Andrea Rossetti

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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358 publications

Sous presse | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | ...
Association of early general anesthesia with outcome in adults with status epilepticus: A propensity-matched observational study.
Beuchat I., Novy J., Alvarez V., Rosenow F., Kellinghaus C., Rüegg S., Tilz C., Trinka E., Unterberger I., Uzelac Z. et al. Epilepsia. Peer-reviewed.
Epileptiform Electrographic Patterns After Cardiac Arrest: Give Up or Treat?
Rossetti A.O., Benghanem S. JAMA neurology. Peer-reviewed.
Refractory and Super-Refractory Status Epilepticus: Therapeutic Options and Prognosis.
Rossetti A.O., 2025/02. Neurologic clinics, 43 (1) pp. 15-30. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie : ce qui a changé en 2024 [Neurology: what's new in 2024]
Baumgartner T., Di Liberto G., Loser V., Vicino A., Théaudin M., Castro-Jiménez M., Hübsch C.A., Bally J., Pignat J.M., Sokolov A.A. et al., 2025/01/15. Revue medicale suisse, 21 (900-1) pp. 59-62. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy of delivery of care with Tele-continuous EEG in critically ill patients: a multicenter randomized controlled trial (Tele-cRCT study) study.
Limotai C., Jirasakuldej S., Wongwiangiunt S., Tumnark T., Suwanpakdee P., Wangponpattanasiri K., Rakchue P., Tungkasereerak C., Pleumpanupatand P., Tansuhaj P. et al., 2025/01/07. Critical care, 29 (1) p. 15. Peer-reviewed.
Complex auditory regularity processing across levels of consciousness in coma: Stage 1 Registered Report
Pelentritou A., Cataldi J., Zubler F., Iten M., Haenggi M., Ben-Hamouda N., Rossetti A.O., Tzovara A., De Lucia M., 2025/01. Brain Communications, 7 (1) pp. fcae466. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoalbuminemia in status epilepticus is a biomarker of short- and long-term mortality: A 9-year cohort study.
Misirocchi F., Quintard H., Rossetti A.O., Florindo I., Sarbu O.E., Kleinschmidt A., Schaller K., Seeck M., De Stefano P., 2025/01. European journal of neurology, 32 (1) pp. e16573. Peer-reviewed.
Role of EEG spindle-like activity in post cardiac arrest prognostication.
Fenter H., Ben-Hamouda N., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2024/11. Resuscitation, 204 p. 110413. Peer-reviewed.
EEG for good outcome prediction after cardiac arrest: A multicentre cohort study.
Turella S., Dankiewicz J., Ben-Hamouda N., Nilsen K.B., Düring J., Endisch C., Engstrøm M., Flügel D., Gaspard N., Grejs A.M. et al., 2024/09. Resuscitation, 202 p. 110319. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus management in patients with brain tumors. A cohort study.
Tziakouri A., Hottinger A.F., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2024/08. Seizure, 120 pp. 1-4. Peer-reviewed.
Recent advances in clinical electroencephalography.
Frauscher B., Rossetti A.O., Beniczky S., 2024/04/01. Current opinion in neurology, 37 (2) pp. 134-140. Peer-reviewed.
Staged treatment response in status epilepticus: Lessons from the SENSE registry.
Beuchat I., Novy J., Rosenow F., Kellinghaus C., Rüegg S., Tilz C., Trinka E., Unterberger I., Uzelac Z., Strzelczyk A. et al., 2024/02. Epilepsia, 65 (2) pp. 338-349. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of a history of status epilepticus for epilepsy surgery outcome.
Colin J., Rossetti A.O., Daniel R.T., Bartoli A., Corniola M.V., Vulliemoz S., Seeck M., 2024/02. Epilepsy research, 200 p. 107308. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie: ce qui a changé en 2023 [Neurology: what's new in 2023]
Pizzarotti B., Buhler-Heintze A., Allali G., Rouaud O., Bally J., Michel P., Hirt L., Théaudin M., Pot Kreis C., Ryvlin P. et al., 2024/01/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (856-7) pp. 72-75. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous versus Routine Electroencephalography in the Intensive Care Unit: A Review of Current Evidence.
Fenter H., Rossetti A.O., Beuchat I., 2024. European neurology, 87 (1) pp. 17-25. Peer-reviewed.
Relevance of Continuous EEG versus Routine EEG for Outcome Prediction after Traumatic Brain Injury.
Loser V., Rossetti A.O., Rasic M., Novy J., Schindler K.A., Rüegg S., Alvarez V., Beuchat I., 2024. European neurology, 87 (5-6) pp. 306-311. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus in the ICU.
Rossetti A.O., Claassen J., Gaspard N., 2024/01. Intensive care medicine, 50 (1) pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
The predictive value of highly malignant EEG patterns after cardiac arrest: evaluation of the ERC-ESICM recommendations.
Turella S., Dankiewicz J., Friberg H., Jakobsen J.C., Leithner C., Levin H., Lilja G., Moseby-Knappe M., Nielsen N., Rossetti A.O. et al., 2024/01. Intensive care medicine, 50 (1) pp. 90-102. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome of comatose patients following cardiac arrest: When mRS completes CPC.
Tanaka Gutiez M., Beuchat I., Novy J., Ben-Hamouda N., Rossetti A.O., 2023/11. Resuscitation, 192 p. 109997. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the editor regarding "early timing of anesthesia in status epilepticus is associated with complete recovery: A 7-year retrospective two-center study".
Alvarez V., Novy J., Beuchat I., Rossetti A.O., 2023/09. Epilepsia, 64 (9) pp. 2530-2531. Peer-reviewed.
Acute Valproate-Induced Encephalopathy in Status Epilepticus: A Registry-Based Assessment.
Loser V., Novy J., Beuchat I., Rossetti A.O., 2023/08. CNS drugs, 37 (8) pp. 725-731. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship between serum neuron-specific enolase and EEG after cardiac arrest: A reappraisal.
Tziakouri A., Novy J., Ben-Hamouda N., Rossetti A.O., 2023/07. Clinical neurophysiology, 151 pp. 100-106. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus prognosis following levetiracetam administration: Analysis of loading doses.
Kuffer I., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2023/07. European journal of neurology, 30 (7) pp. 1957-1962. Peer-reviewed.
Clonazepam Loading Dose in Status Epilepticus: Is More Always Better?
D'Anto J., Beuchat I., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2023/06. CNS drugs, 37 (6) pp. 523-529. Peer-reviewed.
Multimodal Prediction of Favorable Outcome After Cardiac Arrest: A Cohort Study.
Vanat A., Lee J.W., Elkhider H., Novy J., Ben-Hamouda N., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2023/06. Critical care medicine, 51 (6) pp. 706-716. Peer-reviewed.
