Centre universitaire romand de médecine légale

Equipe principale | Laboratoire d'analyse du dopage (LAD) | Unité de génétique forensique (UGF) | Unité de médecine des violences (UMV) | Unité de médecine et psychologie du trafic (UMPT) | Unité de taphonomie forensique (SHIFT) | Unité de toxicologie et chimie forensique (UTCF) | Unité d'imagerie et anthropologie forensiques (UIAF) | Unité facultaire d'anatomie et de morphologie (UFAM) | Unité facultaire de toxicologie (UFT) | Unité romande de médecine forensique (URMF)
Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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468 publications

SMYD3: a new regulator of the early steps of adipocyte differentiation
Gilardi Federica, Sajic Tatjana, Gasser Marie, Caputo Tiziana, Bararpour Nasim, Augsburger Marc, Walter Nadia, Hainard Alexander, Fracasso Tony, Thomas Aurelien.
Reference values for plasma and urine trace elements in a Swiss population-based cohort.
Perrais M., Trächsel B., Lenglet S., Pruijm M., Ponte B., Vogt B., Augsburger M., Rousson V., Bochud M., Thomas A. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Elimination profile of low-dose chlortalidone and its detection in hair for doping analysis-Implication for unintentional non-therapeutic exposure.
Thieme D., Weigel K., Anielski P., Krumbholz A., Sporkert F., Keiler A.M. Drug testing and analysis. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem concentrations for total blood carbon monoxide (TBCO) as a novel biomarker for carbon monoxide (CO) poisonings.
Oliverio S., Ferger M.C., Yegles M., 2024/06/11. Journal of analytical toxicology, 48 (5) pp. 289-298. Peer-reviewed.
Interactions between physical exercise, associative memory, and genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease.
Igloi K., Marin Bosch B., Kuenzi N., Thomas A., Lauer E., Bringard A., Schwartz S., 2024/05/02. Cerebral cortex, 34 (5). Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum to "ESPEN micronutrient guideline" [Clin Nutr 41 (2022) 1357-1424/YCLNU5151].
Berger M.M., Shenkin A., Schweinlin A., Amrein K., Augsburger M., Biesalski H.K., Bischoff S.C., Casaer M.P., Gundogan K., Lepp H.L. et al., 2024/04. Clinical nutrition, 43 (4) p. 1024. Peer-reviewed.
SMYD3: a new regulator of adipocyte precursor proliferation at the early steps of differentiation.
Sajic T., Ferreira Gomes C.K., Gasser M., Caputo T., Bararpour N., Landaluce-Iturriria E., Augsburger M., Walter N., Hainard A., Lopez-Mejia I.C. et al., 2024/04. International journal of obesity, 48 (4) pp. 557-566. Peer-reviewed.
ESPEN practical short micronutrient guideline.
Berger M.M., Shenkin A., Dizdar O.S., Amrein K., Augsburger M., Biesalski H.K., Bischoff S.C., Casaer M.P., Gundogan K., Lepp H.L. et al., 2024/03. Clinical nutrition, 43 (3) pp. 825-857. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of personal exposure to the oxidative potential of PM2.5 on oxidative stress biomarkers in pregnant women.
Marsal A., Sauvain J.J., Thomas A., Lyon-Caen S., Borlaza LJS, Philippat C., Jaffrezo J.L., Boudier A., Darfeuil S., Elazzouzi R. et al., 2024/02/10. The Science of the total environment, 911 p. 168475. Peer-reviewed.
Gonadotropin axis and semen quality in young Swiss men after cannabis consumption: Effect of chronicity and modulation by cannabidiol.
Zufferey F., Buitrago E., Rahban R., Senn A., Stettler E., Rudaz S., Nef S., Donzé N., Thomas A., Rossier M.F., 2024/01. Andrology, 12 (1) pp. 56-67. Peer-reviewed.
People living with HIV display increased anti-apolipoprotein A1 auto-antibodies, inflammation, and kynurenine metabolites: a case-control study.
Frias M.A., Pagano S., Bararpour N., Sidibé J., Kamau F., Fétaud-Lapierre V., Hudson P., Thomas A., Lecour S., Strijdom H. et al., 2024. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 11 p. 1343361. Peer-reviewed.
Arsenic induces metabolome remodeling in mature human adipocytes.
Gasser M., Lenglet S., Bararpour N., Sajic T., Vaucher J., Wiskott K., Augsburger M., Fracasso T., Gilardi F., Thomas A., 2023/12. Toxicology, 500 p. 153672. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of a Portable Blood Gas Analyzer for Prehospital Triage in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Instrument Validation Study.
Lyon M., Fehlmann C.A., Augsburger M., Schaller T., Zimmermann-Ivol C., Celi J., Gartner B.A., Lorenzon N., Sarasin F., Suppan L., 2023/10/06. JMIR formative research, 7 pp. e48057. Peer-reviewed.
The Society of Hair Testing consensus on general recommendations for hair testing and drugs of abuse testing in hair.
Favretto D., Cooper G., Andraus M., Sporkert F., Agius R., Appenzeller B., Baumgartner M., Binz T., Cirimele V., Kronstrand R. et al., 2023/09. Drug testing and analysis, 15 (9) pp. 1042-1046. Peer-reviewed.
Association of Trace Element Levels with Outcomes in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients.
Wozniak H., Le Terrier C., Primmaz S., Suh N., Lenglet S., Thomas A., Vuilleumier N., Pagano S., de Watteville A., Stringhini S. et al., 2023/07/26. Nutrients, 15 (15) p. 3308. Peer-reviewed.
Association of plasma zinc levels with anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA seropositivity in the general population: A case-control study.
Equey A., Berger M.M., Gonseth-Nusslé S., Augsburger M., Rezzi S., Hodgson ACC, Estoppey S., Pantaleo G., Pellaton C., Perrais M. et al., 2023/04/18. Clinical nutrition, 42 (6) pp. 972-986. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of Dried Blood Spot and Microtube Techniques for Trace Element Quantification by ICP-MS.
Perrais M., Thomas A., Augsburger M., Lenglet S., 2023/03/21. Journal of analytical toxicology, 47 (2) pp. 175-181. Peer-reviewed.
A nontuberculous mycobacterium could solve the mystery of the lady from the Franciscan church in Basel, Switzerland.
Sarhan M.S., Wurst C., Tzankov A., Bircher A.J., Wittig H., Briellmann T., Augsburger M., Hotz G., Zink A., Maixner F., 2023/02/07. BMC biology, 21 (1) p. 9. Peer-reviewed.
Blood proteome of acute intracranial hemorrhage in infant victims of abusive head trauma.
Wiskott K., Gilardi F., Hainard A., Sanchez J.C., Thomas A., Sajic T., Fracasso T., 2023/02. Proteomics, 23 (3-4) pp. e2200078. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating distribution kinetics and toxicodynamics to assess repeat dose neurotoxicity in vitro using human BrainSpheres: a case study on amiodarone.
Nunes C., Proença S., Ambrosini G., Pamies D., Thomas A., Kramer N.I., Zurich M.G., 2023. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14 p. 1248882. Peer-reviewed.
Randomly controlled drivers using minimally invasive sampling: assessment of drug prevalence in Western Switzerland over two time periods.
Joye T., Déglon J., Donzé N., Gilardi F., Sidibé J., Favrat B., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2022/12/28. BMC public health, 22 (1) p. 2446. Peer-reviewed.
PhenoExplorer: An Interactive Web-based Platform for Exploring (Epi)Genome-Wide Associations Using a Swiss Population-based Study.
