Marc Schapira

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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110 publications

2024 | 2019 | 2016 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1979 | 1978 | 1976 | 1974 | 1972 |
Sickle cell disease today: a 75-year journey from "first molecular disease" to "first gene-editing therapy".
Schapira M., Koury M.J., Roberts I., 2024/04/10. Swiss medical weekly, 154 p. 3829. Peer-reviewed.
Transition to 37°C reveals importance of NADPH in mitigating oxidative stress in stored RBCs.
Roch A., Magon N.J., Maire J., Suarna C., Ayer A., Waldvogel S., Imhof B.A., Koury M.J., Stocker R., Schapira M., 2019/11/01. JCI insight, 4 (21) pp. e126376. Peer-reviewed.
CCN1/CYR61-mediated meticulous patrolling by Ly6Clow monocytes fuels vascular inflammation.
Imhof B.A., Jemelin S., Ballet R., Vesin C., Schapira M., Karaca M., Emre Y., 2016/08/16. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (33) pp. E4847-56. Peer-reviewed.
Modulation of C1-Inhibitor and Plasma Kallikrein Activities by Type IV Collagen.
Ravindran S., Schapira M., Patston P.A., 2012. International journal of biomaterials, 2012 p. 212417. Peer-reviewed.
A novel potent Fas agonist for selective depletion of tumor cells in hematopoietic transplants
Nahimana A., Aubry D., Lagopoulos L., Greaney P., Attinger A., Demotz S., Dawson K.M., Schapira M., Tschopp J., Dupuis M. et al., 2011. Blood Cancer Journal, 1 (12) pp. e47.
Gas6 deficiency in recipient mice of allogeneic transplantation alleviates hepatic graft-versus-host disease.
Burnier L., Saller F., Kadi L., Brisset A.C., Sugamele R., Baudino L., Bono F., Herbert J.M., Carmeliet P., Schapira M. et al., 2010. Blood, 115 (16) pp. 3390-3397.
Treatment of 5q-syndrome with lenalidomide in an HIV-positive patient under cART.
Blum Sabine, Cavassini Matthias, Lambert Jean-Francois, Fayet Aurelie, Schapira Marc, Jotterand Martine, 2010. Annals of Hematology, 89 (4) pp. 425-426.
Associations of serum EBV DNA and gammopathy with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease.
Rosselet A., Vu D.H., Meylan P., Chaubert A.S., Schapira M., Pascual M., Aubert V., Tissot J.D., Duchosal M.A., 2009. Clinical Transplantation, 23 (1) pp. 74-82.
Generation and phenotypic analysis of protein s-deficient mice : OC-WE-037
Saller F., Brisset A.C., Azevedo M., Chrast R., Schapira M., Angelillo-Scherrer A., 2009. p. 216 dans 22nd Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
Generation and phenotypic analysis of protein S-deficient mice.
Saller F., Brisset A.C., Tchaikovski S.N., Azevedo M., Chrast R., Fernández J.A., Schapira M., Hackeng T.M., Griffin J.H., Angelillo-Scherrer A., 2009. Blood, 114 (11) pp. 2307-2314.
Bleeding disorders and thrombophilia
Védy D., Schapira M., Angelillo-Scherrer A., 2008. pp. 283-300 dans Caplan L.R., Bogousslavsky J. (eds.) Uncommon Causes of Stroke chap. 40, Cambridge University Press.
Growth Arrest-Specific Gene 6 product modulates innate immunity in sepsis
Burnier L., Sugamele R., Leroy D., Roger T., Fumeaux T., Clauser S., Chanson M., Rignault S., Carmeliet P., Pugin J. et al., 2008. p. 43 dans 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, European Journal of Clinical Investigation. Peer-reviewed.
P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 decameric repeats regulate selectin-dependent rolling under flow conditions.
Tauxe C., Xie X., Joffraud M., Martinez M., Schapira M., Spertini O., 2008. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (42) pp. 28536-28545. Peer-reviewed.
Presence of peripheral blasts in refractory anemia and refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia predicts an unfavourable outcome
Knipp S., Strupp C., Gattermann N., Hildebrandt B., Schapira M., Giagounidis A., Aul C., Haas R., Germing U., 2008. Leukemia Research, 32 (1) pp. 33-37.
