Boris Vejdovsky

Teaching given to the UNIL

Current teaching

from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 24/25 to 24/25 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Cours-Séminaire
from 24/25 to 24/25 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Cours-Séminaire
since 20/21 Environmental Crisis and Societal Change...Cours-Séminaire
since 17/18 Anglo-American Literary Survey 1&2...Cours
since 17/18 Critical Approaches...Séminaire
since 17/18 Environmental Crisis and Societal Change...Cours

Old teaching

from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 23/24 to 23/24 Ernest Hemingway and the Art of the Short Story...Séminaire
from 23/24 to 23/24 Explication de textes : The Freedom of the Line: Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass ...Séminaire
from 23/24 to 23/24 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Cours-Séminaire
from 23/24 to 23/24 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Cours-Séminaire
from 23/24 to 23/24 Oikos : The Sense of Nature & Freedom in H.D. Thoreau's Walden...Cours-Séminaire
from 22/23 to 22/23 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 22/23 to 22/23 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 22/23 to 22/23 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 22/23 to 22/23 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 22/23 to 22/23 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 22/23 to 22/23 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 22/23 to 22/23 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 22/23 to 22/23 Explication de textes : Elizabeth Bishop: Poetics of Place and Nature...Cours-Séminaire
from 22/23 to 22/23 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Cours-Séminaire
from 22/23 to 22/23 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Cours-Séminaire
from 22/23 to 22/23 Introduction to New American Studies...Cours-Séminaire
from 22/23 to 22/23 The Senses of Vladimir Nabokov's Fiction...Cours-Séminaire
from 21/22 to 21/22 American Perspectives IV...Cours-Séminaire
from 21/22 to 21/22 American Perspectives - The Invention of 'America'...Cours-Séminaire
from 21/22 to 21/22 Explication de textes : How to Live. What to Do: Wallace Stevens's Poetry and Belonging to the World...Séminaire
from 21/22 to 21/22 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 21/22 to 21/22 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 21/22 to 21/22 New American Studies...Séminaire
from 20/21 to 20/21 American Perspectives II...Séminaire
from 20/21 to 20/21 American Perspectives III...Séminaire
from 20/21 to 20/21 Explication de textes : Sweet Questionings: Elizabeth Bishop, Wallace Stevens and the Place of the Poet...Séminaire
from 20/21 to 20/21 New American Studies...Cours-Séminaire
from 20/21 to 20/21 The American Wild and Wilderness...Séminaire
from 19/20 to 19/20 American Perspectives III...Séminaire
from 19/20 to 19/20 American Perspectives IV...Séminaire
from 19/20 to 19/20 Anglo-American Literary Survey III...Cours
from 19/20 to 22/23 Environmental Crisis and Societal Change...Cours
from 19/20 to 19/20 Explication de textes : How to Live. What to Do: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop...Séminaire
from 19/20 to 20/21 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 19/20 to 20/21 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 18/19 to 18/19 Anglo-American Literary Survey III...Cours
from 18/19 to 18/19 Elizabeth Bishop & Robert Lowell: The Poetics of Geography and History...Cours-Séminaire
from 17/18 to 18/19 American Perspectives I...Cours-Séminaire
from 17/18 to 17/18 American Perspectives II...Cours-Séminaire
from 17/18 to 17/18 Anglo-American Literary Survey III...Cours
from 17/18 to 19/20 Environmental Crisis and Societal Change: Discourse, Effects, Solution....Cours-Séminaire
from 17/18 to 17/18 Framing the American West...Cours-Séminaire
from 17/18 to 17/18 Innocence Abroad: Ernest Hemingway's European Education...Cours-Séminaire
from 17/18 to 17/18 Introduction to New American Studies...Cours-Séminaire
from 17/18 to 17/18 Twenty-First-Century Thoreau...Cours-Séminaire
from 16/17 to 16/17 American Perspectives 3...Cours-Séminaire
from 16/17 to 16/17 American Perspectives 4...Séminaire
from 16/17 to 16/17 Global Warming and Societal Change: Discourse, Effects, Solutions...Cours-Séminaire
from 16/17 to 16/17 Global Warming and Societal Change: Discourse, Effects, Solutions (->2017)...Cours
from 16/17 to 16/17 Global Warming and Societal Change: Discourse, Effects, Solutions (->2017)...Cours
from 16/17 to 16/17 Global Warming and Societal Change: Discourse, Effects, Solutions (->2017)...Cours
from 16/17 to 17/18 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 16/17 to 16/17 Introduction to New American Studies...Cours-Séminaire
