Caroline Roberts

Fields | Projects and contracts | Collaborations | Events


Projects FNS

PRN LIVES IP214 - Measuring Vulnerability
2015 - 2018
Applicant : Gilbert Ritschard, André Berchtold, Caroline Roberts, Dominique Joye
Other partners : PRN LIVES
Impact of survey design on survey estimates - How far do results of longitudinal studies of vulnerability depend on the survey methodology adopted?

Others projects

LOIS- Leveraging on device smartphone inference to address resistance to participate in social survey
2019 - 2019
grant-giving organisation : UNIL-EPFL (CROSS) (Switzerland)
Applicant : Caroline Roberts, Daniel Gatica-Perez (EPFL), Jessica Herzing (FORS)
This project addresses the challenge of 'resistance' in the current context of social survey research. It will investigate ways of reducing resistance to participate in Internet-based surveys by exploring the potential for alleviating respondent burden in the context of data collection by smartphone. Smartphones present many exciting opportunities for social researchers across a wide range of disciplines, yet there are numerous challenges associated with gaining the cooperation of research participants, maintaining their privacy, and developing and exploiting technologies that are adapted to human behaviour, engaging to use, and which motivate the sharing of information (particularly for research purposes). The proposed project will bring together experts in social computing from IDIAP-EPFL, and in survey methodology from the University of Lausanne, to explore and tackle some of these challenges.

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University