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4058 publications

... | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | ...
The Swiss cohort study on substance use risk factors : findings of two waves
Gmel G., Akre C., Astudillo M., Bähler C., Baggio S., Bertholet N., Clair C., Cornuz J., Daeppen J.-B., Deline S. et al., 2015. Sucht, 61 (4) pp. 251-262. Peer-reviewed.
To confirm or to conform ? Performance goals as a regulator of conflict with more competent others
Sommet N., Darnon C., Butera F., 2015. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107 (2) pp. 580-598. Peer-reviewed.
To matter or not matter ? An overlooked key challenge for transition to retirement
Froidevaux A., Hirschi A., 2015. dans Proceedings of the Seventy-fifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Peer-reviewed, John Humphreys.
Un défi méthodologique dans l'approche des processus de changement des adolescents auteurs de violence sexuelle : entre données cliniques projectives et observations de groupe
Roman P., Lavèze F., Cuttelod T., 2015. dans L'agression sexuelle : réalités multiples, approches adaptées... : 8ème Congrès International Francophone sur les Agressions Sexuelles (CIFAS), Charleroi (Belgique), 3-5 juin 2015. Peer-reviewed.
Une approche explicative de l'âgisme : la théorie de la gestion de la terreur
Boudjemadi V., Posner A.B., Świątkowski W., 2015. pp. 21-50 dans Lagacé M. (eds.) Représentations et discours sur le vieillissement : la face cachée de l'âgisme ?, Presses de l'Université Laval.
Validation de la version française de l'Inventaire de Satisfaction Conjugale MSI-R
Brodard F., Charvoz L., Antonietti J.-Ph., Bodenmann G., Snyder D.K., Rossier J., 2015/01. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 47 (1) pp. 113-122. Peer-reviewed.
Validation française du School Burnout Inventory
Meylan N., Doudin P.-A., Antonietti J.-Ph., Stéphan P., 2015. Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée, 65 pp. 285-293. Peer-reviewed.
Vision, spatial cognition and intellectual disability.
Giuliani Fabienne, Schenk Françoise, 2015. Research In Developmental Disabilities, 37C pp. 202-208. Peer-reviewed.
Welfare support in Europe: Interplay of dependency culture beliefs and meritocratic contexts.
Likki T,, Staerklé C., 2015. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27 pp. 138-153. Peer-reviewed.
Work-life balance vulnerabilities and resources for women in Switzerland : Results from a national study
Stauffer S. D., Maggiori C., Johnston C. S., Rochat S., Rossier J., 2015. pp. 117-131 dans Routledge (eds.) Gender and social hierarchies : Perspectives from social psychology chap. 8, Faniko K. Lorenzi-Cioldi F. Sarrasin O. Mayor E..
Brain, Mind and Society: A Critical Account of Neuroscience
Arminjon M., Barras V., Bovet E., Kraus C., Panese F., Pidoux V., Preissmann D., Stücklin N., 2014/12. pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Emotions while awaiting lung transplantation : a comprehensive qualitative analysis
Brügger A., Aubert J.-D., Piot-Ziegler C., 2014/12. Health Psychology Open, 1 (1) pp. 1-29. Peer-reviewed.
Hope as a Resource for Self-Directed Career Management: Investigating Mediating Effects on Proactive Career Behaviors and Life and Job Satisfaction
Hirschi Andreas, 2014/12. Journal of Happiness Studies, 15 (6) pp. 1495-1512. Peer-reviewed.
Transforming personal experience and emotions through education to cultural diversity: an interplay between unicity and genericity
Muller Mirza N., Grossen M., de Diesbach-Dolder S., Nicollin L., 2014/12. Learning, Culture and Social Interactions, 3 (4) pp. 263-273. Peer-reviewed.
