Kim Dao

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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27 publications

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |
Tératovigilance. Anticonvulsivants durant la grossesse et lors de prise paternelle [Teratovigilance. Antiepileptics during pregnancy and paternal use]
Dao K., Diezi L., Haefliger D., Novy J., Girardin F.R., Winterfeld U., 2025/01/15. Revue medicale suisse, 21 (900-1) pp. 77-80. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacometrics to Evaluate Dosing of the Patient-Friendly Ivermectin CHILD-IVITAB in Children ≥ 15 kg and <15 kg.
Golhen K., Buettcher M., Huwyler J., van den Anker J., Gotta V., Dao K., Rothuizen L.E., Kobylinski K., Pfister M., 2024/09/07. Pharmaceutics, 16 (9). Peer-reviewed.
Immunomodulation profile of the biosimilar trastuzumab MYL-1401O in a bioequivalence phase I study.
Audran R., Chtioui H., Thierry A.C., Mayor C.E., Vallotton L., Dao K., Rothuizen L.E., Maghraoui A., Pennella E.J., Brunner-Ferber F. et al., 2024/06/04. Scientific reports, 14 (1) p. 12872. Peer-reviewed.
Pregnancy outcomes after GLP-1 agonist exposure in early pregnancy
Winterfeld Ursula, Dao Kim, Haefliger David, Diezi Léonore, Girardin François, 2023/11/23. Swissmedic Vigilance News. Peer-reviewed.
Four cases of audio-vestibular disorders related to immunisation with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines.
Ekobena P., Rothuizen L.E., Bedussi F., Guilcher P., Meylan S., Ceschi A., Girardin F., Dao K., 2023/06. International journal of audiology, 62 (6) pp. 587-591. Peer-reviewed.
An innovative ethosuximide granule formulation designed for pediatric use: Comparative pharmacokinetics, safety, tolerability, and palatability profile versus reference syrup.
Diezi L., Dao K., Jullien V., Roussel-Maupetit C., Burton I., André P., Bardinet C., Rothuizen L.E., Chtioui H., Manso-Silvan M.A. et al., 2023/02. Pharmacology research & perspectives, 11 (1) pp. e01032. Peer-reviewed.
Antidiabetic Medication Utilisation before and during Pregnancy in Switzerland between 2012 and 2019: An Administrative Claim Database from the MAMA Cohort.
Gerbier E., Favre G., Maisonneuve E., Ceulemans M., Winterfeld U., Dao K., Schmid CPR, Jenkinson S.P., Niznik B., Baud D. et al., 2023. Journal of diabetes research, 2023 p. 4105993. Peer-reviewed.
Estimating glomerular filtration rate from serum creatinine concentration in children with augmented renal clearance: all formulas are equivocal, but some are more equivocal than others.
André P., Chtioui H., Dao K., Rothuizen L.E., Di Paolo E.R., Diezi M., Crisinel P.A., Cachat F., Chehade H., Buclin T., 2023/01. Kidney international, 103 (1) pp. 225-226. Peer-reviewed.
Reproductive Safety of Trazodone After Maternal Exposure in Early Pregnancy: A Comparative ENTIS Cohort Study.
Dao K., Shechtman S., Diav-Citrin O., George N., Richardson J.L., Rollason V., Pistelli A., Eleftheriou G., Berlin M., Ekobena P. et al., 2023. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, 43 (1) pp. 12-19. Peer-reviewed.
Suspected Case of Drug-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome following Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Treatment
Natterer Julia, Rizzati Frida, Perez Marie-Hélène, Longchamp David, Amiet Vivianne, DeHalleux Quentin, Dao Kim, Ferry Thomas, 2022/03. Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care, 11 (01) pp. 067-071.
Dosing strategies of imipenem in neonates based on pharmacometric modelling and simulation.
Dao K., Fuchs A., André P., Giannoni E., Decosterd L.A., Marchetti O., Asner S.A., Pfister M., Widmer N., Buclin T. et al., 2022/02/02. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 77 (2) pp. 457-465. Peer-reviewed.
Ensuring Sufficient Trough Plasma Concentrations for Broad-Spectrum Beta-Lactam Antibiotics in Children With Malignancies: Beware of Augmented Renal Clearance!
André P., Diezi L., Dao K., Crisinel P.A., Rothuizen L.E., Chtioui H., Decosterd L.A., Diezi M., Asner S., Buclin T., 2022. Frontiers in pediatrics, 9 p. 768438. Peer-reviewed.
