Olivier Ribaux

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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129 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1995 | 1993 |
The role of forensic science in the generation of intelligence to address environmental water contamination problems
Estoppey Nicolas, Pfeiffer Fabienne, Glanzmann Vick, Reymond Naomi, Tascon Ines, Huisman Sofie, Lacour William, Ribaux Olivier, Weyermann Céline, 2023/11. WIREs Forensic Science, 5 (6) pp. e1499. Peer-reviewed.
De la police scientifique à la traçologie. Le renseignement par la trace
Ribaux Olivier, 2023/08/31., 2è édition, EPFL Press.
Identifying the critical skillset of top crime scene examiners: Why this matters and why agencies should develop top performers
Kelty Sally F., Ribaux Olivier, Robertson James, 2023/05/23. WIREs Forensic Science. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of Occupational Stress
Kelty Sally, Green Nathan, Ribaux Olivier, Roux Claude, Robertson James, 2023. pp. 209-220 dans Houck Max (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Third Edition, Elsevier.
Forensic intelligence teaching and learning in higher education: an international approach
Morelato Marie, Cadola Liv, Bérubé Maxime, Ribaux Olivier, Baechler Simon, 2023/01. Forensic Science International p. 111575. Peer-reviewed.
La déclaration de sydney pour repositionner la science forensique
Crispino Frank, Ribaux Olivier, 2022/10/06. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique 3 pp. 327-333. Peer-reviewed.
La traçologie. Une vision moderne construite sur les fondements académiques de l’École des sciences criminelles
Margot Pierre, Ribaux Olivier, 2022/06/10. pp. 359-379 dans Perrier Depeursinge Camille, Dongois Nathalie, Andrew M Garbarski , Lombardini Carlo, Macaluso Alain (eds.) Cimes et Châtiments. Mélanges en l’honneur du professeur Laurent Moreillon, Stämpfli.
La science forensique et la police scientifique selon des dirigeants policiers du Québec et de Suisse romande : une étude de cas comparative
Mousseau Vincent, Baechler Simon, Ribaux Olivier, Crispino Frank, 2022/03/30. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique 1 pp. 20-53. Peer-reviewed.
The Sydney declaration – Revisiting the essence of forensic science through its fundamental principles
Roux Claude, Bucht Rebecca, Crispino Frank, De Forest Peter, Lennard Chris, Margot Pierre, Miranda Michelle D., NicDaeid Niamh, Ribaux Olivier, Ross Alastair et al., 2022/03. Forensic Science International, 332 p. 111182. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic Intelligence and Traceology in Digitalised Environments: The Detection and Analysis of Crime Patterns to Inform Practice
Ribaux Olivier, Baechler Simon, Rossy Quentin, 2022. pp. 81-99 dans Gill Martin (eds.) The Handbook of Security chap. 5, Springer International Publishing.
Towards another paradigm for forensic science?
Crispino Frank, Weyermann Céline, Delémont Olivier, Roux Claude, Ribaux Olivier, 2021/08/23. WIREs Forensic Science. Peer-reviewed.
La décision d'analyser une trace dans l'enquête: étude empirique des traces biologiques dans les cas de vol avec violence
Bitzer Sonja, Ribaux Olivier, Lock Eric, Albertini Nicolas, Delémont Olivier, 2021/03/01. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 74 (1) pp. 104-126. Peer-reviewed.
Digital Transformations in Forensic Science and Their Impact on Policing
Ribaux Olivier, Delémont Olivier, Baechler Simon, Roux Claude, Crispino Frank, 2021. pp. 173-191 dans Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies, Springer International Publishing.
Forensic Science Understanding by Police Managers: New Opportunities to Re-think Its Involvement in Policing
Crispino Frank, Mousseau Vincent, Baechler Simon, Delémont Olivier, Roux Claude, Ribaux Olivier, 2021. pp. 117-131 dans Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies, Springer International Publishing.
