawle G.V., Playford E.D., Brooks D.J., Quinn N., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Brain, 116 ( Pt 4) pp. 853-867.
Changes in global cerebral blood flow in humans: effect on regional cerebral blood flow during a neural activation task.
Ramsay S.C., Murphy K., Shea S.A., Friston K.J., Lammertsma A.A., Clark J.C., Adams L., Guz A., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Journal of Physiology, 471 pp. 521-534.
Conscious visual perception without V1.
Barbur J.L., Watson J.D., Frackowiak R.S., Zeki S., 1993. Brain, 116 ( Pt 6) pp. 1293-1302.
Cortical function in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A positron emission tomography study.
Kew J.J., Leigh P.N., Playford E.D., Passingham R.E., Goldstein L.H., Frackowiak R.S., Brooks D.J., 1993. Brain, 116 ( Pt 3) pp. 655-680.
Detection of thirty-second cognitive activations in single subjects with positron emission tomography: a new low-dose H2(15)O regional cerebral blood flow three-dimensional imaging technique.
Silbersweig D.A., Stern E., Frith C.D., Cahill C., Schnorr L., Grootoonk S., Spinks T., Clark J., Frackowiak R., Jones T., 1993. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 13 (4) pp. 617-629.
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex dysfunction in the major psychoses; symptom or disease specificity?
Dolan R.J., Bench C.J., Liddle P.F., Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Grasby P.M., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 56 (12) pp. 1290-1294.
Dose dependent occupancy of central dopamine D2 receptors by the novel neuroleptic CP-88,059-01: a study using positron emission tomography and 11C-raclopride.
Bench C.J., Lammertsma A.A., Dolan R.J., Grasby P.M., Warrington S.J., Gunn K., Cuddigan M., Turton D.J., Osman S., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Psychopharmacology, 112 (2-3) pp. 308-314.
Familial Alzheimer's disease. A pedigree with a mis-sense mutation in the amyloid precursor protein gene (amyloid precursor protein 717 valine-->glycine).
Kennedy A.M., Newman S., McCaddon A., Ball J., Roques P., Mullan M., Hardy J., Chartier-Harlin M.C., Frackowiak R.S., Warrington E.K., 1993. Brain, 116 ( Pt 2) pp. 309-324.
Functional connectivity: the principal-component analysis of large (PET) data sets.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 13 (1) pp. 5-14.
Functional mapping of activated human primary cortex with a clinical MR imaging system.
Connelly A., Jackson G.D., Frackowiak R.S., Belliveau J.W., Vargha-Khadem F., Gadian D.G., 1993. Radiology, 188 (1) pp. 125-130.
Functional mapping of brain areas implicated in auditory--verbal memory function.
Grasby P.M., Frith C.D., Friston K.J., Bench C., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1993. Brain, 116 ( Pt 1) pp. 1-20.
Functional studies of the human cerebellum with positron emission tomography.
Jenkins I.H., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Revue Neurologique, 149 (11) pp. 647-653.
Going beyond the information given: the relation of illusory visual motion to brain activity.
Zeki S., Watson J.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 252 (1335) pp. 215-222.
Impaired activation of frontal areas during movement in Parkinson's disease: a PET study.
Playford E.D., Jenkins I.H., Passingham R.E., Frackowiak R.S., Brooks D.J., 1993. Advances in Neurology, 60 pp. 506-510.
Individual patterns of functional reorganization in the human cerebral cortex after capsular infarction.
Weiller C., Ramsay S.C., Wise R.J., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Annals of Neurology, 33 (2) pp. 181-189.
Investigations of the functional anatomy of attention using the Stroop test.
Bench C.J., Frith C.D., Grasby P.M., Friston K.J., Paulesu E., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1993. Neuropsychologia, 31 (9) pp. 907-922.
Principal component analysis learning algorithms: a neurobiological analysis.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 254 (1339) pp. 47-54.
Regional cerebral blood flow during volitional expiration in man: a comparison with volitional inspiration.
Ramsay S.C., Adams L., Murphy K., Corfield D.R., Grootoonk S., Bailey D.L., Frackowiak R.S., Guz A., 1993. Journal of Physiology, 461 pp. 85-101.
Regional cerebral blood flow in depression measured by positron emission tomography: the relationship with clinical dimensions.
Bench C.J., Friston K.J., Brown R.G., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1993. Psychological Medicine, 23 (3) pp. 579-590.
