Thierry Buclin

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505 publications

... | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 |
Response to antiretroviral treatment in HIV-1-infected individuals with allelic variants of the multidrug resistance transporter 1: a pharmacogenetics study.
Fellay J., Marzolini C., Meaden E.R., Back D.J., Buclin T., Chave J.P., Decosterd L.A., Furrer H., Opravil M., Pantaleo G. et al., 2002. The Lancet, 359 (9300) pp. 30-36. Peer-reviewed.
Transplacental passage of protease inhibitors at delivery.
Marzolini C., Rudin C., Decosterd L.A., Telenti A., Schreyer A., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2002. AIDS, 16 (6) pp. 889-893. Peer-reviewed.
Population pharmacokinetics of fluconazole given for secondary prevention of oropharyngeal candidiasis in HIV-positive patients.
Csajka C., Décosterd L.A., Buclin T., Pagani J.L., Fattinger K., Bille J., Biollaz J., 2001/12. European journal of clinical pharmacology, 57 (10) pp. 723-727. Peer-reviewed.
Nelfinavir plasma levels under twice-daily and three-times-daily regimens: high interpatient and low intrapatient variability
Marzolini C., Buclin T., Decosterd L. A., Biollaz J., Telenti A., 2001/08. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 23 (4) pp. 394-8.
A preliminary evaluation of the discriminative power of the monoethylglycinexylidide formation test after intravenous and oral administration of lidocaine.
Corpataux J.M., Munafo A., Buclin T., Biollaz J., Mosimann F., 2001. Transplantation proceedings, 33 (4) pp. 2557-62. Peer-reviewed.
Administration entérale ou parentérale : entre croyances et abus
Tamchès E., Buclin T., Biollaz J., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2342) pp. 833-837.
Delta(9)-THC, 11-OH-Delta(9)-THC and Delta(9)-THCCOOH plasma or serum to whole blood concentrations distribution ratios in blood samples taken from living and dead people.
Giroud C., Ménétrey A., Augsburger M., Buclin T., Sanchez-Mazas P., Mangin P., 2001. Forensic Science International, 123 (2-3) pp. 159-164. Peer-reviewed.
Diet acids and alkalis influence calcium retention in bone.
Buclin T., Cosma M., Appenzeller M., Jacquet A.F., Décosterd L.A., Biollaz J., Burckhardt P., 2001. Osteoporosis International, 12 (6) pp. 493-499.
Disappearance rate of catecholamines, total metanephrines, and neuropeptide Y from the plasma of patients after resection of pheochromocytoma.
Grouzmann E., Fathi M., Gillet M., de Torrenté A., Cavadas C., Brunner H., Buclin T., 2001. Clinical chemistry, 47 (6) pp. 1075-1082. Peer-reviewed.
Efavirenz plasma levels can predict treatment failure and central nervous system side effects in HIV-1-infected patients.
Marzolini C., Telenti A., Decosterd L.A., Greub G., Biollaz J., Buclin T., 2001. AIDS, 15 (1) pp. 71-75. Peer-reviewed.
La biologie, obstacle ou chance pour le changement ?
Buclin T., 2001. Bulletin de la Fondation Ling., 23 pp. 18-20.
Pharmacodynamie de l'abus de substances
Buclin T., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2365) pp. 2059-2065.
Prostaglandines et AINS : indications et risques dans la grossesse
Rousso P., Buclin T., Biollaz J., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2342) pp. 845-849.
Psychopharmacology in supportive care of cancer: a review for the clinician. IV. Other psychotropic agents
Buclin T., Mazzocato C., Berney A., Stiefel F., 2001. Supportive Care in Cancer, 9 (4) pp. 213-222. Peer-reviewed.
Qualité des ordonnances hospitalières. Des améliorations possibles.
Vouillamoz-Lorenz S., Buclin T., 2001. Journal Suisse de Pharmacie, 139 (5) pp. 155-157.
Rate, type, and cost of adverse drug reactions in emergency department admissions.
Wasserfallen J., Livio F., Buclin T., Tillet L., Yersin B., Biollaz J., 2001. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 12 (5) pp. 442-447.
Rôle du suivi thérapeutique des concentrations d'antirétroviraux dans la prise en charge des patients HIV
Marzolini C., Décosterd L. A., Buclin T., Telenti A., Biollaz J., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2369) pp. 2302-2305.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of IFN-beta 1a in healthy volunteers
Buchwalder P. A., Buclin T., Trinchard I., Munafo A., Biollaz J., 2000/10. Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research, 20 (10) pp. 857-66.