Auditory stimulation and deep learning predict awakening from coma after cardiac arrest.
Aellen F.M., Alnes S.L., Loosli F., Rossetti A.O., Zubler F., De Lucia M., Tzovara A., 2023/02/13. Brain, 146 (2) pp. 778-788. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie : ce qui a changé en 2022 [Neurology: what's new in 2022]
Bouvy C., Caranzano L., Allali G., Bally J., Benninger D., Beuchat I., Castro Jimenez M., Di Virgilio G., Hirt L., Michel P. et al., 2023/01/18. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (809-10) pp. 42-45. Peer-reviewed.
Benign EEG for prognostication of favorable outcome after cardiac arrest: A reappraisal.
Fenter H., Ben-Hamouda N., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2023/01. Resuscitation, 182 p. 109637. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of sedation and time after cardiac arrest on coma outcome prognostication based on EEG power spectra.
Pelentritou A., Nguissi NAN, Iten M., Haenggi M., Zubler F., Rossetti A.O., De Lucia M., 2023. Brain communications, 5 (4) pp. fcad190. Peer-reviewed.
Treatment-emergent adverse events and antiseizure medication actual drug load.
Prétat T., Aícua-Rapún I., André P., Lebon S., Rossetti A.O., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2022/12. Epilepsy & behavior, 137 (Pt A) p. 108980. Peer-reviewed.
Delirium in Adults With COVID-19-Related Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Comparison With Other Etiologies.
Bernard-Valnet R., Favre E., Bernini A., Oddo M., Chiche J.D., Du Pasquier R.A., Rossetti A.O., CORO-NEURO-ICU Study Group, 2022/11/15. Neurology, 99 (20) pp. e2326-e2335. Peer-reviewed.
Oxygen targets and 6-month outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest: a pre-planned sub-analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (TTM2) trial.
Robba C., Badenes R., Battaglini D., Ball L., Sanfilippo F., Brunetti I., Jakobsen J.C., Lilja G., Friberg H., Wendel-Garcia P.D. et al., 2022/10/21. Critical care, 26 (1) p. 323. Peer-reviewed.
Refractory Status Epilepticus: Risk Factors and Analysis of Intubation in the Multicenter SENSE Registry.
Beuchat I., Rosenow F., Kellinghaus C., Trinka E., Unterberger I., Rüegg S., Sutter R., Tilz C., Uzelac Z., Rossetti A.O. et al., 2022/10/18. Neurology, 99 (16) pp. e1824-e1834. Peer-reviewed.
Valproate in status epilepticus: Correlation between loading dose, serum levels, and clinical response.
Vijiala S., André P., Buclin T., Decosterd L.A., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2022/09. European journal of neurology, 29 (9) pp. 2607-2611. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroprognostication Under ECMO After Cardiac Arrest: Are Classical Tools Still Performant?
Ben-Hamouda N., Ltaief Z., Kirsch M., Novy J., Liaudet L., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2022/08. Neurocritical care, 37 (1) pp. 293-301. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous versus routine EEG in patients after cardiac arrest: Analysis of a randomized controlled trial (CERTA).
Urbano V., Alvarez V., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Ben-Hamouda N., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2022/07. Resuscitation, 176 pp. 68-73. Peer-reviewed.
EEG recording latency in critically ill patients: Impact on outcome. An analysis of a randomized controlled trial (CERTA).
Urbano V., Novy J., Alvarez V., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Rossetti A.O., 2022/07. Clinical neurophysiology, 139 pp. 23-27. Peer-reviewed.
Association Between EEG Patterns and Serum Neurofilament Light After Cardiac Arrest: A Post Hoc Analysis of the TTM Trial.
Grindegård L., Cronberg T., Backman S., Blennow K., Dankiewicz J., Friberg H., Hassager C., Horn J., Kjaer T.W., Kjaergaard J. et al., 2022/06/14. Neurology, 98 (24) pp. e2487-e2498. Peer-reviewed.
Ketamine in adult super-refractory status epilepticus: Efficacy analysis on a prospective registry.
Caranzano L., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2022/06. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 145 (6) pp. 737-742. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical phenotype modulates brain's myelin and iron content in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Roggenhofer E., Toumpouli E., Seeck M., Wiest R., Lutti A., Kherif F., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., Draganski B., 2022/04. Brain structure & function, 227 (3) pp. 901-911. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous Versus Routine Standardized Electroencephalogram for Outcome Prediction in Critically Ill Adults: Analysis From a Randomized Trial.
Beuchat I., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Alvarez V., 2022/02/01. Critical care medicine, 50 (2) pp. 329-334. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology : what's new in 2021]
Vicino A., Allali G., Bally J., Castro Jimenez M., Chiabotti Salvioni P., Hirt L., Hottinger A., Michel P., Novy J., Pot Kreis C. et al., 2022/01/19. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (764-5) pp. 51-55. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic and prognostic EEG analysis of critically ill patients: A deep learning study.
Jonas S., Müller M., Rossetti A.O., Rüegg S., Alvarez V., Schindler K., Zubler F., 2022. NeuroImage. Clinical, 36 p. 103167. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic drug monitoring of newer generation antiseizure medications at the point of treatment failure.
Fluckiger P., Aícua-Rapún I., André P., Rossetti A.O., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2022/01. Seizure, 94 pp. 66-69. Peer-reviewed.
Complementary roles of neural synchrony and complexity for indexing consciousness and chances of surviving in acute coma.
Alnes S.L., Lucia M., Rossetti A.O., Tzovara A., 2021/12/15. NeuroImage, 245 p. 118638. Peer-reviewed.
Brain pathology in focal status epilepticus: evidence from experimental models.
de Curtis M., Rossetti A.O., Verde D.V., van Vliet E.A., Ekdahl C.T., 2021/12. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 131 pp. 834-846. Peer-reviewed.
EEG spindles integrity in critical care adults. Analysis of a randomized trial.
Vassallo P., Novy J., Zubler F., Schindler K., Alvarez V., Rüegg S., Rossetti A.O., 2021/12. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 144 (6) pp. 655-662. Peer-reviewed.
What's new on EEG monitoring in the ICU.
Rossetti A.O., Lee J.W., 2021/10. Minerva anestesiologica, 87 (10) pp. 1139-1145. Peer-reviewed.
Electroencephalography of mechanically ventilated patients at high risk of delirium.
Eskioglou E., Iaquaniello C., Alvarez V., Rüegg S., Schindler K., Rossetti A.O., Oddo M., 2021/09. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 144 (3) pp. 296-302. Peer-reviewed.
Correction to: Routine diagnostics for neural antibodies, clinical correlates, treatment and functional outcome.
