Ioannis Papadopoulos

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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96 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 |
Taking stock of the multilevel governance research programme: a systematic literature review
Papadopoulos Yannis, Tortola Pier Domenico, Geyer Nathan, 2024/03/28. Regional & Federal Studies pp. 1-33. Peer-reviewed.
Federal government
Papadopoulos Yannis, Sager Fritz, 2024. pp. 195-213 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press.
Emmenegger Patrick, Fossati Flavia, Häusermann Silja, Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, 2024. pp. 1-12 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press.
The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics
Fossati Flavia, Häusermann Silja, Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, Emmenegger Patrick (eds.), 2024., 1th edition 896, Oxford University Press.
Understanding Accountability in Democratic Governance
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2023. Cambridge Elements in Public Policy 86, Cambridge University Press.
Against Compromise in Democracy? A Plea for a Fine-Grained Assessment
Baume Sandrine, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022/12. Constellations, 29 (4) pp. 475-491. Peer-reviewed.
Happily unaccountable? Perceptions of accountability by public managers
Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022/01/27. Public Policy and Administration, 38 (4) pp. 381-404. Peer-reviewed.
Handbuch der Schweizer Politik - Manuel de la politique suisse
Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, Häusermann Silja, Emmenegger Patrick, Fossati Flavia (eds.), 2022., 7e édition 1000, NZZ Libro.
Sager Fritz, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022. pp. 213-240 dans Papadopoulos Y., Sciarini P., Vatter A., Häusermann S., Emmenegger P., Fossati F. (eds.) Handbuch der Schweizer Politik = Manuel de la politique suisse chap. 8, NZZ Libro.
The impact of direct democracy on policy change: insights from European citizens' initiatives
Tosun Jale, Béland Daniel, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022. Policy & Politics, 50 (3) pp. 323-340. Peer-reviewed.
Conflictual Accountability: Behavioral Responses to Conflictual Accountability of Agencies
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Fawcett Paul, Flinders Matthew, Fredriksson Magnus, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Rubecksen Kristin, Rykkja Lise H. et al., 2021/09. Administration & Society, 53 (8) pp. 1232-1262.
Understanding Felt Accountability : The institutional antecedents of the felt accountability of agency‐CEO's to central government
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Fawcett Paul, Flinders Matthew, Fredriksson Magnus, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Rubecksen Kristin, Rykkja Lise Hellebø et al., 2021/07. Governance pp. 893-916. Peer-reviewed.
Political Accountability
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2020. pp. 695-711 dans The Sage Handbook of Political Science, Sage.
Towards a comprehensive system of controls for EU agencies
Scholten Miroslava, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2020. pp. 312-327 dans Scholten Miroslava, Brenninkmeijer Alex (eds.) Controlling Agencies. The Rule of Law in a Multi-jurisdictional Legal Order, Edward Elgar.
The European Semester : Democratic Weaknesses as Limits to Learning
Papadopoulos Yannis, Piattoni Simona, 2019/04/13. European Policy Analysis, 5 (1) pp. 58-79.
Eurozone crisis management and the changing nature of the democratic deficit in the European Union
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2019. dans Careja Romana, Emmenegger Patrick, Giger Nathalie (eds.) The European Social Model under Pressure, Springer.
How does knowledge circulate in a regulatory network ? : Observing a European Platform of Regulatory Authorities meeting
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2018/12. Regulation & Governance, 12 (4) pp. 431-450. Peer-reviewed.
The Principal–Agent Framework and Independent Regulatory Agencies
Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2018/08. Political Studies Review, 16 (3) pp. 172-183. Peer-reviewed.
Transparency: From Bentham’s inventory of virtuous effects to contemporary evidence-based scepticism
Baume S., Papadopoulos Y., 2018/02/07. Critical review of international social and political philosophy, 21 ( 2) pp. 169-192. Peer-reviewed.
Policy style(s) in Switzerland : under stress
Papadopoulos Yannis, Maggetti Martino, 2018. pp. 157-179 dans Howlett Michael, Tosun Jale (eds.) Policy Styles and Policy-Making : Exploring the Linkages, Routledge.