Role of Gas6 in erythropoiesis and anemia in mice.
Angelillo-Scherrer A., Burnier L., Lambrechts D., Fish R.J., Tjwa M., Plaisance S., Sugamele R., DeMol M., Martinez-Soria E., Maxwell P.H. et al., 2008. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 118 (2) pp. 583-596. Peer-reviewed.
Role of platelets signaling in thrombus stalilization: potential therapeutic implications
Saller F., Schapira M., Angelillo-Scherrer A., 2008. Current Signal Transduction Therapy, 3 (1) pp. 22-54. Peer-reviewed.
Arsenic in the cerebrospinal fluid of a patient receiving arsenic trioxide for relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia with CNS involvement
Knipp S., Gattermann N., Schapira M., Kaferstein H., Germing U., 2007/11. Leukemia Research, 31 (11) pp. 1585-7.
Evolutionary conservation of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 primary structure and function.
Baïsse B., Galisson F., Giraud S., Schapira M., Spertini O., 2007/09/14. BMC evolutionary biology, 7 p. 166. Peer-reviewed.
Presence of peripheral blasts in refractory anemia and refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia predicts an unfavourable outcome
Knipp S., Strupp C., Gattermann N., Hildebrandt B., Schapira M., Giagounidis A., Aul C., Haas R., Germing U., 2007/04. Leukemia Research.
Lipid raft adhesion receptors and Syk regulate selectin-dependent rolling under flow conditions
Abbal C., Lambelet M., Bertaggia D., Gerbex C., Martinez M., Arcaro A., Schapira M., Spertini O., 2006/11. Blood, 108 (10) pp. 3352-3359.
Fondaparinux is a safe alternative in case of heparin intolerance during pregnancy
Mazzolai L., Hohlfeld P., Spertini F., Hayoz D., Schapira M., Duchosal M. A., 2006/09. Blood, 108 (5) pp. 1569-1570.
Role of the growth arrest-specific gene 6 (gas6) product in thrombus stabilization.
Saller F., Burnier L., Schapira M., Angelillo-Scherrer A., 2006. Blood Cells, Molecules & Diseases, 36 (3) pp. 373-378. Peer-reviewed.
Anticoagulation orale chez les patients cardiaques qui necessitent une intervention chirurgicale elective: quelle attitude adopter? [Oral anticoagulants in cardiac patients undergoing elective surgical procedures: what attitude to adopt?]
Yerly P., Schapira M., Vogt P., 2005/05. Revue Médicale Suisse, 1 (21) pp. 1412-4, 1416-7.
Human tonsil implants xenotransplanted in SCID mice display broad lymphocytic diversity and cellular activation profile similar to those in the original lymphoid organ.
Vallet V., Mauray S., Kindler V., Aubry D., Ruegg M., Cherpillod J., Waridel F., Schapira M., Duchosal M.A., 2005. Xenotransplantation, 12 (1) pp. 38-48.
Regulation of PSGL-1 interactions with L-selectin, P-selectin, and E-selectin: role of human fucosyltransferase-IV and -VII.
Martinez M., Joffraud M., Giraud S., Baïsse B., Bernimoulin M.P., Schapira M., Spertini O., 2005. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (7) pp. 5378-5390. Peer-reviewed.
Inhibition of plasma kallikrein by C1-inhibitor: role of endothelial cells and the amino-terminal domain of C1-inhibitor.
Ravindran S., Grys T.E., Welch R.A., Schapira M., Patston P.A., 2004/12. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 92 (6) pp. 1277-1283. Peer-reviewed.
A template-assembled synthetic protein surface mimetic of the von Willebrand factor A1 domain inhibits botrocetin-induced platelet aggregation.
Hauert J., Fernandez-Carneado J., Michielin O., Mathieu S., Grell D., Schapira M., Spertini O., Mutter M., Tuchscherer G., Kovacsovics T., 2004. Chembiochem, 5 (6) pp. 856-864. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular basis of leukocyte rolling on PSGL-1. Predominant role of core-2 O-glycans and of tyrosine sulfate residue 51.