Pembrolizumab-induced massive hypereosinophilia associated with mononeuritis multiplex, brain microvascular lesions and intestinal eosinophilic infiltration in a melanoma patient
Dao Kim, Kuntzer Thierry, Maeder Philippe, Frossard Valerie, Livio Francoise, 2021/12. Current Problems in Cancer: Case Reports, 4 p. 100133.
Optimisation of vancomycin exposure in neonates based on the best level of evidence.
Dao K., Guidi M., André P., Giannoni E., Basterrechea S., Zhao W., Fuchs A., Pfister M., Buclin T., Csajka C., 2020/04. Pharmacological research, 154 p. 104278. Peer-reviewed.
Sultiame pharmacokinetic profile in plasma and erythrocytes after single oral doses: A pilot study in healthy volunteers.
Dao K., Thoueille P., Decosterd L.A., Mercier T., Guidi M., Bardinet C., Lebon S., Choong E., Castang A., Guittet C. et al., 2020/02. Pharmacology research & perspectives, 8 (1) pp. e00558. Peer-reviewed.
Midazolam as a first-line treatment for neonatal seizures: Retrospective study.
Dao K., Giannoni E., Diezi M., Roulet-Perez E., Lebon S., 2018/05. Pediatrics international, 60 (5) pp. 498-500. Peer-reviewed.
Guidance to develop individual dose recommendations for patients on chronic hemodialysis.
Gotta V., Dao K., Rodieux F., Buclin T., Livio F., Pfister M., 2017/07. Expert review of clinical pharmacology, 10 (7) pp. 737-752. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacokinetics of Pomalidomide in a Patient Receiving Hemodialysis Using a High-Cutoff Filter.
Dao K., Chtioui H., Lu Y., Peer C.J., Figg W.D., Pruijm M., Buclin T., Kissling S., 2017/04. American journal of kidney diseases, 69 (4) pp. 553-554. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacokinetics of lenalidomide during high cut-off dialysis in a patient with multiple myeloma and renal failure.
Dao K., Lu Y., Peer C.J., Figg W.D., Stadelmann R., Burnier M., Buclin T., Kissling S., 2017/01. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology, 79 (1) pp. 215-218. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacovigilance [Pharmacovigilance update]
Dao K., Chtioui H., Rothuizen L.E., Diezi L., Prod'hom S., Winterfeld U., Buclin T., Livio F., 2016/01/13. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (500) pp. 75-79.
Paracétamol et ibuprofène en pédiatrie : Revue critique des indications, risques et autres points controversés
Dao Kim, Laubscher Bernard, Buclin Thierry, 2016. Paediatrica, 27 (2) pp. 30-34. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term effects of cannabis on brain structure.
Battistella G., Fornari E., Annoni J.M., Chtioui H., Dao K., Fabritius M., Favrat B., Mall J.F., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2014/08. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39 (9) pp. 2041-2048. Peer-reviewed.
THCCOOH concentrations in whole blood: are they useful in discriminating occasional from heavy smokers?
Fabritius M., Favrat B., Chtioui H., Battistella G., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Dao K., Fornari E., Lauer E., Mall J.F. et al., 2013/10/31. Drug testing and analysis, 6 (1-2) pp. 155-163. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of cannabinoid concentrations in oral fluid and whole blood between occasional and regular cannabis smokers prior to and after smoking a cannabis joint.
Fabritius M., Chtioui H., Battistella G., Annoni J.M., Dao K., Favrat B., Fornari E., Lauer E., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2013. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (30) pp. 9791-9803.
Imatinib-induced dose-dependent interstitial lung disease successfully switched to nilotinib: a case report with concentration exposure data.
Dao K., Védy D., Lopez J., Staneczek O., Buclin T., Livio F., 2013. International journal of hematology, 97 (2) pp. 299-300.
Pharmacokinetic interaction between methotrexate and chloral hydrate.
Dao K., Ivanyuk A., Buclin T., Beck-Popovic M., Diezi M., 2013. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 60 (3) pp. 518-520.
Utilisation des laxatifs à l'Hôpital
Dao Kim, Renard Delphine, Livio Françoise, Buclin Thierry, De Giorgi I, 2012. GSASA Journal 26 pp. 27-31.
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