Reiss as a Forensic Scientist and a Criminalist. Speech at the 64 th International Belgrade Book Fare held on October 21, 2019
Ribaux Olivier, 2020/06/02. Journal of Criminalistics and Law, 24 (1) pp. 1-2.
“Hello are you available?” Dealing with online frauds and the role of forensic science
Ribaux Olivier, Souvignet Thomas R., 2020/06. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 33 p. 300978. Peer-reviewed.
Breaking the barriers between intelligence, investigation and evaluation: a continuous approach to define the contribution and scope of forensic science
Baechler Simon, Morelato Marie, Gittelson Simone, Walsh Simon, Margot Pierre, Roux Claude, Ribaux Olivier, 2020/03/03. Forensic Science International, 309. Peer-reviewed.
Orienting the Development of Crime Analysis Processes in Police Organisations Covering the Digital Transformations of Fraud Mechanisms
Rossy Quentin, Ribaux Olivier, 2020/02/29. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. Peer-reviewed.
Un modèle continu, non linéaire et collaboratif de l'enquête
Baechler Simon, Morelato Marie, Roux Claude, Margot Pierre, Ribaux Olivier, 2020. Criminologie, 53 (2) pp. 43–76. Peer-reviewed.
Is the (traditional) Galilean science paradigm well suited to forensic science?
Crispino Frank, Roux Claude, Delémont Olivier, Ribaux Olivier, 2019/06/03. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Forensic Science pp. e1349. Peer-reviewed.
La science forensique au service de l’action de sécurité
Ribaux Olivier, Delémont Olivier, Roux Claude, Crispino Frank, 2019/05/29. pp. 114-125 dans Cusson Maurice, Ribaux Olivier, Blais Etienne, Max Raynaud Michel (eds.) Nouveau traité de sécurité. Sécurité intérieure et sécurité urbaine chap. 9, Hurtubise.
Le rôle de l’analyste en milieu policier : enjeux, problèmes et vecteurs de changement
Fortin Francis, Rossy Quentin, Boivin Rémi, Ribaux Olivier, 2019/05/29. pp. 256-264 dans Cusson Maurice, Ribaux Olivier, Blais Etienne, Max Raynaud Michel (eds.) Nouveau traité de sécurité. Sécurité intérieure et sécurité urbaine chap. 21, Hurtubise.
Le traitement de l’information dans l’enquête criminelle
Rossy Quentin, Ribaux Olivier, Boivin Rémi, Fortin Francis, 2019/05/29. pp. 428-446 dans Cusson Maurice, Ribaux Olivier, Blais Etienne, May Raynaud Michel (eds.) Nouveau traité de sécurité. Sécurité intérieure et sécurité urbaine chap. 35, Hurtubise.
Nouveau traité de sécurité. Securité intérieure et sécurité urbaine
Cusson Maurice, Ribaux Olivier, Blais Etienne, May Raynaud Michel, 2019/05/29. 576, Hurtubise.
Deliberate fires: from data to intelligence
Bruenisholz Eva, Wilson-Wilde Linzi, Ribaux Olivier, Delémont Olivier, 2019/05. Forensic Science International, 301 pp. 240-253. Peer-reviewed.
Federalism and Swiss police reforms
Ribaux Olivier, 2019/05/01. pp. 247-260 dans Janssen Janine, Lünnemann Katinka, D haese Wim, Groenen Anne (eds.) Cahiers Politiestudies. 51-Intrafamiliaal geweld, Gompel&Svacina.
Reframing Forensic Science and Criminology for Catalyzing Innovation in Policing Practices
Ribaux Olivier, 2019/03/01. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 13 (1) pp. 5-11. Peer-reviewed.
The Kodak Syndrome: Risks and Opportunities Created by Decentralization of Forensic Capabilities.
Casey E., Ribaux O., Roux C., 2019/01. Journal of forensic sciences, 64 (1) pp. 127-136. Peer-reviewed.