Ghobril J.P., Petrovic D., Ehret G., Ponte B., Pruijm M., Ackermann D., Vogt B., Stringhini S., Thomas A., Chamberlain J. et al., 2022/12/21. Chimia, 76 (12) pp. 1052-1062. Peer-reviewed.
An in vitro strategy using multiple human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived models to assess the toxicity of chemicals: A case study on paraquat.
Nunes C., Singh P., Mazidi Z., Murphy C., Bourguignon A., Wellens S., Chandrasekaran V., Ghosh S., Zana M., Pamies D. et al., 2022/06. Toxicology in vitro, 81 p. 105333. Peer-reviewed.
ESPEN micronutrient guideline.
Berger M.M., Shenkin A., Schweinlin A., Amrein K., Augsburger M., Biesalski H.K., Bischoff S.C., Casaer M.P., Gundogan K., Lepp H.L. et al., 2022/06. Clinical nutrition, 41 (6) pp. 1357-1424. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of CYP1A2 activity: Relationship between the endogenous urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin to melatonin ratio and paraxanthine to caffeine ratio in dried blood spots.
Magliocco G., Desmeules J., Samer C.F., Thomas A., Daali Y., 2022/06. Clinical and translational science, 15 (6) pp. 1482-1491. Peer-reviewed.
Toxicity and Metabolomic Impact of Cobalt, Chromium, and Nickel Exposure on HepaRG Hepatocytes.
Bellouard M., Gasser M., Lenglet S., Gilardi F., Bararpour N., Augsburger M., Thomas A., Alvarez J.C., 2022/05/16. Chemical research in toxicology, 35 (5) pp. 807-816. Peer-reviewed.
A chemoinformatics search for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors ligands revealed a new pan-agonist able to reduce lipid accumulation and improve insulin sensitivity.
Sblano S., Cerchia C., Laghezza A., Piemontese L., Brunetti L., Leuci R., Gilardi F., Thomas A., Genovese M., Santi A. et al., 2022/05/05. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 235 p. 114240. Peer-reviewed.
Creation of a Forensic Pathology Biobank in Switzerland: which issues and research opportunities?
Wiskott K., Gilardi F., Michaud K., Augsburger M., Castiglioni C., Carminati A., Grabherr S., Thomas A., Fracasso T., 2022/05. International journal of legal medicine, 136 (3) pp. 919-922. Peer-reviewed.
Cadmium acute exposure induces metabolic and transcriptomic perturbations in human mature adipocytes.
Gasser M., Lenglet S., Bararpour N., Sajic T., Wiskott K., Augsburger M., Fracasso T., Gilardi F., Thomas A., 2022/03/30. Toxicology, 470 p. 153153. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse systématique du GHB dans les échantillons biologiques : rapport de synthèse 2021
Augsburger M., Thomas A., Carron PN, 2022/01/01. 21, Unité de toxicologie et de chimie forensiques, Centre universitaire romand de médecine légale.
Cannabinoids for behavioral symptoms in severe dementia: Safety and feasibility in a long-term pilot observational study in nineteen patients.
Pautex S., Bianchi F., Daali Y., Augsburger M., de Saussure C., Wampfler J., Curtin F., Desmeules J., Broers B., 2022. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 14 p. 957665. Peer-reviewed.
The Allelic Variant A391T of Metal Ion Transporter ZIP8 (SLC39A8) Leads to Hypotension and Enhanced Insulin Resistance.
Verouti S.N., Pujol-Giménez J., Bermudez-Lekerika P., Scherler L., Bhardwaj R., Thomas A., Lenglet S., Siegrist M., Hofstetter W., Fuster D.G. et al., 2022. Frontiers in physiology, 13 p. 912277. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a printed quality control test strip for the analysis and imaging of fingermark composition.
Gorka M., Thomas A., Bécue A., 2021/12. Forensic science international, 329 p. 111063. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolomics reveals biomarkers in human urine and plasma to predict cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) activity.
Magliocco G., Desmeules J., Matthey A., Quirós-Guerrero L.M., Bararpour N., Joye T., Marcourt L., Queiroz E.F., Wolfender J.L., Gloor Y. et al., 2021/12. British journal of pharmacology, 178 (23) pp. 4708-4725. Peer-reviewed.
Suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs: Cross sectional analysis of drug prevalence in the context of the Swiss legislation.
Maurer J., Vergalito E., Prior A.F., Donzé N., Thomas A., Augsburger M., 2021/12. Forensic science international, 329 p. 111081. Peer-reviewed.
Ergebnisse der Quecksilberbestimmungen in Proben der Haut von Textilfragmenten
Briellmann T., Hotz G., Augsburger M., Lenglet S., Boncioli N., Schorta R., 2021/11/30. p. 143 dans Anna Catharina Bischoff : die Mumie aus der Barfüsserkirche : Rekonstruktion einer Basler Frauenbiografie des 18. Jahrhunderts, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel ; Bürgerforschung Basel ; Departement Geschichte, Universtät Basel.
Untersuchung auf Methylquecksilber in Proben der inneren Organe
Briellmann T., Augsburger M., 2021/11/30. p. 144 dans Anna Catharina Bischoff : die Mumie aus der Barfüsserkirche : Rekonstruktion einer Basler Frauenbiografie des 18. Jahrhunderts, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel ; Bürgerforschung Basel ; Departement Geschichte, Universtät Basel.
Metabolomic alteration induced by psychotropic drugs: Short-term metabolite profile as a predictor of weight gain evolution.
Lenski M., Sidibé J., Gholam M., Hennart B., Dubath C., Augsburger M., von Gunten A., Conus P., Allorge D., Thomas A. et al., 2021/11. Clinical and translational science, 14 (6) pp. 2544-2555. Peer-reviewed.
Significant postmortem diffusion of ethanol: A case report.
Marti V., Augsburger M., Widmer C., Lardi C., 2021/11. Forensic science international, 328 p. 111046. Peer-reviewed.
Untersuchungen auf andere Heilmittel und chemische Elemente
Briellmann T., Hotz G., Neukamm M., Auwärter V., Augsburger M., Lenglet S., 2021/10/30. p. 146 dans Anna Catharina Bischoff : die Mumie aus der Barfüsserkirche : Rekonstruktion einer Basler Frauenbiografie des 18. Jahrhunderts, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel ; Bürgerforschung Basel ; Departement Geschichte, Universtät Basel.
Untersuchungen auf Quecksilber in Organproben der Mumie
Briellmann T., Hotz G., Augsburger M., Lenglet S., 2021/10/30. pp. 140-143 dans Anna Catharina Bischoff : die Mumie aus der Barfüsserkirche : Rekonstruktion einer Basler Frauenbiografie des 18. Jahrhunderts, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel ; Bürgerforschung Basel ; Departement Geschichte, Universtät Basel.
Simultaneous determination of melatonin and 6-hydroxymelatonin in human overnight urine by LC-MS/MS.
Magliocco G., Le Bloc'h F., Thomas A., Desmeules J., Daali Y., 2021/09/01. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, 1181 p. 122938. Peer-reviewed.
Summary statistics for drugs and alcohol concentration recovered in post-mortem femoral blood in Western Switzerland.
Lefrancois E., Reymond N., Thomas A., Lardi C., Fracasso T., Augsburger M., 2021/08. Forensic science international, 325 p. 110883. Peer-reviewed.
Local Cisplatin Delivery in Mouse Reliably Models Sensorineural Ototoxicity Without Systemic Adverse Effects.