Bien C.G., Bien C.I., Onugoren M.D., De Simoni D., Eigler V., Haensch C.A., Holtkamp M., Ismail F.S., Kurthen M., Melzer N. et al., 2021/08. Journal of neurology, 268 (8) pp. 3056-3057. Peer-reviewed.
FV 1. Can EEG predict present cortical somato-sensory evoked potentials after cardiac arrest?
Beuchat I., Novy J., Barbella G., Oddo M., Rossetti A., 2021/08. Clinical Neurophysiology, 132 (8) pp. e29.
Seizure freedom and plasma levels of newer generation antiseizure medications.
Aícua-Rapún I., André P., Rossetti A.O., Décosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2021/08. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 144 (2) pp. 202-208. Peer-reviewed.
Does electroencephalographic burst suppression still play a role in the perioperative setting?
Lobo F.A., Vacas S., Rossetti A.O., Robba C., Taccone F.S., 2021/07. Best practice & research. Clinical anaesthesiology, 35 (2) pp. 159-169. Peer-reviewed.
Lateralized rhythmic delta activity: A peri-ictal feature beyond epilepsy.
Salvioni Chiabotti P., Vicino A., Rossetti A.O., 2021/06. Clinical neurophysiology, 132 (6) pp. 1302-1303. Peer-reviewed.
Saliva therapeutic drug monitoring of the newer anti-epileptic drugs
Choong E., Novy J., Decosterd L., Buclin T., Rossetti A., Stampfli C., Vassalo P., Andre P., Aícua-Rapún I., 2021/04/15., Spring Meeting of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology dans SSPT 2021 Spring Meeting: Abstract Book. Peer-reviewed, Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Update on the management of status epilepticus.
Rossetti A.O., Alvarez V., 2021/04/01. Current opinion in neurology, 34 (2) pp. 172-181. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous versus routine EEG in critically ill adults: reimbursement analysis of a randomised trial.
Urbano V., Novy J., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Alvarez V., Zubler F., Oddo M., Lee J.W., Rossetti A.O., 2021/03/15. Swiss medical weekly, 151 pp. w20477. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of a Study of Continuous vs Repeat-Spot Electroencephalography in Patients With Critical Illness-Reply.
Rossetti A.O., Schindler K., Alvarez V., 2021/03/01. JAMA neurology, 78 (3) pp. 369-370. Peer-reviewed.
Informed consent in critically ill adults participating to a randomized trial.
Guinchard M., Warpelin-Decrausaz L., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Oddo M., Novy J., Alvarez V., Rossetti A.O., 2021/02. Brain and behavior, 11 (2) pp. e01965. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Recent Advances in Neurology]
Anichini A., Salvioni Chiabotti P., Bally J., Castro Jimenez M., Démonet J.F., Di Virgilio G., Hirt L., Hottinger A., Kuntzer T., Michel P. et al., 2021/01/27. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (723) pp. 196-200. Peer-reviewed.
Critical care EEG standardized nomenclature in clinical practice: Strengths, limitations, and outlook on the example of prognostication after cardiac arrest.
De Stefano P., Seeck M., Rossetti A.O., 2021. Clinical neurophysiology practice, 6 pp. 149-154. Peer-reviewed.
Standardized visual EEG features predict outcome in patients with acute consciousness impairment of various etiologies.
Müller M., Rossetti A.O., Zimmermann R., Alvarez V., Rüegg S., Haenggi M., Z'Graggen W.J., Schindler K., Zubler F., 2020/12/07. Critical care, 24 (1) p. 680. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical and advanced neurophysiology in the prognostic and diagnostic evaluation of disorders of consciousness: review of an IFCN-endorsed expert group.
Comanducci A., Boly M., Claassen J., De Lucia M., Gibson R.M., Juan E., Laureys S., Naccache L., Owen A.M., Rosanova M. et al., 2020/11. Clinical neurophysiology, 131 (11) pp. 2736-2765. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous vs Routine Electroencephalogram in Critically Ill Adults With Altered Consciousness and No Recent Seizure : A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial
Rossetti Andrea O., Schindler Kaspar, Sutter Raoul, Rüegg Stephan, Zubler Frédéric, Novy Jan, Oddo Mauro, Warpelin-Decrausaz Loane, Alvarez Vincent, 2020/10/01. JAMA Neurology, 77 (10) p. 1225. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the Risk/Benefit at Status Epilepticus Onset: The Prognostic Scores.
Alvarez V., Rossetti A.O., 2020/09. Journal of clinical neurophysiology, 37 (5) pp. 381-384. Peer-reviewed.
Two patients with acute meningoencephalitis concomitant with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Bernard-Valnet R., Pizzarotti B., Anichini A., Demars Y., Russo E., Schmidhauser M., Cerutti-Sola J., Rossetti A.O., Du Pasquier R., 2020/09. European journal of neurology, 27 (9) pp. e43-e44. Peer-reviewed.
EEG patterns associated with present cortical SSEP after cardiac arrest.
Beuchat I., Novy J., Barbella G., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2020/08. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 142 (2) pp. 181-185. Peer-reviewed.
How to carry out and interpret EEG recordings in COVID-19 patients in ICU?
Gélisse P., Rossetti A.O., Genton P., Crespel A., Kaplan P.W., 2020/08. Clinical neurophysiology, 131 (8) pp. 2023-2031. Peer-reviewed.
MRI–EEG correlation for outcome prediction in postanoxic myoclonus : A multicenter study
Beuchat Isabelle, Sivaraju Adithya, Amorim Edilberto, Gilmore Emily J., Dunet Vincent, Rossetti Andrea O., Westover M. Brandon, Hsu Liangge, Scirica Benjamin M., Silva Danuzia et al., 2020/07/28. Neurology, 95 (4) pp. e335-e341. Peer-reviewed.
Brain injury after cardiac arrest: from prognostication of comatose patients to rehabilitation.
Cronberg T., Greer D.M., Lilja G., Moulaert V., Swindell P., Rossetti A.O., 2020/07. The Lancet. Neurology, 19 (7) pp. 611-622. Peer-reviewed.
Hypophosphatemia compared to classical biomarkers of tonic clonic seizures.
Barbella G., Barras P., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2020/07. Epilepsy research, 163 p. 106326. Peer-reviewed.
Routine diagnostics for neural antibodies, clinical correlates, treatment and functional outcome.
Bien C.G., Bien C.I., Dogan Onugoren M., De Simoni D., Eigler V., Haensch C.A., Holtkamp M., Ismail F.S., Kurthen M., Melzer N. et al., 2020/07. Journal of neurology, 267 (7) pp. 2101-2114. Peer-reviewed.
Sawtooth amplitude-integrated EEG: A clue to Cheyne-Stokes respiration.
Vassallo P., Rossetti A.O., 2020/07. Clinical neurophysiology, 131 (7) pp. 1579-1580. Peer-reviewed.