from 16/17 to 16/17 Survey of Anglo-American Literature Part 3...Cours
from 16/17 to 16/17 Survey of Anglo-American Literature, Parts I and II...Cours
from 15/16 to 15/16 American Literature Survey : Part II: From The Revolution to the Gilded Age...Cours-Séminaire
from 15/16 to 15/16 English Composition...Exercices
from 15/16 to 20/21 Research Methodologies...Séminaire
from 15/16 to 15/16 Survey of Anglo-American Literature, Parts I and II...Cours
from 14/15 to 14/15 American Literature Survey : Part I : From Columbus to Jefferson...Cours-Séminaire
from 14/15 to 14/15 American Literature Survey : Part IV : From Modernism to Present...Cours-Séminaire
from 14/15 to 14/15 Derrida, Write or Wrong: Deconstruction as Justice...Cours-Séminaire
from 14/15 to 14/15 English Composition...Exercices
from 14/15 to 14/15 English Composition...Exercices
from 14/15 to 14/15 English Composition...Exercices
from 14/15 to 14/15 English Composition...Exercices
from 14/15 to 14/15 English Composition...Exercices
from 14/15 to 14/15 English Composition...Exercices
from 14/15 to 14/15 English Composition...Exercices
from 14/15 to 14/15 Explication de textes : The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop...Séminaire
from 14/15 to 15/16 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 14/15 to 15/16 Introduction to New American Studies...Cours-Séminaire
from 13/14 to 13/14 American Literature Survey : Part II: From The Revolution to the Gilded Age...Cours-Séminaire
from 13/14 to 13/14 American Literature survey : Part III: From The Reconstruction to Early Modernism...Cours-Séminaire
from 13/14 to 13/14 American Literature : Turn of the Screw in Theoretical Perspective...Séminaire
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 English Composition...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 Framing the American West...Séminaire
from 13/14 to 16/17 Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 13/14 to 13/14 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 13/14 to 13/14 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 13/14 to 13/14 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 13/14 to 13/14 Introduction to New American Studies...Cours-Séminaire
from 13/14 to 14/15 Survey of Anglo-American Literature Part 3...Cours
from 13/14 to 14/15 Survey of Anglo-American Literature, Parts I and II...Cours
from 13/14 to 13/14 Whoso List to Hunt : Hemingway and the Fatigue of Literature...Cours-Séminaire
from 12/13 to 12/13 American Literature & Studies : American Perspectives : Inventing the American West...Séminaire
from 12/13 to 12/13 American literature survey : Part I: From Discovery to the Revolution...Cours
from 12/13 to 12/13 American Literature Survey : Part IV: From Modernism to Present...Cours
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 12/13 to 12/13 Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 12/13 to 12/13 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 12/13 to 12/13 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 12/13 to 12/13 Shakespeare's strangers: genre and character...Cours-Séminaire
from 11/12 to 11/12 American Literature : Ernest Hemingway & Gender Trouble...Cours-Séminaire
from 11/12 to 11/12 American literature survey : Part II: From the Revolution to the Civil War...Cours
from 11/12 to 11/12 American literature survey : Part III: From Reconstruction to the Gilded Age...Cours
from 11/12 to 11/12 American Literature : Writing, Wandering, Immigration and Exile in Contemporary U.S. Literature...Séminaire
from 11/12 to 11/12 Explication de textes : Allan Ginsberg and Beat Poetry...Séminaire
from 11/12 to 11/12 Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 11/12 to 11/12 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 10/11 to 10/11 American Literature : Framing the American West II...Cours
from 10/11 to 10/11 American literature survey: Part I: From Land to Nation ...Cours
from 10/11 to 10/11 American literature survey: Part III: What is an American? From Reconstruction to Barack Obama...Cours
from 10/11 to 10/11 American Literature : Transatlantic Literature in the Age of Revolution...Séminaire
from 10/11 to 10/11 Explication de textes: The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway...Séminaire
from 10/11 to 10/11 Explication de textes: Wallace Stevans : Harmonium...Séminaire
from 10/11 to 10/11 Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 10/11 to 10/11 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 10/11 to 10/11 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 09/10 to 09/10 American Literature : From King to President: Fiction of American Race from the Civil Rights Movement to Presidential Inauguration...Séminaire
from 09/10 to 09/10 American Literature : Hemingway's Extreme Geographies...Cours