Nacher-Soler G., Lenglet S., Coelho M., Thomas A., Voruz F., Krause K.H., Senn P., Rousset F., 2021/07/31. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 15 p. 701783. Peer-reviewed.
A single session of moderate intensity exercise influences memory, endocannabinoids and brain derived neurotrophic factor levels in men.
Marin Bosch B., Bringard A., Logrieco M.G., Lauer E., Imobersteg N., Thomas A., Ferretti G., Schwartz S., Igloi K., 2021/07/13. Scientific reports, 11 (1) p. 14371. Peer-reviewed.
Enantiomeric methadone quantitation on real post-mortem dried matrix spots samples: Comparison of liquid chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.
Mueller F., Losacco G.L., Nicoli R., Guillarme D., Thomas A., Grata E., 2021/07/01. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, 1177 p. 122755. Peer-reviewed.
The role of cytochrome P450 enzyme genetic variants in cannabis hyperemesis syndrome-A case report.
Kuzin M., Xepapadakos F., Scharrer I., Augsburger M., Eap C.B., Schoretsanitis G., 2021/07. Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology, 129 (1) pp. 82-85. Peer-reviewed.
Triangulating evidence from longitudinal and Mendelian randomization studies of metabolomic biomarkers for type 2 diabetes.
Porcu E., Gilardi F., Darrous L., Yengo L., Bararpour N., Gasser M., Marques-Vidal P., Froguel P., Waeber G., Thomas A. et al., 2021/03/18. Scientific reports, 11 (1) p. 6197. Peer-reviewed.
DBnorm as an R package for the comparison and selection of appropriate statistical methods for batch effect correction in metabolomic studies.
Bararpour N., Gilardi F., Carmeli C., Sidibe J., Ivanisevic J., Caputo T., Augsburger M., Grabherr S., Desvergne B., Guex N. et al., 2021/03/11. Scientific reports, 11 (1) p. 5657. Peer-reviewed.
Detecting early myocardial ischemia in rat heart by MALDI imaging mass spectrometry.
Aljakna Khan A., Bararpour N., Gorka M., Joye T., Morel S., Montessuit C.A., Grabherr S., Fracasso T., Augsburger M., Kwak B.R. et al., 2021/03/04. Scientific reports, 11 (1) p. 5135. Peer-reviewed.
Isotonitazene: Fatal intoxication in three cases involving this unreported novel psychoactive substance in Switzerland.
Mueller F., Bogdal C., Pfeiffer B., Andrello L., Ceschi A., Thomas A., Grata E., 2021/03. Forensic science international, 320 p. 110686. Peer-reviewed.
Sphingosine-1-phosphate as a key player of insulin secretion induced by high-density lipoprotein treatment.
Brulhart-Meynet M.C., Thomas A., Sidibé J., Visentin F., Dusaulcy R., Schwitzgebel V., Pataky Z., Philippe J., Vuilleumier N., James R.W. et al., 2021/03. Physiological reports, 9 (6) pp. e14786. Peer-reviewed.
The 1β-Hydroxy-Deoxycholic Acid to Deoxycholic Acid Urinary Metabolic Ratio: Toward a Phenotyping of CYP3A Using an Endogenous Marker?
Magliocco G., Desmeules J., Bosilkovska M., Thomas A., Daali Y., 2021/02/20. Journal of personalized medicine, 11 (2) p. 150. Peer-reviewed.
Anti-adipogenic signals at the onset of obesity-related inflammation in white adipose tissue.
Caputo T., Tran VDT, Bararpour N., Winkler C., Aguileta G., Trang KB, Giordano Attianese GMP, Wilson A., Thomas A., Pagni M. et al., 2021/01. Cellular and molecular life sciences, 78 (1) pp. 227-247. Peer-reviewed.
Vascular-targeted micelles as a specific MRI contrast agent for molecular imaging of fibrin clots and cancer cells.
Vorobiev V., Adriouach S., Crowe L.A., Lenglet S., Thomas A., Chauvin A.S., Allémann E., 2021/01. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, 158 pp. 347-358. Peer-reviewed.
Performance of self-reported measures of alcohol use and of harmful drinking patterns against ethyl glucuronide hair testing among young Swiss men.
Iglesias K., Lannoy S., Sporkert F., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., Baggio S., 2020/12/23. PloS one, 15 (12) pp. e0244336. Peer-reviewed.
Human skin permeation rates ex vivo following exposures to mixtures of glycol ethers.
Berthet A., Oltramare C., Spring P., Hechon J., Hopf NB, 2020/12/15. Toxicology letters, 335 pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Research on the feasibility of applying magnetic nanoparticle ferrofluid(MNPF) to postmortem MR angiography (PMMRA)
Xia Z., Bruguier C., Dedouit F., Grabherr S., Augsburger M., Liu B., 2020/12/01. Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine, 35 (6) pp. 576-581. Peer-reviewed.
Reusability of filtering facepiece respirators after decontamination through drying and germicidal UV irradiation.
Vernez D., Save J., Oppliger A., Concha-Lozano N., Hopf N.B., Niculita-Hirzel H., Resch G., Michaud V., Dorange-Pattoret L., Charrière N. et al., 2020/10. BMJ global health, 5 (10) pp. e003110. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation post-mortem du statut nutritionnel chez un nourrisson par dosage des marqueurs biochimiques dans le sang et le sérum et criblage des oligo-éléments dans les cheveux [Postmortem assessment of nutritional status in an infant by biochemistry and screening for trace elements in hair]
Pélissier-Alicot AL, Palmière C., Kintz P., Augsburger M., Tuchtan-Torrents L., Garcia P., Baillif-Couniou V., Sastre C., Piercecchi MD, Léonetti G., 2020/09. Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 32 (3) pp. 217-222. Peer-reviewed.
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: A Single Parallel Monitoring-Based Quantification Approach on Whole Blood.
Joye T., Rocher K., Déglon J., Sidibé J., Favrat B., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2020/08/26. Frontiers in chemistry, 8 p. 626. Peer-reviewed.
High-Throughput Qualitative and Quantitative Drug Checking by MALDI HRMS.
Joye T., Widmer C., Morger Mégevand R., Longère S., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2020/08/25. Frontiers in chemistry, 8 p. 695. Peer-reviewed.
Oleic Acid (OA), A Potential Dual Contrast Agent for Postmortem MR Angiography (PMMRA): A Pilot Study.
Xia Z, Bruguier C., Dedouit F., Grabherr S., Augsburger M., Liu B, 2020/08. Current medical science, 40 (4) pp. 786-794. Peer-reviewed.
Parallel Reaction Monitoring-Based Quantification of Cannabinoids in Whole Blood.
Joye T., Widmer C., Favrat B., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2020/07/31. Journal of analytical toxicology, 44 (6) pp. 541-548. Peer-reviewed.
Renal handling of zinc in chronic kidney disease patients and the role of circulating zinc levels in renal function decline.
Damianaki K., Lourenco JM, Braconnier P., Ghobril JP, Devuyst O., Burnier M., Lenglet S., Augsburger M., Thomas A., Pruijm M., 2020/07/01. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, 35 (7) pp. 1163-1170. Peer-reviewed.
Screening for alcohol use disorder among individuals with comorbid psychiatric disorders: Diagnostic accuracy in a sample of young Swiss men.
Baggio S., Baudat S., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., Heller P., Perroud N., Rothen S., Sporkert F., Studer J., Wolff H. et al., 2020/07. Addictive behaviors, 106 p. 106354. Peer-reviewed.