Thalamic stimulation and suppression of parkinsonian tremor. Evidence of a cerebellar deactivation using positron emission tomography.
Deiber M.P., Pollak P., Passingham R., Landais P., Gervason C., Cinotti L., Friston K., Frackowiak R., Mauguière F., Benabid A.L., 1993. Brain, 116 ( Pt 1) pp. 267-279.
The effect of the dopamine agonist, apomorphine, on regional cerebral blood flow in normal volunteers.
Grasby P.M., Friston K.J., Bench C.J., Cowen P.J., Frith C.D., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1993. Psychological Medicine, 23 (3) pp. 605-612.
The metabolic effects of limbic leucotomy in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.
Sawle G.V., Lees A.J., Hymas N.F., Brooks D.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 56 (9) pp. 1016-1019.
The neural correlates of the verbal component of working memory.
Paulesu E., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1993. Nature, 362 (6418) pp. 342-345.
The relationship between abnormalities of cognitive function and cerebral activation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A neuropsychological and positron emission tomography study.
Kew J.J., Goldstein L.H., Leigh P.N., Abrahams S., Cosgrave N., Passingham R.E., Frackowiak R.S., Brooks D.J., 1993. Brain, 116 ( Pt 6) pp. 1399-1423.
The syndrome of gait ignition failure: a report of six cases.
Atchison P.R., Thompson P.D., Frackowiak R.S., Marsden C.D., 1993. Movement Disorders, 8 (3) pp. 285-292.
Cerebral blood flow and mental processes in schizophrenia.
Liddle P.F., Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 85 (4) pp. 224-227.
Effect of the 5-HT1A partial agonist buspirone on regional cerebral blood flow in man.
Grasby P.M., Friston K.J., Bench C., Cowen P.J., Frith C.D., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1992. Psychopharmacology, 108 (3) pp. 380-386.
Entropy and cortical activity: information theory and PET findings.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Passingham R.E., Dolan R.J., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Cerebral Cortex, 2 (3) pp. 259-267.
Functional anatomy of human procedural learning determined with regional cerebral blood flow and PET.
Grafton S.T., Mazziotta J.C., Presty S., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., Phelps M.E., 1992. Journal of Neuroscience, 12 (7) pp. 2542-2548.
Functional reorganization of the brain in recovery from striatocapsular infarction in man.
Weiller C., Chollet F., Friston K.J., Wise R.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Annals of Neurology, 31 (5) pp. 463-472.
Impaired activation of the supplementary motor area in Parkinson's disease is reversed when akinesia is treated with apomorphine.
Jenkins I.H., Fernandez W., Playford E.D., Lees A.J., Frackowiak R.S., Passingham R.E., Brooks D.J., 1992. Annals of Neurology, 32 (6) pp. 749-757.
Impaired mesial frontal and putamen activation in Parkinson's disease: a positron emission tomography study.
Playford E.D., Jenkins I.H., Passingham R.E., Nutt J., Frackowiak R.S., Brooks D.J., 1992. Annals of Neurology, 32 (2) pp. 151-161.
Langerhans' cell histiocytosis and the nervous system.
Burn D.J., Watson J.D., Roddie M., Chu A.C., Legg N.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Journal of Neurology, 239 (6) pp. 345-350.
Localization of responses to pain in human cerebral cortex.
Jones A.K., Friston K., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Science, 255 (5041) pp. 215-216.
Measuring the neuromodulatory effects of drugs in man with positron emission tomography.
Friston K.J., Grasby P.M., Bench C.J., Frith C.D., Cowen P.J., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R., 1992. Neuroscience Letters, 141 (1) pp. 106-110.
Monitoring by PET of macrophage accumulation in brain after ischaemic stroke.
Ramsay S.C., Weiller C., Myers R., Cremer J.E., Luthra S.K., Lammertsma A.A., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Lancet, 339 (8800) pp. 1054-1055.
Motor practice and neurophysiological adaptation in the cerebellum: a positron tomography study.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Passingham R.E., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 248 (1323) pp. 223-228.
Motor recovery after acute ischaemic stroke: a metabolic study.
Di Piero V., Chollet F.M., MacCarthy P., Lenzi G.L., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 55 (11) pp. 990-996.
Patterns of cerebral blood flow in schizophrenia.
Liddle P.F., Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Hirsch S.R., Jones T., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. British Journal of Psychiatry, 160 pp. 179-186.
PET imaging and cognition in schizophrenia.
Frith C.D., Friston K.J., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 85 (4) pp. 222-224.
