Hassib Chehade

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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85 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
Swiss Consensus on Prenatal and Early Postnatal Urinary Tract Dilation: Practical Approach and When to Refer.
Bahadori A., Wilhelm-Bals A., Caccia J., Chehade H., Goischke A., Habre C., Marx-Berger D., Nef S., Sanchez O., Spartà G. et al., 2024/12/23. Children, 11 (12). Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum to "A multicenter retrospective study of calcineurin inhibitors in nephrotic syndrome secondary to podocyte gene variants." Kidney Int. 2023;103:962-972.
Malakasioti G., Iancu D., Milovanova A., Tsygin A., Horinouchi T., Nagano C., Nozu K., Kamei K., Fujinaga S., Iijima K. et al., 2024/01. Kidney international, 105 (1) pp. 213-214. Peer-reviewed.
Vancomycin Dosing Strategy for the Treatment of Peritonitis in a Child on Automated Peritoneal Dialysis: A First Pediatric Case Report.
Haefliger D., Chehade H., Livio F., Rodrigues-Veiga V., Diezi L., Marzolini C., 2024. Seminars in dialysis, 37 (6) pp. 461-465. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge des maladies rénales génétiques : expérience locale et importance du réseau [Management of genetic renal disorders: local experience and importance of the network]
Bonny O., Ketterer A., Hermida S., Superti-Furga A., Venetz J.P., Chehade H., Fodstad H., Cina V., Parvex P., Paoloni-Giacobino A. et al., 2023/06/21. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (832) pp. 1245-1249. Peer-reviewed.
A multicenter retrospective study of calcineurin inhibitors in nephrotic syndrome secondary to podocyte gene variants.
Malakasioti G., Iancu D., Milovanova A., Tsygin A., Horinouchi T., Nagano C., Nozu K., Kamei K., Fujinaga S., Iijima K. et al., 2023/05. Kidney international, 103 (5) pp. 962-972. Peer-reviewed.
Diuretics in pediatrics.
Lava SAG, Zollinger C., Chehade H., Schaffner D., Sekarski N., Di Bernardo S., 2023/05. European journal of pediatrics, 182 (5) pp. 2077-2088. Peer-reviewed.
Stress-Induced Premature Senescence Related to Oxidative Stress in the Developmental Programming of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in a Rat Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction.
Keshavjee B., Lambelet V., Coppola H., Viertl D., Prior J.O., Kappeler L., Armengaud J.B., Chouraqui J.P., Chehade H., Vanderriele P.E. et al., 2022/08/29. Antioxidants, 11 (9) p. 1695. Peer-reviewed.
Transient Post-Natal Exposure to Xenoestrogens Induces Long-Term Alterations in Cardiac Calcium Signaling.
Tabasso C., Frossard M.P., Ducret C., Chehade H., Mauduit C., Benahmed M., Simeoni U., Siddeek B., 2022/02/23. Toxics, 10 (3) p. 102. Peer-reviewed.
Eculizumab as a New Treatment for Severe Acute Post-infectious Glomerulonephritis: Two Case Reports.
Chehade H., Guzzo G., Cachat F., Rotman S., Teta D., Pantaleo G., Sadallah S., Sharma A., Rosales I.A., Tolkoff-Rubin N. et al., 2021/07/31. Frontiers in medicine, 8 p. 663258. Peer-reviewed.
Serum NGAL, BNP, PTH, and albumin do not improve glomerular filtration rate estimating formulas in children.
Mouron-Hryciuk J., Cachat F., Parvex P., Perneger T., Chehade H., 2021/07. European journal of pediatrics, 180 (7) pp. 2223-2228. Peer-reviewed.
Hydronephrosis caused by kidney malrotation.
Divjak N., Birraux J., Chehade H., Sanchez O., 2021/05. Urology case reports, 36 p. 101564. Peer-reviewed.
Emicizumab-Induced Seronegative Full-House Lupus Nephritis in a Child.
Chehade H., Cachat F., Beck-Popovic M., Rotman S., Diezi L., Albisetti M., Alberio L., Young G., Rizzi M., 2020/11. Pediatrics, 146 (5) pp. e20200123. Peer-reviewed.