Tolylfluanid permeates human skin slowly and as dimethylamino sulfotoluidid (DMST).
Berthet A., Hechon J., Hopf NB, 2020/05/15. Toxicology letters, 324 pp. 38-45. Peer-reviewed.
Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Relation to Plasma and Urinary Manganese.
Zhang ZY, Carmeli C., Ponte B., Pruijm M., Ackermann D., Ehret G., Guessous I., Petrović D., Pechère-Bertschi A., Vogt B. et al., 2020/04. Hypertension, 75 (4) pp. 1133-1139. Peer-reviewed.
Substances injected at the Sydney supervised injecting facility: A chemical analysis of used injecting equipment and comparison with self-reported drug type.
Lefrancois E., Belackova V., Silins E., Latimer J., Jauncey M., Shimmon R., Mozaner Bordin D., Augsburger M., Esseiva P., Roux C. et al., 2020/04/01. Drug and alcohol dependence, 209 p. 107909. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying an accurate self-reported screening tool for alcohol use disorder: evidence from a Swiss, male population-based assessment.
Baggio S., Trächsel B., Rousson V., Rothen S., Studer J., Marmet S., Heller P., Sporkert F., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G. et al., 2020/03. Addiction, 115 (3) pp. 426-436. Peer-reviewed.
Visualization and normalization of drift effect across batches in metabolome-wide association studies
Bararpour N., Gilardi F., Carmeli C., Sidibe J., Ivanisevic J., Caputo T., Augsburger M., Grabherr S., Desvergne B., Guex N. et al., 2020/01/22..
New strategy for carbon monoxide poisoning diagnosis: Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) vs Total Blood Carbon Monoxide (TBCO).
Oliverio S., Varlet V., 2020/01. Forensic science international, 306 p. 110063. Peer-reviewed.
What are the limitations of methods to measure carbon monoxide in biological samples?
Oliverio Stefania, Varlet Vincent, 2020/01. Forensic Toxicology, 38 (1) pp. 1-14. Peer-reviewed.
Phenotyping of Human CYP450 Enzymes by Endobiotics: Current Knowledge and Methodological Approaches.
Magliocco G., Thomas A., Desmeules J., Daali Y., 2019/11. Clinical pharmacokinetics, 58 (11) pp. 1373-1391. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacokinetics and biodistribution study of self-assembled Gd-micelles demonstrating blood-pool contrast enhancement for MRI.
Vorobiev V., Babič A., Crowe L.A., Van De Looij Y., Lenglet S., Thomas A., Helm L., Vallée J.P., Allémann E., 2019/09/10. International journal of pharmaceutics, 568 p. 118496. Peer-reviewed.
Biomarkers of Cerebral Damage in Fatal Hypothermia: Preliminary Results.
Morleo B., Teresinski G., Rousseau G., Tse R., Tettamanti C., Augsburger M., Palmiere C., 2019/09. The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology, 40 (3) pp. 242-245. Peer-reviewed.
Ethanolamines permeate slowly across human skin ex vivo, but cause severe skin irritation at low concentrations.
Hopf N.B., Spring P., Plateel G., Berthet A., 2019/09. Archives of toxicology, 93 (9) pp. 2555-2564. Peer-reviewed.
Liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry for broad-spectrum drug screening of dried blood spot as microsampling procedure.
Joye T., Sidibé J., Déglon J., Karmime A., Sporkert F., Widmer C., Favrat B., Lescuyer P., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2019/07/31. Analytica chimica acta, 1063 pp. 110-116. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of sample preparation upon intracellular metabolite measurements in 3D cell culture systems.
Mathon C., Bovard D., Dutertre Q., Sendyk S., Bentley M., Hoeng J., Knorr A., 2019/06/12. Metabolomics, 15 (6) p. 92. Peer-reviewed.
Nouveaux marqueurs biologiquesde la consommation d’alcool [New biomarkers of alcohol use]
Angulo Aguilar A., Bamert L., Sporkert F., Bertholet N., 2019/06/05. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (654) pp. 1173-1176. Peer-reviewed.
Systemic PPARγ deletion in mice provokes lipoatrophy, organomegaly, severe type 2 diabetes and metabolic inflexibility.
Gilardi F., Winkler C., Quignodon L., Diserens J.G., Toffoli B., Schiffrin M., Sardella C., Preitner F., Desvergne B., 2019/06. Metabolism, 95 pp. 8-20. Peer-reviewed.
L'if, un conifère ornemental parfois fatal
Bonjour Thierry, Varlet Vincent, Augsburger Marc, Pagani Jean-Luc, Pantet Olivier, 2019/04/24. Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum, 19 (17-18) pp. 303-305. Peer-reviewed.
2-Arachidonoylglycerol mobilizes myeloid cells and worsens heart function after acute myocardial infarction.
Schloss M.J., Horckmans M., Guillamat-Prats R., Hering D., Lauer E., Lenglet S., Weber C., Thomas A., Steffens S., 2019/03/01. Cardiovascular research, 115 (3) pp. 602-613. Peer-reviewed.
In situ metabolomic changes in rat hippocampus after acute cocaine administration
Joye T., Bararpour N., Augsburger M., Boutrel B., Thomas A., 2019/03. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 437 pp. 87-91. Peer-reviewed.
Le monitorage de la consommation de stupéfiants: la différence d’approche entre criminologie et criminalistique. La plus-value d’une approche combinée à l’analyse du contenu des seringues usagées.
Lefrancois Elodie, Augsburger Marc, Esseiva Pierre, 2019/03. Revue Internationale de CRIMINOLOGIE et de POLICE Technique et Scientifique, LXXII (1) pp. 23 - 31. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular composition of fingermarks: Assessment of the intra- and inter-variability in a small group of donors using MALDI-MSI
Gorka M., Augsburger Marc., Thomas A., Bécue A., 2019/03. Forensic Chemistry, 12 pp. 99-106. Peer-reviewed.
Total Blood Carbon Monoxide: Alternative to Carboxyhemoglobin as Biological Marker for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Determination.
Oliverio S., Varlet V., 2019/03/01. Journal of analytical toxicology, 43 (2) pp. 79-87. Peer-reviewed.
Deficiency of Monoacylglycerol Lipase Enhances IgM Plasma Levels and Limits Atherogenesis in a CB2-Dependent Manner.
Guillamat Prats R., Rami M., Ring L., Rinne P., Lauer E., Lenglet S., Thomas A., Pagano S., Vuilleumier N., Cravatt B.F. et al., 2019/02. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 119 (2) pp. 348-351. Peer-reviewed.
Iron is neurotoxic in retinal detachment and transferrin confers neuroprotection.
Daruich A., Le Rouzic Q., Jonet L., Naud M.C., Kowalczuk L., Pournaras J.A., Boatright J.H., Thomas A., Turck N., Moulin A. et al., 2019/01. Science advances, 5 (1) pp. eaau9940. Peer-reviewed.
Multiplex quantitative imaging of human myocardial infarction by mass spectrometry-immunohistochemistry.
Aljakna A., Lauer E., Lenglet S., Grabherr S., Fracasso T., Augsburger M., Sabatasso S., Thomas A., 2018/11. International journal of legal medicine, 132 (6) pp. 1675-1684. Peer-reviewed.
Der rätselhafte Mumienfund aus der Barfüsserkirche in Basel. Ein aussergewöhnliches Beispiel interdisziplinärer Familienforschung.