Digital transformations and the viability of forensic science laboratories: Crisis-opportunity through decentralisation
Casey Eoghan, Ribaux Olivier, Roux Claude, 2018/08. Forensic Science International, 289 pp. e24-e25.
Forensic science 2020 – the end of the crossroads?
Roux Claude, Ribaux Olivier, CRISPINO Frank, 2018/07/25. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 50 (6) pp. 607-618. Peer-reviewed.
The Practice of Crime Scene Examination in an Intelligence-Based Perspective
Delémont Olivier, Bitzer Sonja, Jendly Manon, Ribaux Olivier, 2017/12/12. dans Rossy Quentin, Decary-Hétu David, Delémont Olivier, Mulone Massimiliano (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Intelligence and Criminology, Routledge.
Expressing the value of forensic science in policing
Ribaux Olivier, Roux Claude, Crispino Frank, 2017/09/03. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49 (5) pp. 489-501. Peer-reviewed.
Repetitive deliberate fires: Development and validation of a methodology to detect series
Bruenisholz Eva, Delémont Olivier, Ribaux Olivier, Wilson-Wilde Linzi, 2017/08. Forensic Science International, 277 pp. 148-160. Peer-reviewed.
Towards Forensic Whistleblowing? From Traces to Intelligence
Grossrieder Lionel, Ribaux Olivier, 2017/07/06. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice pp. 1-14. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic Intelligence
Ribaux Olivier, Caneppele Stefano, 2017. pp. 136-148 dans Rossy Quentin, Décary-Hétu David, Delémont Olivier, Mulone Massimiliano (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Intelligence and Criminology, Routledge.
The progressive opening of forensic science toward criminological concerns
Ribaux Olivier, Crispino Frank, Delémont Olivier, Roux Claude, 2016/10. Security Journal, 29 (4) pp. 543-560. Peer-reviewed.
De la trace à l'étude du crime et vice-versa
Ribaux O., 2016/09. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXIX (3) pp. 289-304. Peer-reviewed.
The Intelligent Use of Forensic Data: An Introduction to the Principles
Bruenisholz Eva, Prakash Sameer, Ross Alastair, Morelato Marie, O'Malley Troy, Raymond Michael Anthony, Ribaux Olivier, Roux Claude Patrick, Walsh Simon, 2016/06/07. Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal, 7 (1-2) pp. 21-29. Peer-reviewed.
To analyse a trace or not? Evaluating the decision-making process in the criminal investigation
Bitzer S., Ribaux O., Albertini N., Delémont O., 2016/05. Forensic Science International, 262 pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Image processing of false identity documents for forensic intelligence
Talbot-Wright B., Baechler S., Morelato M., Ribaux O., Roux C., 2016/04. Forensic Science International, 263 pp. 67-73. Peer-reviewed.
Change points detection in crime-related time series: An on-line fuzzy approach based on a shape space representation
Albertetti Fabrizio, Grossrieder Lionel, Ribaux Olivier, Stoffel Kilian, 2016/03. Applied Soft Computing, 40 pp. 441-454. Peer-reviewed.
The polymorhism of crime scene investigation: an exploratory analysis of the influence of crime and forensic intelligence on decisions made by crime scene examiners
Resnikoff T., Ribaux O., Baylon A., Jendly M., Rossy Q., 2015/12. Forensic Science International, 257 pp. 425-434. Peer-reviewed.
Vers une méthode commune à la police scientifique et à la criminologie
Cusson M., Ribaux O., 2015/09. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVIII (3) pp. 266-283. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic intelligence framework. Part II: study of the main generic building blocks and challenges through the examples of illicit drugs and false identity documents monitoring
Baechler S., Morelato M., Ribaux O., Beavis A., Tahtouh M., Kirkbride KP., Esseiva P., Margot P., Roux C., 2015/05. Forensic Science International, 250 pp. 44-52. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic intelligence: deregulation or return to the roots of forensic science?
