Pierre Margot

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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159 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1994 | 1991 |
Response to the letter to the Editor commenting on ”Towards more relevance in forensic science research and development” by Weyermann et al.
Weyermann Céline, Willis Sheila, Margot Pierre, Roux Claude, 2024/02. Forensic Science International, 355 p. 111928. Peer-reviewed.
Towards more relevance in forensic science research and development
Weyermann Céline, Willis Sheila, Margot Pierre, Roux Claude, 2023. Forensic Science International, 348 p. 111592. Peer-reviewed.
La traçologie. Une vision moderne construite sur les fondements académiques de l’École des sciences criminelles
Margot Pierre, Ribaux Olivier, 2022/06/10. pp. 359-379 dans Perrier Depeursinge Camille, Dongois Nathalie, Andrew M Garbarski , Lombardini Carlo, Macaluso Alain (eds.) Cimes et Châtiments. Mélanges en l’honneur du professeur Laurent Moreillon, Stämpfli.
The Sydney declaration – Revisiting the essence of forensic science through its fundamental principles
Roux Claude, Bucht Rebecca, Crispino Frank, De Forest Peter, Lennard Chris, Margot Pierre, Miranda Michelle D., NicDaeid Niamh, Ribaux Olivier, Ross Alastair et al., 2022/03. Forensic Science International, 332 p. 111182. Peer-reviewed.
Breaking the barriers between intelligence, investigation and evaluation: a continuous approach to define the contribution and scope of forensic science
Baechler Simon, Morelato Marie, Gittelson Simone, Walsh Simon, Margot Pierre, Roux Claude, Ribaux Olivier, 2020/03/03. Forensic Science International, 309. Peer-reviewed.
Un modèle continu, non linéaire et collaboratif de l'enquête
Baechler Simon, Morelato Marie, Roux Claude, Margot Pierre, Ribaux Olivier, 2020. Criminologie, 53 (2) pp. 43–76. Peer-reviewed.
Is Forensic Science Worth It?1
Bitzer Sonja, Margot Pierre, Delémont Olivier, 2017/09/06. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. Peer-reviewed.
Turning false identity documents into forensic intelligence: understanding crime and fostering security using forensic science
Baechler S., Margot P., 2016/09. Security Journal, 29 (4) pp. 618-639. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse systématique des faux documents d'identité à des fins de renseignement criminel: vers la construction de connaissances sur la criminalité par l'étude de la trace matérielle
Baechler S., Boivin R., Margot P., 2015/09. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVIII (3) pp. 315-337. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic intelligence framework. Part II: study of the main generic building blocks and challenges through the examples of illicit drugs and false identity documents monitoring
Baechler S., Morelato M., Ribaux O., Beavis A., Tahtouh M., Kirkbride KP., Esseiva P., Margot P., Roux C., 2015/05. Forensic Science International, 250 pp. 44-52. Peer-reviewed.
A methodology to event reconstruction from trace images
Milliet Q., Delémont O., Sapin E., Margot P., 2015/03. Science & Justice, 55 (2) pp. 107-117. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic intelligence for medicine anti-counterfeiting
Degardin K., Roggo Y., Margot P., 2015/03. Forensic Science International, 248 pp. 15-32. Peer-reviewed.
Legal medicine and forensic science in Switzerland
Mangin P., Margot P., 2015. pp. 267-277 dans The Global Practice of Forensic Science chap. 25, John Wiley & Sons.
A forensic science perspective on the role of images in crime investigation and reconstruction
Milliet Q., Delémont O., Margot P., 2014/12. Science & Justice, 54 (6) pp. 470-480. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic intelligence framework—Part I: Induction of a transversal model by comparing illicit drugs and false identity documents monitoring
Morelato Marie, Baechler Simon, Ribaux Olivier, Beavis Alison, Tahtouh Mark, Kirkbride Paul, Roux Claude, Margot Pierre, 2014/03. Forensic Science International, 236 pp. 181-190. Peer-reviewed.
Traçologie: la trace, vecteur fondamental de la police scientifique
Margot P., 2014/03. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVII (1) pp. 72-97. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic science and the paradigm of quality
Hazard D., Stauffer E., Margot P., 2014. pp. 1773-1782 dans Bruinsma G., Weisburd D. (eds.) Springer Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Springer.
Forensic science culture
Hazard D., Margot P., 2014. pp. 1782-1795 dans Bruinsma G., Weisburd D. (eds.) Springer Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Springer.