The Inhibition of Complement System in Formal and Emerging Indications: Results from Parallel One-Stage Pairwise and Network Meta-Analyses of Clinical Trials and Real-Life Data Studies.
Bernuy-Guevara C., Chehade H., Muller Y.D., Vionnet J., Cachat F., Guzzo G., Ochoa-Sangrador C., Álvarez F.J., Teta D., Martín-García D. et al., 2020/09/16. Biomedicines, 8 (9) pp. E355. Peer-reviewed.
The ANTENATAL multicentre study to predict postnatal renal outcome in fetuses with posterior urethral valves: objectives and design.
Buffin-Meyer B., Klein J., van der Zanden LFM, Levtchenko E., Moulos P., Lounis N., Conte-Auriol F., Hindryckx A., Wühl E., Persico N. et al., 2020/06. Clinical kidney journal, 13 (3) pp. 371-379. Peer-reviewed.
Variables of interest to predict glomerular filtration rate in preterm newborns in the first days of life.
Wilhelm-Bals A., Combescure C., Chehade H., Daali Y., Parvex P., 2020/04. Pediatric nephrology, 35 (4) pp. 703-712. Peer-reviewed.
Maternal Exposure to High-Fat Diet Induces Long-Term Derepressive Chromatin Marks in the Heart.
Blin G., Liand M., Mauduit C., Chehade H., Benahmed M., Simeoni U., Siddeek B., 2020/01/09. Nutrients, 12 (1) p. 181. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of everolimus on multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia in tuberous sclerosis complex.
Daccord C., Nicolas A., Demicheli R., Chehade H., Hottinger A.F., Beigelman C., Lazor R., 2020. Respiratory medicine case reports, 31 p. 101310. Peer-reviewed.
Renal Programming by Transient Postnatal Overfeeding: The Role of Senescence Pathways.
Juvet C., Siddeek B., Yzydorczyk C., Vergely C., Nardou K., Armengaud J.B., Benahmed M., Simeoni U., Cachat F., Chehade H., 2020. Frontiers in physiology, 11 p. 511. Peer-reviewed.
Immunosuppressant therapeutic drug monitoring and trough level stabilisation after paediatric liver or kidney transplantation.
Posfay-Barbe K.M., Baudet H., McLin V.A., Parvex P., Chehade H., Combescure C., Bonnabry P., Fonzo-Christe C., 2019/12/02. Swiss medical weekly, 149 pp. w20156. Peer-reviewed.
Calorie Restriction in Adulthood Reduces Hepatic Disorders Induced by Transient Postnatal Overfeeding in Mice.
Yzydorczyk C., Li N., Rigal E., Chehade H., Mosig D., Armengaud J.B., Rolle T., Krishnasamy A., Orozco E., Siddeek B. et al., 2019/11/16. Nutrients, 11 (11). Peer-reviewed.
Gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with Henoch-Schoenlein purpura.
Cachat F., Chehade H., 2019/05. Pediatrics international, 61 (5) p. 531. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term impact of maternal high-fat diet on offspring cardiac health: role of micro-RNA biogenesis.
Siddeek B., Mauduit C., Chehade H., Blin G., Liand M., Chindamo M., Benahmed M., Simeoni U., 2019. Cell death discovery, 5 p. 71. Peer-reviewed.
Transient Arterial Hypertension Induced by Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Treatment for Central Precocious Puberty.
Sifaki L., Cachat F., Theintz G., Chehade H., 2019. Frontiers in pediatrics, 7 p. 74. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of early postnatal nutrition on chronic kidney disease and arterial hypertension in adulthood: a narrative review.
Juvet C., Simeoni U., Yzydorczyk C., Siddeek B., Armengaud J.B., Nardou K., Juvet P., Benahmed M., Cachat F., Chehade H., 2018/12. Journal of developmental origins of health and disease, 9 (6) pp. 598-614. Peer-reviewed.
Transient postnatal over nutrition induces long-term alterations in cardiac NLRP3-inflammasome pathway.
Siddeek B., Li N., Mauduit C., Chehade H., Rigal E., Tolsa J.F., Armengaud J.B., Yzydorczyk C., Benahmed M., Vergely C. et al., 2018/09. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases, 28 (9) pp. 944-951. Peer-reviewed.