Type 1 IFNs in human versus mouse
Buclin T., Spertini F., 2000/10. Nature Immunology, 1 (4) p. 265.
Simultaneous determination of the HIV protease inhibitors indinavir, amprenavir, saquinavir, ritonavir, nelfinavir and the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor efavirenz by high-performance liquid chromatography after solid-phase extraction
Marzolini C., Telenti A., Buclin T., Biollaz J., Decosterd L. A., 2000/03. Journal of Chromatography. B, Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 740 (1) pp. 43-58.
Anti-infectieux et hémodiafiltration continue.
Buclin T., Robatel C., Vogel G., Biollaz J., 2000. pp. 799-821 dans Martin C., Gouin F. (eds.) Infections et antibiothérapie en réanimation, aux urgences et en chirurgie, Arnette Blackwell.
Bioavailability of repeated oral administration of MDL 100,240, a dual inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase in healthy volunteers.
Rousso P., Buclin T., Nussberger J., Brunner-Ferber F., Brunner H.R., Biollaz J., 2000. European journal of clinical pharmacology, 55 (10) pp. 749-54. Peer-reviewed.
Drôles de rôles pour le médicament
Buclin T., 2000. Bulletin de la Fondation Ling., 21 pp. 12-14.
Hemp tea versus hemp milk: behavioral, physiological effects, blood, urine, saliva and sweat cannabinoids levels following ingestion by two groups of six healthy volunteers
Giroud C., Menetrey A., Augsburger M., Buclin T., Sanchez-Mazas P., Mangin P, 2000. Problems of Forensic Science, 42 pp. 102-106.
L 'automédication: pratique banale, motifs complexes
Buclin T., Ammon C., 2000..
Les abus des médicaments des personnes âgées
Buclin T., Biollaz J., 2000. pp. 131-141 dans Maffli E. (eds.) L'abus de médicaments en Suisse : état des lieux et pistes pratiques, SFA-ISPA.
Les intoxications médicamenteuses volontaires
Buclin T., Livio F., Yersin B., Biollaz J., 2000. pp. 113-119 dans L'abus de médicaments en Suisse chap. 11, SFA-ISPA PRESS, Lausanne.
Manuel des interactions médicamenteuses
Rizack M., Buclin T., 2000. 363.
Problèmes courants de pharmacologie clinique. Cas No 1 : Effet indésirable
Buclin T., Rousso P., Biollaz J., 2000. Médecine et Hygiène, 58 (2299) pp. 1009-1013.
Psychopharmacology in supportive care of cancer: a review for the clinician. III. Antidepressants
Berney A., Stiefel F., Mazzocato C., Buclin T., 2000. Supportive Care in Cancer, 8 (4) pp. 278-286. Peer-reviewed.
Psychopharmacology in supportive care of cancer: a review for the clinician: II. Neuroleptics.
Mazzocato C., Stiefel F., Buclin T., Berney A., 2000. Supportive Care in Cancer, 8 (2) pp. 89-97. Peer-reviewed.
The effects of morphine on dyspnea and ventilatory function in elderly patients with advanced cancer: a randomized double-blind controlled trial
Mazzocato C., Buclin T., Rapin C. H., 1999/12. Annals of Oncology, 10 (12) pp. 1511-4.
Evaluation of noninvasive blood pressure recording by photoplethysmography in clinical studies using angiotensin challenges
Buclin T., Buchwalder-Csajka C., Brunner H. R., Biollaz J., 1999/10. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 48 (4) pp. 586-93.
Evaluation of the angiotensin challenge methodology for assessing the pharmacodynamic profile of antihypertensive drugs acting on the renin-angiotensin system
Buchwalder-Csajka C., Buclin T., Brunner H. R., Biollaz J., 1999/10. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 48 (4) pp. 594-604.
Trace lithium in mood disorders
Dafflon M., Decosterd L. A., Biollaz J., Preisig M., Dufour H., Buclin T., 1999/07. Journal of Affective Disorders, 54 (1-2) pp. 199-203. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacokinetic consequences of a citalopram treatment discontinuation
Voirol P., Rubin C., Bryois C., Kosel M., Buclin T., Baumann P., 1999/06. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 21 (3) pp. 263-6.
Le delegue medical: un ami sur qui compter? [The medical advisor: a friend to count on?]
Biollaz J., Buclin T., 1999/04. Schweizerische Rundschau fur Medizin Praxis, 88 (16) pp. 719-25.