Hotz G., Augsburger M., Briellmann T., Bircher A., Castella V., Fiechter R, Friedrich HU, Gamma ML, Gysin D., Haas O. et al., 2018/10/01. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Familienforschung, 2018 pp. 1-30.
XCMS-MRM and METLIN-MRM: a cloud library and public resource for targeted analysis of small molecules.
Domingo-Almenara X., Montenegro-Burke J.R., Ivanisevic J., Thomas A., Sidibé J., Teav T., Guijas C., Aisporna A.E., Rinehart D., Hoang L. et al., 2018/09. Nature methods, 15 (9) pp. 681-684. Peer-reviewed.
Xenon detection in human blood: Analytical validation by accuracy profile and identification of critical storage parameters.
Frampas C., Ney J., Coburn M., Augsburger M., Varlet V., 2018/08. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 58 pp. 14-19. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of self-reported measures of alcohol-related dependence among young Swiss men: a study protocol for a cross-sectional controlled sample.
Iglesias K., Sporkert F., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., Baggio S., 2018/07/16. BMJ open, 8 (7) pp. e023632. Peer-reviewed.
Carbon monoxide analysis method in human blood by Airtight Gas Syringe - Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (AGS-GC-MS): Relevance for postmortem poisoning diagnosis.
Oliverio S., Varlet V., 2018/07/15. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, 1090 pp. 81-89. Peer-reviewed.
Critical analysis of forensic cut-offs and legal thresholds: A coherent approach to inference and decision.
Biedermann A., Taroni F., Bozza S., Augsburger M., Aitken CGG, 2018/07. Forensic science international, 288 pp. 72-80. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of CYP2D6 Functional Allelic Variations on Phenoconversion and Drug-Drug Interactions.
Storelli F., Matthey A., Lenglet S., Thomas A., Desmeules J., Daali Y., 2018/07. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 104 (1) pp. 148-157. Peer-reviewed.
The determination of ethyl glucuronide in hair: Experiences from nine consecutive interlaboratory comparison rounds.
Becker R., Lô I., Sporkert F., Baumgartner M., 2018/07. Forensic science international, 288 pp. 67-71. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse du phosphatidyléthanol sur micro-prélèvement de sang séché : nouvel outil pour le suivi de la consommation d'alcool
Déglon J., Lauer E., Sporkert F., Valois N., Favrat B., Thomas A., Augsburger M., 2018/06. pp. S42-S43 dans 26e Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique Marseille, 5-8 juin 2018, Toxicologie analytique et clinique, Elsevier BV.
Cannabis légal riche en CBD et cannabis illicite riche en THC en Suisse, peut-on différencier leur consommation dans le sang et l'urine ?
Augsburger M., Sporkert F., Varlet V., Widmer C., Déglon J., Thomas A., 2018/06. pp. S21-S22 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
Développement et intérêt de l'approche ciblée pour l'analyse métabolomique
Sidibé J., Gallart Ayala H., Augsburger M., Ivanisevic J., Thomas A., 2018/06. pp. S31-S32 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
Intoxication fatale au Diuron
Widmer C., Descloux E., Augsburger M., 2018/06. pp. S64-S65 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
Métabolomique et autres omiques en toxicologie : approches, applications et défis
Thomas A., 2018/06. pp. S30 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
Trace element intakes should be revisited in burn nutrition protocols: A cohort study.
Jafari P., Thomas A., Haselbach D., Watfa W., Pantet O., Michetti M., Raffoul W., Applegate L.A., Augsburger M., Berger M.M., 2018/06. Clinical nutrition, 37 (3) pp. 958-964. Peer-reviewed.
Vaporisation des cannabinoïdes : évaluation de deux vaporisateurs
Giroud C., Galé C., Furer M., Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Sporkert F., 2018/06. pp. S40-S41 dans 26e Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique Marseille, 5-8 juin 2018, Toxicologie analytique et clinique.
Évaluation du prélèvement de sang sur papier buvard analysé par UHPLC-HRMS pour le criblage large échelle de drogues et de médicaments
Joye T., Sidibe J., Déglon J., Karmime A., Sporkert F., Favrat B., Lescuyer P., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2018/06. pp. S79-S80 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
Drug residues in used syringes in Switzerland: A comparative study.
Lefrançois E., Augsburger M., Esseiva P., 2018/05. Drug testing and analysis, 10 (5) pp. 874-879. Peer-reviewed.
High-density lipoprotein from end-stage renal disease patients exhibits superior cardioprotection and increase in sphingosine-1-phosphate.
Brinck J.W., Thomas A., Brulhart-Meynet M.C., Lauer E., Frej C., Dahlbäck B., Stenvinkel P., James R.W., Frias M.A., 2018/02. European journal of clinical investigation, 48 (2) pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Stability of postmortem methemoglobin: Artifactual changes caused by storage conditions.
Varlet V., Ryser E., Augsburger M., Palmiere C., 2018/02. Forensic science international, 283 pp. 21-28. Peer-reviewed.
Beneficial Effects of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells on Porcine Hepatocyte Viability and Albumin Secretion.
Montanari E., Pimenta J., Szabó L., Noverraz F., Passemard S., Meier RPH, Meyer J., Sidibe J., Thomas A., Schuurman H.J. et al., 2018. Journal of immunology research, 2018 p. 1078547. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of a Weight Loss Program on Metabolic Syndrome, Eating Disorders and Psychological Outcomes: Mediation by Endocannabinoids?
Pataky Z., Carrard I., Gay V., Thomas A., Carpentier A., Bobbioni-Harsch E., Golay A., 2018. Obesity facts, 11 (2) pp. 144-156. Peer-reviewed.
Legal medicine in the western Switzerland [Oрганизация судебно-медицинской деятельности на западе швейцарии]
Grabherr S., Augsburger M., 2018. State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 6 (1) pp. 14-17.
Metabolomics as a Tool to Understand Pathophysiological Processes
Ivanisevic Julijana, Thomas Aurelien, 2018. pp. 3-28 dans Clinical Metabolomics chap. 1, Springer New York.
Proteome and Metabolome of Subretinal Fluid in Central Serous Chorioretinopathy and Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: A Pilot Case Study.
Kowalczuk L., Matet A., Dor M., Bararpour N., Daruich A., Dirani A., Behar-Cohen F., Thomas A., Turck N., 2018/01. Translational vision science & technology, 7 (1) p. 3. Peer-reviewed.
Will Widespread Synthetic Opioid Consumption Induce Epigenetic Consequences in Future Generations?
Gilardi F., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2018. Frontiers in pharmacology, 9 p. 702. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring venlafaxine pharmacokinetic variability with a phenotyping approach, a multicentric french-swiss study (MARVEL study).
Lloret-Linares C., Daali Y., Chevret S., Nieto I., Molière F., Courtet P., Galtier F., Richieri R.M., Morange S., Llorca P.M. et al., 2017/11/07. BMC pharmacology & toxicology, 18 (1) p. 70. Peer-reviewed.
In vivo neurochemical measurements in cerebral tissues using a droplet-based monitoring system.
Petit-Pierre G., Colin P., Laurer E., Déglon J., Bertsch A., Thomas A., Schneider B.L., Renaud P., 2017/11/01. Nature communications, 8 (1) p. 1239. Peer-reviewed.
Volatile lipophilic substances management in case of fatal sniffing.
Romolo F.S., di Luca N.M., Ciallella C., Bottoni E., Fiore P.A., Cappelletti S., Giuliani N., Augsburger M., Varlet V., 2017/11. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 52 pp. 35-39. Peer-reviewed.