Bernimoulin M.P., Zeng X.L., Abbal C., Giraud S., Martinez M., Michielin O., Schapira M., Spertini O., 2003. The Journal of biological chemistry, 278 (1) pp. 37-47. Peer-reviewed.
Haemolytic onset of Wilson disease in a patient with homozygous truncation of ATP7B at Arg1319
Prella M., Baccala R., Horisberger J. D., Belin D., Di Raimondo F., Invernizzi R., Garozzo R., Schapira M., 2001/07. British Journal of Haematology, 114 (1) pp. 230-2.
Human peripheral blood leukocyte engraftment into SCID mice: critical role of CD4(+) T cells
Duchosal M. A., Mauray S., Ruegg M., Trouillet P., Vallet V., Aarden L., Tissot J. D., Schapira M., 2001/07. Cellular Immunology, 211 (1) pp. 8-20.
Endothelial cell activation by myeloblasts: molecular mechanisms of leukostasis and leukemic cell dissemination
Stucki A., Rivier A. S., Gikic M., Monai N., Schapira M., Spertini O., 2001/04. Blood, 97 (7) pp. 2121-2129.
Acute myeloid leukemia in the elderly: results of an individualized approach in two centres
Spataro V., Kovacsovics T., Bach S., Pampallona S., Schapira M., Cavalli F., 2000/11. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 39 (5-6) pp. 521-30.
Inhibition of selectin-mediated cell adhesion and prevention of acute inflammation by nonanticoagulant sulfated saccharides. Studies with carboxyl-reduced and sulfated heparin and with trestatin a sulfate.
Xie X., Rivier A.S., Zakrzewicz A., Bernimoulin M., Zeng X.L., Wessel H.P., Schapira M., Spertini O., 2000/11. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275 (44) pp. 34818-34825. Peer-reviewed.
Images in clinical medicine. Spontaneous duodenal hematoma during oral anticoagulation
Hosli P., Schapira M., 2000/08. New England Journal of Medicine, 343 (7) p. 474.
Epstein-Barr virus-dependent lymphoproliferative disease: critical role of IL-6
Mauray S., Fuzzati-Armentero M. T., Trouillet P., Ruegg M., Nicoloso G., Hart M., Aarden L., Schapira M., Duchosal M. A., 2000/07. European Journal of Immunology, 30 (7) pp. 2065-2073.
C1 inhibitor cross-linking by tissue transglutaminase.
Hauert J., Patston P.A., Schapira M., 2000/05. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275 (19) pp. 14558-14562. Peer-reviewed.
Human adult tonsil xenotransplantation into SCID mice for studying human immune responses and B cell lymphomagenesis
Duchosal M. A., Fuzzati-Armentero M. T., Baccala R., Layer A., Gonzalez-Quintial R., Leturcq D., Ruegg M., Trouillet P., Mauray S., Tissot J. D. et al., 2000/02. Experimental Hematology, 28 (2) pp. 177-92.
Relationship between cleaved L-selectin levels and the outcome of acute myeloid leukemia
Extermann M., Bacchi M., Monai N., Fopp M., Fey M., Tichelli A., Schapira M., Spertini O., 1998/11. Blood, 92 (9) pp. 3115-3122.
Flow rate dependent ex vivo deheparinization with immobilized cationic ligand
Tevaearai H. T., Mueller X. M., Marty B., Horisberger J., Schapira M., von Segesser L. K., 1997/10. ASAIO Journal, 43 (5) pp. M487-9.
Monocyte adhesion to activated aortic endothelium: role of L-selectin and heparan sulfate proteoglycans
Giuffre L., Cordey A. S., Monai N., Tardy Y., Schapira M., Spertini O., 1997/02. Journal of Cell Biology, 136 (4) pp. 945-956.
Regulation of C1-inhibitor function by binding to type IV collagen and heparin
Patston P. A., Schapira M., 1997/01. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 230 (3) pp. 597-601.
P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 is a ligand for L-selectin on neutrophils, monocytes, and CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells
Spertini O., Cordey A. S., Monai N., Giuffre L., Schapira M., 1996/10. Journal of Cell Biology, 135 (2) pp. 523-531.
