Harro Maas

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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63 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 |
Maas Harro, 2024/02/06. Journal of the History of Economic Thought pp. 1-8.
:<i>Seeing Science: The Art of Making the Invisible Visible</i>
Maas Harro, 2023/12/02. Isis, 114 (4) pp. 866-867.
The Power of Numbers is in the Packaging: the reform strategies of Florence Kelley and Ellen Richards
Maas Harro, 2023/05/01. pp. 163-213 dans Puissance et Impuissance du Nombre, Jean-Jacques Droesbeke.
Marking Time: Marshall's Search for Narrative Explanatory Coherence
Maas Harro, 2023/02/21. History of Political Economy.
Keith Tribe, Constructing Economic Science: The Invention of a Discipline 1850-1950
Maas Harro, 2022/12/01. OEconomia 12-4 pp. 801-805.
The New Politics of Numbers: Utopia, Evidence and Democracy de Andrea MENNICKEN et Robert SALAIS (eds.) (2022)
Maas Harro, 2022/11/23. Statistique et Société, 10 (2) pp. 99-104.
Maas Harro, 2022/06. 18.
Introduction to special issue: Roads to Knowledge: The Epistemic Virtues of Travel across the History of Eonomic Thought
Boianovsky Mauro, Maas Harro, 2022/03/07. History of Political Economy.
Stitching things together. Marshall on the economy as an ‘organic whole’
maas harro, 2022. pp. 123-144 dans Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought chap. 4, Routledge.
Crossing the doorsteps for social reform: The social crusades of Florence Kelley and Ellen Richards
Soudan Gabrielle, Philippy David, Maas Harro, 2021/12. Science in Context, 34 (4) pp. 501-525. Peer-reviewed.
Politicizing the Environment
Maas Harro, 2021/12/01. History of Political Economy, 53 (S1) pp. 293-323. Peer-reviewed.
Monitoring the self: François-Marc-Louis Naville and his moral tables
Maas Harro, 2020/07. History of Science, 58 (2) pp. 117-141. Peer-reviewed.
Thinking and Acting with Diagrams
Chao Hsiang-Ke, Maas Harro, 2020/06/01. East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 14 (2) pp. 191-197.
True Grid: Three Case Studies of Moral Accounting
Maas Harro, 2020/06/01. East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 14 (2) pp. 309-330. Peer-reviewed.
Jevons and Marshall as Humboldtian Scientists
Maas Harro, 2020. pp. 121-145 dans Marshall and the Marshallian Heritage chap. 6, K. Caldari et al. (eds.), .
Economics as a Public Science, Part I: The Economist’s Ethos and Modes of Persuasion
Maas Harro, Medema Steven, Guidi Marco (eds.), 2019/10/28., OEconomia: History, Methodology, Philosophy, OEconomia Association.
Economics as a Public Science. Part II: Institutional Settings », Œconomia [En ligne], 9-3 | 2019, mis en ligne le 01 septembre 2019, consulté le 08 janvier 2020. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/oeconomia/7424
Maas Harro, Medema Steven G., Guidi Marco (eds.), 2019/09/01..
Introduction to Economics as a Public Science. Part II: Institutional Settings
maas harro, medema Steven G., Guidi Marco, 2019/09/01. Œconomia.
Review of Ivan Moscati, Measuring Utility: From the Marginal Revolution to Behavioral Economics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. ix + 326 pp. $35 (paperback), ISBN: 978-0-19-937277-5.
maas harro, 2019/08/01. Eh-net.
Introduction to Economics as a Public Science
Maas Harro, Medema Steven G., Guidi Marco, 2019/06/01. OEconomia 9-2 pp. 201-207.
Craufurd Goodwin, Storyteller
Mata Tiago, Maas Harro, 2019/02/01. History of Political Economy, 51 (1) pp. 101-113.
A Wanderer in the Land of Dry Facts : Marshall's Struggles with History in the Concrete (Tiziano Raffaelli's Lecture)
maas harro, 2019. History of economic ideas, 27 (3) pp. 129-154. Peer-reviewed.