Drug points: severe ergotism associated with interaction between ritonavir and ergotamine
Liaudet L., Buclin T., Jaccard C., Eckert P., 1999/03. BMJ, 318 (7186) p. 771. Peer-reviewed.
A bioequivalence study of calcium, a drug present in normal metabolism: regulatory issues
Buclin T., Christen G., Brossard C., Poget P. N., Rousso P., Appenzeller M., Maghraoui A., Biollaz J., 1999. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Supplement for the 3rd congress of the EACPT and JC p. 38.
Bioéquivalence de deux sels de calcium : problèmes méthodologiques
Christen G., Buclin T., Brossard C., Poget P. N., Rousso P., Appenzeller M., Maghraoui A., Biollaz J., 1999. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 129 pp. S105 (31S).
Effects of a dual inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase, MDL 100,240, on endocrine and renal functions in healthy volunteers.
Rousso P., Buclin T., Nussberger J., Décosterd L.A., La Roche S.D., Brunner-Ferber F., Brunner H.R., Biollaz J., 1999. Journal of Hypertension, 17 (3) pp. 427-437. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of MDL 100,240, a dual inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase, on the renal hemodynamics and tubular function in healthy volunteers under high or low sodium diet
Rousso P., Buclin T., Nussberger J., Brunner-Ferber F., Brunner H. R., Biollaz J., 1999. Journal of Hypertension, 17 pp. 1-11.
Influence of interferon beta-1a dose frequency on PBMC cytokine secretion and biological effect markers.
Rothuizen L.E., Buclin T., Spertini F., Trinchard I., Munafo A., Buchwalder P.A., Ythier A., Biollaz J., 1999. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 99 (1) pp. 131-141.
La consommation chronique d 'hypnosédatifs modifie-t-elle le déclin fonctionnel et le risque de perte d 'indépendance chez la personne âgée ?
Yersin B., Lechleitner Y., Büla C., Buclin T., 1999. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 129 pp. S105: 37S.
Les médicaments des pensionnaires d 'établissements médico-sociaux vaudois
Lucas E., Buclin T., Martin Y., Cuttelod S., Biollaz J., 1999. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 129 pp. S105 (33S).
Les transporteurs membranaires de médicaments : une cible pharmacologique séduisante
Zaman K., Buclin T., Decosterd L. A., Biollaz J., 1999. Médecine et Hygiène, 57 (2251) pp. 801-808.
Pharmacocinétique du meropénème chez des patients de soins intensifs sous hémodiafiltration veno-veineuse continue (CVVHDF)
Robatel C., Buclin T., Decosterd L. A., Biollaz J., Eckert P., Broccard A., Vogel G., Wauters J. P., Chio-lero R., Schaller M. D., 1999. Nephrologie, 20(5) p. 247.
Inhibition of CYP2E1 by chlormethiazole as measured by chlorzoxazone pharmacokinetics in patients with alcoholism and in healthy volunteers
Eap C. B., Schnyder C., Besson J., Savary L., Buclin T., 1998/07. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 64 (1) pp. 52-7.
Determination of trace lithium in human erythrocytes by electrothermal atomic-absorption spectrometry with pyrocoated graphite tubes and integrated platform
Decosterd L. A., Buclin T., Dafflon M., Leeman C., Belaz N., Magnin J. L., Biollaz J., 1998/06. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 50 (6) pp. 693-701.
Estimation of glomerular filtration rate by sinistrin clearance using various approaches
Buclin T., Sechaud R., Bertschi A. P., Decosterd L. A., Belaz N., Appenzeller M., Burnier M., Biollaz J., 1998/03. Renal Failure, 20 (2) pp. 267-76.
Multiple and simultaneous phenotyping tests: beware of ascorbic acid when determining the mephenytoin (S)/(R) ratio
Eap C. B., Buclin T., Buchwalder P. A., Gutmann N., Baumann P., 1998/03. Clinica Chimica Acta, 271 (1) pp. 105-7.
Specific determination of PAH and its N-acetyl metabolite by HPLC increases the accuracy and precision of PAH clearance measurements
Decosterd L. A., Belaz N., Appenzeller M., Maghraoui A., Rousso P., Buclin T., Biollaz J., 1998/03. Renal Failure, 20 (2) pp. 311-7.
Comparaison du propacetamol et de la morphine dans l'analgesie postoperatoire. [Comparison of propacetamol and morphine in postoperative analgesia]
Vuilleumier P. A., Buclin T., Biollaz J., 1998/02. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (7) pp. 259-63.