European Academy of Neurology guideline on the diagnosis of coma and other disorders of consciousness.
Kondziella D., Bender A., Diserens K., van Erp W., Estraneo A., Formisano R., Laureys S., Naccache L., Ozturk S., Rohaut B. et al., 2020/05. European journal of neurology, 27 (5) pp. 741-756. Peer-reviewed.
Recommandations Formalisées d'Experts SRLF/SFMU : Prise en charge des états de mal épileptiques en préhospitalier, en structure d'urgence et en réanimation dans les 48 premières heures (A l'exclusion du nouveau-né et du nourrisson)
Outin H., Gueye P., Alvarez V., Auvin S., Clair B., Convers P., Crespel A., Demeret S., Dupont S., Engels J.-C. et al., 2020/05. Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence, 10 (3) pp. 151-186.
Standardized EEG analysis to reduce the uncertainty of outcome prognostication after cardiac arrest.
Bongiovanni F., Romagnosi F., Barbella G., Di Rocco A., Rossetti A.O., Taccone F.S., Sandroni C., Oddo M., 2020/05. Intensive care medicine, 46 (5) pp. 963-972. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of regaining consciousness despite an early epileptiform EEG after cardiac arrest.
Barbella G., Lee J.W., Alvarez V., Novy J., Oddo M., Beers L., Rossetti A.O., 2020/04/21. Neurology, 94 (16) pp. e1675-e1683. Peer-reviewed.
Added value of somato-sensory evoked potentials amplitude for prognostication after cardiac arrest.
Barbella G., Novy J., Marques-Vidal P., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2020/04. Resuscitation, 149 pp. 17-23. Peer-reviewed.
The characteristics of patients with bilateral absent evoked potentials after post-anoxic brain damage: A multicentric cohort study.
Nobile L., Pognuz E.R., Rossetti A.O., Franchi F., Verginella F., Mavroudakis N., Creteur J., Berlot G., Oddo M., Taccone F.S., 2020/04. Resuscitation, 149 pp. 134-140. Peer-reviewed.
Prognostic role of EEG identical bursts in patients after cardiac arrest: Multimodal correlation.
Barbella G., Novy J., Marques-Vidal P., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2020/03/01. Resuscitation, 148 pp. 140-144. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology 2019]
Perrenoud M., Pantazou V., Michel P., Hirt L., Ryvlin P., Theaudin M., Rouaud O., Benninger D., Novy J., Rossetti A.O. et al., 2020/01/15. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (676-7) pp. 68-71. Peer-reviewed.
Anticonvulsive Drug Use in Status Therapy: Adults
Beuchat Isabelle, rossetti andrea, 2020. dans NeuroPsychopharmacotherapy, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 P. Riederer, G. Laux et al. (eds.), NeuroPsychopharmacotherapy,.
Brain functional connectivity during the first day of coma reflects long-term outcome.
Kustermann T., Ata Nguepnjo Nguissi N., Pfeiffer C., Haenggi M., Kurmann R., Zubler F., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., De Lucia M., 2020. NeuroImage. Clinical, 27 p. 102295. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to: It was not true under therapeutic hypothermia.
De Lucia M., Kustermann T., Zubler F., Rossetti A.O., 2020/01/01. Resuscitation, 146 pp. 275-276. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Newer Antiepileptic Drugs: A Randomized Trial for Dosage Adjustment.
Aícua-Rapún I., André P., Rossetti A.O., Ryvlin P., Hottinger A.F., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2020/01. Annals of neurology, 87 (1) pp. 22-29. Peer-reviewed.
Sustained Effort Network for treatment of Status Epilepticus (SENSE) - A multicenter prospective observational registry.
Kellinghaus C., Rossetti A.O., Trinka E., Lang N., May T.W., Unterberger I., Rüegg S., Sutter R., Strzelczyk A., Tilz C. et al., 2019/12. Epilepsy & behavior, 101 (Pt B) p. 106553. Peer-reviewed.
EEG-based outcome prediction after cardiac arrest with convolutional neural networks: Performance and visualization of discriminative features.
Jonas S., Rossetti A.O., Oddo M., Jenni S., Favaro P., Zubler F., 2019/11/01. Human brain mapping, 40 (16) pp. 4606-4617. Peer-reviewed.
Electroencephalography-based power spectra allow coma outcome prediction within 24 h of cardiac arrest.
Kustermann T., Nguepnjo Nguissi N.A., Pfeiffer C., Haenggi M., Kurmann R., Zubler F., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., De Lucia M., 2019/09. Resuscitation, 142 pp. 162-167. Peer-reviewed.
A potential role of hypophosphatemia for diagnosing convulsive seizures: A case-control study.
Barras P., Siclari F., Hügli O., Rossetti A.O., Lamy O., Novy J., 2019/08. Epilepsia, 60 (8) pp. 1580-1585. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus in Auckland, New Zealand: Incidence, etiology, and outcomes.
Bergin P.S., Brockington A., Jayabal J., Scott S., Litchfield R., Roberts L., Timog J., Beilharz E., Dalziel S.R., Jones P. et al., 2019/08. Epilepsia, 60 (8) pp. 1552-1564. Peer-reviewed.
Electromyographic reactivity measured with scalp-EEG contributes to prognostication after cardiac arrest.
Caporro M., Rossetti A.O., Seiler A., Kustermann T., Nguepnjo Nguissi N.A., Pfeiffer C., Zimmermann R., Haenggi M., Oddo M., De Lucia M. et al., 2019/05. Resuscitation, 138 pp. 146-152. Peer-reviewed.
Factors predicting cessation of status epilepticus in clinical practice: Data from a prospective observational registry (SENSE).
Kellinghaus C., Rossetti A.O., Trinka E., Lang N., May T.W., Unterberger I., Rüegg S., Sutter R., Strzelczyk A., Tilz C. et al., 2019/03. Annals of neurology, 85 (3) pp. 421-432. Peer-reviewed.
Intravenous Corticosteroids as an Adjunctive Treatment for Refractory and Super-Refractory Status Epilepticus: An Observational Cohort Study.
Pantazou V., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2019/02. CNS drugs, 33 (2) pp. 187-192. Peer-reviewed.
Intravenous brivaracetam in status epilepticus: Correlation between loading dose, plasma levels and clinical response.
Aicua-Rapun I., André P., Rossetti A.O., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2019/01. Epilepsy research, 149 pp. 88-91. Peer-reviewed.
Late Awakening in Survivors of Postanoxic Coma: Early Neurophysiologic Predictors and Association With ICU and Long-Term Neurologic Recovery.
Rey A., Rossetti A.O., Miroz J.P., Eckert P., Oddo M., 2019/01. Critical care medicine, 47 (1) pp. 85-92. Peer-reviewed.