Eculizumab treatment in severe pediatric STEC-HUS: a multicenter retrospective study.
Percheron L., Gramada R., Tellier S., Salomon R., Harambat J., Llanas B., Fila M., Allain-Launay E., Lapeyraque A.L., Leroy V. et al., 2018/08. Pediatric nephrology, 33 (8) pp. 1385-1394. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in familial steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome.
Dorval G., Gribouval O., Martinez-Barquero V., Machuca E., Tête M.J., Baudouin V., Benoit S., Chabchoub I., Champion G., Chauveau D. et al., 2018/03. Pediatric nephrology, 33 (3) pp. 473-483. Peer-reviewed.
Darbepoetin Alfa in Young Infants With Renal Failure: Single Center Experience, a Case Series and Review of the Literature.
Libudzic-Nowak A.M., Cachat F., Pascual M., Chehade H., 2018. Frontiers in pediatrics, 6 p. 398. Peer-reviewed.
Outcomes of renal replacement therapy in boys with prune belly syndrome: findings from the ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry.
Yalcinkaya F., Bonthuis M., Erdogan B.D., van Stralen K.J., Baiko S., Chehade H., Maxwell H., Montini G., Rönnholm K., Sørensen S.S. et al., 2018/01. Pediatric nephrology, 33 (1) pp. 117-124. Peer-reviewed.
Preterm Birth: Long Term Cardiovascular and Renal Consequences.
Chehade H., Simeoni U., Guignard J.P., Boubred F., 2018. Current pediatric reviews, 14 (4) pp. 219-226. Peer-reviewed.
Urinary albumin excretion and chronic kidney disease in children with vesicoureteral reflux.
de Sépibus R., Cachat F., Meyrat B.J., Dushi G., Boubaker A., Faouzi M., Girardin E., Chehade H., 2017/12. Journal of pediatric urology, 13 (6) pp. 592.e1-592.e7. Peer-reviewed.
Transient postnatal overfeeding causes liver stress-induced premature senescence in adult mice.
Yzydorczyk C., Li N., Chehade H., Mosig D., Bidho M., Keshavjee B., Armengaud J.B., Nardou K., Siddeek B., Benahmed M. et al., 2017/10/10. Scientific reports, 7 (1) p. 12911. Peer-reviewed.
Avoidance of voiding cystourethrography in infants younger than 3 months with Escherichia coli urinary tract infection and normal renal ultrasound.
Pauchard J.Y., Chehade H., Kies C.Z., Girardin E., Cachat F., Gehri M., 2017/09. Archives of disease in childhood, 102 (9) pp. 804-808. Peer-reviewed.
Endothelial dysfunction in individuals born after fetal growth restriction: cardiovascular and renal consequences and preventive approaches.
Yzydorczyk C., Armengaud J.B., Peyter A.C., Chehade H., Cachat F., Juvet C., Siddeek B., Simoncini S., Sabatier F., Dignat-George F. et al., 2017/08. Journal of developmental origins of health and disease, 8 (4) pp. 448-464. Peer-reviewed.
Balancing competing needs in kidney transplantation: does an allocation system prioritizing children affect the renal transplant function?
Weitz M., Sazpinar O., Schmidt M., Neuhaus T.J., Maurer E., Kuehni C., Parvex P., Chehade H., Tschumi S., Immer F. et al., 2017/01. Transplant international, 30 (1) pp. 68-75. Peer-reviewed.
SGPP 17: Glycogen storage disease Ib and hereditary spherocytosis: the diagnostic challenge of concomittant rare diseases
Perez MM, Fodstad H., Nydegger A., Chehade H., Prsa M., Renella R., Ballhausen D., 2017. pp. 74S dans Swiss Medical Weekly.
Blockade of C5 in Severe Acute Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis Associated With Anti-Factor H Autoantibody.
Chehade H., Rotman S., Frémeaux-Bacchi V., Aubert V., Sadallah S., Sifaki L., Salomon R., Pascual M., 2016/12. American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, 68 (6) pp. 944-948. Peer-reviewed.
Renal tissue oxygenation in children with chronic kidney disease due to vesicoureteral reflux.