Automédication chez l'adolescent [Self medication by the adolescent].
Jaquier F., Buclin T., Diezi J., 1998. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (6) pp. 203-207. Peer-reviewed.
Biodisponibilité comparative du calcium sous deux formes orales chez des volontaires sains
Cosma M., Fairon S., Burckhardt P., Buclin T., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2226) pp. 1926-1928.
Effects of MDL 100,240, a dual inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase on the vasopressor response to exogenous angiotensin I and angiotensin II challenges in healthy volunteers.
Rousso P., Buclin T., Nussberger J., Brunner-Ferber F., Brunner H.R., Biollaz J., 1998. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 31 (3) pp. 408-417. Peer-reviewed.
Hospitalisations pour effet indésirable médicamenteux: recensement prospectif dans un Service d'urgences médicales.
Livio Françoise, Buclin Thierry, Yersin Bertrand, Maghraoui Ali, Burnand Bernard, Biollaz Jérôme, 1998. 129 (Raisons de santé ; 23), Lausanne: CHUV, Division de pharmacologie clinique : Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).
Hospitalisations pour effets indésirables médicamenteux : Recensement prospectif dans un service d'urgences médicales
Livio F, Buclin T, Yersin B, Maghraoui A, Burnand B, Biollaz J, 1998..
Pharmacokinetics of temozolomide in association with fotemustine in malignant melanoma and malignant glioma patients: comparison of oral, intravenous, and hepatic intra-arterial administration.
Marzolini C., Decosterd L.A., Shen F., Gander M., Leyvraz S., Bauer J., Buclin T., Biollaz J., Lejeune F., 1998. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 42 (6) pp. 433-440.
Praticiens et prescription médicamenteuse économique
Buclin T., Wasserfallen J. B., Biollaz J., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2204) pp. 758-765.
Prescription médicamenteuse lors d 'épuration extrarénale continue: bases pharmacocinétiques, revue de la littérature et validation d 'une approche prédictive simple
Buclin T., Robatel C., Biollaz J., 1998. Réan Urg, 7 pp. 232-252.
Interet et limitations du concept de demi-vie d'elimination. [Importance and limitations of metabolic drug half-life]
Buclin T., Biollaz J., 1997/10. Schweizerische Rundschau fur Medizin Praxis, 86 (43) pp. 1693-7.
Sinistrin clearance for determination of glomerular filtration rate: a reappraisal of various approaches using a new analytical method
Buclin T., Pechere-Bertschi A., Sechaud R., Decosterd L. A., Munafo A., Burnier M., Biollaz J., 1997/08. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 37 (8) pp. 679-92.
Characterization of a selective antagonist of neuropeptide Y at the Y2 receptor. Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of a Y2 antagonist.
Grouzmann E., Buclin T., Martire M., Cannizzaro C., Dörner B., Razaname A., Mutter M., 1997. The Journal of biological chemistry, 272 (12) pp. 7699-706. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of MDL 100,240 on the glomerular filtration rate and renal tubular function in healthy volunteers under high and low sodium
Rousso P., Buclin T., Décosterd L., Nussberger J., Appenzeller M., Bélaz N., La Roche S., Brunner F., Brunner H. R., Biollaz J., 1997. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 61 p. 206.
Etude comparative du propacétamol et de la morphine dans l’analgésie post-opératoire
Vuilleumier P. A., Buclin T., Biollaz J., 1997. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, S88 pp. 15S.
High-performance liquid chromatography of the renal blood flow marker p-aminohippuric acid (PAH) and its metabolite N-acetyl PAH improves PAH clearance measurements.
Decosterd L.A., Karagiannis A., Roulet J.M., Bélaz N., Appenzeller M., Buclin T., Vogel P., Biollaz J., 1997. Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications, 703 (1-2) pp. 25-36.
Influence du contenu en résidus acides de la diète sur le métabolisme et l’excrétion du calcium
Cosma M., Buclin T., Appenzeller M., Jacquet A. F., Biollaz J., Burckhardt P., 1997. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, S88 pp. 34S.
Intoxication volontaire au mercure: conséquences biologiques et signification psychiatrique
Jornod P., Vannotti M., Dascal D.R., Auer C., Berode M., Savolainen H., Buclin T., Nicod P., Waeber G., 1997. Praxis, 86 (22) pp. 946-951. Peer-reviewed.