Nonconvulsive seizures and nonconvulsive status epilepticus in the neuro ICU should or should not be treated aggressively: A debate.
Rossetti A.O., Hirsch L.J., Drislane F.W., 2019. Clinical neurophysiology practice, 4 pp. 170-177. Peer-reviewed.
Perfusion-CT imaging in epileptic seizures.
Strambo D., Rey V., Rossetti A.O., Maeder P., Dunet V., Browaeys P., Michel P., 2018/12. Journal of neurology, 265 (12) pp. 2972-2979. Peer-reviewed.
Does continuous EEG influence prognosis in patients after cardiac arrest?
Fatuzzo D., Beuchat I., Alvarez V., Novy J., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2018/11. Resuscitation, 132 pp. 29-32. Peer-reviewed.
Levetiracetam circulating concentrations and response in status epilepticus.
Perrenoud M., André P., Buclin T., Decosterd L.A., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2018/11. Epilepsy & behavior, 88 pp. 61-65. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic coma for the treatment of status epilepticus : Timing, choice of drug, and impact on prognosis
Alvarez Vincent, Rossetti Andrea O., 2018/11. Zeitschrift für Epileptologie, 31 (4) pp. 262-266.
EpiNet study of incidence of status epilepticus in Auckland, New Zealand: Methods and preliminary results.
Bergin P.S., Brockington A., Jayabal J., Scott S., Litchfield R., Roberts L., Timog J., Beilharz E., Dalziel S.R., Jones P. et al., 2018/10. Epilepsia, 59 Suppl 2 pp. 144-149. Peer-reviewed.
Place of neurosteroids in the treatment of status epilepticus.
Rossetti A.O., 2018/10. Epilepsia, 59 Suppl 2 pp. 216-219. Peer-reviewed.
SENSE registry for status epilepticus.
Kellinghaus C., Rossetti A.O., Trinka E., Lang N., Unterberger I., Rüegg S., Tilz C., Uzelac Z., Rosenow F., 2018/10. Epilepsia, 59 Suppl 2 pp. 150-154. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus due to acute encephalitis: NORSE does not necessarily mean worse.
Holzer F.J., Rossetti A.O., 2018/10. European journal of neurology, 25 (10) pp. 1197-1198. Peer-reviewed.
Does Continuous Video-EEG in Patients With Altered Consciousness Improve Patient Outcome? Current Evidence and Randomized Controlled Trial Design.
Rossetti A.O., Schindler K., Alvarez V., Sutter R., Novy J., Oddo M., Warpelin-Decrausaz L., Rüegg S., 2018/09. Journal of clinical neurophysiology, 35 (5) pp. 359-364. Peer-reviewed.
Somatosensory and auditory deviance detection for outcome prediction during postanoxic coma.
Pfeiffer C., Nguissi NAN, Chytiris M., Bidlingmeyer P., Haenggi M., Kurmann R., Zubler F., Accolla E., Viceic D., Rusca M. et al., 2018/09. Annals of clinical and translational neurology, 5 (9) pp. 1016-1024. Peer-reviewed.
Antiepileptika in der Stillzeit : Wie beraten wir die Mütter? [Use of antiepileptic drugs during breastfeeding : What do we tell the mother?]
Crettenand M., Rossetti A.O., Buclin T., Winterfeld U., 2018/08. Der Nervenarzt, 89 (8) pp. 913-921. Peer-reviewed.
Periodic leg movements after cardiac arrest.
Salvioni Chiabotti P., Aicua Rapùn I., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2018/08. Resuscitation, 129 pp. e15. Peer-reviewed.
Use of newer antiepileptic drugs and prognosis in adults with status epilepticus: Comparison between 2009 and 2017.
Fatuzzo D., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2018/07. Epilepsia, 59 (7) pp. e98-e102. Peer-reviewed.
Recommandations Formalisées d’Experts - Prise en charge des états de mal épileptiques en préhospitalier, en structure d’urgence et en réanimation dans les 48 premières heures
Outin Hervé, Papa Gueye, Alvarez Vincent, Auvin Stéphane, Bernard Clair, Convers Philippe, Crespel Arielle, Demeret Sophie, Dupont Sophie, Engels Jean-Christophe et al., 2018/06/13., Société de réanimation de langue française & Société française de médecine d’urgence.
Outcome prediction in patients with acute repetitive seizures: Application of the Status Epilepticus Severity Score.
Szklener S., Godek M., Korchut A., Balicka-Adamik L., Rejdak R., Rossetti A.O., Rejdak K., 2018/05. Epilepsia, 59 (5) pp. e68-e72. Peer-reviewed.
Standardized EEG interpretation in patients after cardiac arrest: Correlation with other prognostic predictors.
Beuchat I., Solari D., Novy J., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2018/05. Resuscitation, 126 pp. 143-146. Peer-reviewed.
IV steroids during long episodes of Kleine-Levin syndrome.
Léotard A., Groos E., Chaumereuil C., Peter-Derex L., Rossetti A.O., Leu-Semenescu S., Arnulf I., 2018/04/24. Neurology, 90 (17) pp. e1488-e1492. Peer-reviewed.
How Do You Feel? Subjective Perception of Recovery as a Reliable Surrogate of Cognitive and Functional Outcome in Cardiac Arrest Survivors.
Juan E., De Lucia M., Beaud V., Oddo M., Rusca M., Viceic D., Clarke S., Rossetti A.O., 2018/04. Critical care medicine, 46 (4) pp. e286-e293. Peer-reviewed.
Proposed consensus definitions for new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE), febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES), and related conditions.
Hirsch L.J., Gaspard N., van Baalen A., Nabbout R., Demeret S., Loddenkemper T., Navarro V., Specchio N., Lagae L., Rossetti A.O. et al., 2018/04. Epilepsia, 59 (4) pp. 739-744. Peer-reviewed.
Newer Antiepileptic Drugs for Status Epilepticus in Adults: What's the Evidence?
Beuchat I., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2018/03. CNS drugs, 32 (3) pp. 259-267. Peer-reviewed.
Ocular bobbing/dipping after cardiac arrest may be a post-anoxic myoclonus.
Schneider J., Rossetti A.O., Alvarez V., 2018/03. Resuscitation, 124 pp. e7. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative EEG exploration of sedation in post-resuscitation care.
Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2018/03. Resuscitation, 124 pp. A13-A14. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of vagus nerve stimulation on sleep-related breathing disorders in adults with epilepsy.
Salvadé A., Ryvlin P., Rossetti A.O., 2018/02. Epilepsy & behavior, 79 pp. 126-129. Peer-reviewed.
Multimodal Outcome Prognostication After Cardiac Arrest and Targeted Temperature Management: Analysis at 36 °C.