Understanding and Fighting the Medicine Counterfeit Market
Dégardin K., Roggo Y., Margot P., 2014/01. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 87 pp. 167-175. Peer-reviewed.
Are Simple Signatures So Easy to Simulate?
Cadola L., Margot P., Marquis R., 2013/12. Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, 16 (2) pp. 3-11. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of Suspected Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals: Test Strategy and Analytical Techniques
Dégardin K., Roggo Y., Fischer A., Margot P., 2013/12. pp. 1-34 dans Wang Perry G., Wertheimer Albert I. (eds.) Counterfeit Medicines: Detection, Identification and Analysis chap. 1.1, ILM Publications.
Le changement de paradigme du Renseignement Forensique pour la lutte contre le dopage organisé et le trafic de substances interdites
Marclay F., Jan N., Esseiva P., Mangin P., Margot P., Saugy M., 2013/12. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVI (4) pp. 451-472.
Forensic processing of false identity and travel documents to produce intelligence: a novel approach to assist in fighting organized crime
Baechler S., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2013/10., Interpol dans 17th International Forensic Science Managers Symposium. Peer-reviewed, Pavel Kolar.
La violence laisse des traces: l'homicide dévoilé par la science forensique.
Delémont O., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2013/08. pp. 765-804 dans Cusson M., Guay S., Proulx J., Cortoni F. (eds.) Traité des violences criminelles chap. 33, Hurtubise.
The systematic profiling of false identity documents: method validation and performance evaluation using seizures known to originate from common and different sources
Baechler S., Terrasse V., Pujol JP., Fritz T., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2013/08. Forensic Science International, 2013 (232) pp. 180-190. Peer-reviewed.
L'arbre qui cache la forêt, Correspondances fortuites et erreurs lors des analyses ADN
Vuille J., Biedermann A., Taroni F., 2013/06. pp. 1095-1110 dans Kuhn A., Margot P., Aebi M., Schwarzenegger C., Jositsch D., Donatsch A. (eds.) Criminologie, politique criminelle et droit pénal dans une perspective internationale, Stämpfli.
Le legs de Martin Killias à la criminologie durant ses années à l'Université de Lausanne
Aebi M., Margot P., 2013/06. pp. 3-6 dans Kuhn A., Margot P., Aebi M., Schwarzenegger C., Donatsch A., Jositsch D. (eds.) Criminologie, politique criminelle et droit pénal dans une perspective internationale, Stämpfli.
Kriminologie, Kriminalpolitik und Strafrecht aus internationaler Perspektive: Festschrift für Martin Killias zum 65. Geburtstag = Criminologie, politique criminelle et droit pénal dans une perspective internationale: mélanges en l'onneur de Martin Killias à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire = Criminology, Criminal Policy and Criminal Law in an International Perspective: essays in honour of Martin Killias on the occasion of his 65th birthday
Kuhn A., Schwarzenegger C., Margot P., Donatsch A., Aebi M.F., Jositsch D. (eds.), 2013., Stämpfli.
Perspectives for Forensic Intelligence in anti-doping: Thinking outside of the box.
Marclay F., Mangin P., Margot P., Saugy M., 2013. Forensic Science International, 229 (1-3) pp. 133-144.
Review of: Forensic Intelligence REFERENCE: Milne R. Forensic intelligence. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., 2013, 262 pp.
Rossy Q., Margot P., 2013. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58 (6) pp. 1684-1684. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a novel forensic intelligence model: systematic profiling of false identity documents
Baechler S., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2012/12. Forensic Science Policy & Management: an International Journal, 3 (2) pp. 70-84.
False identity documents forensic profiling: study of known-sources and cross-border seizures
Baechler S., Pujol J.P., Terrasse V., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2012/09., European Document Experts Working Group (EDEWG), European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) dans 7th EDEWG Conference, 18-21 september 2012, Lyon, France.
Enhancement of writings on a damaged medieval manuscript using ultraviolet imaging
Montani I., Sapin E., Pahud A., Margot P., 2012. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 13 (2) pp. 226-228. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to Budowle, Ge, Chakraborty and Gill-King: use of prior odds for missing persons identifications
Biedermann A., Taroni F., Margot P., 2012/01. Investigative Genetics, 3 (2) pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Le profilage forensique des fausses pièces d'identité: une méthode de renseignement prometteuse pour lutter contre la fraude documentaire
Baechler S., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2011/12. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXIV (4) pp. 467-480. Peer-reviewed.