Switzerland : When Opposition is in Government
Rosset Jan, Pilotti Andrea, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2018. pp. 211-228 dans De Giorgi Elisabetta, Ilonszki Gabriella (eds.) Opposition Parties in European Legislatures : Conflict or Consensus ? chap. 12, Routledge.
Multilevel Governance and Depoliticization
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2017. pp. 134-165 dans Fawcett Paul, Flinders Matthew, Hay Colin, Wood Matthew (eds.) Anti-politics, Depoliticization, and Governance chap. 7, Oxford University Press.
Le regard de l'analyste des politiques publiques sur les transformations du monde
Papadopoulos Y., 2016/06. Revue française de science politique, 66 (3-4) pp. 551-555.
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2016. pp. 205-216 dans Ansell Christopher, Torfing Jacob (eds.) Handbook of Theories of Governance chap. 17, Edward Elgar.
Interactive governance : authorisation, representation, and accountability
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2016. pp. 146-166 dans Edelenbos Jurian, van Meerkerk Ingmar (eds.) Critical Reflections on Interactive Governance : Self-organization and Participation in Public Governance chap. 7, Edward Elgar.
How the Populist Radical Right Transformed Swiss Welfare Politics: From Compromises to Polarization
Afonso A., Papadopoulos Y., 2015/12. Swiss Political Science Review, 21 (4) pp. 617-635. Peer-reviewed.
How Party Linkages Shape Austerity Politics: Clientelism and Fiscal Adjustment in Greece and Portugal during the Eurozone Crisis
Afonso A., Zartaloudis S., Papadopoulos Y., 2015. Journal of European Public Policy, 22 (3) pp. 315-334. Peer-reviewed.
Référentiel, médiateurs et démocratie
Papadopoulos Y., 2015. pp. 103-123 dans Boussaguet L. et al. (eds.) Une "French touch" dans l'analyse des politiques publiques ?, Presses de Science po.
The Political Communication of Independent Regulatory Agencies
Biela J., Maggetti M., Puppis M., Gilardi F., Papadopoulos Y., 2014/09. Revue suisse de science politique, 20 (3) pp. 388-412. Peer-reviewed.
The empirical assessment of agency accountability: A regime approach and an application to the German Bundesnetzagentur
Biela J., Papadopoulos Y., 2014/06. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80 (2) pp. 362-381. Peer-reviewed.
The Europeanisation of Swiss Decision-Making in Comparative Perspective: From Outlier to Normal Case?
Afonso A., Fontana M.-C., Papadopoulos Y., 2014/06. Revue suisse de science politique, 20 (2) pp. 246-251. Peer-reviewed.
Accountability and Multi-Level Governance
Papadopoulos Y., 2014. pp. 273-288 dans Bovens M. et al. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability, Oxford University Press.
Handbuch der Schweizer Politik = Manuel de la politique suisse
Knoepfel P., Papadopoulos Y., Sciarini P., Vatter A., Häusermann S. (eds.), 2014., 5e éd. 952, Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
40th Anniversary Virtual Issue of the European Journal of Political Research
Papadopoulos Y., Radaelli Cl. (eds.), 2013., Wiley.
Democracy in Crisis ? Politics, Governance and Policy
Papadopoulos Y., 2013. 296, Palgrave Macmillan.
Europeanization or Party Politics? Explaining Government Choice for Corporatist Concertation
Afonso A., Papadopoulos Y., 2013/01. Governance, 26 (1) pp. 5-29. Peer-reviewed.
"Daring to be a Daniel": How much does it contribute to a "more fine-grained understanding" of pathologies of accountability?
Papadopoulos Y., 2012/03. Administration & Society, 44 (2) pp. 236-250. Peer-reviewed.
On the embeddedness of deliberative systems: why elitist innovations matter more
Papadopoulos Y., 2012. pp. 125-150 dans Parkinson J., Mansbridge J. (eds.) Deliberative systems : deliberative democracy at the large scale, Cambridge University Press.