The witness seminar: Method, results, and implications
Maas Harro, 2019. pp. 57-72 dans A Contemporary Historiography of Economics, Routledge.
Transformative Friendships
Maas Harro, 2018/11/15. History of Political Economy, 50 (4) pp. 789-796.
Calculators and Quacks : Feeling the Economy's Pulse in Times of Crisis
Maas Harro, 2018/10/24. pp. 23-39 dans Including a Symposium on Mary Morgan : Curiosity, Imagination, and Surprise chap. 3, Emerald Publishing Limited.
The Method of the Witness Seminar
Maas Harro, 2018/09/01. History of Political Economy, 50 (3) pp. 571-577. Peer-reviewed.
Avner Offer and Gabriel Söderberg. The Nobel Factor : The Prize in Economics, Social Democracy, and the Market Turn.
Maas Harro, 2018/06/01. The American Historical Review, 123 (3) pp. 1012-1013.
Handbook on the history of economic analysis, edited by Gilbert Faccarello and Heinz D. Kurz
Maas Harro, Chassonnery-Zaigouche Cléo, 2018/01/02. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25 (1) pp. 175-182.
Engines of Discovery : Jevons and Marshall on the Methods of Graphs and Diagrams
Chao Hsiang-Ke , Maas Harro, 2017/08/31. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 35 (A) pp. 35-61. Peer-reviewed.
The Historical Epistemology of Economics : An Invitation
Maas Harro, Düppe Till, 2017/08/31. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 35 (A) pp. 3-9. Peer-reviewed.
"Fraught with Controversy" : Organizing Expertise against Contingent Valuation
Svorenčík Andrej , Maas Harro, 2017/06/01. History of Political Economy , 49 (2) pp. 315-345. Peer-reviewed.
A Road Not Taken : Economists, Historians of Science, and the Making of the Bowman Report
Backhouse Roger E., Maas Harro, 2017. Isis , 108 (1) pp. 82-106. Peer-reviewed.
Letts Calculate : Moral Accounting in the Victorian Period
Maas Harro, 2016. History of Political Economy , 48 (annual supplement 1) pp. 16-43. Peer-reviewed.
Marginalizing Maclaurin : the Attempt to Develop an Economics of Technological Progress at Mit, 1940–50
Maas Harro, Backhouse Roger E., 2016. History of Political Economy, 48 ( 3) pp. 423-447. Peer-reviewed.
Science, Politics, and the Economy : the Unintended Consequences of a Diabolic Paradox
van Apeldoorn Laurens, Maas Harro , Olsthoorn Johan , 2016. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 9 (1) pp. iii-viii. Peer-reviewed.
The Making of Experimental Economics: Witness Seminar on the Emergence of a Field
Svorenčík M., Maas H. (eds.), 2016., Springer Verlag.
Olmsted, De Bow, and the Weight of Evidence on the American Slave South
Maas H., 2015. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 37 (2) pp. 171-185. Peer-reviewed.
A 2x2=4 hobbyhorse : Mark Blaug on rational and historical reconstructions
Maas Harro, 2014/03/07. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 6 (3) pp. 64-86. Peer-reviewed.
E-huishoudboekjes. De moral economy van het digitale tijdperk
Maas H., 2014. pp. 79-100 dans Kool I., Timmer J., Van Est R. (eds.) Eerlijk Advies: De Opkomst van de E-coach, Rathenau Instituut.
Economic Methodology: A Historical Introduction.
Maas H., 2014. 188, Routledge.
Making Things Technical: Paul Samuelson at MIT
Maas H., 2014. History of Political Economy, 46 (Annual Supplement) pp. 272-294. Peer-reviewed.
A 2x2=4 Hobby Horse: Mark Blaug on Rational and Historical Reconstructions
Maas H., 2013. pp. 125-145 dans Boumans M., Klaes M. (eds.) Mark Blaug: Rebel with Many causes, Edward Elgar.
Observation and Observing in Economics
Maas H., Morgan M.S., 2012. History of Political Economy, 44 (Annual supplement) pp. 1-24. Peer-reviewed.