Tsetsou S., Novy J., Pfeiffer C., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2018/02. Neurocritical care, 28 (1) pp. 104-109. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology]
Chopard I., Benninger D., Demonet J.F., Du Pasquier R., Hirt L., Kuntzer T., Michel P., Nater B., Novy J., Rossetti A. et al., 2018/01/10. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (588-589) pp. 58-61. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical Consequences of Generalized Convulsive Status Epilepticus
Alvarez Vincent, Rossetti Andrea O., 2018. pp. 111-121 dans Status Epilepticus, Springer International Publishing.
Distinct locomotor control and awareness in awake sleepwalkers.
Kannape O.A., Perrig S., Rossetti A.O., Blanke O., 2017/10/23. Current biology, 27 (20) pp. R1102-R1104. Peer-reviewed.
The authors reply.
Rossetti A.O., Rabinstein A.A., 2017/10. Critical care medicine, 45 (10) pp. e1093-e1094. Peer-reviewed.
Auditory discrimination improvement predicts awakening of postanoxic comatose patients treated with targeted temperature management at 36°C.
Pfeiffer C., Nguissi NAN, Chytiris M., Bidlingmeyer P., Haenggi M., Kurmann R., Zubler F., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., De Lucia M., 2017/09. Resuscitation, 118 pp. 89-95. Peer-reviewed.
Extended EEG and non-convulsive status epilepticus: Benefit over routine EEG?
Eskioglou E., Stähli C., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2017/09. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 136 (3) pp. 272-276. Peer-reviewed.
Lamotrigine serum levels: Ceiling effect in people with epilepsy in remission?
D'Anto J., Wnuk W., Rossetti A.O., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2017/09. Epilepsy & behavior, 74 pp. 41-44. Peer-reviewed.
Missed diagnosis of prehospital status epilepticus: Is it serious, doctor?
Rossetti A.O., Waterhouse E., 2017/07/25. Neurology, 89 (4) pp. 314-315. Peer-reviewed.
Electroencephalography Predicts Poor and Good Outcomes After Cardiac Arrest: A Two-Center Study.
Rossetti A.O., Tovar Quiroga D.F., Juan E., Novy J., White R.D., Ben-Hamouda N., Britton J.W., Oddo M., Rabinstein A.A., 2017/07. Critical care medicine, 45 (7) pp. e674-e682. Peer-reviewed.
Early Lance-Adams syndrome after cardiac arrest: Prevalence, time to return to awareness, and outcome in a large cohort.
Aicua Rapun I., Novy J., Solari D., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2017/06. Resuscitation, 115 pp. 169-172. Peer-reviewed.
Early prediction of coma recovery after cardiac arrest with blinded pupillometry.
Solari D., Rossetti A.O., Carteron L., Miroz J.P., Novy J., Eckert P., Oddo M., 2017/06. Annals of neurology, 81 (6) pp. 804-810. Peer-reviewed.
Author response: Therapeutic coma for status epilepticus: Differing practices in a prospective multicenter study
Alvarez Vincent, Lee Jong Woo, Rossetti Andrea O., 2017/04/04. Neurology, 88 (14) pp. 1384-1384.
Newer Antiepileptic Drugs in Status Epilepticus: Prescription Trends and Outcomes in Comparison with Traditional Agents.
Beuchat I., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2017/04. CNS drugs, 31 (4) pp. 327-334. Peer-reviewed.
EEG synchronization measures are early outcome predictors in comatose patients after cardiac arrest.
Zubler F., Steimer A., Kurmann R., Bandarabadi M., Novy J., Gast H., Oddo M., Schindler K., Rossetti A.O., 2017/02/05. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 128 (4) pp. 635-642. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology]
Maulucci F., Benninger D., Démonet J.F., Du Pasquier R.A., Hirt L., Hottinger A., Kuntzer T., Michel P., Nater B., Novy J. et al., 2017/01/11. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (544-545) pp. 79-83. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical neurophysiology for neurological prognostication of comatose patients after cardiac arrest.
Rossetti A.O., 2017. Clinical neurophysiology practice, 2 pp. 76-80. Peer-reviewed.
Intravenous lacosamide in status epilepticus: Correlation between loading dose, serum levels, and clinical response.
Perrenoud M., André P., Alvarez V., Stähli C., Decosterd L.A., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2017. Epilepsy Research, 135 pp. 38-42. Peer-reviewed.
Refractory and super-refractory status epilepticus in adults: a 9-year cohort study.
Delaj L., Novy J., Ryvlin P., Marchi N.A., Rossetti A.O., 2017/01. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 135 (1) pp. 92-99.
The Inter-rater Variability of Clinical Assessment in Post-anoxic Myoclonus.
van Zijl J.C., Beudel M., Elting J.J., de Jong B.M., van der Naalt J., van den Bergh W.M., Rossetti A.O., Tijssen MAJ, Horn J., 2017. Tremor and other hyperkinetic movements, 7 p. 470. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence of trace conditioning in comatose patients revealed by the reactivation of EEG responses to alerting sounds.
Juan E., Nguepnjo Nguissi N.A., Tzovara A., Viceic D., Rusca M., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., De Lucia M., 2016/11/01. NeuroImage, 141 pp. 530-541. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic coma for status epilepticus: Differing practices in a prospective multicenter study.
Alvarez V., Lee J.W., Westover M.B., Drislane F.W., Novy J., Faouzi M., Marchi N.A., Dworetzky B.A., Rossetti A.O., 2016/10/18. Neurology, 87 (16) pp. 1650-1659. Peer-reviewed.
Epilepsy and tobacco smoking: a cross-sectional study.
Torriani O., Vuilleumier F., Perneger T., Despland P.A., Maeder M., Héritier-Barras A.C., Vulliemoz S., Seeck M., Rossetti A.O., Picard F., 2016/10. Journal of neurology, 263 (10) pp. 2057-2064. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of cognitive outcome based on the progression of auditory discrimination during coma.
Juan E., De Lucia M., Tzovara A., Beaud V., Oddo M., Clarke S., Rossetti A.O., 2016/09. Resuscitation, 106 pp. 89-95. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical Reasoning: An 82-year-old woman with dissociated aphasia followed by amnesia.
Eskioglou E., Du Pasquier R.A., Rossetti A.O., Sokolov A.A., 2016/08/30. Neurology, 87 (9) pp. e91-6. Peer-reviewed.
FDG-PET hyperactivity pattern in anti-NMDAr encephalitis.
Novy J., Allenbach G., Bien C.G., Guedj E., Prior J.O., Rossetti A.O., 2016/08/15. Journal of neuroimmunology, 297 pp. 156-158. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and Mimics of Kleine-Levin Syndrome: A Survey in French-Speaking Switzerland.