Chehade H., Milani B., Ansaloni A., Anex C., Bassi I., Piskunowicz M., Stuber M., Cachat F., Burnier M., Pruijm M., 2016/11. Pediatric nephrology, 31 (11) pp. 2103-2111. Peer-reviewed.
A novel mutation in BCS1L associated with deafness, tubulopathy, growth retardation and microcephaly.
Jackson C.B., Bauer M.F., Schaller A., Kotzaeridou U., Ferrarini A., Hahn D., Chehade H., Barbey F., Tran C., Gallati S. et al., 2016/04. European journal of pediatrics, 175 (4) pp. 517-525. Peer-reviewed.
A novel LAMB2 gene mutation associated with a severe phenotype in a neonate with Pierson syndrome.
Zemrani B., Cachat F., Bonny O., Giannoni E., Durig J., Fellmann F., Chehade H., 2016. European Journal of Medical Research, 21 p. 19. Peer-reviewed.
Optimizing seroprotection against pneumococcus in children with nephrotic syndrome using the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
Pittet L.F., Posfay-Barbe K.M., Chehade H., Rudin C., Wilhelm-Bals A., Rodriguez M., Siegrist C.A., Parvex P., 2016. Vaccine, 34 (41) pp. 4948-4954. Peer-reviewed.
Streptococcus pneumoniae-Associated Hemolytic and Uremic Syndrome With Cholestasis: A Case Report and Brief Literature Review.
Anastaze Stelle K., Cachat F., Perez M.H., Chehade H., 2016. Clinical Pediatrics, 55 (2) pp. 189-191. Peer-reviewed.
The Challenge of Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection in Kidney Transplantation.
Chehade H., Pascual M., 2016. Transplantation, 100 (2) pp. 264-265. Peer-reviewed.
Urine Fetuin-A is a biomarker of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease progression.
Piazzon N., Bernet F., Guihard L., Leonhard W.N., Urfer S., Firsov D., Chehade H., Vogt B., Piergiovanni S., Peters D.J. et al., 2015/03. Journal of Translational Medicine, 13 p. 103. Peer-reviewed.
A systematic review of glomerular hyperfiltration assessment and definition in the medical literature.
Cachat F., Combescure C., Cauderay M., Girardin E., Chehade H., 2015. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 10 (3) pp. 382-389. Peer-reviewed.
Eculizumab to treat antibody-mediated rejection in a 7-year-old kidney transplant recipient.
Chehade H., Rotman S., Matter M., Girardin E., Aubert V., Pascual M., 2015. Pediatrics, 135 (2) pp. e551-e555. Peer-reviewed.
Is there an age cutoff to apply adult formulas for GFR estimation in children?
Azzi A., Cachat F., Faouzi M., Mosig D., Ramseyer P., Girardin E., Chehade H., 2015. Journal of Nephrology, 28 (1) pp. 59-66. Peer-reviewed.
Neonates with Bartter syndrome have enormous fluid and sodium requirements.
Azzi A., Chehade H., Deschênes G., 2015. Acta Paediatrica (oslo, Norway : 1992), 104 (7) pp. e294-e299. Peer-reviewed.
Proteinuria Increases Plasma Phosphate by Altering Its Tubular Handling.
de Seigneux S., Courbebaisse M., Rutkowski J.M., Wilhelm-Bals A., Metzger M., Khodo S.N., Hasler U., Chehade H., Dizin E., Daryadel A. et al., 2015. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 26 (7) pp. 1608-1618. Peer-reviewed.
Transition en transplantation rénale [Transition in kidney transplantation].
Chehade H., Parvex P., Venetz J.P., Hadaya K., Typaldou S.A., Villard E., Vogeleisen C., Pilon N., Cachat F., Pascual M., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (462) pp. 456, 458-456, 460. Peer-reviewed.
Immaturité rénale et oligonéphronie du prématuré: conséquences à long terme [Premature kidneys and oligonephronia: long term repercussion]
Wilhelm-Bals A., Chehade H., Girardin E., Gonzalez E., Parvex P., 2014/02/19. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (418) pp. 435-436,438-441. Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie 1. Formule Quadratique: une nouveauté pédiatrique et pratique pour estimer le taux de filtration glomérulaire [Quadratic formula: a new pediatric advance for glomerular filtration rate estimation]
Chehade H., Cachat F., Parvex P., Girardin E., 2014/01/15. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (412-413) pp. 108-109. Peer-reviewed.