Les corticostéroïdes en pratique courante.
Aubert J.D., Spertini F., Buclin T., 1997. Pharma-Flash, 23 pp. 21-24.
Médicaments psychotropes et conduite automobile
Buclin Thierry, 1997. Psychopharmacologie clinique : bulletin / Commission des médicaments et de psychopharmacologie clinique pour les institutions psychiatriques du canton de Vaud 9 pp. [1-4].
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic profile of angiotensin II receptor antagonists.
Csajka C., Buclin T., Brunner H.R., Biollaz J., 1997. Clinical pharmacokinetics, 32 (1) pp. 1-29. Peer-reviewed.
Risk factors of sensorineural hearing loss in preterm infants
Borradori C., Fawer C. L., Buclin T., Calame A., 1997. Biology of the Neonate, 71 (1) pp. 1-10.
Spectrophotometric determination of methylene blue in biological fluids after ion-pair extraction and evidence of its adsorption on plastic polymers
Bélaz-David N., Decosterd L.A., Appenzeller M., Ruetsch Y.A., Chiolero R., Buclin T., Biollaz J., 1997. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (6) pp. 335-345.
Traitement palliatif de la dyspnée chez la personne âgée cancéreuse : l'utilité de la morphine
Mazzocato C., Buclin T., Rapin C. H., 1997. Annales du Centre de Recherches et de Formation sur l'Accompagnement de la fin de Vie, tome 6 pp. 169-177.
Safety of oral immunisation with recombinant urease in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection
Kreiss C., Buclin T., Cosma M., Corthesy-Theulaz I., Michetti P., 1996/06. Lancet, 347 (9015) pp. 1630-1.
Antibiotiques aminoglycosides: administration en doses journalières uniques
Buclin T., Cometta A., Moreillon P., Biollaz J., 1996. Médecine et Hygiène, 54 (2114) pp. 841-847.
Docteur, puis-je boire de l'alcool avec mes antibiotiques ?
Buchwalder P., Csajka C., Duquenne C., Buclin T., 1996. Médecine et Hygiène, 54 (2114) pp. 829-834.
Glossaire de pharmacologie clinique.
Buclin T., Ruppaner H., 1996. pp. 215-224 dans Base de la thérapeutique médicamenteuse, DOCUMED SA.
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of three angiotensin II receptor antagonists in normal volunteers.
Burnier M., Buclin T., Biollaz J., Nussberger J., Waeber B., Brunner H.R., 1996. Kidney international. Supplement, 55 pp. S24-9.
Communiqués de l'OICM et du CSPV sur les effets secondaires
Stoller R., Buclin T., Hartmann D., Kuhn M., 1995. Bulletin des Médecins Suisses, 76 pp. 461-462.
De la liberté de prescritpion
Biollaz J., Buclin T., 1995. Médecine et Hygiène, 53 (2068) pp. 872-874.
Dosages plasmatiques de médicaments psychotropes
Baumann Pierre, Vuille François, Buclin Thierry, 1995. Psychopharmacologie clinique : bulletin / Commission des médicaments et de psychopharmacologie clinique pour les institutions psychiatriques du canton de Vaud 1 pp. [1-4].
Influence of perinatal, developmental and environmental factors on cognitive abilities of preterm children without major impairments at 5 years.
Fawer C.L., Besnier S., Forcada M., Buclin T., Calame A., 1995. Early Human Development, 43 (2) pp. 151-164.
Inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase by digoxin and its relation with energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation rate.
Lyon X., Schutz Y., Buclin T., Jéquier E., Dériaz O., 1995. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 268 (6 Pt 1) pp. E1051-E1056.
Radiolabeled chimeric anti-CEA monoclonal antibody compared with the original mouse monoclonal antibody for surgically treated colorectal carcinoma.
Buchegger F., Mach J.P., Pèlegrin A., Gillet M., Vogel C.A., Buclin T., Ryser J.E., Delaloye B., Delaloye A.B., 1995. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 36 (3) pp. 420-429.
Whole-blood pharmacokinetics and metabolic effects of the topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor dorzolamide.
Biollaz J., Munafo A., Buclin T., Gervasoni J.P., Magnin J.L., Jaquet F., Brunner-Ferber F., 1995. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 47 (5) pp. 455-460. Peer-reviewed.
Fractional excretion of trace lithium and uric acid in acute renal failure.
Steinhäuslin F., Burnier M., Magnin J.L., Munafo A., Buclin T., Diezi J., Biollaz J., 1994. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 4 (7) pp. 1429-1437. Peer-reviewed.