What is the value of forensic science? : an overview of the effectiveness of forensic science in the Australian criminal justice system project
Julian R., Kelty S., Roux C., Woodmann P., Robertson J., Davey A., Hayes R., Margot P., Ross A., Sibly H. et al., 2011/12. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 43 (4) pp. 217-229. Peer-reviewed.
Detection and chemical profiling of medicine counterfeits by Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics
Dégardin K., Roggo Y., Béen F., Margot P., 2011/10. Analytica Chimica Acta, 705 (1-2) pp. 334-341. Peer-reviewed.
Detection, Determination of Chemical Composition and Chemical Profiling of Counterfeit Medicines by Raman Spectroscopy.
Dégardin K., Roggo Y., Margot P., Béen F., 2011/10. European Pharmaceutical Review, 5 pp. 22-29. Peer-reviewed.
Pertinence de la trace: étude théorique et perspectives expérimentales
Hazard D., Margot P., Ribaux O., 2011/09. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXIV (3) pp. 341-374. Peer-reviewed.
Profiling of counterfeit medicines by vibrational spectroscopy
Béen F., Roggo Y., Degardin K., Esseiva P., Margot P., 2011/09. Forensic Science International, 211 (1-3) pp. 83-100. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic science - A true science ?
Crispino F., Ribaux O., Houck M., Margot P., 2011/06. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 43 (2-3) pp. 157-176. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic science on trial - what is the law of the land ?
Margot P., 2011/06. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 43 (2) pp. 83-97. Peer-reviewed.
Science forensique
Ribaux O., Margot P., 2011/06. pp. 1-6 dans Centre international de criminologie comparée de l'Université de Montréal Canada (eds.) Dictionnaire de criminologie en ligne, Dupont B. Leman-Langlois S..
Use of stains to detect fingermarks
Bécue A., Moret S., Champod C., Margot P., 2011/05. Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 86 (3) pp. 140-160. Peer-reviewed.
Expressing evaluative opinions: a position statement
Aitken C., Berger C., Buckelton J., Champod C., Curran J., Dawid A., Evett I., Gill P., Gonzalez-Rodriguez J., Jackson G. et al., 2011/03. Science and Justice, 51 (1-2) pp. 1-2. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary on the need for a research culture in the forensic sciences
Margot P., 2011/02. UCLA Law Review, 58 pp. 795-801. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Different Postural Conditions on Handwriting Variability
Sciacca E., Langlois-Peter M.-B., Margot P., Velay J.-L., 2011. Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 21 pp. 51-60. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnerabilities of Fingerprint Reader to Fake Fingerprint Attacks
Espinoza M., Champod C., Margot P., 2011/01. Forensic Science International, 204 (1-3) pp. 41-49. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnerabilities of fingerprint reader to fake fingerprints attacks
Espinoza M., Champod C., Margot P., 2011/01. Forensic Science International, 204 (1-3) pp. 41-49. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation de spectromètres portables Raman, Infrarouge et Proche Infrarouge pour la détection de contrefaçons de médicaments
Dégardin K., Roggo Y., Margot P., 2010/11. Spectra Analyse, 276 pp. 46-51.
Fingermarks and Other Impressions Left by the Human Body, Review 2007-2010
Bécue Andy, Egli Nicole, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2010/10/05., 16th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (05-08 October 2010) pp. 222-319 dans Review papers. Peer-reviewed, Niamh Nic Daéid.
The profiling of false identity documents: a promising method to fight identity fraud
Simon Baechler, Emmanuel Fivaz, Olivier Ribaux, Pierre Margot, 2010/10., Interpol dans 16th International Forensic Science Symposium, Niamh Nic Daéid.
Considerations on the ASTM Standards 1789-04 and 1422-05 on the Forensic Examination of Ink
Neumann C., Margot P., 2010/09. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55 (5) pp. 1304-1310. Peer-reviewed.
Détermination de la séquence chronologique entre les impressions électrophotographiques (imprimantes laser et photocopieurs) et les traits de stylos à bille, sans croisement
Redjah H., Mazzella W., Margot P., 2010/09. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXIII (3) pp. 379-376. Peer-reviewed.