PoB-35: The 2-arachidonoylglyercol/cannabinoid receptor 2 axis regulates bone marrow mobilization and myeloid cell recruitment after myocardial infarction
Horckmans M., Schloss M., Bianchini M., Megens R., Ring L., Thomas A., Lauer E., Lenglet S., Weber C., Duchene J. et al., 2017/10/11., 2nd Joint Meeting of the European-Society-for-Microcirculation (ESM) and European-Vascular-Biology-Organisation (EVBO) pp. 59-59 dans Journal of Vascular Research.
4789: Transcriptome and metabolome analysis in patients with retinitis pigmentosa caused by mutations in pre-mRNA splicing factor genes
Balzano S., Prunotto A., Thomas A., Rivolta C., 2017/09/30., Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp. - dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.
Commentary on current changes of the SoHT 2016 consensus on alcohol markers in hair and further background information.
Pragst F., Suesse S., Salomone A., Vincenti M., Cirimele V., Hazon J., Tsanaclis L., Kingston R., Sporkert F., Baumgartner M.R., 2017/09. Forensic science international, 278 pp. 326-333. Peer-reviewed.
Xenon: From medical applications to doping uses
Frampas C., Augsburger M., Varlet V., 2017/09. Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 29 (3) pp. 309-319. Peer-reviewed.
A minimally-invasive internal gas reservoir monitoring method for postmortem examinations
Perrault KA, Stefanuto PH, Dubois LN, Varlet V., Grabherr S., Focant JF, 2017/08/31., 21st Triennial Meeting of the International-Association-of-Forensic-Sciences (IAFS) p. 231 dans Forensic Science International.
A preclinical model for identifying rats at risk of alcohol use disorder.
Jadhav K.S., Magistretti P.J., Halfon O., Augsburger M., Boutrel B., 2017/08/25. Scientific reports, 7 (1) p. 9454. Peer-reviewed.
Endocan concentrations in postmortem serum, vitreous humor and urine in victims of lethal hypothermia.
Descloux E., Augsburger M., Teresiński G., Hejna P., Grouzmann E., Scarpelli M.P., Hervet T., Palmiere C., 2017/08. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 50 pp. 39-43. Peer-reviewed.
A minimally-invasive method for profiling volatile organic compounds within postmortem internal gas reservoirs.
Perrault K.A., Stefanuto P.H., Dubois L.M., Varlet V., Grabherr S., Focant J.F., 2017/06/15. International journal of legal medicine pp. 1271-1281. Peer-reviewed.
Le marché des stupéfiants dans le canton de Vaud. Partie 1 : les opioïdes
Zobel F., Esseiva P., Udrisard R., Lociciro S., Samitca S., 2017/06. 172, Lausanne: Addiction Suisse/Ecole des sciences criminelles/Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive..
Understanding scuba diving fatalities: carbon dioxide concentrations in intra-cardiac gas.
Varlet V., Dominguez A., Augsburger M., Lossois M., Egger C., Palmiere C., Vilarino R., Grabherr S., 2017/06. Diving and hyperbaric medicine, 47 (2) pp. 75-81. Peer-reviewed.
Conduite sous l'influence de nouveaux psychotropes de synthèse amphétaminiques, une nouvelle tendance en Suisse ?
Widmer C., Sidibe J., Lauer E., Thomas A., Augsburger M., 2017/05. pp. S25 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
Disturbances of glucose metabolism associated with the use of psychotropic drugs: A post-mortem evaluation.
Palmiere C., Augsburger M., Varlet V., 2017/05. Forensic science international, 274 pp. 33-37. Peer-reviewed.
Fatal hemorrhage following sacroiliac joint fusion surgery: A case report.
Palmiere C., Augsburger M., Del Mar Lesta M., Grabherr S., Borens O., 2017/05. Legal medicine, 26 pp. 102-105. Peer-reviewed.
Fatal intravenous injection of potassium: Is postmortem biochemistry useful for the diagnosis?
Palmiere C., Scarpelli M.P., Varlet V., Baumann P., Michaud K., Augsburger M., 2017/05. Forensic science international, 274 pp. 27-32. Peer-reviewed.
Un cas peu commun d'intoxication sous-cutanée par le mercure métallique (Hg 0 ) liquide
Augsburger M., Thomas A., Vollenweider P., 2017/05. pp. S39 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
Variantes suisses de « purple drank » : quand le sirop pour la toux devient mortel…
Varlet V., Klinguer P., Augsburger M., Grabherr S., 2017/05. pp. S44-S45 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
A fatal case of oxygen embolism in a hospital
Comment L., Varlet V., Ducrot K., Grabherr S., 2017/04/03. Forensic Sciences Research, 2 (2) pp. 100-106. Peer-reviewed.
Plasma palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) as a potential biomarker for impaired coronary function.
Quercioli A., Carbone F., Bonaventura A., Liberale L., Pataky Z., Thomas A., Lenglet S., Lauer E., Golay A., Dallegri F. et al., 2017/03/15. International journal of cardiology, 231 pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of Cannabis Acute Effects on Driving Skills: Laboratory, Simulator, and On-Road Studies
Bondallaz P., Chtioui H., Favrat B., Fornari E., Giroud C., Maeder P., 2017. pp. 379-390 dans Handbook of Cannabis and Related Pathologies chap. 39, Elsevier BV.
High-density lipoprotein-associated sphingosine-1-phosphate activity in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia.
Frias M.A., Thomas A., Brulhart-Meynet M.C., Kövamees O., Pernow J., Eriksson M., Angelin B., James R.W., Brinck J.W., 2017/01. European journal of clinical investigation, 47 (1) pp. 38-43. Peer-reviewed.
Omics in Forensic Toxicology a Bridge Towards Forensic Medicine
Bararpour Nasim, Sporkert Frank, Augsburger Marc, Thomas Aurélien, 2017., Springer International Publishing.
Drug Vaping: From the Dangers of Misuse to New Therapeutic Devices.
Varlet V., 2016/12/16. Toxics, 4 (4) pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
A systematic review of passive exposure to cannabis
Berthet Aurélie, De Cesare Mariangela, Favrat Bernard, Sporkert Frank, Augsburger Marc, Thomas Aurélien, Giroud Christian, 2016/12. Forensic Science International, 269 pp. 97-112. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of pathological response to therapy using lipid mass spectrometry imaging.
Patterson N.H., Alabdulkarim B., Lazaris A., Thomas A., Marcinkiewicz M.M., Gao Z.H., Vermeulen P.B., Chaurand P., Metrakos P., 2016/11/14. Scientific reports, 6 p. 36814. Peer-reviewed.
Cannabis and its effects on driving skills.
Bondallaz P., Favrat B., Chtioui H., Fornari E., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2016/11. Forensic science international, 268 pp. 92-102. Peer-reviewed.
Le point sur l’éthanol (alcool éthylique) et l’interprétation forensique
Augsburger M., Favrat B., 2016/11. Praxis, 105 (24) pp. 1421-1425. Peer-reviewed.
Suicide à l'hélium : les erreurs à éviter [Suicide with helium: Mistakes to avoid!]
Alexandre M., Rondepierre L., Matthieu O., Varlet V., Peyron P.-A., Baccino E., 2016/11. La Revue de Médecine Légale, 8 (2) pp. 68–72. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing cannabis consumption frequency: Is the combined use of free and glucuronidated THCCOOH blood levels of diagnostic utility?