Habra O., Heinzer R., Haba-Rubio J., Rossetti A.O., 2016/08/15. Journal of clinical sleep medicine, 12 (8) pp. 1083-1087. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of different practices of therapeutic coma in status epilepticus management
Alvarez V., Lee J.W., Westover M.B., Drislane F.W., Novy J., Faouzi M., Marchi N., Dwortetzki B.A., Rossetti A.O., 2016/06., 2nd European Academy of Neurology meeting p. 87 dans European Journal of Neurology. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of awakening from hypothermic post anoxic coma based on auditory discrimination.
Tzovara A., Rossetti A.O., Juan E., Suys T., Viceic D., Rusca M., Oddo M., De Lucia M., 2016/05. Annals of Neurology, 79 pp. 748-757. Peer-reviewed.
Neurological prognostication of outcome in patients in coma after cardiac arrest.
Rossetti A.O., Rabinstein A.A., Oddo M., 2016/04. Lancet. Neurology, 15 (6) pp. 597-609. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus in adults
Novy Jan, Rossetti Andrea O., 2016/03. pp. 301-317 dans Smith MM, Citerio GG, Kofke WAI (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Neurocritical Care chap. 23, Oxford University Press.
Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis: A New Challenging Entity for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist.
Maccaferri G.E., Rossetti A.O., Dalmau J., Berney A., 2016. Brain Disorders and Therapy, 5 (2) pp. pii:215. Peer-reviewed.
Are Newer AEDs Better Than the Classic Ones in the Treatment of Status Epilepticus?
Rossetti A.O., 2016. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 33 (1) pp. 18-21. Peer-reviewed.
Associated Factors and Prognostic Implications of Stimulus-Induced Rhythmic, Periodic, or Ictal Discharges.
Braksick S.A., Burkholder D.B., Tsetsou S., Martineau L., Mandrekar J., Rossetti A.O., Savard M., Britton J.W., Rabinstein A.A., 2016. Jama Neurology, 73 (5) pp. 585-590. Peer-reviewed.
Author Response.
Rossetti A.O., 2016. Neurology, 86 (11) pp. 1076-1077. Peer-reviewed.
Monotherapy or Polytherapy for First-Line Treatment of SE?
Alvarez V., Rossetti A.O., 2016. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 33 (1) pp. 14-17. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology].
Sokolov A.A., Rossetti A.O., Michel P., Benninger D., Nater B., Wider C., Hirt L., Kuntzer T., Démonet J.F., Du Pasquier R.A. et al., 2016. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (500) pp. 62-66. Peer-reviewed.
New ILAE versus previous clinical status epilepticus semiologic classification: Analysis of a hospital-based cohort.
Rossetti A.O., Trinka E., Stähli C., Novy J., 2016. Epilepsia, 57 (7) pp. 1036-1041. Peer-reviewed.
Non-epileptic psychogenic seizures : a neurologist's perspective.
Rossetti AO, 2016. Epileptologie, 33 pp. 50-54.
Standardized EEG interpretation accurately predicts prognosis after cardiac arrest.
Westhall E., Rossetti A.O., van Rootselaar A.F., Wesenberg Kjaer T., Horn J., Ullén S., Friberg H., Nielsen N., Rosén I., Åneman A. et al., 2016. Neurology, 86 pp. 1482-1490. Peer-reviewed.
Standardized EEG interpretation accurately predicts prognosis after cardiac arrest.
Sethi N.K., Westhall E., Rossetti A.O., Cronberg T., 2016. Neurology, 87 (15) p. 1631.
Yield of Outpatient Sleep EEG for Epileptiform Alterations' Detection in Children.
Ontiveros S., Novy J., Jequier-Gygax M., Rossetti A.O., 2016. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 33 (1) pp. 72-75. Peer-reviewed.
Multiplex Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Latest-Generation Antiepileptic Drugs: A Clinically Useful Laboratory Tool for Improved Real-Time Patients' Care.
Decosterd LA, Mercier T, André P, Bertholet S, Rothuizen LE, Rossetti AO, Buclin T, 2015/06. Epileptologie, 32 (2) pp. 85-89.
The Tailored Choice of Antiepileptic Drugs in Patients with Epilepsy.
Rossetti AO, 2015/06. Epileptologie, 32 (2) pp. 70-77. Peer-reviewed.
Weakened functional connectivity in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) converges on basal ganglia.
Barzegaran E., Carmeli C., Rossetti A.O., Frackowiak R.S., Knyazeva M.G., 2015/04/08. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 87 pp. 332-337.
History of epileptology in Lausanne
Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2015/04. Epileptologie, 32 pp. 11-15.
A definition and classification of status epilepticus - Report of the ILAE Task Force on Classification of Status Epilepticus.
Trinka E., Cock H., Hesdorffer D., Rossetti A.O., Scheffer I.E., Shinnar S., Shorvon S., Lowenstein D.H., 2015. Epilepsia, 56 (10) pp. 1515-1523. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical evolution after a non-reactive hypothermic EEG following cardiac arrest.
Juan E., Novy J., Suys T., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Neurocritical Care, 22 (3) pp. 403-408. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical neurophysiology in disorders of consciousness: brain function monitoring in the ICU and beyond.
Rossetti Andrea O., Laureys Steven (eds.), 2015. 161, Springer.
Clinical Use of EEG in the ICU: Technical Setting.
Alvarez V., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 32 (6) pp. 481-485.
EEG as an Indicator of Cerebral Functioning in Postanoxic Coma.
Juan E., Kaplan P.W., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 32 (6) pp. 465-471. Peer-reviewed.
EEG for outcome prediction after cardiac arrest: when the quest for optimization needs standardization.
Rossetti A.O., 2015. Intensive Care Medicine, 41 (7) pp. 1321-1323. Peer-reviewed.
EEG reactivity to pain in comatose patients: Importance of the stimulus type.
Tsetsou S., Novy J., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Resuscitation, 97 pp. 34-37. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy of brief interdisciplinary psychotherapeutic intervention for motor conversion disorder and nonepileptic attacks.
Hubschmid M., Aybek S., Maccaferri G.E., Chocron O., Gholamrezaee M.M., Rossetti A.O., Vingerhoets F., Berney A., 2015. General Hospital Psychiatry, 37 (5) pp. 448-455. Peer-reviewed.
Electroencephalography and Evoked Potentials in the Intensive Care Unit, When the Steamer Becomes a Jet.
Rossetti A.O., Kaplan P.W., 2015. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 32 (6) pp. 445-446.
Electroencephalography and evoked potentials. Technical background.
Alvarez Vincent, Rossetti Andrea O., 2015. pp. 7-24 dans Rossetti Andrea O., Laureys Steven (eds.) Clinical neurophysiology in disorders of consciousness: brain function monitoring in the ICU and beyond., Springer.
Immunity and inflammation in status epilepticus and its sequelae: possibilities for therapeutic application.
