Thomas Jona Wolfensberger

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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206 publications

... | 1994 | 1993 |
Makulare Drusen. Veranderungen des retinalen Pigmentepithels und angiographische Charakteristika als prognostische Merkmale. [Macular drusen. Changes in the retinal pigment epithelium and angiographic characteristics as prognostic markers]
Holz F. G., Wolfensberger T. J., Piguet B., Minassian D., Bird A. C., 1994/12. Ophthalmologe, 91 (6) pp. 735-40.
Bilateral macular drusen in age-related macular degeneration. Prognosis and risk factors
Holz F. G., Wolfensberger T. J., Piguet B., Gross-Jendroska M., Wells J. A., Minassian D. C., Chisholm I. H., Bird A. C., 1994/09. Ophthalmology, 101 (9) pp. 1522-8.
Membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase in human retinal pigment epithelium
Wolfensberger T. J., Mahieu I., Jarvis-Evans J., Boulton M., Carter N. D., Nogradi A., Hollande E., Bird A. C., 1994/08. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 35 (9) pp. 3401-7.
Natriuretic peptides and their receptors in human neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium
Wolfensberger T. J., Holz F. G., Ationu A., Carter N. D., Bird A. C., 1994/08. German Journal of Ophthalmology, 3 (4-5) pp. 248-52.
Evidence for a new role of natriuretic peptides: control of intraocular pressure
Wolfensberger T. J., Singer D. R., Freegard T., Markandu N. D., Buckley M. G., MacGregor G. A., 1994/06. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 78 (6) pp. 446-8.
Conjunctival involvement in malignancy-associated acanthosis nigricans
Tabandeh H., Gopal S., Teimory M., Wolfensberger T., Luke I. K., Mackie I., Dilly N., 1993. Eye, 7 ( Pt 5) pp. 648-51.
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