The profiling of false identity documents: a promising method to fight identity fraud
Baechler S., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2010/09., European Document Experts Working Group (EDEWG), European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) dans 6th EDEWG Conference, 21-24 september 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Les experts scientifiques: l'Ecole des sciences criminelles de l'Université de Lausanne et son Institut de police scientifique
Margot P., 2010/06. L'Actualité chimique, 342-343 pp. 1-5.
Le profilage des fausses pièces d'identité: une méthode moderne de lutte contre la fraude documentaire
Baechler S., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2010/05., Association Internationale des Criminologues de Langue Française (AICLF) dans XIIe colloque de l'AICLF, 12-14 mai 2010, Fribourg, Suisse, Queloz N..
TIAFT 2009 special edition of Forensic Science International
Margot P., 2010/04. Forensic Science International, 198 (1) p. 1. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermarks, Bitemarks and Other Impressions (Barefoot, Ears, Lips), Review 2004-2007
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2010/02/20. pp. 695-778 dans Interpol's Forensic Science Review, Niamh Nic Daéid, Max Houck .
Intelligence-led crime scene processing. Part I : Forensic intelligence.
Ribaux O., Baylon A., Roux C., Delémont O., Lock E., Zingg C., Margot P., 2010/02. Forensic Science International, 195 (1-3) pp. 10-16. Peer-reviewed.
Coulier, Paul-Jean (1824-1890) : a precursor in the history of fingermark detection and their potential use for identifying their source (1863)
Quinche N., Margot P., 2010. Journal of Forensic Identification, 60 (2) pp. 129-134. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of pharmaceutical tablets by Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics
Roggo Y., Degardin K., Margot P., 2010. Talanta, 81 (3) pp. 988-995. Peer-reviewed.
Intelligence-led crime scene processing. Part II : Intelligence and crime scene examination.
Ribaux O., Baylon A., Lock E., Delémont O., Roux C., Zingg C., Margot P., 2010. Forensic Science International, 199 pp. 63-71. Peer-reviewed.
Profiling Ausweisfälschungen: Aufdeckung von Verbindungen, Erzeugen von strategischen und operativen Nachrichten = Le profilage des fausses pièces d'identité: détection de liens, production de renseignements stratégiques et opérationnels
Baechler S., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2009/11. dans Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgruppe Kriminaltechnik Schweiz = Journées du Groupe de travail Criminalistique Suisse.
Constituent profiling of ecstasy seizures by GC-MS aftejoint derivatization with MSTFA and MBTFA
Meng P., Margot P., 2009/10. Forensic Toxicology pp. 3-12. Peer-reviewed.
Use of quantum dots in aqueous solution to detect blood fingermarks on non-porous surfaces.
Bécue A., Moret S., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/10. Forensic Science International, 191 (1-3) pp. 36-41. Peer-reviewed.
I 100 anni dell'Istituto di Polizia Scientifica (IPS) dell'Ecole des Sciences Criminelles dell'Università di Losanna
Margot P., Scossa-Baggi E., 2009/09. Rivista della Polizia del Cantone Ticino 3 pp. 12-15.
Analysis of fatty acids in ecstasy tablets
Baer I., Margot P., 2009/07. Forensic Science International, 188 (1-3) pp. 68-74. Peer-reviewed.
L'Institut de police scientifique de l'Université de Lausanne a 100 ans (1909-2009)
Margot P., Quinche N., 2009/06. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXII (2) pp. 2-16.
Drug profiling
Esseiva P., Margot P., 2009/05. pp. 851-859 dans Moenssens A. Jamieson A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, J. Wiley & Sons.
Optimization of HS-SPME/GC-MS analysis and its use in the profiling of illicit ecstasy tablets (Part 1)
Bonadio F., Margot P., Delémont O., Esseiva P., 2009/05. Forensic Science International, 187 (1-3) pp. 73-80. Peer-reviewed.
New perspectives in the use of ink evidence in forensic science: Part I. Development of a quality assurance process for forensic ink analysis by HPTLC
Neumann C., Margot P., 2009/03. Forensic Science International, 185 (1-3) pp. 29-37. Peer-reviewed.
New perspectives in the use of ink evidence in forensic science: Part II. Development and testing of mathematical algorithms for the automatic comparison of ink samples analysed by HPTLC
Neumann C., Margot P., 2009/03. Forensic Science International, 185 (1-3) pp. 38-50. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary on: Berger-Karin C, Hendricks U, Geyer-Lippmann J. Comparison of natural and artificial aging of ballpoint inks
Weyermann C., Mazzella W., Margot P., 2009. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53 (4) p. 967. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of promising antigenic components in latent fingermark residues
Drapel V., Bécue A., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/01. Forensic Science International, 184 (1-3) pp. 47-53. Peer-reviewed.