Observing the Economy: Historical Perspectives
Maas H., Morgan M. S. (eds.), 2012. History of Political Economy, 44, Duke University Press.
Questions of Scale in Economic Experiments
Maas H., 2012. Revue de Philosophie Économique = Review of Economic Philosophy, 13 (1) pp. 103-125. Peer-reviewed.
The Photographic Lens: Graphs and the Changing Practices of Victorian Economists
Maas H., 2012. pp. 500-518 dans Hewitt M. (eds.) The Victorian World chap. 28, Routledge.
Introduction : The history of economics as a history of practice
Maas Harro, Mata Tiago, Davis John B., 2011/12. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 18 (5) pp. 635-642. Peer-reviewed.
Sorting Things Out: The Economist as an Armchair Observer
Maas H., 2011. pp. 206-229 dans Daston L., Lunbeck E. (eds.) Histories of Scientific Observation chap. 8, University of Chicago Press.
Rekenmeesters, heelmeesters, en vogelaars: de vinger aan de pols van de economie
Maas H., 2010. Krisis: Tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie, 11 (3) pp. 6-25. Peer-reviewed.
Spelregels van Economen: de ontwikkeling van de economiebeoefening
Maas H., 2010. 213, Boom Lemma.
Disciplining Boundaries: Lionel Robbins, Max Weber, and the Borderlands of Economics, History, and Psychology
Maas H., 2009. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 31 (4) pp. 500-517. Peer-reviewed.
Disciplining Boundaries: Robbins's Essay and the Borderlands of Economics and Psychology
Maas H., 2009. pp. 169-193 dans Cowell F., Witzum A. (eds.) Lionel Robbins's Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science: 75th Anniversary Conference Proceedings, LSE-London.
"A Hard Battle to Fight": Natural Theology and the Dismal Science, 1820-1850
Maas H., 2008. History of Political Economy, 40 (Annual Supplement) pp. 143-167. Peer-reviewed.
Inleiding bij Bernard Mandeville: De Fabel van de Bijen.
Maas H., 2008. pp. 9-26 dans Arne Jansen (eds.) Bernard Mandeville: De fabel van de bijen, Lemniscaat.
Making Things Visible: The Development and Use of Graphical Methods in the Netherlands (1870-1940)
Maas H., de Gans H., 2008. pp. 199-230 dans van Maarseveen J.G.S.J., Stamhuis I.H., Klep P.M.M. (eds.) The Statistical Mind in Modern Society: The Netherlands (1850-1940): Vol. 2, Statistics and Scientific Work chap. 9, Aksant.
A Pragmatic Intellectual: Dutch Fabians, Boekman, and Cultural Policy in the Netherlands, 1890-1940
Maas H., 2006. International Journal for Cultural Policy, 12 (2) pp. 151-170. Peer-reviewed.
Jevons, Mill and the Private Laboratory of the Mind
Maas H., 2005. The Manchester School, 73 (5) pp. 620-649. Peer-reviewed.
William Stanley Jevons and the Making of Modern Economics
Maas H., 2005. 354, Cambridge University Press.
Where Mechanism Ends: Thomas Reid on the Moral and the Animal Oeconomy
Maas H., 2003. History of Political Economy, 35 (Annual Supplement) pp. 338-360. Peer-reviewed.
Timing History: The Introduction of Graphical Analysis in 19th Century British Economics
Maas H., Morgan M.S., 2002. Revue d'Histoire des Sciences Humaines, 7 pp. 97-127. Peer-reviewed.
An Instrument Can Make a Science : Jevons's Balancing Acts in Economics
Maas Harro, 2001. History of Political Economy, 33 (Annual Supplement) pp. 277-302. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanical Rationality: Jevons and the Making of Economic Man
Maas H., 1999. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 30 (4) pp. 587-619. Peer-reviewed.
Pacifying the Workman : Ruskin and Jevons on Labor and Popular Culture
Maas Harro, 1999/01/01. History of Political Economy, 31 (Supplement) pp. 85-120.
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