Connaissances quotidiennes et savoirs scolaires : entre ressource symbolique et obstacle
Grossen M., Ros J., 2014/11. pp. 177-194 dans Moro C., Müller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
Connaissances quotidiennes et savoirs scolaires: entre ressource symbolique et obstacle
Grossen M., Ros J., 2014/11. pp. 177-194 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
L'intersubjectivité dans l'étude des processus d'enseignement-apprentissage : difficultés et ambiguïtés d'une notion
Grossen M., 2014/11. pp. 139-160 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N., Roman P. (eds.) L'intersubjectivité en questions : agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur pour la psychologie, Antipodes.
La culture au coeur du développement psychologique
Moro C., Muller Mirza N., 2014/11. pp. 13-32 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
Se développer en situation éducative dans une institution de la petite enfance : le rôle de l'objet matériel en situation peinture
Tapparel S., 2014/11. pp. 141-158 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Septentrion.
Secondarisation des émotions et apprentissages dans des activités "interculturelles" en classe
Muller Mirza N., 2014/11. pp. 255-276 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique
Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.), 2014/11., Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
The career engagement scale : Development and validation of a measure of proactive career behaviors
Hirschi A., Freund P.A., Herrmann A., 2014/11. Journal of Career Assessment, 22 (4) pp. 575-594. Peer-reviewed.
Affective state and voice : cross-cultural assessment of speaking behavior and voice sound characteristics : a normative multicenter study of 577 + 36 healthy subjects
Braun S., Botella C., Bridler R., Chmetz F., Delfino J.P., Herzig D., Kluckner V.J., Mohr C., Moragrega I., Schrag Y. et al., 2014/10. Psychopathology, 47 (5) pp. 327-340.
Psychologie communautaire et psychologie communautaire de la santé
Cantero O., Mercerat C., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/10. pp. 279-297 dans Tarquinio C., Fischer G.-N. (eds.) Psychologie de la santé : applications et interventions chap. 11, Dunod.
"I thought it would be easier when I decided to come...": social and professional integration experience of skilled migrant women in Switzerland
Nunes-Moreira J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/09. p. 148 dans Anais eletrônicos [recurso eletrônico] : 5ª Conferência Internacional de psicologia comunitária. Psicologia Comunitária no mundo atual: desafios, limites e fazeres, 3 a 6 de setembro de 2014, Fortaleza, CE. Peer-reviewed.
Language lateralization in early and late bilinguals using an international vocabulary
Willemin J., Hausmann M., Dael N., Gieruc K., Fioravera A., Mohr C, 2014/09., University of Durham, Durham, UK dans 4th North Sea Meeting on Brain Asymmetries. Peer-reviewed.
Post-switching beta synchronization reveals concomitant sensory reafferences and active inhibition processes.
Sallard E., Tallet J., Thut G., Deiber M.P., Barral J., 2014/09/01. Behavioural brain research, 271 pp. 365-373. Peer-reviewed.
Reduced left hemisphere dominance for multiple versus single anagram solutions and its modulation by individuals' schizotypy
Ishii A., Sierro G., Mohr C., 2014/09., University of Durham, Durham, UK dans 4th North Sea Meeting on Brain Asymmetries. Peer-reviewed.
The Questionnaire Big Six in 26 Nations : Developing Cross-Culturally Applicable Big Six, Big Five and Big Two Inventories
Thalmayer Amber Gayle, Saucier Gerard, 2014/09. European Journal of Personality, 28 (5) pp. 482-496. Peer-reviewed.
A Thematic Comparison of Eight Frameworks of Quality Criteria in Qualitative Health Research
Stephen S.L., Bruchez C., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/08. p. 622 dans EHP (eds.) Bulletin of the European Health Psychology Society.
Beyond the Opposition of Methods: Benefits of a Mixed Methods Design in Health Psychology
Schweizer A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/08. dans European Health Psychologist. Peer-reviewed.