Ribaux Olivier, Crispino Frank, Roux Claude, 2015/01/02. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 47 (1) pp. 61-71. Peer-reviewed.
Education and Training in Forensic Intelligence: a New Challenge
Crispino F., Rossy Q., Ribaux O., Roux C., 2015. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 47 (1) pp. 49-60. Peer-reviewed.
Repetitive Deliberate Fires: Critical Review of the Situation and Proposal of a Follow-Up Process and Systematic Analysis
Bruenisholz E., Delémont O., Ribaux O., 2015. Forensic Science Policy and Management, 6 (3-4) pp. 79-90. Peer-reviewed.
The use of methylamphetamine chemical profiling in an intelligence-led perspective and the observation of inhomogeneity within seizures
Morelato M., Beavis A., Tahtouh M., Ribaux O., Kirkbride P., Roux C., 2015/01. Forensic Science International, 246 pp. 55-64. Peer-reviewed.
Utility of the clue: from assessing the investigative contribution of forensic science to supporting the decision to use traces
Bitzer S., Albertini N., Lock E., Ribaux O., Delémont O., 2015. Science and Justice, 55 (6) pp. 509-513.
L'intelligence-led policing: un cadre pertinent pour soutenir la lutte contre les incendies volontaires répétitifs
Bruenisholz E., Delémont O., Ribaux O., 2014/06. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 67 (2) pp. 204-225. Peer-reviewed.
A collaborative approach for incorporating forensic case data into crime investigation using criminal intelligence analysis and visualisation.
Rossy Q., Ribaux O., 2014/03. Science & justice, 54 (2) pp. 146-153. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic intelligence framework—Part I: Induction of a transversal model by comparing illicit drugs and false identity documents monitoring
Morelato Marie, Baechler Simon, Ribaux Olivier, Beavis Alison, Tahtouh Mark, Kirkbride Paul, Roux Claude, Margot Pierre, 2014/03. Forensic Science International, 236 pp. 181-190. Peer-reviewed.
Expanding Forensic Science Through Intelligence
Ribaux O., Talbot-Wright B., 2014. Science and Justice, 54 pp. 494-501. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation
Delémont Olivier, Lock Eric, Ribaux Olivier, 2014. pp. 1754-1763 dans Bruinsma G.J.N., Weisburd D.L. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Springer New York.
Forensic science and criminal investigation
Delémont O., Lock E., Ribaux O., 2014. pp. 1754-1763 dans Bruinsma G. J. N., Weisburd D. L. (eds.) Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal Justice, Springer.
Forensic Science Effectiveness
Roux C., Julian R., Kelty S., Ribaux O., 2014. pp. 1795-1804 dans Bruinsma G., Weisburd D. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Springer.
Police scientifique: le renseignement par la trace
Ribaux O., 2014. Collection Sciences forensiques, PPUR.
The Use of Organic and Inorganic Impurities Found in MDMA Police Seizures in a Drug Intelligence Perspective
Morelato M., Beavis A., Tahtouh M., Ribaux O., Kirkbride P., Roux C., 2014. Science & Justice, 54 (1) pp. 32-41. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic processing of false identity and travel documents to produce intelligence: a novel approach to assist in fighting organized crime
Baechler S., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2013/10., Interpol dans 17th International Forensic Science Managers Symposium. Peer-reviewed, Pavel Kolar.
La violence laisse des traces: l'homicide dévoilé par la science forensique.
Delémont O., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2013/08. pp. 765-804 dans Cusson M., Guay S., Proulx J., Cortoni F. (eds.) Traité des violences criminelles chap. 33, Hurtubise.
Les vols avec violence
Birrer S., Cusson M., Ribaux O., 2013/08. pp. 103-126 dans Cusson M., Guay S., Proulx J., Cortoni F. (eds.) Traité des violences criminelles chap. 5, Hurtubise.
