Franco Taroni

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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260 publications

... | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 |
Quelles catégories de condamnés devrait-on faore figurer dans une banque de données ADN ?
Killias M, Haas H, Taroni F, Margot P, 2003. pp. 295-310 dans Cassani U Dittmann V Maag R Steiner S (eds.) Plus de sécurité - Moins de liberté ? Les techniques d'investigation et de preuve en question, Verlag Rüegger, Chur/Zürich.
Reasoning under uncertainty in forensic fire cause analysis : An approach using Bayesian networks.
Biedermann A, Taroni F, Semadeni C, Davison A, 2003. pp. 69-74 dans Atti del convegno S.CO 2003 - Modelli complessi e metodi computazionali intensivi per la stima e la precisione, Treviso, Dipartimento di Statistica Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia.
Tunisian population data on 10 Y-chromosomal loci.
Brandt-Casadevall C., Ben Dhiab M., Taroni F., Castella V., Dimo-Simonin N., Zemni M., Mangin P., 2003. Forensic science international, 135 (3) pp. 247-50. Peer-reviewed.
Tunisian population genotype and allele frequencies on 15 PCR-based loci.
Brandt-Casadevall C, Ben Dhiab M, Taroni F, Gehrig C, Dimo-Simonin N, Zemni M, Mangin P, 2003. pp. 113-116 dans Brinkmann B Carracedo C (eds.) Progress in Forensic Genetics, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
DNA - Datenbanken: heftig umstritten.
Margot P, Taroni F, Killias M, 2002. Plädoyer, 1 pp. 30-31.
Evaluation and presentation of forensic DNA evidence in European laboratories.
Taroni F, Lambert J, Fereday L, Werrett D, 2002. Science and Justice, 42 pp. 21-28.
Evaluation of a simplified method of the conduction system analysis in 110 forensic cases
Michaud K., Romain N., Taroni F., Horisberger B., Mangin P., 2002. Forensic Science International, 130 (1) pp. 13-24.
Evaluation of scientific evidence using Bayesian networks.
Taroni F, Garbolino P, 2002. Forensic Science International, 125 pp. 149-155.
Les signatures chimiques à partir des saisies de produits stupéfiants. Utilité et gestion de l'information.
Esseiva P, Dujourdy L, Taroni F, Anglada F, Guéniat O, Margot P, 2002. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 55 (1) pp. 104-111.
Likelihood ratio as a relevant and logical approach to assess the value of shoeprint evidence.
Taroni F, Buckleton J, 2002. Information Bulletin for shoeprint evidence., 8 pp. 15-25.
Tunisian population data on 15 PCR-based loci
Brandt-Casadevall C., Ben D. M., Taroni F., Gehrig C., Dimo-Simonin N., Zemni M., Mangin P., 2002. Forensic Science International, 126 (3) pp. 272-274.
Tunisian population data on 15 PCR-based loci.
Taroni F, Brandt C, Ben Dhiab M, Gehrig C, Dimo N, Zemmi N, Mangin P, 2002. Forensic Science International, 126 pp. 272-274.
Detection of nandrolone metabolites in urine after a football game in professional and amateur players: a Bayesian comparison.
Robinson N., Taroni F., Saugy M., Ayotte C., Mangin P., Dvorak J., 2001/11/01. Forensic science international, 122 (2-3) pp. 130-135. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian networks and the evaluation of scientific evidence: a theoretical approach.
Taroni F, Garbolino P, 2001. Problems in Forensic Sciences, XLVI pp. 173-179.
De Finetti's subjectivism, the assessment of probabilities and the evaluation of evidence: a commentary for forensic scientists.
Taroni F., Aitken CGG., Garbolino P., 2001. Science & Justice, 41 (3) pp. 145-150.
General comments on the scale of conclusions in shoemarks - The need for a logical framework.
Taroni F, Margot P, 2001. Information Bulletin for Shoeprint/Toolmark Examiners, 7/2 pp. 37-41.
L'évaluation de la preuve génétique ADN en criminalistique et l'utilisation des probabilités.