A more accurate replacement for the revised Schwartz equation: quadratic or Flanders metadata? Flaws in the authors reply.
Pottel H., 2014. Kidney International, 85 (1) pp. 215-216.
New combined serum creatinine and cystatin C quadratic formula for GFR assessment in children.
Chehade H., Cachat F., Jannot A.S., Meyrat B.J., Mosig D., Bardy D., Parvex P., Girardin E., 2014. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 9 (1) pp. 54-63. Peer-reviewed.
Parents and primary care physicians have different views about copying medical letters to parents after paediatric outpatient visits.
Cachat F., Marques-Vidal P., Girardin E., Chehade H., Piot-Ziegler C., 2014. Acta Paediatrica, 103 (10) pp. e459-e464. Peer-reviewed.
Re: Diagnostic accuracy of renal pelvic dilatation in determining outcome of congenital hydronephrosis.
Cachat F., Chehade H., 2014. Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases, 8 (5) pp. 427-428.
Vitamin D deficiency: A forgotten treatable cause of motor delay and proximal myopathy.
Fluss J., Kern I., de Coulon G., Gonzalez E., Chehade H., 2014. Brain and Development, 36 (1) pp. 84-87. Peer-reviewed.
Two new families with hereditary minimal change disease.
Chehade H., Cachat F., Girardin E., Rotman S., Correia A.J., Fellmann F., Bonny O., 2013/03/22. BMC nephrology, 14 p. 65. Peer-reviewed.
A more accurate replacement for the revised Schwartz equation: quadratic or Flanders metadata? Reply.
Chehade H., Girardin E., Jannot A.S., Cachat F., 2013. Kidney International, 84 (2) p. 417.
Assessment of adult formulas for glomerular filtration rate estimation in children.
Chehade H., Girardin E., Iglesias K., Ramseyer P., Frey P., Bardy D., Mosig D., Cachat F., 2013. Pediatric Nephrology, 28 (1) pp. 105-114. Peer-reviewed.
Combined Serum Creatinine and Cystatin C Schwartz Formula Predicts Kidney Function Better than the Combined CKD-EPI Formula in Children.
Chehade H., Cachat F., Jannot A.S., Meyrat B.J., Mosig D., Bardy D., Parvex P., Girardin E., 2013. American Journal of Nephrology, 38 (4) pp. 300-306.
Comparison of the glomerular filtration rate in children by the new revised Schwartz formula and a new generalized formula.
Gao A., Cachat F., Faouzi M., Bardy D., Mosig D., Meyrat B.J., Girardin E., Chehade H., 2013. Kidney International, 83 (3) pp. 524-530.
Glucosurie rénale [Renal glucosuria].
Rohfleisch A., Nseir G., Chehade H., Noverraz M.G., Venetz J.P., Barbey F., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (378) pp. 636-640.
Microalbuminuria and hyperfiltration in subjects with nephro-urological disorders.
Cachat F., Combescure C., Chehade H., Zeier G., Mosig D., Meyrat B., Frey P., Girardin E., 2013. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 28 (2) pp. 386-391.
Pédiatrie. 5. Le partage de l'information médicale en 2012 [Pediatrics. Sharing of the medical letter with the patient].
Cachat F., Chehade H., Blank S., Girardin E., Piot-Ziegler C., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (369) pp. 140-141. Peer-reviewed.
Urinary low-molecular-weight protein excretion in pediatric idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.
Chehade H., Parvex P., Poncet A., Werner D., Mosig D., Cachat F., Girardin E., 2013. Pediatric Nephrology, 28 (12) pp. 2299-2306.
Acute norovirus-induced agranulocytosis in a pediatric kidney transplant recipient.
Chehade H., Girardin E., Delich V., Pascual M.A., Venetz J.P., Cachat F., 2012. Transplant Infectious Disease, 14 (4) pp. E27-E29.
Assessment of glomerular filtration rate in children: from the new revised Schwartz formula to a new generalized formula.