from 09/10 to 09/10 American literature survey : From Land to Nation: From Columbus to Jefferson...Cours
from 09/10 to 09/10 American literature survey : From the Revolution to the Gilded Age...Cours
from 09/10 to 09/10 Explication de textes: Claude McKay and the Harlem Renaissance ...Séminaire
from 09/10 to 09/10 Explication de textes: The poetry of Elizabeth Bishop...Séminaire
from 09/10 to 09/10 Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 09/10 to 09/10 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 09/10 to 09/10 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09 American Literature : Authentic Fictions: Framing the American West ...Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09 American literature survey...Cours
from 08/09 to 08/09 Atelier transdisciplinaire : « Qu'est-ce que le bon sens ?"...Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09 Explication de texte: Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, the 1845 Edition...Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09 Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 08/09 to 08/09 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 08/09 to 08/09 Linguistics: Language, Literature and Sexuality ...Séminaire
from 07/08 to 07/08 American literature survey...Cours
from 07/08 to 07/08 Atelier transdisciplinaire : « Qu'est-ce qu'une 'nuance' ? » ...Séminaire
from 07/08 to 07/08 English Composition ...Travaux pratiques
from 07/08 to 07/08 Introduction aux approches critiques...Cours
from 07/08 to 07/08 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 07/08 to 07/08 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 07/08 to 07/08 James Stories...Séminaire
from 06/07 to 06/07 American literature survey...Cours
from 06/07 to 06/07 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 06/07 to 06/07 English Composition...Travaux pratiques
from 06/07 to 06/07 English Composition ...Travaux pratiques
from 06/07 to 06/07 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 06/07 to 06/07 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 06/07 to 06/07 Moby Dick and other texts...Séminaire
from 05/06 to 05/06 English Composition ...Travaux pratiques
from 05/06 to 05/06 Introduction to Literary Analysis ...Séminaire
from 05/06 to 05/06 The American Musical, 1930-2000: Representations of Race and Gender...Séminaire
from 05/06 to 05/06 The American Revolution in/and Literature...Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05 American Literature Survey...Cours-Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05 Atelier : Transdisziplinäres Atelier: "Was ist ein 'Medium'?" ...Cours-Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05 English Composition I ...Travaux pratiques
from 04/05 to 04/05 English Composition II...Travaux pratiques
from 04/05 to 04/05 Explication de texte I: Arthur Miller...Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 04/05 to 04/05 US Modernists and Expatriates: Eliot, Pound, Stein...Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04 20th-century American fiction: Sex in the Afternoon; or, Ernest Hemingway and Representations of Life and Death in US Modernism...Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04 American Literature Survey...Cours-Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04 Atelier : Interdisziplinäres Atelier : Que veut dire, créer ?...Cours-Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04 English Composition I ...Travaux pratiques
from 03/04 to 03/04 English Composition II...Travaux pratiques
from 03/04 to 03/04 Explication de texte I: 20th-Century American drama Staging Memory: Three Plays by Arthur Miller...Séminaire
from 03/04 to 03/04 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 02/03 to 02/03 American Literature Survey...Cours-Séminaire
from 02/03 to 02/03 English Composition II...Travaux pratiques
from 02/03 to 02/03 Explication de texte II: American & British Metaphysical Poets...Séminaire
from 02/03 to 02/03 Explication de texte I: Tony Kushner, "Angels in America"...Séminaire
from 02/03 to 02/03 Introduction to Literary Analysis...Séminaire
from 02/03 to 02/03 The American Landscape, 1776-1865Aesthetics, Ideology, and National Formation...Séminaire
from 01/02 to 01/02 American Literature Survey...Cours-Séminaire
from 01/02 to 01/02 Economies: Henry David Thoreau "Walden" and Other Writings...Séminaire
from 01/02 to 01/02 Explication de texte I: American Drama. Edward Albee...Séminaire
from 01/02 to 01/02 Explication de texte II: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop...Séminaire
from 01/02 to 01/02 Introduction to Literary Analysis: Littérature anglaise...Séminaire
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Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University