Medical encounters about Medically Unexplained Symptoms: pathways to improve satisfaction of doctor and patient
Gonin Nicole A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/08. dans European Health Psychologist. Peer-reviewed.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Approach for Seniors (MBCAS): Program Development and Implementation
Zellner Keller Brigitte, Singh Nirbhay N., Winton Alan S. W., 2014/08. Mindfulness, 5 (4) pp. 453-459. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a Cultural Health Psychology : taking researcher's and participants' activity into consideration
del Rio Carral M., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/08. dans European Health Psychology Society. Peer-reviewed.
Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in schizotypy
Favrod O., Cappe C., Mohr C., Herzog M., 2014/07. dans The 17h European Conference on Personality, European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP).
La parole de l'autre dans l'entretien clinique
Grossen M., 2014/07., Université de Neuchâtel pp. 97-107 dans S. Rezzonico (eds.) Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique (TRANEL). Actes du 12ème colloque de logopédie "La parole reprise : formes, processus et fonctions". Peer-reviewed.
Penser un modèle de complémentarité de trois épreuves projectives (Hand-Test, Rorschach et TAT) dans une perspective psychodynamique : un défi méthodologique et épistémologique
Melchiorre M., Roman P., 2014/07., Istanbul University dans XXI International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods.
Spatial working memory deficits in aging: a new perspective.
Klencklen Giuliana, Banta-Lavenex Pamela, Brandner Catherine, Lavenex Pierre, 2014/07., 9th FENS forum of neuroscience. Milan, Italy..
The experience of skilled migrant women in Switzerland: Challenges and resources for social and professional integration.
Nunes-Moreira J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/07. dans 22nd International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.. Peer-reviewed.
Une méthode d'approche par le jeu symbolique en TCC de l'enfant : théorie et analyse de cas
Richard C., Brodard F., 2014/07. Revue francophone de clinique comportementale et cognitive, 19 (2) pp. 61-73. Peer-reviewed.
Using tests to assess cognitive competence: A situated practice
Grossen M., Zittoun T., Iannaccone A., 2014/07. pp. 31-42 dans Activities of thinking in social spaces chap. 3, Information Age Publishing.
Validation and psychometric features of a French translation of the short O-LIFE questionnaire
Sierro G., Mason O., Rossier J., Mohr C., 2014/07., European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP) dans The 17th European Conference on Personality.
Visual backward masking deficits in schizotypy are observed in late but not early onset nicotine smokers
Willemin J., Iannantuoni L., Beaud G., Sierro G., Herzog M., Mohr C., 2014/07., European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP) dans The 17th European Conference on Personality.
Visual contrast sensitivity in schizotypy: Better with negative schizotypy and worse with cognitive disorganisation
Picci J., Sierro G., Ishii A., Mohr C., Herzog M., 2014/07., European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP) dans The 17th European Conference on Personality.
What Is The Ability Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) Good For? An evaluation using Item Response Theory
Marina Fiori Jean-Philippe Antonietti Moira Mikolajczak Olivier Luminet Michel Hansenne Jérôme Rossier, 2014/07. PLoSOne.
Accompagner la construction d'une nouvelle identité
Froidevaux A., 2014/06. Panorama, 3 pp. 20-21.
Attentional processes, anxiety and sex: how they interact with information processing?
Ciobanu Teofil, Lew Eileen, Brandner Catherine, 2014/06., The 14th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition. Cyprus.
Counseling for Career Decision-Making Difficulties: Measures and Methods
Gati Itamar, Levin Nimrod, 2014/06. The Career Development Quarterly, 62 (2) pp. 98-113. Peer-reviewed.
Focusing on "a day in the life": an activity-based method for the qualitative analysis of psychological phenomena
del Rio Carral M., 2014/06. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 11 (3) pp. 298-315. Peer-reviewed.
Interpretation of data in psychology : a false problem
del Rio Carral M., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/06., Colloque APEMAC : Chronic diseases, perceived health, stakes and future.
Laisser tomber la formation : une tentation répandue
Eicher V., Staerklé C., Clémence A., 2014/06. Revue d'Information Sociale REISO.