Vezzani A., Dingledine R., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 15 (9) pp. 1081-1092. Peer-reviewed.
Interrater variability of EEG interpretation in comatose cardiac arrest patients.
Westhall E., Rosén I., Rossetti A.O., van Rootselaar A.F., Wesenberg Kjaer T., Friberg H., Horn J., Nielsen N., Ullén S., Cronberg T., 2015. Clinical Neurophysiology, 126 (12) pp. 2397-2404. Peer-reviewed.
Long-Latency Sensory-Evoked Responses and Prognosis in Cardiac Arrest Survivors Response
Rossetti A.O., Oddo M., 2015. Chest, 147 (6) pp. e229.
Making SENSE--Sustained Effort Network for treatment of Status Epilepticus as a multicenter prospective registry.
Kellinghaus C., Lang N., Rossetti A.O., Rüegg S., Tilz C., Trinka E., Unterberger I., Uzelac Z., Rosenow F., 2015. Bmc Neurology, 15 p. 230. Peer-reviewed.
Neural detection of complex sound sequences in the absence of consciousness.
Tzovara A., Simonin A., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., De Lucia M., 2015. Brain, 138 (Pt 5) pp. 1160-1166.
Neurologie [News in neuroloey 2014].
Tsetsou S., Rossetti A.O., Michel P., Hirt L., Wider C., Benninger D., Kuntzer T., Nater B., Démonet J.F., Schluep M. et al., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (456-457) pp. 91-96.
Practice variability and efficacy of clonazepam, lorazepam, and midazolam in status epilepticus: A multicenter comparison.
Alvarez V., Lee J.W., Drislane F.W., Westover M.B., Novy J., Dworetzky B.A., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Epilepsia, 56 (8) pp. 1275-1285. Peer-reviewed.
Prognostic utility of the electroencephalogram in acute consciousness impairment.
Rossetti Andrea O., 2015. pp. 55-72 dans Rossetti Andrea O., Laureys Steven (eds.) Clinical neurophysiology in disorders of consciousness: brain function monitoring in the ICU and beyond., Springer.
Recurrence of status epilepticus: Prognostic role and outcome predictors.
Tsetsou S., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Epilepsia, 56 (3) pp. 473-478. Peer-reviewed.
Reply: Neural detection of complex sound sequences or of statistical regularities in the absence of consciousness?
Tzovara A., Simonin A., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., De Lucia M., 2015. Brain, 138 (Pt 12) pp. e396. Peer-reviewed.
Seizure detection with automated EEG analysis: a validation study focusing on periodic patterns.
Sierra-Marcos A., Scheuer M.L., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Clinical Neurophysiology, 126 (3) pp. 456-462. Peer-reviewed.
Should Postanoxic Status Epilepticus be Treated Aggressively?-No!
Rossetti A.O., 2015. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 32 (6) pp. 447-448. Peer-reviewed.
Statins are associated with decreased mortality risk after status epilepticus.
Sierra-Marcos A., Alvarez V., Faouzi M., Burnand B., Rossetti A.O., 2015. European Journal of Neurology, 22 (2) pp. 402-405. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus of inflammatory etiology: A cohort study.
Spatola M., Novy J., Du Pasquier R., Dalmau J., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Neurology, 85 (5) pp. 464-470. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus: impact of therapeutic coma on outcome.
Marchi N.A., Novy J., Faouzi M., Stähli C., Burnand B., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Critical Care Medicine, 43 (5) pp. 1003-1009. Peer-reviewed.
Use of the EpiNet database for observational study of status epilepticus in Auckland, New Zealand.
Bergin P., Jayabal J., Walker E., Davis S., Jones P., Dalziel S., Yates K., Thornton V., Bennett P., Wilson K. et al., 2015. Epilepsy and Behavior, 49 pp. 164-169. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [News in neurology 2013]
Spatola M., Rossetti A.O., Michel P., Kuntzer T., Benninger D., Nater B., Démonet J.F., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R.A., Vingerhoets F., 2014/01/15. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (412-413) pp. 78-81. Peer-reviewed.
Antiepileptika bei Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter und in der Schwangerschaft : Vergleich der Fachinformationen in Deutschland und der Schweiz mit dem aktuellen Wissensstand [Antiepileptics in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy : Comparison of specialized information with the current state of knowledge in Germany and Switzerland].
Winterfeld U., Gotta V., Rothuizen L.E., Panchaud A., Rossetti A.O., Buclin T., 2014. Der Nervenarzt, 85 (6) pp. 738-746. Peer-reviewed.
Automated analysis of background EEG and reactivity during therapeutic hypothermia in comatose patients after cardiac arrest.
Noirhomme Q., Lehembre R., Lugo Zdel R, Lesenfants D., Luxen A., Laureys S., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2014. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 45 (1) pp. 6-13. Peer-reviewed.
Automated auditory mismatch negativity paradigm improves coma prognostic accuracy after cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia.
Rossetti A.O., Tzovara A., Murray M.M., De Lucia M., Oddo M., 2014. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 31 (4) pp. 356-361. Peer-reviewed.
Automated quantitative pupillometry for the prognostication of coma after cardiac arrest.
Suys T., Bouzat P., Marques-Vidal P., Sala N., Payen J.F., Rossetti A.O., Oddo M., 2014. Neurocritical Care, 21 (2) pp. 300-308. Peer-reviewed.
Contemporary approach to neurologic prognostication of coma after cardiac arrest.
Ben-Hamouda N., Taccone F.S., Rossetti A.O., Oddo M., 2014. Chest, 146 (5) pp. 1375-1386. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic yield of short-term video-EEG monitoring for epilepsy and PNESs: a European assessment.
Bettini L., Croquelois A., Maeder-Ingvar M., Rossetti A.O., 2014. Epilepsy and Behavior, 39 pp. 55-58. Peer-reviewed.
E&B is 15: An attempt to explain the "paradox"
Rossetti A.O., 2014. Epilepsy and Behavior : Eandb, 40C p. 80.
Early multimodal outcome prediction after cardiac arrest in patients treated with hypothermia.
Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2014. Critical Care Medicine, 42 (6) pp. 1340-1347.
Electroencephalography (EEG) for neurological prognostication after cardiac arrest and targeted temperature management; rationale and study design.
Westhall E., Rosén I., Rossetti A.O., van Rootselaar A.F., Kjaer T., Horn J., Ullén S., Friberg H., Nielsen N., Cronberg T., 2014. Bmc Neurology, 14 (1) p. 159. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of a clinical tool for early etiology identification in status epilepticus.
Alvarez V., Westover M.B., Drislane F.W., Dworetzky B.A., Curley D., Lee J.W., Rossetti A.O., 2014. Epilepsia, 55 (12) pp. 2059-2068. Peer-reviewed.
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