Human immunoglobulins produced in hu-PBL-SCID mice are polyclonal early after xenotransplantation
Tissot J. D., Schneider P., Schapira M., Duchosal M. A., 1996/02. Cellular Immunology, 167 (2) pp. 241-248. Peer-reviewed.
Formation and properties of C1-inhibitor polymers
Patston P. A., Hauert J., Michaud M., Schapira M., 1995/07. FEBS Letters, 368 (3) pp. 401-4.
The effect of sex and age on antithrombin biosynthesis in the rat
Kourteva Y., Schapira M., Patston P. A., 1995/06. Thrombosis Research, 78 (6) pp. 521-9.
Traitement medical de la thrombose veineuse profonde. Moyens therapeutiques dans la phase aigue. [Medical treatment of deep venous thrombosis. Therapeutic measures in the acute stage]
Schapira M., 1995/04. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 115 (4) pp. 291-3.
Faut-il traiter avec une chimiotherapie aplasiante des patients de plus de 65 ans souffrant d'une leucemie myeloide aigue? [Should patients over 65 years old with acute myeloid leukemia be treated with myelosuppressive chemotherapy?]
Spataro V., Cometta A., Glauser M. P., Schapira M., Grob J. P., 1995/03. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 125 (9) pp. 429-32.
Cleaved L-selectin concentrations in meningeal leukaemia
Stucki A., Cordey A. S., Monai N., de Flaugergues J. C., Schapira M., Spertini O., 1995/02. Lancet, 345 (8945) pp. 286-289.
The effect of cleavage by a Crotalus atrox alpha-proteinase fraction on the properties of C1-inhibitor
Patston P. A., Qi M., Schifferli J. A., Schapira M., 1995/01. Toxicon, 33 (1) pp. 53-61.
High levels of the shed form of L-selectin are present in patients with acute leukemia and inhibit blast cell adhesion to activated endothelium
Spertini O., Callegari P., Cordey A. S., Hauert J., Joggi J., von Fliedner V., Schapira M., 1994/08. Blood, 84 (4) pp. 1249-1256.
Low-affinity heparin stimulates the inactivation of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 by thrombin
Patston P. A., Schapira M., 1994/08. Blood, 84 (4) pp. 1164-72.
The mechanism by which serpins inhibit thrombin and other serine proteinases
Patston P. A., Gettins P. G., Schapira M., 1994/04. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 714 pp. 13-20.
Serpins are suicide substrates: implications for the regulation of proteolytic pathways
Patston P. A., Gettins P. G., Schapira M., 1994. Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 20 (4) pp. 410-6.
C1-inhibitor-serine proteinase complexes and the biosynthesis of C1-inhibitor by Hep G2 and U 937 cells
Patston P. A., Medcalf R. L., Kourteva Y., Schapira M., 1993/12. Blood, 82 (11) pp. 3371-9.
The role of conformational change in serpin structure and function
Gettins P., Patston P. A., Schapira M., 1993/07. Bioessays, 15 (7) pp. 461-7.
Correction of bleeding diathesis due to factor XI inhibitor by using on-line plasma filter pheresis.
Siami G.A., Schapira M., Stone W.J. , 1993. Therapeutic Plasmapheresis, 12 pp. 135-8.
Structure and mechanism of action of serpins
Gettins P., Patston P. A., Schapira M., 1992/12. Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America, 6 (6) pp. 1393-408.
Mechanism of serpin action: evidence that C1 inhibitor functions as a suicide substrate
Patston P. A., Gettins P., Beechem J., Schapira M., 1991/09. Biochemistry, 30 (36) pp. 8876-82.
Substrate properties of C1 inhibitor Ma (alanine 434----glutamic acid). Genetic and structural evidence suggesting that the P12-region contains critical determinants of serine protease inhibitor/substrate status.
Skriver K., Wikoff W.R., Patston P.A., Tausk F., Schapira M., Kaplan A.P., Bock S.C., 1991/05. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 266 (14) pp. 9216-9221. Peer-reviewed.
Neutralization of heparin by protamine. Time for a change?
Schapira M., Christman B. W., 1990/11. Circulation, 82 (5) pp. 1877-9.
Reactivity of alpha 1-antitrypsin mutants against proteolytic enzymes of the kallikrein-kinin, complement, and fibrinolytic systems.