New perspectives in the use of ink evidence in forensic science: Part III: Operational applications and evaluation.
Neumann C., Margot P., 2009. Forensic Science International, 192 (1-3) pp. 29-42.
Single-metal deposition: optimization of this fingermark enhancement technique
Durussel P., Stauffer E., Bécue A., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/01. Journal of Forensic Identification, 59 (1) pp. 80-96. Peer-reviewed.
Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and liquid–liquid extraction (LLE): Comparison of the performance in classification of ecstasy tablets (Part 2)
Bonadio Federica, Margot Pierre, Delémont Olivier, Esseiva Pierre, 2008/11. Forensic Science International, 182 (1-3) pp. 52-56. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermark detection based on the in situ growth of luminescent nanoparticles—Towards a new generation of multimetal deposition
Bécue Andy, Scoundrianos Aurèle, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2008/07. Forensic Science International, 179 (1) pp. 39-43. Peer-reviewed.
A logical framework to ballpoint ink dating interpretation
Weyermann C., Schiffer B., Margot P., 2008. Science & Justice, 48 (iii) pp. 118-125. Peer-reviewed.
Cocaine profiling for strategic intelligence purposes, a cross-border project between France and Switzerland : Part II. Validation of the statistical methodology for the profiling of cocaine
Lociciro S., Esseiva P., Hayoz P., Dujourdy L., Besacier F., Margot P., 2008. Forensic Science International, 177 (2-3) pp. 199-206.
La trace matérielle, vecteur d'information au service du renseignement
Cusson M., Dupont B., Lemieux F., 2008. pp. 300-320 dans Ribaux O., Margot P. (eds.) Traité de sécurité intérieure chap. 21, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Fingermarks, Bitemarks and other Impressions (Barefoot, Ears, Lips), Review 2004-2007
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/10/23., 15th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (23-26 October 2007) pp. 745-800 dans Review Papers. Peer-reviewed, Niamh Nic Daéid.
Single-metal deposition (SMD) as a latent fingermark enhancement technique: An alternative to multimetal deposition (MMD)
Stauffer Eric, Bécue Andy, Singh Kanwar Vikas, Thampi K. Ravindranathan, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/05. Forensic Science International, 168 (1) pp. e5-e9. Peer-reviewed.
Use of gold nanoparticles as molecular intermediates for the detection of fingermarks
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/05. Forensic Science International, 168 (2-3) pp. 169-176. Peer-reviewed.
A logical approach to ballpoint ink dating
Weyermann C., Schiffer B., Margot P., 2007. Science and Justice,, available on-line.
Cocaine profiling for strategic intelligence purposes, a cross-border project between France and Switzerland : Part 1. Optimisation and harmonisation of the profiling method.
Lociciro S., Hayoz P., Esseiva P., Dujourdy L., Besacier F., Margot P., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 220-228.
Evidence evaluation in fingerprint comparison and automated fingerprint identification systems - Modelling within finger variability.
Egli N., Champod C., Margot P., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 189-195.
Forensic drug intelligence : An important tool in law enforcement.
Esseiva P., Ioset S., Anglada F., Gasté L., Ribaux O., Margot P., Gallusser A., Biedermann A., Specht Y., Ottinger E., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 247-254.
La trace matérielle, vecteur d'information au service du renseignement
Ribaux O., Margot P., 2007. pp. 300-321 dans Maurice Cusson, Benoit Dupont, Frédéric Lemieux (eds.) Traité de sécurité intérieure, Hurtubise HMH, Montréal et PPUR, Lausanne.
NIR analysis of cellulose and lactose - Application to ecstasy tablet analysis.
Baer I., Gurny R., Margot P., 2007. Forensic Science International., 167 (2-3) pp. 234-241.
Sugar and fatty acid analysis in ecstasy tablets.
Baer I., Margot P., 2007. Forensic Science International., 167 (2-3) pp. 229-233.
Création d'une banque de données de graffitis à des fins d'investigation : étude préliminaire.
Pun K.M., Buzzini P., Margot P., 2006. Revue internationale de Criminologie et de Police technique et scientifique, LIX (2) pp. 215-232.