The systematic profiling of false identity documents: method validation and performance evaluation using seizures known to originate from common and different sources
Baechler S., Terrasse V., Pujol JP., Fritz T., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2013/08. Forensic Science International, 2013 (232) pp. 180-190. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating forensic information in a crime intelligence database
Rossy Q., Ioset S., Dessimoz D., Ribaux O., 2013/07. Forensic Science International, 230 (1-3) pp. 137-146. Peer-reviewed.
Des données aux connaissances, un chemin difficile: réflexion sur la place du data mining en analyse criminelle
Grossrieder L., Albertetti F., Stoffel K., Ribaux O., 2013/03. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVI (1) pp. 99-116. Peer-reviewed.
Crime linkage: A fuzzy MCDM approach
Albertetti F., Grossrieder L., Ribaux O., Stoffel K., 2013. dans 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, IEEE.
Forensic Intelligence
Ribaux O., Margot P., Kelty S., Julian R., 2013. pp. 298-302 dans Siegel J. A., Saukko P. J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Academic Press.
The CriLiM Methodology: Crime Linkage with a Fuzzy MCDM Approach
Albertetti F., Cotofrei P., Grossrieder L., Ribaux O., Stoffel K., 2013. dans 2013 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC), IEEE.
The use of forensic drug profiling in intelligence-led policing
Morelato M., Beavis A., Tahtouh M., Ribaux O., Kirkbride P., Roux C., 2013. Forensic science international, 226 (1-3) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a novel forensic intelligence model: systematic profiling of false identity documents
Baechler S., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2012/12. Forensic Science Policy & Management: an International Journal, 3 (2) pp. 70-84.
False identity documents forensic profiling: study of known-sources and cross-border seizures
Baechler S., Pujol J.P., Terrasse V., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2012/09., European Document Experts Working Group (EDEWG), European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) dans 7th EDEWG Conference, 18-21 september 2012, Lyon, France.
La conception de schémas relationnels en analyse criminelle: au-delà de la maîtrise des outils
Rossy Q., Ribaux O., 2012/09. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXV (3) pp. 345-362. Peer-reviewed.
From Forensics to Forensic Science
Roux Claude, Crispino Frank, Ribaux Olivier, 2012/07. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 24 (1) pp. 7-24.
Situating forensic traces in time
Weyermann C., Ribaux O., 2012/06. Science & Justice, 52 (2) pp. 68-75. Peer-reviewed.
Caractérisation des situations engendrant un incendie non délibéré
Waser A., Delemont O., Ribaux O., 2012/02. Revue Suisse de Criminologie, 2012 (1) pp. 47-52.
Le profilage forensique des fausses pièces d'identité: une méthode de renseignement prometteuse pour lutter contre la fraude documentaire
Baechler S., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2011/12. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXIV (4) pp. 467-480. Peer-reviewed.
Pertinence de la trace: étude théorique et perspectives expérimentales
Hazard D., Margot P., Ribaux O., 2011/09. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXIV (3) pp. 341-374. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic science - A true science ?
Crispino F., Ribaux O., Houck M., Margot P., 2011/06. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 43 (2-3) pp. 157-176. Peer-reviewed.
Science forensique
Ribaux O., Margot P., 2011/06. pp. 1-6 dans Centre international de criminologie comparée de l'Université de Montréal Canada (eds.) Dictionnaire de criminologie en ligne, Dupont B. Leman-Langlois S..
Decision making in policing: Operations and management
Aepli P., Ribaux O., Summerfield E., 2011/04. Forensic Sciences 198, EPFL Press (distributed by CRC Press).
The profiling of false identity documents: a promising method to fight identity fraud
Simon Baechler, Emmanuel Fivaz, Olivier Ribaux, Pierre Margot, 2010/10., Interpol dans 16th International Forensic Science Symposium, Niamh Nic Daéid.
The profiling of false identity documents: a promising method to fight identity fraud
Baechler S., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2010/09., European Document Experts Working Group (EDEWG), European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) dans 6th EDEWG Conference, 21-24 september 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
La caractérisation des situations engendrant un incendie non délibéré, une aide pour l'analyse et le suivi des incendies ?