Patston P.A., Roodi N., Schifferli J.A., Bischoff R., Courtney M., Schapira M., 1990/06. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 265 (18) pp. 10786-10791. Peer-reviewed.
Studies on the human plasma kallikrein-kinin system: alpha-kallikrein does not directly activate blood neutrophils
Burger D., Maechler P., Schapira M., 1989/07. Thrombosis Research, 55 (1) pp. 109-19.
Plasminogen activators in dextran sulfate-activated euglobulin fractions: a molecular analysis of factor XII- and prekallikrein-dependent fibrinolysis
Hauert J., Nicoloso G., Schleuning W. D., Bachmann F., Schapira M., 1989/03. Blood, 73 (4) pp. 994-9.
Involvement of the kallikrein-kinin system in the antihypertensive effect of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.
Waeber B., Juillerat-Jeanneret L., Aubert J.F., Schapira M., Nussberger J., Brunner H.R., 1989. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 27 Suppl 2 pp. 175S-180S. Peer-reviewed.
A common neoepitope is created when the reactive center of C1-inhibitor is cleaved by plasma kallikrein, activated factor XII fragment, C1 esterase, or neutrophil elastase
de Agostini A., Patston P. A., Marottoli V., Carrel S., Harpel P. C., Schapira M., 1988/08. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 82 (2) pp. 700-5.
Fibronectin degradation products containing the cytoadhesive tetrapeptide stimulate human neutrophil degranulation
Wachtfogel Y. T., Abrams W., Kucich U., Weinbaum G., Schapira M., Colman R. W., 1988/05. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 81 (5) pp. 1310-6.
A prospective study of platelets and plasma proteolytic systems during the early stages of Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Rao A. K., Schapira M., Clements M. L., Niewiarowski S., Budzynski A. Z., Schmaier A. H., Harpel P. C., Blackwelder W. C., Scherrer J. R., Sobel E. et al., 1988/04. New England Journal of Medicine, 318 (16) pp. 1021-8.
C1 inhibitor: the predominant inhibitor of plasma kallikrein.
Schapira M., de Agostini A., Colman R.W., 1988. Methods in enzymology, 163 pp. 179-185. Peer-reviewed.
Hypotensive effect of the active fragment derived from factor XII is mediated by an activation of the plasma kallikrein-kinin system.
Waeber G., Schapira M., Waeber B., Aubert J.F., Nussberger J., Brunner H.R., 1988. Circulatory shock, 26 (4) pp. 375-82.
Ischemic stroke as the presenting manifestation of localized systemic cancer
Cornuz J., Bogousslavsky J., Schapira M., Regli F., Camenzind E., 1988. Schweizer Archiv fur Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 139 (2) pp. 5-11.
Protection by recombinant alpha 1-antitrypsin Ala357 Arg358 against arterial hypotension induced by factor XII fragment.
Schapira M., Ramus M.A., Waeber B., Brunner H.R., Jallat S., Carvallo D., Roitsch C., Courtney M., 1987/08. The Journal of clinical investigation, 80 (2) pp. 582-585. Peer-reviewed.
Endotoxin-induced hypotension in rats is not mediated by prekallikrein activation.
Kaufmann U., Schapira M., Waeber B., Nussberger J., Brunner H.R., 1987. Circulatory shock, 23 (3) pp. 215-23.
Fast liver catabolism of C1q in patients with paraproteinaemia and depletion of the classical pathway of complement.
Schifferli J.A., Pascual M., Steiger G., Schapira M., Ryser J.E., Estreicher J., Dash A., 1987. Clinical and experimental immunology, 69 (1) pp. 188-97. Peer-reviewed.
Major inhibitors of the contact phase coagulation factors
Schapira M., 1987/01. Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 13 (1) pp. 69-78.
Purified plasma factor XIIa aggregates human neutrophils and causes degranulation
Wachtfogel Y. T., Pixley R. A., Kucich U., Abrams W., Weinbaum G., Schapira M., Colman R. W., 1986/06. Blood, 67 (6) pp. 1731-7.
Recombinant alpha 1-antitrypsin Pittsburgh (Met 358----Arg) is a potent inhibitor of plasma kallikrein and activated factor XII fragment
Schapira M., Ramus M. A., Jallat S., Carvallo D., Courtney M., 1986/02. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 77 (2) pp. 635-7.