Hädener M., Martin Fabritius M., König S., Giroud C., Weinmann W., 2016/10/12. Drug testing and analysis pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of residual content of used syringes collected from low threshold facilities in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Lefrançois E., Esseiva P., Gervasoni J.P., Lucia S., Zobel F., Augsburger M., 2016/09. Forensic science international, 266 pp. 534-540. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem Internal Gas Reservoir Monitoring Using GC×GC-HRTOF-MS
Stefanuto Pierre-Hugues, Perrault Katelynn, Grabherr Silke, Varlet Vincent, Focant Jean-François, 2016/08/17. Separations, 3 (3) p. 24. Peer-reviewed.
Imaging mass spectrometry of elements in forensic cases by LA-ICP-MS.
Lauer E., Villa M., Jotterand M., Vilarino R., Bollmann M., Michaud K., Grabherr S., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2016/08/10. International journal of legal medicine pp. 1-4. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem biochemistry in suspected starvation-induced ketoacidosis.
Palmiere C., Tettamanti C., Augsburger M., Burkhardt S., Sabatasso S., Lardi C., Werner D., 2016/08. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 42 pp. 51-55. Peer-reviewed.
A1: Validation of the Geneva cocktail for cytochrome P450 phenotyping using innovative dried blood sampling method
Bosilkovska M., Samer C.F., Deglon J., Thomas A., Desmeules J.A., Daali Y., 2016/07/15. pp. 21-22 dans 20th North American Meeting of the International-Society-for-the-Study-of-Xenobiotics, Drug Metabolism Reviews.
Drug vaping applied to cannabis: Is "Cannavaping" a therapeutic alternative to marijuana?
Varlet V., Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Berthet Aurélie, Plateel Gregory, Favrat B., De Cesare M., Lauer E., Augsburger M., Thomas A., Giroud C., 2016/05/26. Scientific Reports, 6 p. 25599. Peer-reviewed.
(210)Po poisoning as possible cause of death: forensic investigations and toxicological analysis of the remains of Yasser Arafat.
Froidevaux P., Bochud F., Baechler S., Castella V., Augsburger M., Bailat C., Michaud K., Straub M., Pecchia M., Jenk T.M. et al., 2016/02. Forensic science international, 259 pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of transport and time on blood variables commonly measured for the athlete biological passport.
Robinson N., Giraud S., Schumacher Y.O., Saugy M., 2016/02. Drug testing and analysis, 8 (2) pp. 199-207. Peer-reviewed.
(MA)LDI MS Imaging at High Specificity and Sensitivity
Thomas A., Heath Patterson N., Dufresne M., Chaurand P., 2016. pp. 129-147 dans Advances in MALDI and Laser-Induced Soft Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Springer.
038: Médicaments ou poisons ? Analyses de préparations pharmaceutiques datant d'un siècle
Augsburger M., Künzi CA, Golay L., 2016. pp. S29-S30 dans 24e congrès annuel de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique, Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique. Peer-reviewed.
Diabetes Mellitus Is Associated With Reduced High-Density Lipoprotein Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Content and Impaired High-Density Lipoprotein Cardiac Cell Protection.
Brinck J.W., Thomas A., Lauer E., Jornayvaz F.R., Brulhart-Meynet M.C., Prost J.C., Pataky Z., Löfgren P., Hoffstedt J., Eriksson M. et al., 2016. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 36 (5) pp. 817-824. Peer-reviewed.
E-cigarette and cannabis: assessment of passive exposure
Berthet Aurélie, De Cesare Mariangela, Varlet Vincent, Favrat Bernard, Giroud Christian, Augsburger Marc, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Thomas Aurélien, 2016. p. 564 dans 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 13-17, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana, The Toxicologist : an official publication of the Society of Toxicology. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of Mutual Drug-Drug Interaction within Geneva Cocktail for Cytochrome P450 Phenotyping using Innovative Dried Blood Sampling Method.
Bosilkovska M., Samer C., Déglon J., Thomas A., Walder B., Desmeules J., Daali Y., 2016. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 119 (3) pp. 284-290. Peer-reviewed.
GOP-10: Post-mortem diagnosis of myocardial ischemia. A feasibility study on the application of LA-ICP MS, with multiplex quantitative imaging
Sabatasso S., Lauer E., Fracasso T., Lenglet S., Villa M., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2016. dans IALM intersocietal symposium. Peer-reviewed.
Methods for Doping Detection.
Ponzetto F., Giraud S., Leuenberger N., Boccard J., Nicoli R., Baume N., Rudaz S., Saugy M., 2016. pp. 153-167 dans Sports Endocrinology, Karger.
O40: Cannavaping : vapotage récréatif de stupéfiants ou nouveau mode d'administration de médicaments?
Varlet Vincent, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Berthet Aurélie, Thomas Aurélien, Augsburger Marc, Giroud Christian, 2016. pp. S30-S31 dans 24e Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique, Toxicologie analytique et clinique. Peer-reviewed.
Quantification of fatal helium exposure following self-administration.
Malbranque S., Mauillon D., Turcant A., Rouge-Maillart C., Mangin P., Varlet V., 2016. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 130 (6) pp. 1535-1539. Peer-reviewed.
Systematic evaluation of matrix effects in hydrophilic interaction chromatography versus reversed phase liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.
Periat A., Kohler I., Thomas A., Nicoli R., Boccard J., Veuthey J.L., Schappler J., Guillarme D., 2016. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1439 pp. 42-53. Peer-reviewed.
Systemic metal Ion levels in patients with modular-neck stems : a prospective Cohort Study.
Laurençon J., Augsburger M., Faouzi M., Becce F., Hassani H., Rüdiger H.A., 2016. Journal of Arthroplasty, 31 (8) pp. 1750-1755. Peer-reviewed.
Three-dimensional imaging MS of lipids in atherosclerotic plaques: Open-source methods for reconstruction and analysis.
Patterson N.H., Doonan R.J., Daskalopoulou S.S., Dufresne M., Lenglet S., Montecucco F., Thomas A., Chaurand P., 2016. Proteomics, 16 (11-12) pp. 1642-1651. Peer-reviewed.
The Place of Gas Analysis in Forensic Toxicology
Vincent Varlet, 2015/12/17. Forensic, Legal & Investigative Sciences, 1 (1) pp. 1-4. Peer-reviewed.
Phosphatidyl-éthanol: un nouveau bio-marqueur direct d’abus d’alcool
Sporkert F., 2015/12/09., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale (CURML), Lausanne, 09 décembre 2015.
E-cigarettes: a review of new trends in cannabis use
Giroud C., de Cesare M., Berthet Aurélie, Varlet V., Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Favrat B., 2015/08/21. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (8) pp. 9988-10008. Peer-reviewed.
Distinction entre fumeurs occasionnels et réguliers de cannabis : le dosage du THCCOOH-glucuronide permet-il un meilleur diagnostic ?
Martin-Fabritius M., Hädener M., König S., Weinmann W., Giroud C., 2015/06. pp. S21 dans Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, Elsevier BV.
Via Sicura : les nouvelles mesures et leurs conséquences au quotidien
Augsburger M., De Cesare M., 2015/02., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale (CURML), Lausanne, 25 février 2015.
Antidoping programme and biological monitoring before and during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil.
Baume N., Jan N., Emery C., Mandanis B., Schweizer C., Giraud S., Leuenberger N., Marclay F., Nicoli R., Perrenoud L. et al., 2015. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49 (9) pp. 614-622. Peer-reviewed.