Alain Waser, Olivier Delémont, Olivier Ribaux, 2010/07. Journal Criminalistique Suisse 11 pp. 13-16.
Situational classification of fire risks
Waser A., Ribaux O., Delémont O., 2010/06. dans Fire Risk Conference 2010.
Le profilage des fausses pièces d'identité: une méthode moderne de lutte contre la fraude documentaire
Baechler S., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2010/05., Association Internationale des Criminologues de Langue Française (AICLF) dans XIIe colloque de l'AICLF, 12-14 mai 2010, Fribourg, Suisse, Queloz N..
Intelligence-led crime scene processing. Part I : Forensic intelligence.
Ribaux O., Baylon A., Roux C., Delémont O., Lock E., Zingg C., Margot P., 2010/02. Forensic Science International, 195 (1-3) pp. 10-16. Peer-reviewed.
Intelligence-led crime scene processing. Part II : Intelligence and crime scene examination.
Ribaux O., Baylon A., Lock E., Delémont O., Roux C., Zingg C., Margot P., 2010. Forensic Science International, 199 pp. 63-71. Peer-reviewed.
Iterative development of cooperation within an increasingly complex environment : example of a Swiss regional analysis centre
Ribaux O., Birrer S., 2010. pp. 81-100 dans Lemieux F. (eds.) International police cooperation : Emerging issues, theory and practice chap. 5, Willian Publ.
Use of DNA profiles for investigation using a simulated national DNA database: Part I. Partial SGM Plus profiles.
Hicks T., Taroni F., Curran J., Buckleton J., Ribaux O., Castella V., 2010. Forensic Science International. Genetics, 4 (4) pp. 232-238. Peer-reviewed.
Use of DNA profiles for investigation using a simulated national DNA database: Part II. Statistical and ethical considerations on familial searching.
Hicks T., Taroni F., Curran J., Buckleton J., Castella V., Ribaux O., 2010. Forensic Science International. Genetics, 4 (5) pp. 316-322.
Profiling Ausweisfälschungen: Aufdeckung von Verbindungen, Erzeugen von strategischen und operativen Nachrichten = Le profilage des fausses pièces d'identité: détection de liens, production de renseignements stratégiques et opérationnels
Baechler S., Fivaz E., Ribaux O., Margot P., 2009/11. dans Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgruppe Kriminaltechnik Schweiz = Journées du Groupe de travail Criminalistique Suisse.
Advanced clustering methods for mining chemical databases in forensic science.
Ratle F., Gagne C., Terrettaz-Zufferey A.-L., Kanevski M., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., 2008. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 90 (2) pp. 123-131.
Comparing the Growth and Effectiveness of Forensic DNA databases
Walsh S.J., Buckleton J., Ribaux O, Roux C, Raymond T, 2008. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series I pp. 667-668.
La statistique policière de la criminalité en Suisse peut-elle s'envisager dans le cadre du renseignement criminel
Birrer S, Ribaux O, 2008. Revue Suisse de Criminologie, 2 pp. 3-20.
Système de suivi et d'analyse des cambriolages appliqué dans des polices suisses
Ribaux O., Birrer S., 2008/01., Europa Institut Zürich pp. 189-205 dans Shulthess Zurich (eds.) Erstes Zürcher Präventionsforum, Kommunale Kriminalprävention, Crime Mapping, Einbruchskriminalität, Schwarzenegger Christian, Müller Jürg.
Traces de souliers
Girod A., Champod C., Ribaux O., 2008. Collection sciences forensiques, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
A comparison of one-class classifiers for novelty detection in forensic case data
Ratle F., Kanevski M., Terrettaz-Zufferey A.-L., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 4881 LNCS pp. 67-76.