The democratic quality of cooperative governance
Papadopoulos Y., 2012. pp. 512-526 dans Levi-Faur D. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Governance, Oxford University Press.
Accountability and European Governance
Curtin D., Mair P., Papadopoulos Y. (eds.), 2011., Routledge.
How much, and in what way, is Switzerland changing
Papadopoulos Y., 2011. pp. 224-237 dans Mach A., Trampusch Ch. (eds.) Switzerland in Europe. Continuity and Change in the Swiss political economy, Routledge.
Accountability and Multi-Level Governance: More Accountability, Less Democracy?
Papadopoulos Y, 2010. West European Politics, 33 (5) pp. 1030-1049.
Does Europeanisation weaken the Left? European integration, veto power and policy coalition dynamics in Switzerland
Afonso Alexandre, Fontana Marie-Christine, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2010. Policy and Politics, 38 (4) pp. 565-582. Peer-reviewed.
On the Politicization of the European Union: Lessons from Consociational National Polities
Papadopoulos Y, Magnette P, 2010. West European Politics, 33 (4) pp. 711-729.
Positioning Accountability in European Governance : An Introduction
Curtin D, Mair P, Papadopoulos Y, 2010. West European Politics, 33 (5) pp. 929-945.
Le plurilinguisme de la Confédération. Représentation et pratiques linguistiques dans l'administration fédérale
Kübler Daniel, Papadopoulos Ioannis, Mazzoleni Oscar, Andrey Stéphanie, Kobelt Emilienne, 2009/05. (4056-113240), FNRS, Programme de recherche national 56 « Diversité des langues et compétences linguistiques en Suisse.
Does Europeanisation Weaken the Left? Changing coalitions and veto power in Swiss decision-making processes
Afonso A, Fontana M-C, Papadopoulos Y, 2009. NCCR Democracy Working Paper 27 p. 24.
Démocratie suisse et idéologie populiste : quand on récolte ce qu'on a semé
Papadopoulos Y, 2009. pp. 107-116 dans Vatter A et al (eds.) Demokratie als Leidenschaft. Planung, Entscheidung und Vollzug in der schweizerischen Demokratie, Haupt.
Politiser l'Union Européenne : un accélérateur de la crise actuelle ou son remède ?
Papadopoulos Y, Magnette P, Larpin B, 2009. pp. 219-247 dans Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe (eds.) Construction européenne. Crises et relances, Economica.
Assessing the claims of 'post-parliamentary' governance: few certainties, much more open questions
Papadopoulos Y., 2008. pp. 177-194 dans Jobert B., Kohler-Koch B. (eds.) Changing Images of Civil Society., Routledge.
De la séparation formelle des pouvoirs à l'enchevêtrement des influences politiques : l'imputation dans les systèmes de gouvernance en réseau
Papadopoulos Y., 2008. pp. 172-186 dans Baume S., Fontana B. (eds.) Les usages de la séparation des pouvoirs, M. Houdiard.
Europeanisation? Two logics of change of policy-making patterns in Switzerland
Papadopoulos Y., 2008. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 10 (3) pp. 255-278.
La gouvernance en réseaux: les conséquences pour la démocratie parlementaire
Papadopoulos Y., 2008. pp. 281-303 dans Giraud O., Warin P. (eds.) Politiques publiques et démocratie, La Découverte.
On the politicisation of the European consociation: a middle way between Hix and Bartolini
Magnette P., Papadopoulos Y., 2008. European Governance Papers (Eurogov) C-08-01 pp. 1-26.
Putting the Special Case in Its Place: Switzerland and Small-N Comparison in Policy Research
Fontana M.-C., Afonso A., Papadopoulos Y., 2008. Swiss Political Science Review, 14 (3) pp. 521-50. Peer-reviewed.
Accountability in the EU multi-level system
Benz A., Harlow C., Papadopoulos Y. (eds.), 2007/07., 13 441-446, European Law Journal.
Benz A., Harlow C., Papadopoulos Y., 2007/07. European Law Journal, 13 (4) pp. 441-446.