Taroni F, Mangin P, 2001. pp. 111-128 dans La valeur scientifique de l'utilisation des empreintes génétiques dans le domaine judiciaire - Rapport no 3121, Office Parlementaire d'Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques, Paris.
Sexual dimorphism of the human mandible: demonstration by elliptical Fourier analysis.
Schmittbuhl M., Le Minor J.M., Taroni F., Mangin P., 2001. International journal of legal medicine, 115 (2) pp. 100-1. Peer-reviewed.
DNA evidence, probabilistic evaluation and collaborative tests.
Taroni F., Aitken C.G., 2000. Forensic science international, 108 (2) pp. 121-43.
Fibers evidence, probabilistic evaluation and collaborative tests.
Taroni F, Aitken C.G.G., 2000. Forensic Science International, 114 pp. 45-47.
Fibres evidence, probabilistic evaluation and collaborative test.
Taroni F, Aitken CGG, 2000. Forensic Science International, 114 pp. 45-47.
Fingerprint evidence evaluation: is it really so different to other evidence types?
Taroni F., Margot P., 2000. Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society, 40 (4) pp. 277-8.
Forensic Evaluation of mtDNA in a South West Swiss population.
Dimon-Simonin N, Grange N, Taroni F, Brandt-Casadevall C, Mangin P, 2000. International Journal of Legal Medecine, 113 pp. 89-97.
Identification concept and the use of probabilities in forensic odontology--an approach by philosophical discussion.
Taroni F., Mangin P., Perrior M., 2000. The Journal of forensic odonto-stomatology, 18 (1) pp. 15-8.
Probabilità e valutazione della prova tecnica.
Taroni F, 2000. pp. 81-90 dans Sidoti F. Donato F. (Ed.) (eds.) Investigazione pubblica e privata nel giusto processo, Edizioni Giuridiche Simone.
The Dreyfus Case - An Early Debate on Expert's Conclusions.
Champod C, Taroni F, Margot P, 2000. International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, 5 pp. 446-459.
The likelihood approach to compare populations : a study on DNA evidence and pitfalls of intuitions
Taroni F., Aitken C.G., 2000. Science and Justice, 39 (4) pp. 213-222.
Die Interpretation des Beweiswertes von DNA-Untersuchungen in sachverständigen Gutachten (Brief an die Rechtsprechenden)
Taroni Franco, Mangin Patrice, Bär Walter, 1999. Revue pénale suisse - Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht - Rivista penale Svizzera, 117 pp. 439-445.
Forerunners of Bayesianism in Early Forensic Science.
Taroni F, Champod C, Margot P, 1999. Journal of Forensic Identification, Vol. 49, No 3, May-June pp. 285-305.
Interpretation of Fibres Evidence - The Bayesian Approach.
Champod C, Taroni F, 1999. pp. 379-398 dans Taylor & Francis London (eds.) Forensic Examination of Fibres, Robertson J. and Grieve M. (eds).
La preuve ADN, les probabilités, les experts et les juristes : nécessité de développement et de communication
Taroni F., Mangin P., 1999. Rapports Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, soutien à l'entretien personnel (Sciences Juridiques) 1115-054002/98 134, Lausanne : [s.n.].
Lettre aux juristes - La présentation de la preuve par l'ADN dans les rapports d'expertise (Die Interpretation des Beweiswertes von DNA-Untersuchungen in sachverständigen Gutachten - Brief an die Rechtssprechenden.
Taroni F, Mangin P, Bär W, 1999. Revue Pénale Suisse, 117 pp. 439-445.
The Dreyfus case - An early debate on experts' conclusions.
Champod C, Taroni F, Margot P, 1999. International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, 5 pp. 446-459.
"Forerunners of Bayesianism in Early Forensic Science".
Taroni F, Champod C, Margot P, 1998. Jurimetrics Journal, 38 pp. 183-200.
A verbal scale for the interpretation of evidence.
Aitken C, Taroni F, 1998. Science & Justice, 8 pp. 279-281.
L'expert et la preuve génétique ADN : le rapport analytique est-il encore suffisant?