Regional cerebral blood flow abnormalities in depressed patients with cognitive impairment.
Dolan R.J., Bench C.J., Brown R.G., Scott L.C., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 55 (9) pp. 768-773.
Regional response differences within the human auditory cortex when listening to words.
Price C., Wise R., Ramsay S., Friston K., Howard D., Patterson K., Frackowiak R., 1992. Neuroscience Letters, 146 (2) pp. 179-182.
Striatal D2 receptor status in patients with Parkinson's disease, striatonigral degeneration, and progressive supranuclear palsy, measured with 11C-raclopride and positron emission tomography.
Brooks D.J., Ibanez V., Sawle G.V., Playford E.D., Quinn N., Mathias C.J., Lees A.J., Marsden C.D., Bannister R., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Annals of Neurology, 31 (2) pp. 184-192.
The anatomy of melancholia--focal abnormalities of cerebral blood flow in major depression.
Bench C.J., Friston K.J., Brown R.G., Scott L.C., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R.J., 1992. Psychological Medicine, 22 (3) pp. 607-615.
The anatomy of phonological and semantic processing in normal subjects.
Démonet J.F., Chollet F., Ramsay S., Cardebat D., Nespoulous J.L., Wise R., Rascol A., Frackowiak R., 1992. Brain, 115 ( Pt 6) pp. 1753-1768.
The cortical localization of the lexicons. Positron emission tomography evidence.
Howard D., Patterson K., Wise R., Brown W.D., Friston K., Weiller C., Frackowiak R., 1992. Brain, 115 ( Pt 6) pp. 1769-1782.
The effect of apomorphine and buspirone on regional cerebral blood flow during the performance of a cognitive task-measuring neuromodulatory effects of psychotropic drugs in man.
Grasby P.M., Friston K.J., Bench C.J., Frith C.D., Paulesu E., Cowen P.J., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., Dolan R., 1992. European Journal of Neuroscience, 4 (12) pp. 1203-1212.
The identification of presymptomatic parkinsonism: clinical and [18F]dopa positron emission tomography studies in an Irish kindred.
Sawle G.V., Wroe S.J., Lees A.J., Brooks D.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Annals of Neurology, 32 (5) pp. 609-617.
The left medial temporal region and schizophrenia. A PET study.
Friston K.J., Liddle P.F., Frith C.D., Hirsch S.R., Frackowiak R.S., 1992. Brain, 115 ( Pt 2) pp. 367-382.
The use of positron emission tomography in the clinical assessment of dementia.
Mazziotta J.C., Frackowiak R.S., Phelps M.E., 1992. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 22 (4) pp. 233-246.
Transplantation of fetal dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease: one-year clinical and neurophysiological observations in two patients with putaminal implants.
Lindvall O., Widner H., Rehncrona S., Brundin P., Odin P., Gustavii B., Frackowiak R., Leenders K.L., Sawle G., Rothwell J.C., 1992. Annals of Neurology, 31 (2) pp. 155-165.
[3H]PK 11195 and the localisation of secondary thalamic lesions following focal ischaemia in rat motor cortex.
Myers R., Manjil L.G., Frackowiak R.S., Cremer J.E., 1991. Neuroscience Letters, 133 (1) pp. 20-24.
A direct demonstration of functional specialization in human visual cortex.
Zeki S., Watson J.D., Lueck C.J., Friston K.J., Kennard C., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Journal of Neuroscience, 11 (3) pp. 641-649.
A PET study of word finding.
Frith C.D., Friston K.J., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Neuropsychologia, 29 (12) pp. 1137-1148.
Cerebral blood flow and metabolism studies in multi-infarct dementia.
Brown W.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 5 (2) pp. 131-143.
Cerebral function in aging and Alzheimer's disease: the role of PET.
Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplement, 42 pp. 355-365.
Chronic pain: a PET study of the central effects of percutaneous high cervical cordotomy.
Di Piero V., Jones A.K., Iannotti F., Powell M., Perani D., Lenzi G.L., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Pain, 46 (1) pp. 9-12.
Comparing functional (PET) images: the assessment of significant change.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 11 (4) pp. 690-699.
Cortical and subcortical localization of response to pain in man using positron emission tomography.
Jones A.K., Brown W.D., Friston K.J., Qi L.Y., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 244 (1309) pp. 39-44.
Cortical areas and the selection of movement: a study with positron emission tomography.