Human plasma prekallikrein. Immunoaffinity purification and activation to alpha- and beta-kallikrein.
Burger D., Schleuning W.D., Schapira M., 1986/01. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 261 (1) pp. 324-327. Peer-reviewed.
Thrombopénie et thrombose aortique induites par l'héparine.
Schneider R.P., Mosimann F., Schapira M. , 1986. Helvetica Chirurgica Acta, 53 pp. 799-802.
Antibodies to human plasma kallikrein from egg yolks of an immunized hen: preparation and characterization
Burger D., Ramus M. A., Schapira M., 1985/10. Thrombosis Research, 40 (2) pp. 283-8.
Human plasma kallikrein and C1 inhibitor form a complex possessing an epitope that is not detectable on the parent molecules: demonstration using a monoclonal antibody
de Agostini A., Schapira M., Wachtfogel Y. T., Colman R. W., Carrel S., 1985/08. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 82 (15) pp. 5190-3.
Effect of heparin on the inactivation rate of human activated factor XII by antithrombin III
Pixley R. A., Schapira M., Colman R. W., 1985/07. Blood, 66 (1) pp. 198-203.
Plasma kallikrein and prorenin in patients with hereditary angioedema
Purdon A. D., Schapira M., De Agostini A., Colman R. W., 1985/06. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 105 (6) pp. 694-9.
Prekallikrein activation in the adult respiratory distress syndrome
Schapira M., Gardaz J. P., Py P., Lew P. D., Perrin L. H., Suter P. M., 1985/06. Bulletin Europeen de Physiopathologie Respiratoire, 21 (3) pp. 237-41.
The role of C1, C1-inactivator and C4 in modulating immune precipitation
Schifferli J. A., Steiger G., Schapira M., 1985/06. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 60 (3) pp. 605-12.
Effect of cleavage of the heavy chain of human plasma kallikrein on its functional properties
Colman R. W., Wachtfogel Y. T., Kucich U., Weinbaum G., Hahn S., Pixley R. A., Scott C. F., de Agostini A., Burger D., Schapira M., 1985/02. Blood, 65 (2) pp. 311-8.
The regulation of human factor XIIa by plasma proteinase inhibitors.
Pixley R.A., Schapira M., Colman R.W., 1985/02. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 260 (3) pp. 1723-1729. Peer-reviewed.
Biochemistry and pathophysiology of human C1 inhibitor: current issues
Schapira M., de Agostini A., Schifferli J. A., Colman R. W., 1985. Complement, 2 (2-3) pp. 111-26.
Inactivation of factor XII active fragment in normal plasma. Predominant role of C-1-inhibitor
de Agostini A., Lijnen H. R., Pixley R. A., Colman R. W., Schapira M., 1984/06. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 73 (6) pp. 1542-9.
Cleavage of human high molecular weight kininogen markedly enhances its coagulant activity. Evidence that this molecule exists as a procofactor
Scott C. F., Silver L. D., Schapira M., Colman R. W., 1984/04. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 73 (4) pp. 954-62.
Hypotensive effect of human factor XII active fragment in conscious normotensive rats: role of bradykinin.
Waeber B., Nussberger J., Brunner H.R., de Agostini A., Schapira M., 1984. Journal of Hypertension. Supplement, 2 (3) pp. S341-342.
Rôle de la bradykinine dans l'hypotension induite par le fragment actif dérivé du facteur XII [Role of bradykinin in hypotension induced by the active factor derived from factor XII]
Waeber B., Nussberger J., Brunner H.R., de Agostini A., Schapira M., 1984. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 114 (48) pp. 1749-51. Peer-reviewed.
Human plasma kallikrein releases neutrophil elastase during blood coagulation
Wachtfogel Y. T., Kucich U., James H. L., Scott C. F., Schapira M., Zimmerman M., Cohen A. B., Colman R. W., 1983/11. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 72 (5) pp. 1672-7.
Prekallikrein activation and high-molecular-weight kininogen consumption in hereditary angioedema
Schapira M., Silver L. D., Scott C. F., Schmaier A. H., Prograis, L. J., Jr. , Curd J. G., Colman R. W., 1983/05. New England Journal of Medicine, 308 (18) pp. 1050-3.