Apport scientifique à la lutte contre le phénomène transfrontalier de stupéfiants : Mise en réseau de l'information.
Lociciro S, Dujourdy L, Esseiva P, Besacier F, Hayoz P, Anglada F, Margot P, Guitton J, 2005. RICPTS, Vol. LVIII, no 1.
Chemical profiling and classification of illicit heroin by principal component analysis, calculation of inter sample correlation and artificial neural networks.
Esseiva P, Anglada F, Dujourdy L, Taroni F, Margot P, Du Pasquier E, Dawson M, Roux C, Doble P, 2005. Talanta, Vol.67, issue 2 pp. 360-367.
Establishment of an operational system for drug profiling : a Swiss experience
Ioset S., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., Weyermann C., Anglada F., Lociciro S., Hayoz P., Baer I., Gasté L., Terrettaz Zufferey. A. L. et al., 2005. Bulletin on narcotics.UNITED NATIONS Office on Drugs and Crime., LVII (1-2) pp. 121-147. Peer-reviewed.
The contribution of forensic science to crime analysis and investigation: Forensic intelligence.
Ribaux O., Walsh S. J., Margot P., 2005. Forensic Science International., 156 (2-3) pp. 171-181.
Anaysis of Dyes in Illicit Pills (Amphetamine and Derivatives).
Goldmann T, Taroni F, Margot P, 2004. Journal of Forensic Science, Vol. 49 pp. 716-722.
Base de données ADN : un potentiel peu exploité de mises en relations d'événements criminels.
Girod A, Ribaux O, Margot P, Walsh S, 2004. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, Vol. LVII pp. 131-147.
Dynamic of the ageing of ballpoint pen inks L quantification of phenoxyethanol by GC - MS.
Lociciro S, Dujourdy L, Lock E, Mazzella W, Margot P, 2004. Science & Justice, Vol. 44 No 3 pp. 165-171.
Fingermarks, Shoesole and Footprint Impressions, Tire Impression, Ear impression, Toolmarks, Lipmarks, Bitemarks - A Review.
Champod C, Egli N, Margot P, 2004. Proceedings of the 14th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium.
Fingerprints and Other Ridge Skin Impressions
Champod C, Lennard C, Margot P, Stoilovic M, 2004., CRC Press.
Forensic Sciences : Overview (a)/Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers (b)/Questioned Documents (c).
Margot P, Buzzini P, Neumann C, 2004. dans Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, second edition, Elsevier.
The classification and discrimination of glass fragments using non destructive energy dispersive X-ray microfluorescence.
Hicks T., Monard Sermier F., Goldmann T., Brunelle A., Champod C., Margot P., 2003/11/26. Forensic science international, 137 (2-3) pp. 107-118. Peer-reviewed.
Case based reasoning in criminal intelligence using forensic case data
Ribaux O., Margot P., 2003/07. Science & Justice, 43 (3) pp. 135-143.
Forensic intelligence and crime analysis
Ribaux O., 2003/03/01. Law, Probability and Risk, 2 (1) pp. 47-60.
A methodology for illicit heroin seizures comparison in a drug intelligence perspective using large databases.
Esseiva P, Dujourdy L, Anglada F, Taroni F, Margot P, 2003. Forensic Science International, 132 pp. 139-152.
Case based reasoning in criminal intelligence using forensic case data.
Ribaux O, Margot P, 2003. Science & Justice, 43/3 pp. 135-143.
Evaluation of links in heroin seizures.
Dujourdy L, Barbati G, Taroni F, Guéniat O, Esseiva P, Anglada F, Margot P, 2003. Forensic Science International, 131 pp. 171-183.
Evolution de la criminalité et nouvelles technologies. La recherche et l'enseignement au profit des différents composants du système judiciaire.
Ribaux O, Margot P, 2003. pp. 103-107 dans Rapport annuel, Tilt (HES bernoise) 15.
Fingermarks, shoesole and footprint impressions, tire impressions, ear impressions, toolmarks, lipmarks, bitemarks. A review (Sept 1998 - Aug 2001).
Meuwly D, Margot P, 2003. Proceedings of the 13th Interpol International Forensic Science Symposium pp. 1-52.
Harry Södermann. A Great Pan-European Criminalist, 1902 - 1956.
Margot P, 2003. Zagadnien Nauk Sadowych Problems of Forensic Sciences, 50 pp. 122-134.
