Gregory Mantzouranis

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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22 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 |
How do adolescents manage information in the relationship with their parents? A latent class analysis of disclosure, keeping secrets, and lying
Baudat S., Mantzouranis G., Van Petegem S., Zimmermann G., 2022. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51 pp. 1134-1151. Peer-reviewed.
Talking to the Dead in the Classroom: How a Supposedly Psychic Event Impacts Beliefs and Feelings.
Lesaffre L., Kuhn G., Jopp D.S., Mantzouranis G., Diouf C.N., Rochat D., Mohr C., 2021/12. Psychological reports, 124 (6) pp. 2427-2452. Peer-reviewed.
The Beginning of a New Era
Rothen N., Burtscher M., Gobet F., Mantzouranis G., Mayor J., Pirrone A., Raeder S., Ramon M., Rossier J., 2021/07/01. Swiss Psychology Open, 1 (1).
Emotional skills in adolescents and young adults suffering from anorexia nervosa – an integrative approach
Janetschek Carolin, Mantzouranis Gregory, Gebhard Sandra, Stagno-Muller Daniele, Plessen Kerstin J., Urben Sébastien, Holzer Laurent, 2021. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 172 (6) pp. 184-192. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing Online and Offline Adolescent Social Skills: Development and Validation of the Real and Electronic Communication Skills Questionnaire.
Mantzouranis G., Baudat S., Zimmermann G., 2019/06. Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking, 22 (6) pp. 404-411. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical significance of assertive community treatment among adolescents.
Mantzouranis G., Baier V., Holzer L., Urben S., Villard E., 2019/04. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 54 (4) pp. 445-453. Peer-reviewed.
Substance-use disorders, personality traits, and sex differences in institutionalized adolescents.
Habersaat S., Ramain J., Mantzouranis G., Palix J., Boonmann C., Fegert J.M., Schmeck K., Perler C., Schmid M., Urben S., 2018. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 44 (6) pp. 686-694. Peer-reviewed.
Intérêt d'un modeling adapté pour les adolescents souffrant de troubles psychiatriques sévères en vue d'intégrer un groupe d'entraînement aux habiletés sociales : une illustration clinique
Lambelet Frédéric, Urben Sébastien, Gener Stéphane, Mantzouranis Gregory, Jaugey Laure, Kapsaridi Afrodite, Lepage Caroline, Holzer Laurent, 2017/06. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 27 (2) pp. 50-59.
Timing of Clinical Improvement in Assertive Community Treatment for Adolescents: A Pilot Naturalistic Observational Study.
Urben S., Mantzouranis G., Baier V., Halfon O., Villard E., Holzer L., 2016/10. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 30 (5) pp. 645-646. Peer-reviewed.
Can the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents predict the necessity of inpatient stay during assertive community treatment?
Urben S., Mantzouranis G., Baier V., Halfon O., Villard E., Holzer L., 2016/08/30. Psychiatry research, 242 pp. 345-348. Peer-reviewed.
Patients' satisfaction with community treatment: a pilot cross-sectional survey adopting multiple perspectives.
Urben S., Gloor A., Baier V., Mantzouranis G., Graap C., Cherix-Parchet M., Henz C., Dutoit F., Faucherand A., Senent E. et al., 2015. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 22 (9) pp. 680-687. Peer-reviewed.
Predictors and Moderators of Clinical Outcomes in Adolescents with Severe Mental Disorders After an Assertive Community Treatment.
Urben S., Baier V., Mantzouranis G., Pigois E., Graap C., Dutoit F., Cherix-Parchet M., Henz C., Faucherand A., Senent E. et al., 2015. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 46 (6) pp. 997-1005. Peer-reviewed.
Internet rend les ados plus sociaux
Mantzouranis G., 2014. Psychoscope, 35 (3) pp. 16-19.
The French adaptation of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents Self-Rated Form (F-HoNOSCA-SR): Validation and clinical routine use.
Urben S., Baier V., Mantzouranis G., Schwery J., Mahi C., Courosse S., Guignet B., Halfon O., Holzer L., 2014. Psychiatry Research, 218 (1-2) pp. 229-235. Peer-reviewed.
A further examination of the distinction between dependency-oriented and achievement-oriented parental psychological control: Psychometric properties of the DAPCS with French-speaking late adolescents
Mantzouranis G., Zimmermann G., Biermann-Mahaim E., Favez N., 2012. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21 (5) pp. 726-733. Peer-reviewed.
Reflections on coma: Man deprived of his consciousness
Dalakaki X., Mantzouranis G., 2012. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 93 (5) pp. 1137-1152. Peer-reviewed.
The Identity Style Inventory (ISI-3) and the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS): Factor structure, reliability, and convergent validity in French-speaking college students
Zimmermann G., Biermann-Mahaim E., Mantzouranis G., Genoud P. A., Crocetti E., 2012. Journal of Adolescence, 35 (2) pp. 461-465. Peer-reviewed.
Prendre des risques, ça rapporte ? Conduites à risques et perception des risques chez des adolescents tout-venant
Mantzouranis G, Zimmermann G, 2010/11. Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 58 (8) pp. 488-494. Peer-reviewed.
Biological markers of alcohol consumption in alcoholised drivers: Comparison of capillary electrophoresis (CZE CDT) and a direct immunoassay (N Latex CDT) with the traditional method of anion-exchange chromatography-immunoturbidimetry (%CDT TIA).
Selz R., Favrat B., Mantzouranis G., Dovat M., Mangin P., Augsburger M., 2010. dans Tri-Annual Meeting of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety.
Ego identity in adolescence: preliminary validation of a French short-form of the EIPQ
Zimmermann G., Mantzouranis G., Biermann E., 2010. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée / European Review of Applied Psychology, 60 (3) pp. 173-180. Peer-reviewed.
L'adolescence : pour en finir avec la crise
Zimmermann G, Mantzouranis G, 2009. Psychoscope, 30 (10) pp. 21-23.
Non-lecteur ? Et pour les nombres ? Correspondances entre transcodage alphabétique et numérique chez de jeunes Français
Mantzouranis G., 2007. Bulletin de Psychologie, 60 (3) pp. 239-247. Peer-reviewed.
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