In vivo inactivation of factor V by a vitamin K-dependent factor. Study of an individual with combined factor V/VIII deficiency
Bauer F., Schapira M., Mannucci P. M., Bouvier C. A., 1983/02. Thrombosis Research, 29 (4) pp. 453-7.
Effect of heparin on the inactivation rate of human factor XIa by antithrombin-III
Scott C. F., Schapira M., Colman R. W., 1982/10. Blood, 60 (4) pp. 940-7.
Purified human plasma kallikrein aggregates human blood neutrophils
Schapira M., Despland E., Scott C. F., Boxer L. A., Colman R. W., 1982/05. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 69 (5) pp. 1199-202.
Inactivation of factor XIa by plasma protease inhibitors: predominant role of alpha 1-protease inhibitor and protective effect of high molecular weight kininogen
Scott C. F., Schapira M., James H. L., Cohen A. B., Colman R. W., 1982/04. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 69 (4) pp. 844-52.
New and rapid functional assay for C1 inhibitor in human plasma
Schapira M., Silver L. D., Scott C. F., Colman R. W., 1982/04. Blood, 59 (4) pp. 719-24.
Contribution of plasma protease inhibitors to the inactivation of kallikrein in plasma
Schapira M., Scott C. F., Colman R. W., 1982/02. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 69 (2) pp. 462-8.
High molecular weight kininogen or its light chain protects human plasma kallikrein from inactivation by plasma protease inhibitors
Schapira M., Scott C. F., James A., Silver L. D., Kueppers F., James H. L., Colman R. W., 1982/02. Biochemistry, 21 (3) pp. 567-72.
Protection of human plasma kallikrein from inactivation by C1 inhibitor and other protease inhibitors. The role of high molecular weight kininogen
Schapira M., Scott C. F., Colman R. W., 1981/05. Biochemistry, 20 (10) pp. 2738-43.
Regulation of the formation and inhibition of human plasma kallikrein
Colman R. W., Schapira M., Scott C. F., 1981. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 370 pp. 261-70.
Cell-mediated reactions of lymphocytes in pleural fluid
Schapira M., Wyss P., Favez G., 1979/01. Chest, 75 (1) pp. 103-5.
Value of examining buffy coats for intragranulocytic micro-organisms in patients with fever
Studer J. P., Glauser M. P., Schapira M., 1979/01. British Medical Journal, 1 (6156) pp. 85-6.
Urinary ascites after gynaecological laparoscopy
Schapira M., Dizerens H., Essinger A., Wauters J. P., Loup P., von Niederhausern W., 1978/04. Lancet, 1 (8069) pp. 871-2.
L'examen du frottis sanguin enrichi en leucocytes dans les suspicions de bacteriemie [Study of leukocyte enriched blood smears in suspected bacteremia]
Studer J. P., Schapira M., Glauser M. P., 1976/12. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 106 (49) pp. 1754-5.
Cell-mediated lympholysis in HL-A identical unrelated individuals
Schapira M., Jeannet M., 1974. Tissue Antigens, 4 (2) pp. 178-82.
Mise en evidence d'anticorps lymphocytotoxiques diriges contre les antigenes A et B et contre des antigenes d'histocompatibilite non HL-A. Communication preliminaire. [Demonstration of lymphocytotoxic antibodies directed against A and B antigens and against non HL-A histocompatibility antigens. Preliminary communication]
Jeannet M., Schapira M., Magnin C., 1974/01. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 104 (4) p. 152.
Lymphocytotoxic sera associated with ABO and Lewis red cell blood groups.
Jeannet M., Bodmer J.C., Bodmer W.F., Schapira M. , 1972. pp. 493-9 dans Dausset J. Colombani P. (eds.) Histocompatibility testing, Munksgaard, Copenhagen.
Study of the HL-A system and other polymorphisms in the Tibetan population.
Jeannet M., Schapira M., Gervasoni C., Metaxas-Buhler M., Butler R., van Loghem E., 1972. pp. 241-50 dans Dausset J., Colombani P. (eds.) Histocompatibility testing, Munksgaard, Copenhagen.
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