Deiber M.P., Passingham R.E., Colebatch J.G., Friston K.J., Nixon P.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Experimental Brain Research, 84 (2) pp. 393-402.
Corticobasal degeneration. A unique pattern of regional cortical oxygen hypometabolism and striatal fluorodopa uptake demonstrated by positron emission tomography.
Sawle G.V., Brooks D.J., Marsden C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Brain, 114 ( Pt 1B) pp. 541-556.
Decreases in regional cerebral blood flow with normal aging.
Martin A.J., Friston K.J., Colebatch J.G., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 11 (4) pp. 684-689.
Diffuse Lewy body disease presenting with a supranuclear gaze palsy.
Fearnley J.M., Revesz T., Brooks D.J., Frackowiak R.S., Lees A.J., 1991. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 54 (2) pp. 159-161.
Distribution of cortical neural networks involved in word comprehension and word retrieval.
Wise R., Chollet F., Hadar U., Friston K., Hoffner E., Frackowiak R., 1991. Brain, 114 ( Pt 4) pp. 1803-1817.
Dopa-responsive dystonia: [18F]dopa positron emission tomography.
Sawle G.V., Leenders K.L., Brooks D.J., Harwood G., Lees A.J., Frackowiak R.S., Marsden C.D., 1991. Annals of Neurology, 30 (1) pp. 24-30.
Investigating a network model of word generation with positron emission tomography.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 244 (1310) pp. 101-106.
Lithium intoxication.
Goddard J., Bloom S.R., Frackowiak R.S., Pusey C.D., MacDermot J., Liddle P.F., 1991. British Medical Journal, 302 (6787) pp. 1267-1269.
Macrophage and astrocyte populations in relation to [3H]PK 11195 binding in rat cerebral cortex following a local ischaemic lesion.
Myers R., Manjil L.G., Cullen B.M., Price G.W., Frackowiak R.S., Cremer J.E., 1991. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 11 (2) pp. 314-322.
Measurement of cerebral monoamine oxidase B activity using L-[11C]deprenyl and dynamic positron emission tomography.
Lammertsma A.A., Bench C.J., Price G.W., Cremer J.E., Luthra S.K., Turton D., Wood N.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 11 (4) pp. 545-556.
Obsessional slowness. Functional studies with positron emission tomography.
Sawle G.V., Hymas N.F., Lees A.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Brain, 114 ( Pt 5) pp. 2191-2202.
PET and plasma pharmacokinetic studies after bolus intravenous administration of [11C]melatonin in humans.
Le Bars D., Thivolle P., Vitte P.A., Bojkowski C., Chazot G., Arendt J., Frackowiak R.S., Claustrat B., 1991. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B, Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 18 (3) pp. 357-362.
Plastic transformation of PET images.
Friston K.J., Frith C.D., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 15 (4) pp. 634-639.
Progressive loss of speech output and orofacial dyspraxia associated with frontal lobe hypometabolism.
Tyrrell P.J., Kartsounis L.D., Frackowiak R.S., Findley L.J., Rossor M.N., 1991. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 54 (4) pp. 351-357.
Regional cerebral blood flow during voluntary arm and hand movements in human subjects.
Colebatch J.G., Deiber M.P., Passingham R.E., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Journal of Neurophysiology, 65 (6) pp. 1392-1401.
Sites of action of morphine in the brain.
Jones A.K., Friston K.J., Qi L.Y., Harris M., Cunningham V.J., Jones T., Feinman C., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Lancet, 338 (8770) p. 825.
The functional anatomy of motor recovery after stroke in humans: a study with positron emission tomography.
Chollet F., DiPiero V., Wise R.J., Brooks D.J., Dolan R.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Annals of Neurology, 29 (1) pp. 63-71.
The functional anatomy of recovery from brain injury.
Frackowiak R.S., Weiller C., Chollet F., 1991. Ciba Foundation Symposium, 163 pp. 235-44; discussion 244-9.
The neurotransmitter basis of cognition: psychopharmacological activation studies using positron emission tomography.
Friston K.J., Grasby P.M., Frith C.D., Bench C.J., Dolan R.J., Cowen P.J., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Ciba Foundation Symposium, 163 pp. 76-87; discussion 87-92.
Transplanted allogeneic fetal dopamine neurons survive and improve motor function in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.
Widner H., Brundin P., Rehncrona S., Gustavii B., Frackowiak R., Leenders K.L., Sawle G., Rothwell J.C., Marsden C.D., Björklund A., 1991. Transplantation Proceedings, 23 (1 Pt 1) pp. 793-795.