Le vécu des femmes immigrantes qualifiées en Suisse : ressources et défis pour l'intégration socioprofessionnelle
Nunes-Moreira J., 2014/06., Séance de la Commission « Migrations féminines » du service de la cohésion multiculturelle du canton de Neuchâtel, Suisse..
Les défis de la diversité culturelle dans le discours enseignant. Analyse d'entretiens réalisés auprès de douze enseignantes de Suisse romande
Nicollin L., Muller Mirza N., 2014/06. 8.
Les défis de la diversité culturelle dans le discours enseignant. Analyse d'entretiens réalisés auprès de douze enseignantes de Suisse romande
Nicollin L., Muller Mirza N., 2014/06. 63, Université de Lausanne, IP.
What is the ability emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT) good for? An evaluation using item response theory.
Fiori M., Antonietti J.-Ph., Mikolajczak M., Luminet O., Hansenne M., Rossier J., 2014/06. PLoS ONE, 9 (6) pp. e98827. Peer-reviewed.
An analysis of entorhinal cortex projections to the dentate gyrus, hippocampus, and subiculum of the neonatal macaque monkey.
Amaral D.G., Kondo H., Lavenex P., 2014/05/01. The Journal of comparative neurology, 522 (7) pp. 1485-1505. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying psychotic defenses in a clinical interview.
Berney S., de Roten Y., Beretta V., Kramer U., Despland J.N., 2014/05. Journal of clinical psychology, 70 (5) pp. 428-439. Peer-reviewed.
L'épreuve du corps-à-corps dans les agirs sexuels violents à l'adolescence : une tentative pour se différencier ?
Roman P., 2014/05. dans 7ème Congrès Européen de l'Association Européenne de Psychopathologie de l'Enfant et de l'Adolescent (AEPEA). Peer-reviewed.
La contrainte du corps à l'épreuve de la contrainte par corps
Melchiorre M., 2014/05. dans 7ème Congrès Européen de l'Association Européenne de Psychopathologie de l'Enfant et de l'Adolescent.
La prévention et l'intervention psychologique auprès des adolescents
Zimmermann G., Brodard F., 2014/05. pp. 357-379 dans Claes M., Lannegrand-Willems L. (eds.) La Psychologie de l'adolescence chap. 14, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
Quand la pornographie fait violence... réflexions sur les méfaits de la pornographie sur la construction de la sexualité adolescente
Smaniotto B., Melchiorre M., 2014/05. dans 7ème Congrès Européen de l'Association Européenne de Psychopathologie de l'Enfant et de l'Adolescent.
Vieillir avec le VIH : faire face à l'augmentation de l'incertitude
Rapo C., 2014/05., 10ème congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie p. 136 dans Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement. Peer-reviewed.
Sex biased spatial strategies relying on the integration of multimodal cues in a rat model of schizophrenia: impairment in predicting future context?
Bertholet L., Meunier C., Preissmann D., Schenk F., 2014/04. Behavioural Brain Research, 262 pp. 109-117. Peer-reviewed.
Trying to define Free Will : a cognitive and fonctional model proposal
Schrag Y., Schenk F., Sachse C., Mohr C., 2014/04. dans Toward a Science of Consciousness 2014.
Als Marie Bonaparte sich taub stellte ...
Amouroux R., Stouten H., 2014/03. Luzifer-Amor : Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse 53 pp. 122-140. Peer-reviewed.
Career engagement : Investigating intraindividual predictors of weekly fluctuations in proactive career behaviors
Hirschi A., Freund P. A., 2014/03. Career Development Quarterly, 62 (1) pp. 5-20. Peer-reviewed.
Characteristics of Young Adolescents Accessing Pornography Online
Suris J.C., Akre Christina, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Berchtold André, Piguet Claire, Zimmermann Grégoire, 2014/02., Annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2014, Austin, USA pp. S46 dans Journal of Adolescent Health, Supl.. Peer-reviewed.
Inhabitants' and professionals' social representations of health determinants in a disadvantaged urban area in France: a qualitative analysis.