Problems of democratic accountability in network and multi level-governance
Papadopoulos Y., 2007/07. European Law Journal, 13 (4) pp. 469-486.
Are innovative, participatory, and deliberative procedures in policy-making democratic and effective?
Papadopoulos Y., Warin P., 2007/06. European Journal of Political Research, 46: 4 pp. 445-472.
Major findings and paths for future research: a concluding note
Papadopoulos Y., Warin P., 2007/06. European Journal of Political Research, 46 (4) pp. 591-605.
Concrétiser la démocratie participative en introduisant un "référendum d'initiative populaire" dans le système politique européen
Papadopoulos Y., Buffat A., 2007. pp. 259-278 dans Costa O., Magnette P. (eds.) Une Europe des élites ? Réflexions sur la fracture démocratique de l'Union européenne, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
Handbook of Swiss Politics
Kloeti U., Knoepfel P., Kriesi H., Linder W., Papadopoulos Y. (eds.) , 2007., 2e, NZZ Publishing.
Actors, institutions and democratic governance: Comparing across levels
Benz A., Papadopoulos Y., 2006. pp. 273-295 dans Benz A., Papadopoulos Y. (eds.) Governance and Democracy. Comparing National, European, and International Experiences, Routledge.
Governance and Democracy. Comparing National, European and Transnational Experiences
Benz A., Papadopoulos Y. (eds.) , 2006., Routledge.
Governance and Democracy: Introduction
Benz A., Papadopoulos Y., 2006. pp. 1-26 dans Benz A., Papadopoulos Y. (eds.) Governance and Democracy. Comparing National, European, and International Experiences, Routledge.
Handbuch der Schweizer Politik
Kloeti U., Knoepfel P., Kriesi H., Linder W., Papadopoulos Y. (eds.), 2006., 4ème édition, NZZ Verlag.
Papadopoulos Y., 2006. pp. 248-256 dans Church C (eds.) Switzerland and the European Union, London: Routledge.
Fédéralisme, démocratie directe et minorités
Papadopoulos Y., 2005. pp. 61-72 dans Mazzoleni O. (eds.) Federalismo e decentramento, Giampiero Casagrande.
Implementing (and radicalizing) art. I-47.4 of the Constitution: is the addition of some (semi-) direct democracy to the nascent consociational European federation just Swiss folklore?
Papadopoulos Y., 2005. Journal of European Public Policy, 12 (3) pp. 448-467.
Populism as the other side of Consociational Multi-Level Democracies
Papadopoulos Y., 2005. pp. 71-81 dans Caramani D., Mény Y. (eds.) Challenges to Consensual Politics :Democracy, Identity, and Populist Protest in the Alpine Region, P.I.E.-Peter Lang.
Taking Stock of Multi-level Governance Networks
Papadopoulos Y., 2005. European Political Science, 4 pp. 316-327.
Délibération et action publique (direction du débat et article de synthèse)
Papadopoulos Y., 2004. Revue suisse de science politique, 10 (4) pp. 147-157.
Explaining Policy Transfer Mechanisms in Small European Countries: The Case of Telecommunication Reform.
Hausermann S., Mach A., Papadopoulos I., 2004. pp. 121-154 dans Vigoda E, Lévi-Faur D (eds.) Forthcoming in International Public Policy and Management: Policy Learning Beyond Cultural, Regional, and Political Boundaries, Marcel Dekker.
From Corporatism to Partisan Politics: Social Policy Making under Strain in Switzerland.
Häusermann S., Mach A., Papadopoulos Y., 2004. Swiss Political Science Review, 10 (2) pp. 33-59.
Governance und Demokratie
Papadopoulos Y., 2004. pp. 215-237 dans Benz A. (eds.) Governance-Regieren in komplexen Systemen, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
How Democratic is "Governance"? Lessons from Swiss Drug Policy
Kübler D., Papadopoulos Y., Wälti S., 2004. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 17 (1) pp. 83-113.