Willed action and the prefrontal cortex in man: a study with PET.
Frith C.D., Friston K., Liddle P.F., Frackowiak R.S., 1991. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 244 (1311) pp. 241-246.
A two-compartment description and kinetic procedure for measuring regional cerebral [11C]nomifensine uptake using positron emission tomography.
Salmon E., Brooks D.J., Leenders K.L., Turton D.R., Hume S.P., Cremer J.E., Jones T., Frackowiak R.S., 1990. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 10 (3) pp. 307-316.
Clinical and positron emission tomographic studies in the 'extrapyramidal syndrome' of dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Tyrrell P.J., Sawle G.V., Ibanez V., Bloomfield P.M., Leenders K.L., Frackowiak R.S., Rossor M.N., 1990. Archives of Neurology, 47 (12) pp. 1318-1323.
Combination of dynamic and integral methods for generating reproducible functional CBF images.
Lammertsma A.A., Cunningham V.J., Deiber M.P., Heather J.D., Bloomfield P.M., Nutt J., Frackowiak R.S., Jones T., 1990. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 10 (5) pp. 675-686.
Differing patterns of striatal 18F-dopa uptake in Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, and progressive supranuclear palsy.
Brooks D.J., Ibanez V., Sawle G.V., Quinn N., Lees A.J., Mathias C.J., Bannister R., Marsden C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1990. Annals of Neurology, 28 (4) pp. 547-555.
Grafts of fetal dopamine neurons survive and improve motor function in Parkinson's disease.
Lindvall O., Brundin P., Widner H., Rehncrona S., Gustavii B., Frackowiak R., Leenders K.L., Sawle G., Rothwell J.C., Marsden C.D., 1990. Science, 247 (4942) pp. 574-577.
Heterogeneity in progressive aphasia due to focal cortical atrophy. A clinical and PET study.
Tyrrell P.J., Warrington E.K., Frackowiak R.S., Rossor M.N., 1990. Brain, 113 ( Pt 5) pp. 1321-1336.
In reply: fetal brain grafts and Parkinson's disease.
Lindvall O., Brundin P., Widner H., Rehncrona S., Gustavii B., Frackowiak R., Leenders K.L., Sawle G., Rothwell J.C., Marsden C.D. et al., 1990. Science, 250 (4986) p. 1435.
In vivo binding to peripheral benzodiazepine binding sites in lesioned rat brain: comparison between [3H]PK11195 and [18F]PK14105 as markers for neuronal damage.
Price G.W., Ahier R.G., Hume S.P., Myers R., Manjil L., Cremer J.E., Luthra S.K., Pascali C., Pike V., Frackowiak R.S., 1990. Journal of Neurochemistry, 55 (1) pp. 175-185.
Neuro-imagerie fonctionnelle métabolique par émission de positons chez l'homme [Functional metabolic neuroimaging by positron-emission tomography in man].
Salmon E., Frackowiak R.S., 1990. Revue Neurologique, 146 (8-9) pp. 459-477.
Positron emission tomography in the study of brain metabolism in psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders.
Bench C.J., Dolan R.J., Friston K.J., Frackowiak R.S., 1990. British Journal of Psychiatry. Supplement 9 pp. 82-95.
Preliminary report: activation of the cerebellum in essential tremor.
Colebatch J.G., Findley L.J., Frackowiak R.S., Marsden C.D., Brooks D.J., 1990. Lancet, 336 (8722) pp. 1028-1030.
Progressive degeneration of the right temporal lobe studied with positron emission tomography.
Tyrrell P.J., Warrington E.K., Frackowiak R.S., Rossor M.N., 1990. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 53 (12) pp. 1046-1050.
Striatal function in normal aging: implications for Parkinson's disease.
Sawle G.V., Colebatch J.G., Shah A., Brooks D.J., Marsden C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1990. Annals of Neurology, 28 (6) pp. 799-804.
The functional nature of cerebellar diaschisis.
Di Piero V., Chollet F., Dolan R.J., Thomas D.J., Frackowiak R., 1990. Stroke, 21 (9) pp. 1365-1369.
The nigrostriatal dopaminergic system assessed in vivo by positron emission tomography in healthy volunteer subjects and patients with Parkinson's disease.
Leenders K.L., Salmon E.P., Tyrrell P., Perani D., Brooks D.J., Sager H., Jones T., Marsden C.D., Frackowiak R.S., 1990. Archives of Neurology, 47 (12) pp. 1290-1298.
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