Blood monitoring of perfluorocarbon compounds (F-tert-butylcyclohexane, perfluoromethyldecalin and perfluorodecalin) by headspace-gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
Giuliani N., Saugy M., Augsburger M., Varlet V., 2015. Talanta, 144 pp. 196-203. Peer-reviewed.
Cardioinhibitory reflex due to a karate kick: a case report.
de Froidmont S., Lobrinus J.A., Michaud K., Palmiere C., Augsburger M.P., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2015. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 36 (2) pp. 79-83. Peer-reviewed.
Current approaches and challenges for the metabolite profiling of complex natural extracts.
Wolfender J.L., Marti G., Thomas A., Bertrand S., 2015. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1382C pp. 136-164. Peer-reviewed.
Distinction entre fumeurs occasionnels et réguliers de cannabis : le dosage du THCCOOHglucuronide permet-il un meilleur diagnostic ? (015)
Martin-Fabritius M., Hädener M., König S., Weinmann W., Giroud C., 2015. pp. S21 dans 23ème Congrès SFTA & 53ème Congrès STC, Toxicologie Analytique & Clinique.
Dual-energy CT behavior of heroin, cocaine, and typical adulterants.
Laberke P.J., Fornaro J., Kim S.K., Blum S., Augsburger M., Alkadhi H., Wildermuth S., Hausmann R., Leschka S., 2015. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 11 (1) pp. 20-28. Peer-reviewed.
Gastric bypass in morbid obese patients is associated with reduction in adipose tissue inflammation via N-oleoylethanolamide (OEA)-mediated pathways.
Montecucco F., Lenglet S., Quercioli A., Burger F., Thomas A., Lauer E., da Silva A.R., Mach F., Vuilleumier N., Bobbioni-Harsch E. et al., 2015. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 113 (4) pp. 838-850. Peer-reviewed.
Hydrogen sulfide measurement by headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS): application to gaseous samples and gas dissolved in muscle.
Varlet V., Giuliani N., Palmiere C., Maujean G., Augsburger M., 2015. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 39 (1) pp. 52-57. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of pyridine analogs as new predator-derived kairomones.
Brechbühl J., Moine F., Tosato M.N., Sporkert F., Broillet M.C., 2015. Frontiers In Neuroscience, 9 p. 253. Peer-reviewed.
Improving Reconstituted HDL Composition for Efficient Post-Ischemic Reduction of Ischemia Reperfusion Injury.
Brulhart-Meynet M.C., Braunersreuther V., Brinck J., Montecucco F., Prost J.C., Thomas A., Galan K., Pelli G., Pedretti S., Vuilleumier N. et al., 2015. Plos One, 10 (3) pp. e0119664. Peer-reviewed.
Indirect hydrogen monitoring by chemi-ionisation following an associative ionisation pathway after metastable helium atoms production by electron impact ionisation: Protonation and deuteration of carrier gas
Varlet V., Guiliani N., Augsburger M., 2015. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 376 pp. 27-31. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement of apolipoprotein M in sepsis-related deaths.
Palmiere C., Bonsignore A., Augsburger M., 2015. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 53 (4) pp. e93-e96. Peer-reviewed.
Médicaments psychoactifs et conduite automobile
Augsburger M., Favrat B., 2015. Dépendances, 55 pp. 18-20. Peer-reviewed.
New microfluidic-based sampling procedure for overcoming the hematocrit problem associated with dried blood spot analysis.
Leuthold L.A., Heudi O., Déglon J., Raccuglia M., Augsburger M., Picard F., Kretz O., Thomas A., 2015. Analytical Chemistry, 87 (4) pp. 2068-2071. Peer-reviewed.
Pancreatic stone protein as a postmortem biochemical marker for the diagnosis of sepsis.
Palmiere C., Augsburger M., 2015. Legal Medicine, 17 (1) pp. 9-13. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem computed tomography angiography, contrast medium administration and toxicological analyses in urine.
Palmiere C., Grabherr S., Augsburger M., 2015. Legal Medicine, 17 (3) pp. 157-162. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem serum protein growth arrest-specific 6 levels in sepsis-related deaths.
Palmiere C., Augsburger M., 2015. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 129 (5) pp. 1079-1084. Peer-reviewed.
Potential missing steps for a wide use of dried matrix spots in biomedical analysis
Deglon J., Leuthold LA, Thomas A., 2015. Bioanalysis, 7 (18) pp. 2375-2385. Peer-reviewed.
Suicide par sulfure d'hydrogène et délai post mortem long : à propos d'un cas. [Suicide by hydrogen sulfide inhalation and significant post mortem delay: A case report].
Guineta T., Maliciera D., Varlet V., Maujeana G., 2015. Revue de Médecine Légale, 6 (1) pp. 33-39.
Toxicity assessment of refill liquids for electronic cigarettes.
Varlet V., Farsalinos K., Augsburger M., Thomas A., Etter J.F., 2015. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (5) pp. 4796-4815. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of an analytical method for nitrous oxide (N2O) laughing gas by headspace gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS): Forensic application to a lethal intoxication.
Giuliani N., Beyer J., Augsburger M., Varlet V., 2015. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 983-984 pp. 90-93. Peer-reviewed.
When gas analysis assists with postmortem imaging to diagnose causes of death.
Varlet V., Smith F., Giuliani N., Egger C., Rinaldi A., Dominguez A., Chevallier C., Bruguier C., Augsburger M., Mangin P. et al., 2015. Forensic Science International, 251 pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term effects of cannabis on brain structure.
Battistella G., Fornari E., Annoni J.M., Chtioui H., Dao K., Fabritius M., Favrat B., Mall J.F., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2014/08. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39 (9) pp. 2041-2048. Peer-reviewed.
Toxic substances in blood: an analysis of current recommendations under a Bayesian (decision) approach
Taroni F., Biedermann A., Bozza S., Vuille J., Augsburger M., 2014/03/01. Law, Probability and Risk, 13 (1) pp. 27-45. Peer-reviewed.
38th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography
Stefanuto PH, Varlet V., Grabherr S., Focant JF, 2014. dans 38th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (ISCC).
Accuracy profile validation of a new analytical method for propane measurement using headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Smith F., Augsburger M., Varlet V., 2014. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 38 (2) pp. 73-79. Peer-reviewed.
Acute aortic dissection with carotid and coronary malperfusion: from imaging to pathology.
Lardi C., Lobrinus J.A., Doenz F., Fracasso T., Augsburger M., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2014. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 35 (3) pp. 157-162.
Acute coronary syndrome after levamisole-adultered cocaine abuse.
Michaud K., Grabherr S., Shiferaw K., Doenz F., Augsburger M., Mangin P., 2014/01. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 21 pp. 48-52. Peer-reviewed.
Advances in tissue section preparation for MALDI imaging MS
Thomas A., Chaurand P., 2014. Bioanalysis, 6 (7) pp. 967-982.
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis as the Cause of Death: Thomsen and Co-workers Came First.
Palmiere C., Augsburger M., 2014. Alcohol and Alcoholism (oxford, Oxfordshire), 49 (6) pp. 687-688.
Copeptin as a diagnostic biomarker for sepsis-related deaths.
Palmiere C., Augsburger M., 2014. Peptides, 59 pp. 75-78. Peer-reviewed.
Driving under the influence of cocaine or therapeutic administration of cocaine?
Augsburger M., Widmer C., Deglon J., Mangin P., 2014. pp. S21 dans Analytical, Clinical and Forensic Toxicology International Meeting, Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique.
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