Gilles I., Bejaoui B., Courvoisier N., Clémence A., 2014/02. Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique, 62 (1) pp. 5-14. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic Internet Use and Substance Use in Adolescence
Suris J.C., Akre Christina, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Berchtold André, Piguet Claire, Zimmermann Grégoire, 2014/02., Annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2014, Austin, USA pp. S8 dans Journal of Adolescent Health, Supl.. Peer-reviewed.
"His" or "her" marriage? The influence of positive and negative marital aspects on overall marriage satisfaction among older adults
Boerner K., Jopp D. S., Carr D. S., Sosinsky L., Kim S.-K., 2014. Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 69 (4) pp. 579-589. Peer-reviewed.
). A typology of ideological attitudes towards social solidarity and social control.
Likki T., Staerklé C., 2014. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24 pp. 406-421. Peer-reviewed.
100 Jahre Leben - Herausforderungen und Stärken des hohen Alters
Jopp D. S., 2014. ProAlter, 2 pp. 58-62.
Adaptability in action : Using personality, interest, and values data to help clients increase their emotional, social, and cognitive career meta-capacities
Stauffer S.D., Maggiori C., Froidevaux A., Rossier J., 2014. pp. 55-72 dans Coetzer M. (eds.) Psycho-social career meta-capacities : Dynamics of contemporary career development chap. 4, Dordrecht, The Netherlands : Springer.
Alcohol abstinence in early adulthood and further alcohol and drug-related problems : an "alcohol backdraft" ? Some evidences and explanations from the Swiss Cohort on Substance Use Risk Factor
Dupuis M., Baggio S., Gmel G., Mohler-Kuo M., 2014. dans European Conference on Youth Mental Health : from continuity of psychopathology to continuity of care. Peer-reviewed.
Alcohol and relatively pure cannabis use, but not schizotypy, are associated with cognitive attenuations
Herzig D.A., Nutt D., Mohr C., 2014. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 5 (133) p. 1. Peer-reviewed.
An Overview of the association between schizotypy and dopamine
Mohr C., Ettinger U., 2014. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 5 p. 184. Peer-reviewed.
Another way of thinking about ADHD: the predictive role of early attachment deprivation in adolescents' level of symptoms.
Roskam I., Stievenart M., Tessier R., Muntean A., Escobar M.J., Santelices M.P., Juffer F., Van Ijzendoorn M.H., Pierrehumbert B., 2014. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49 (1) pp. 133-144. Peer-reviewed.
Anxiety modulates deficits in "cognitive binding" in a glutathione deficit animal of schizophrenia
Preissmann D., Depré M., Laroque F., Schenk F., Bertholet L., Gisquet-Verrier P., 2014. dans 9th FENS, Forum of Neuroscience.
Anxiety, depression and school absenteeism in youth with chronic or episodic headache.
Rousseau-Salvador C., Amouroux R., Annequin D., Salvador A., Tourniaire B., Rusinek S., 2014. Pain Research and Management, 19 (5) pp. 235-240. Peer-reviewed.
Approches psychothérapeutiques dans les céphalées chez l'enfant et l'adolescent
Amouroux R., Rousseau-Salvador C., Bittar M., Legoff J.-F., 2014. pp. 89-108 dans Migraine, céphalées de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Springer.
Associations of physical activity and sport and exercise with at-risk substance use in young men: a longitudinal study.
Henchoz Y., Dupuis M., Deline S., Studer J., Baggio S., N'Goran A.A., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2014. Preventive Medicine, 64 pp. 27-31. Peer-reviewed.
Chapitre 7. Le sentiment subjectif. Intégration et représentation centrale consciente des composantes émotionnelles
Dan-Glauser Elise, 2014. dans Traité de psychologie de l'émotion, David Sander & Klaus Scherer.
Clinical and Psychopathological Research on Attachment or Attachment at the Risk of Losing the Object
Roman P., 2014. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 17 (8) pp. 766-776. Peer-reviewed.
Clinician characteristics, communication, and patient outcome in oncology: a systematic review.