Cooperative Forms of Governance: Problems of Democratic Accountability in Complex Environments
Papadopoulos Y., 2003/06. European Journal of Political Research, 42 (4) pp. 473-501.
Economic regulatory reforms in Switzerland: adjustment without European integration, or how rigidities become flexible.
Mach A., Häusermann S., Papadopoulos I., 2003. Journal of European Public Policy, 10 (2) pp. 301-318.
Gouvernance et transformations de l'action publique: quelques notes sur l'apport d'une perspective de sociologie historique
Papadopoulos Y., 2003. pp. 119-135 dans Laborier P., Trom D. (eds.) Historicités de l'action publique, PUF.
Vote électronique, déliberation, et qualité de la décision démocratique
Papadopoulos Y., 2003. pp. 313-335 dans Muralt Mueller H., Auer A., Koller T. (eds.) E-Voting, Staempfli Editions.
Aidspolitik in der Schweiz: welche Normalisierung? Normalisierungsszenarien und Neue Partnerschaften in der HIV/Aidsprävention auf Bundesebene und in fünf Kantonen
Kübler Daniel, Neuenschwander Peter, Papadopoulos Yannis, Sartori Christian(Collab.) , Stamm Sibylle(Collab.) , 2002. 166 (Raisons de santé ; 78), Lausanne: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).
Connecting minorities to the Swiss federal system: a frozen conception of representation and the problem of "requisite variety"
Papadopoulos Y., 2002. Publius: the Journal of Federalism, 32 (3) pp. 47-65.
Démocratie, gouvernance et "management de l'interdépendance": des rapports complexes
Papadopoulos Y., 2002. pp. 133-157 dans Santiso J. (eds.) A la recherche de la démocratie. Mélanges offerts à Guy Hermet, Karthala.
Populism, the democratic question, and contemporary governance
Papadopoulos Y., 2002. pp. 45-61 dans Mény Y., Surel Y. (eds.) Democracies and the Populist Challenge, Palgrave.
How Does Direct Democracy Matter? The Impact of Referendum Votes on Politics and Policy-Making
Papadopoulos Y., 2001/04. West European Politics, 24 (2) pp. 35-58.
Transformations du style de l'action publique et responsabilité politique
Papadopoulos Y., 2001/03. Politiques et management public, 19 (1) pp. 165-183.
Citizenship Through Direct Democracy? The "Broken Promises" of Empowerment
Papadopoulos Y., 2001. pp. 173-196 dans Crouch C., Eder K., Tambini D. (eds.) Citizenship, Markets and the State, Oxford University Press.
Gouvernance et légitimité: la politique de la drogue en Suisse comme cas exemplaire
Kübler D., Papadopoulos Y., Wälti S., 2001. Droit et société, 47 (1) pp. 205-235.
Niklas Luhmann et la gouvernance.
Braun D., Papadopoulos I., 2001. Politix, 14/55 pp. 15-24.
Governance, Coordination and Legitimacy in Public Policies
Papadopoulos Y., 2000/03. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24 (1) pp. 210-223.
Démocratie directe
Papadopoulos Y., 1998., Paris: Economica (coll. "Politique comparée").
Démocratie directe, mobilisation, intégration
Papadopoulos Y., 1998. pp. 79-125 dans Duprat G. (eds.) L'ignorance du peuple. Essais sur la démocratie, PUF (coll. "Politique d'aujourd'hui").
Les processus de décision fédéraux en Suisse
Papadopoulos Y. (avec le concours de S. Kobi et I. Moroni) , 1997., Paris: L'Harmattan (coll. "Logiques politiques").
Les mécanismes du vote référendaire en Suisse. L'impact de l'offre politique
Papadopoulos Y., 1996. Revue française de sociologie, XXXVII, janvier-mars pp. 5-35.
Analysis of Functions and Dysfunctions of Direct Democracy: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Perspectives
Papadopoulos Y., 1995/12. Politics and Society, 23 (4) pp. 421-448.
Complexité sociale et politiques publiques
Papadopoulos Y., 1995., Montchrestien (Coll. "Clefs").
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