Exploratory study for the detection and analysis of links between prospective advance fee fraud e-mails in an intelligence perspective
Birrer S Ribaux O Cartier J Rossy Q Capt S Zufferey M, 2007. IALEA Journal, 17 pp. 11-21.
Forensic drug intelligence : An important tool in law enforcement.
Esseiva P., Ioset S., Anglada F., Gasté L., Ribaux O., Margot P., Gallusser A., Biedermann A., Specht Y., Ottinger E., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 247-254.
La trace matérielle, vecteur d'information au service du renseignement
Ribaux O., Margot P., 2007. pp. 300-321 dans Maurice Cusson, Benoit Dupont, Frédéric Lemieux (eds.) Traité de sécurité intérieure, Hurtubise HMH, Montréal et PPUR, Lausanne.
Le data mining appliqué aux bases de données de police: Que peut-on en attendre?
Terrettaz-Zufferey A.L., Ribaux O., Ratle F., Esseiva P., Kanevski M., 2007. Journal Criminalistique Suisse, 3. Peer-reviewed.
Pattern detection in forensic case data using graph theory : Application to heroin cutting agents.
Terrettaz-Zufferey A. L., Ratle F., Ribaux O., Esseiva P., Kanevski M., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 242-246.
Space-time cluster detection in crime data with scan statistics
Ratle F., Terrettaz-Zufferey A.L., Kanevski M., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., 2007. dans Spatial Econometrics Association Conference, Spatial Econometrics Association.
Assessment of data mining methods for forensic case data analysis
Terrettaz-Zufferey A-L, Ratle F, Ribaux O, Esseiva P, Khanevski M, 2006. Policing in Central and Eastern Europe, Journal of Criminal Justice and Security (Varstovoslovje), 3-4 (special issue) pp. 350-355.
Learning Manifolds in Forensic Data
Ratle Frédéric, Terrettaz-Zufferey Anne-Laure, Kanevski Mikhail, Esseiva Pierre, Ribaux Olivier, 2006. pp. 894-903 dans Kollias S., Stafylopatis A, Duch W., Oja E. (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks – ICANN 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Les outils informatisés du renseignement criminel
Ribaux O, 2006. pp. 135-156 dans Cimichella S, Kuhn A, Niggli M A (eds.) Nouvelles tecnologies et criminalité: nouvelle criminologie?, Ruegger, Zurich.
Recherche et développement en analyse criminelle financière, la contribution de l'université
Ribaux O., Birrer S., Rossy Q., Capt S., Loset S., Cartier J., Terrettaz A.-L., Ghernaouti-Hélie S., 2006. dans Guide méthodologique et des bonnes pratiques de l'analyse financière criminelle (Methodological guide to best practices in financial criminal analysis) chap. 8, JAI/2004/AGIS/175.
Comprendre l'influence des NTIC sur l'évolution de la criminalité et des moyens de lutte : un champ d'étude pour les sciences criminelles .
Ribaux O, 2005. pp. 263- 274 dans Augsburger-Bucheli I Bacher J-L (eds.) Manifestation, détection, prévention et répression de la criminalité économique, L'Harmattan.
Establishment of an operational system for drug profiling : a Swiss experience
Ioset S., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., Weyermann C., Anglada F., Lociciro S., Hayoz P., Baer I., Gasté L., Terrettaz Zufferey. A. L. et al., 2005. Bulletin on narcotics.UNITED NATIONS Office on Drugs and Crime., LVII (1-2) pp. 121-147. Peer-reviewed.
The contribution of forensic science to crime analysis and investigation: Forensic intelligence.
Ribaux O., Walsh S. J., Margot P., 2005. Forensic Science International., 156 (2-3) pp. 171-181.
Analyse de la forme, du contenu et de la provenance des courriers électroniques de la "Nigerian Connection".
Schiffer B, Birrer S, Cartier J, Capt S, Ribaux O, 2004. RICPTS pp. 148-158.
Analyse de la forme, du contenu et de la provenances des courriers électroniques de la "Nigerian Connection".