Les techniques d'analyse des encres en criminalistique.
Neumann C, Margot P, 2003. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, 3.
Notes de police scientifique.
Margot P, Dujourdy L, Lanzi L, Botti P, Marquis R, Lociciro S, 2003. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Scientifique, 56/1 pp. 117-121.
Quelles catégories de condamnés devrait-on faore figurer dans une banque de données ADN ?
Killias M, Haas H, Taroni F, Margot P, 2003. pp. 295-310 dans Cassani U Dittmann V Maag R Steiner S (eds.) Plus de sécurité - Moins de liberté ? Les techniques d'investigation et de preuve en question, Verlag Rüegger, Chur/Zürich.
DNA - Datenbanken: heftig umstritten.
Margot P, Taroni F, Killias M, 2002. Plädoyer, 1 pp. 30-31.
Harry Söderman A great Pan-European Criminalist.
Margot P, 2002. The fantastic life of Harry Söderman.
History of the European Academy of Forensic Science (EAFS).
Margot P, 2002. Z Zagadnien Nauk Sadowych Problems of Forensic Sciences, 45.
Les signatures chimiques à partir des saisies de produits stupéfiants. Utilité et gestion de l'information.
Esseiva P, Dujourdy L, Taroni F, Anglada F, Guéniat O, Margot P, 2002. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 55 (1) pp. 104-111.
Fingerprint Forgery - A Survey.
Geller B, Almog J, Margot P, 2001. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 46/3 pp. 731-733.
General comments on the scale of conclusions in shoemarks - The need for a logical framework.
Taroni F, Margot P, 2001. Information Bulletin for Shoeprint/Toolmark Examiners, 7/2 pp. 37-41.
Identification of gunshot residue: a critical review.
Romolo FS, Margot P, 2001. Forensic Science International, 119/2 pp. 195-211.
Technical note: latent fingermarks, colloidal gold and multimetal deposition (MMD). Optimisation of the method.
Schnetz B, Margot P, 2001. Forensic Science International, 118/1 pp. 21-28.
The Value of Interdisciplinarity for Forensic Investigations.
Margot P, 2001. pp. 127-133 dans Harmonisation in Forensic Expertise. An Inquiry into the Desirability of and Opportunities for International Standards, J.F. Nijboer & W.J.J.M. Sprangers.
A question of time.
Margot P, 2000. Science & Justice, 40/2 pp. 64-71.
Fingerprint evidence evaluation: is it really so different to other evidence types?
Taroni F., Margot P., 2000. Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society, 40 (4) pp. 277-8.
Fingerprint Sciences.
Margot P, 2000. pp. 1054-1058 dans Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Academic Press.
Les composantes de l'héroïne saisie par les services de police - rapport intermédiaire.
Esseiva P, Zingg C, Margot P, 2000. Suchtforschung des BAG/Recherches des l'OFSP en matière de dépendances 1996-1998, 1/4 pp. 40-44.
The Dreyfus Case - An Early Debate on Expert's Conclusions.
Champod C, Taroni F, Margot P, 2000. International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, 5 pp. 446-459.
Inference structures for crime analysis and intelligence: the example of burglary using forensic science data
Ribaux O, Margot P, 1999/03. Forensic Science International, 100 (3) pp. 193-210.
A Chronological Review of Fingerprint Forgery.
Geller B, Almog J, Margot P, Springer E, 1999. Journal of Forensic Science, Vol. 44, No 5, September pp. 963-968.
Fingermarks, Shoesole impressions, Ear impressions and Toolmarks.
Champod C, Margot P, 1999. pp. 303-331 dans Proceedings of the 12th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium, The Forensic Sciences Foundation Press.
Forensic Time Determinations.
Margot P, 1999. pp. 452-460 dans Proceedings of the 12th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium, The Forensic Sciences Foundation Press.
Forerunners of Bayesianism in Early Forensic Science.
Taroni F, Champod C, Margot P, 1999. Journal of Forensic Identification, Vol. 49, No 3, May-June pp. 285-305.
Inference structures for crime analysis and intelligence : the example of burglary using forensic science data.
Ribaux O, Margot P, 1999. Forensic Science International, Vol. 100 pp. 193-210.
The Value of Interdisciplinarity for Forensic Investigations.
Margot P, 1999. Harmonisation in Forensic Expertise.
Un changement de nom dans la continuité.
Margot P, 1999. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, Vol. LII, No 1 pp. 6-8.