Taroni F., Mangin P., 1998. Revue suisse de jurisprudence, 94 (23) pp. 505-511.
L'interprétation de la preuve scientifique: les juristes, les scientifiques et les probabilités.
Taroni F, Mangin P, 1998. Médecine et Droit, 30 pp. 6-15.
La preuve en biologie médico-légale.
Mangin P, Taroni F, 1998. Spectra analyse, 201 pp. 19-24.
Probabilistic reasoning in the law, part I: assessment of probabilities and explanation of the statistical DNA evidence.
Taroni F, Aitken C, 1998. Science & Justice, 38 pp. 165-177.
Probabilistic reasoning in the law, part II: explanation of the statistical evidence and probabilities assessment for trace evidence other than DNA.
Taroni F, Aitken C, 1998. Science & Justice, 38 pp. 179-188.
Probabilità e valutazione della prova tecnica in sede processuale.
Taroni F, 1998. Bollettino degli insegnanti di matematica, 37 pp. 59-71.
Probabilités et preuve par l'ADN dans les affaires civiles et criminelles. Questions de la cour et réponses fallacieuses des experts
Taroni Franco, Aitken Colin, 1998. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht = Revue pénale suisse = Rivista penale svizzera, 116 pp. 291-313.
Probabilités et preuve par l'ADN dans les affaires civiles et criminelles. Questions de la cour et réponses fallacieuses des experts.
Taroni F, Aitken C, 1998. Revue Pénale Suisse, 116 pp. 291-313.
A comment on 'Bayesian analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid profiling data in forensic identification applications.
Aitken C, Taroni F, 1997. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 160 p. 463.
Bayesian Framework for the Evaluation of Fibre Transfer Evidence.
Champod C, Taroni F, 1997. Science and Justice, 37/2 pp. 75-83.
Elementi di valutazione della prova tecnica in sede processuale.
Taroni F, Champod C, Fojadelli A, 1997. La Giustizia Penale, 52 pp. 115-124.
Forensic science at trial.
Taroni F, Aitken C, 1997. Jurimetrics Journal, 37 pp. 327-337.
Interpretation of scientific evidence (Part II).
Aitken C, Taroni F, 1997. Science & Justice, 37 p. 65.
Interpretation of scientific evidence.
Taroni F, Aitken C, 1996. Science & Justice, 36 pp. 290-292.
Statistics: a Future in Toolmarks Examination ?
Champod C, Taroni F, Margot P, 1996. AFTE Journal, 28/4 pp. 222-229.
"La recherche et la gestion des liens dans l'investigation criminelle: une étape vers l'exploitation systématique des données de police".
Ribaux O, Taroni F, Margot P, 1995. RICPTS pp. 229-242.
Sexual crimes : the importance of forensic investigation.
Taroni F, Coquoz R, Margot P, 1995. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 15 pp. 110-113.
Another important role of the gynaecologist in child sexual abuse investigation : the forensic investigation.
Taroni F, 1994. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 102 pp. 82-83.
Forensic medicine, P.C.R. and Bayesian approach.
Taroni F, Champod C, 1994. Journal of Medical Genetics, 31 pp. 896-898.
Probabilités au procès pénal: risques et solutions.
Champod C, Taroni F, 1994. Revue Pénale Suisse, 112 pp. 194-219.
Serial crime : a consideration of investigative problems.
Taroni F, 1994. Forensic Science International, 65 pp. 33-45.
L'incarico peritale in criminalistica.
Taroni F, Champod C, 1993. La Giustizia Penale, 48 pp. 379-384.
Les agressions sexuelles: ne pourrait-on pas plus souvent confondre les coupables ?
Taroni F, Coquoz R, Margot P, 1993. Revue Suisse de Médecine PRAXIS, 82 pp. 1067-1071.
Les préjugés de l'Accusation ou de la Défense dans l'évaluation de la preuve technique.
Champod C, Taroni F, 1993. Revue Suisse Pénale, 111 pp. 223-235.
Riflessioni sulla valutazione della prova scientifica.
Taroni F, Champod C, 1993. La Giustizia Penale, 48 pp. 247-251.
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