Schiffer B, Birrer S, Cartier J, Capt S, Ribaux O, 2004. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LVII pp. 148-158.
Base de données ADN : un potentiel peu exploité de mises en relations d'événements criminels.
Girod A, Ribaux O, Margot P, Walsh S, 2004. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, Vol. LVII pp. 131-147.
DNA Profiling and Criminal Justice: A Contribution to a Changing Debate
Walsh Simon J., Ribaux Olivier, Buckleton John S., Ross Alastair, Roux Claude, 2004/01. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36 (1) pp. 34-43.
Case based reasoning in criminal intelligence using forensic case data
Ribaux O., Margot P., 2003/07. Science & Justice, 43 (3) pp. 135-143.
Forensic intelligence and crime analysis
Ribaux O., 2003/03/01. Law, Probability and Risk, 2 (1) pp. 47-60.
Evolution de la criminalité et nouvelles technologies. La recherche et l'enseignement au profit des différents composants du système judiciaire.
Ribaux O, Margot P, 2003. pp. 103-107 dans Rapport annuel, Tilt (HES bernoise) 15.
Forensic DNA Profiling - Beyond Identification.
Walsh SJ, Roux C, Ross A, Ribaux O, Buckleton J S, 2002. Law Enforcement FORUM, 3 pp. 13-21.
L'analyse criminelle face a la complexité des données: risque pour la sphère privée ou moyen de la protéger ? .
Ribaux O, Gitz P, Cartier J, 2002. pp. 109-124 dans Bolle PH Steffen H, (eds.) actes du 60e cours international de criminologie, Société Internationale de Criminologie, Collection neuchâteloise, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Bâle.
Potential Use of Fingerprints in Forensic Intelligence : Crime Scene Linking.
Anthonioz A, Aguzzi A, Girod A, Egli N, Ribaux O, 2002. Zagadnien Nauk Sadowych Problems of Forensic Sciences, 51 pp. 166-170. Peer-reviewed.
La cryptographie: Pourquoi? Quand? Comment?
Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., Ribaux O., 2001/12. Pol Cant Information: bulletin de la Police cantonale vaudoise 45 pp. 9-11.
Analyse von Vermögensdelikten und deren operative Verwertung.
Ribaux O, Aepli P, 2001. Kriminalistik Schweiz, 2 pp. 1-7.
L'analyse des délits contre le patrimoine et son exploitation dans un cadre opérationnel.
Ribaux O, Aepli P, 2001. Revue internationale de Criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LIV/2 pp. 131-144.
"Forensic Identification Databases".
Champod C, Ribaux O, 2000. pp. 463-484 dans J.F. Nijboer & Wim. J.J.M. Sprangers (eds.) Harmonization in Forensic Expertise: An Inquiry into the Desirability of and Opportunities for International Standards, Thela-Thesis, Amsterdam.
Crime Scene Investigation: Criminal Analysis.
Ribaux O, Margot P, 2000. pp. 416-422 dans Siegel J Saukko P Knupfer G (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Academic press.
Toward a Better Integration of new Technologies at the Scene of Crime: the Concept of Wearable Computer.
Lathoud B, Ribaux O, 2000. dans Second European Academy of Forensic Science.
Inference structures for crime analysis and intelligence: the example of burglary using forensic science data
Ribaux O, Margot P, 1999/03. Forensic Science International, 100 (3) pp. 193-210.
"Joining loose ends".
Ribaux O, Margot P, 1998. International Police Review, Août pp. 42-43.
"La recherche et la gestion des liens dans l'investigation criminelle: une étape vers l'exploitation systématique des données de police".
Ribaux O, Taroni F, Margot P, 1995. RICPTS pp. 229-242.
"Goldfinger: an Expert Computer System for the Determination of Fingerprint Detection Sequences".
Ribaux O, Lennard C, Dugerdil P, Margot P, 1993. Journal of Forensic Identification, Vol 43 pp. 468-480.
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