"Forerunners of Bayesianism in Early Forensic Science".
Taroni F, Champod C, Margot P, 1998. Jurimetrics Journal, 38 pp. 183-200.
"Joining loose ends".
Ribaux O, Margot P, 1998. International Police Review, Août pp. 42-43.
"Notes de police scientifique".
Margot P, Bonfanti M, Delémont O, Coquoz R, 1998. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 2 pp. 240-244.
"The role of the forensic scientist in an inquisitorial system of justice".
Margot P, 1998. Science and Justice, 38 pp. 71-73.
Nouvelles munitions avec amorce sans métaux lourds : composition et tests chromophoriques pour la révélation des résidus de tir.
Herdener I, Gallusser A, Bonfanti M, Margot P, 1997. Rev. int. criminol. pol. tech., 50 (3) pp. 355-370.
Transfer and persistence of glass fragments on garments
Hicks T., Vanina R., Margot P., 1996/04. Science & Justice, 36 (2) pp. 101-107. Peer-reviewed.
A New Europium Chelate as a Fluorescent Dye for Cyanoacrylate Pretreated Fingerprints - EuTTAPhen: Europium ThenoylTrifluoroAcetone Ortho-Phenanthroline.
Lock E, Mazzella W, Margot P, 1996. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 40 pp. 654-658.
Computer Assisted Analysis of Minutiae Occurences on Fingerprints.
Champod C, Margot P, 1996. pp. 305-318 dans Almog J et Springer E (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fingerprint Detection and Identification, Israel National Police.
Editorial Board and author participant.
Margot P, 1996. dans Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Academic Press, London.
Evaluation and Comparison of Casting Materials in Forensic Sciences: Applications to Tool Marks and Foot/Shoe Impressions.
Du Pasquier E, Hebrard J, Margot P, Ineichen M, 1996. Forensic Science International, 82 pp. 33-43.
Fibre Transfer Experiments onto Car Seats.
Roux C, Chable J, Margot P, 1996. Science and Justice, 36 pp. 143-151.
Fingerprint Identification Breakout Meeting "Ne'urim Declaration".
Margot P, German E, 1996. dans Almog J et Springer E (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fingerprint Detection and Identification, Israel National Police.
Ink Aging: Perspectives on Standardization.
Hicks Champod T., Khanmy A., Margot P., 1996. pp. 304-309 dans Dr. Köster (eds.) Advances in Forensic Sciences, Vol. 3, Berlin, Jacob & Bonte.
La preuve dactyloscopique et la preuve par l'ADN: vers une unité de doctrine dans l'évaluation de la force probante.
Margot P, Champod C, 1996. Revue pénale suisse, Mélange en l'honneur du prof. Gauthier pp. 229-248.
Quality Testing of Fingerprint Detection Reagents for Porous Surfaces.
Delémont O, Margot P, 1996. pp. 401-405 dans Almog J et Springer E (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fingerprint Detection and Identification, Israel National Police.
Statistics: a Future in Toolmarks Examination ?
Champod C, Taroni F, Margot P, 1996. AFTE Journal, 28/4 pp. 222-229.
The Effects of the Relative Humidity and Temperature on the Efficiency of the ESDA Process.
D'Andrea F., Mazzella W.D., Khanmy A., Margot P., 1996. International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, 2 (3) pp. 209-213.
The Evidential Value of "Aligatoring" in Arson Investigation.
Schmidt L, Tristan Rochaix V, Martin JC, Margot P, 1996. pp. 167-171 dans Dr. Köster (eds.) Advances in Forensic Sciences, Vol. 3, Berlin, Jacob & Bonte.
Thermostatic and Hygrostatic Effects on the Efficiency of the ESDA Process.
D'Andrea F, Mazzella W, Khanmy A, Margot P, 1996. International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, 2/3 pp. 209-216.
Forensic Science Education ... or How do we foster quality
Margot P., 1994. Proceedings of the 3rd ENFSI meeting in Linköping, Sweden.
The Classification and Identification of Photocopying Toners by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS): I. Preliminary Results
Mazzella Williams David, Lennard Chris, Margot Pierre, 1991/03/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2 (36) pp. 449-465. Peer-reviewed.
Use of a Silicon Carbide Sampling Accessory for the Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Analysis of samples of Forensic Interest
Mazzella Williams David, Lennard Chris, Margot Pierre, 1991/03/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36 (2). Peer-reviewed.
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