Les errances de la posologie
Biollaz J., Buclin T., 1994. Médecine et Hygiène, 52 (2022) pp. 881-886.
Thérapeutique médicamenteuse en psychiatrie
Dufour H., Baumann P., Buclin T., Souche A., 1994. pp. 1-10 dans Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale Traité Psychiatrie, Editions Techniques.
Renal effects of nimesulide in furosemide-treated subjects
Steinhauslin F., Munafo A., Buclin T., Macciocchi A., Biollaz J., 1993. Drugs, 46 Suppl 1 pp. 257-62.
Inhibiteur acquis du facteur V traite par immunoglobulines intraveineuses. [Acquired factor V inhibitor treated with intravenous immunoglobulins]
Buclin T., Schmidt P. M., Hauert J., Winkel L., Chapuis G., Bachmann F., 1992/12. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 122 (51-52) pp. 1968-70.
Pronostic des infarctus du tronc cerebral. [Prognosis in brain stem infarction]
Exhenry C., Regli F., Bogousslavsky J., Buclin T., Van Melle G., 1992/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 112 (6) pp. 539-46.
Allgemeine Grundlagen der Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik
Buclin T., Baumann P., 1992. pp. 273-286 dans Riederer P., Laux G., Pöldinger W. (eds.) Allgemeine Grundlagen der Pharmakopsychiatrie chap. 11, Springer.
Concepts pharmacologiques du traitement des insomnies
Buclin T., Baudat J., Biollaz J., 1992. Médecine et Hygiène, 50 (1930) pp. 1157-1162.
Influence of quinidine on the pharmacokinetics of trimipramine and on its effect on the waking EEG of healthy volunteers. A pilot study on two subjects.
Eap C.B., Laurian S., Souche A., Koeb L., Reymond P., Buclin T., Baumann P., 1992. Neuropsychobiology, 25 (4) pp. 214-220.
The effect of a low dose of quinidine on the disposition of flecainide in healthy volunteers
Munafo A., Buclin T., Tuto D., Biollaz J., 1992. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 43 (4) pp. 441-3.
Absence of metabolic effects of the topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors MK-927 and sezolamide during two-week ocular administration to normal subjects.
Buclin T., Biollaz J., Lippa E.A., Brunner-Ferber F., van Melle G., Munafo A., Clineschmidt C., Schelling J.L., 1991. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 49 (6) pp. 665-673.
Right arm involvement and pain extension can help to differentiate coronary diseases from chest pain of other origin: a prospective emergency ward study of 278 consecutive patients admitted for chest pain.
Berger J.P., Buclin T., Haller E., Van Melle G., Yersin B., 1990. Journal of Internal Medicine, 227 (3) pp. 165-172.
Courbe dose-reponse et etude clinique preliminaire d'un laxatif, le lactitol. [Dose-response curve and preliminary clinical study of a laxative, lactilol]
Walder M., Buclin T., Biollaz J., Kitler M. E., Schelling J. L., 1988/12. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 118 (50) pp. 1925-7.
Diagnostic, présentation clinique et critères de triage des patients admis en urgence pour douleurs thoraciques: étude prospective de 278 cas [Diagnosis, clinical presentation and triage criteria of emergency patients admitted for chest pain: prospective study of 278 cases].
Buclin T., Van Melle G., Haller E., Yersin B., Berger J.P., 1988. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 118 (50) pp. 1921-1925.
Les vasodilatateurs : tolérance et aspects pharmacocinétiques
Biollaz J., Buclin T., 1988. Der Informierte Arzt = Gazette médicale, 8 (4) pp. 81-82.
Mechanism of Action of Vasodilating Agents
Biollaz J., Munafo A., Buclin T., 1988. pp. 275-288 dans Perret C., Vincent J.L. (eds.) Acute Heart Failure, Springer.
The effect of rectal and nasal administration of salmon calcitonin in normal subjects
Buclin T., Randin J. P., Jacquet A. F., Azria M., Attinger M., Gomez F., Burckhardt P., 1987/11. Calcified Tissue International, 41 (5) pp. 252-8.
Absorption intestinale de gluconate de calcium et de complexe osséino-minéral: évaluation par des dosages conventionnels [Intestinal absorption of calcium gluconate and oseine-mineral complex: an evaluation by conventional analyses].
Buclin T., Jacquet A.F., Burckhardt P., 1986. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 116 (50) pp. 1780-1783.
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