Chehade H., Cachat F., Faouzi M., Bardy D., Mosig D., Meyrat J.B., Gao A., Girardin E., 2012. pp. 14S dans Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Paediatrics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Copying medical letters to the patients and their familes : a prospective satisfaction study
Cachat F., Chehade H., Girardin E., Piot-Ziegler C., 2012. pp. 40S dans Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Paediatrics, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion: long-term successful urea treatment.
Chehade H., Rosato L., Girardin E., Cachat F., 2012. Acta Paediatrica, 101 (1) pp. e39-e42.
Re: microalbuminuria in normal korean children.
Cachat F., Chehade H., 2012. Yonsei Medical Journal, 53 (4) pp. 866-869.
Re: Four cases of postrenal renal failure induced by renal stones associated with rotavirus infection.
Rosato L., Chehade H., Cachat F., 2011/06. Clinical Nephrology, 75 (6) pp. 565-566.
Hahn D., Schaller A., Bonafe L., Haeberli A., Ferrarini A., Ballhausen D., Gallati S., Chehade H., Nuoffer J.M., 2011. pp. S163 dans Annual Symposium of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Diseases.
Acute life-threatening presentation of vitamin d deficiency rickets.
Chehade H., Girardin E., Rosato L., Cachat F., Cotting J., Perez M.H., 2011. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 96 (9) pp. 2681-2683.
Assessment of glomerular filtration rate in children: from the new revised Schwartz formula to a new generalized formula
Gao A., Cachat F., Faouzi M., Mosig D., Girardin E., Chehade H., 2011. p. 1577 dans 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Nephrology.
Purpura de Henoch-Schönlein: une prise en charge entre pédiatre et néphrologue pédiatre [Henoch-Schönlein Purpura a dual follow up between pediatrician and pediatric nephrologist].
Wilhelm-Bals A., Chehade H., Girardin E., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (283) pp. 442-446.
Re: Steroids in haemorrhagic bullous Henoch-Schoenlein purpura.
Rosato L., Chehade H., Cachat F., 2011. Acta Paediatrica, 100 (3) pp. 319-320.
Cardiorespiratory arrest and vitamin D deficiency rickets: A case report
Chehade H., Rosato L., Cotting J., Perez M.H., Girardin E., 2010. pp. 35S dans Joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics, Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Goodpasture's disease presenting with acute renal failure
Tschopp V., Parvex P., Chehade H., Girardin E., Cheseaux J.J., Llor J., Tabin R., 2010. pp. 15S dans Joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics, Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Hydronéphrose néonatale: Recommandations suisses romandes de prise en charge.
Chehade H., Parvex P., Cachat F., Meyrat J.B., Birraux J., Frey P., Pfister R., Ramseyer P., Roth-Kleiner M., Hanquinet-Ginter S. et al., 2010. Paediatrica, 21 (2) pp. 15-18.
Lack of MRI neurohypophyseal bright signal in a child with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Chehade H., Parvex P., Anooshiravani M., Schwitzgebel V., Girardin E., 2010. NDT Plus, 3 (5) pp. 511-512.
Neonatale Hydronephrose : Empfehlungen zur Betreuung in der Welschschweiz
Chehade H., Parvex P., Cachat F., Meyrat J.B., Birraux J., Frey P., Pfister R., Ramseyer P., Roth-Kleiner M., Hanquinet-Ginter S. et al., 2010. Paedriatrica, 21 (2) pp. 15-18.
Polykystose hépatorénale: développements récents [Recent insights into polycystic kidney disease]
Bonny O., Chehade H., Fellmann F., Qanadli S.D., Barbey F., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (238) pp. 454-459.
Pédiatrie [Perinatal asphyxia and neonatal hydronephrosis]
Chnayna J., Truttmann A., Chehade H., Parvex P., Cachat F., Meyrat J.B., Birraux J., Frey P., Pfister R., Roth-Kleiner M. et al., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (231) pp. 63-66.
Tubular Dysfunction in Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome
Girardin E., Ngoué Epée J., Chehade H., Parvex P., 2010. p. 1803 dans 15th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, Pediatric Nephrology. Peer-reviewed.
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