De Vries A.M., de Roten Y., Meystre C., Passchier J., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., 2014. Psycho-oncology, 23 (4) pp. 375-381. Peer-reviewed.
Clinique du processus de passage à l'acte criminel : mise en perspective théorique et épistémologique
Moulin Valérie, Dupuis Marc, 2014. pp. 53-73 dans Rodet Chantal (eds.) Passage à l'acte : traumatisme, résilience et effets transgénérationnels : un colloque de l'Administration pénitentiaire, L'essentiel. Comprendre les personnes, Chronique sociale.
Comment être parent en prison ?
Douris M., Roman P., 2014. 283, Université Catholique de Lyon, Université de Lausanne.
Construction identitaire et relations familiales à l'adolescence à l'aune de l'intersubjectivité
Zimmermann G., Quartier V., 2014. pp. 301-321 dans Moro C., Müller-Mirza N., Roman P. (eds.) L'intersubjectivité en question : agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur pour la psychologie ?, Editions Antipode.
Céphalées de l'enfant et psychopathologie
Rousseau-Salvador C., Amouroux R., 2014. pp. 49-60 dans Migraine, céphalées de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Springer.
D'une recherche appliquée à une recherche fondamentale de terrain
Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014. Psycho Média, 47 pp. 11-23. Peer-reviewed.
De la projection à la création, des paysages corporels en symétries - Autour du Rorschach, dialogue entre art et psychologie
Roman P, Peiry L, 2014. dans 21th International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Istanbul (Turquie), 15-19 July 2014. Peer-reviewed.
De la psicología social a la psicología política: El abordaje social.
Staerklé Christian, Doise Willem, 2014. pp. 23-52 dans Zubieta Elena, Valencia José, Delfino Gisela (eds.) Psicología Social y Política: Procesos teóricos y estudios aplicados, Buenos Aires: Eudeba.
Dealing with clients' diversity in test situations: Client categorisations in psychologists' accounts of their practices
Grossen M., Florez D., Lauvergeon S., 2014/01. International Journal of Educational Research, 63 pp. 15-25. Peer-reviewed.
Défenses du thérapeute et niveau de formation: une étude exploratoire
Valloton Sandrine, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2014. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie = Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 165 (6) pp. 209-214. Peer-reviewed.
E. Schmid-Kitsikis : un modèle psychologique de démarche clinique (1999)
Roman P., 2014. pp. 137-144 dans Chagnon J.-Y. (eds.) 40 Commentaires de textes en psychologie clinique, Dunod.
Rossier J., 2014. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 14 pp. 251-253. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of motive-oriented therapeutic relationship in a ten-session general psychiatric treatment of borderline personality disorder: a randomized controlled trial.
Kramer U., Kolly S., Berthoud L., Keller S., Preisig M., Caspar F., Berger T., de Roten Y., Marquet P., Despland J.N., 2014. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 83 (3) pp. 176-186. Peer-reviewed.
Emotion in an alliance rupture and resolution sequence: A theory-building case study
Kramer Ueli, Pascual-Leone Antonio, Despland Jean-Nicolas, De Roten Yves, 2014. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 14 (4) pp. 263-271. Peer-reviewed.
Enhancement of couples' communication and dyadic coping by a self-directed approach: A randomized controlled trial.
Bodenmann Guy, Hilpert Peter, Nussbeck Fridtjof W., Bradbury Thomas N., 2014. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82 (4) pp. 580-591. Peer-reviewed.
Epidémiologie, évolution, pronostic de la migraine et des céphalées primaires chez l'enfant et l'adolescent
Annequin D., Tourniaire B., Amouroux R., 2014. pp. 29-47 dans Migraine, céphalées de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Springer.
Eyleme geçis ve projectif yöntemler : çocuk ve ergen kliniginde simgelestirme meselesi » = Agir et méthodes projectives : les enjeux de la symbolisation en clinique de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
Roman P., 2014. Yansitma 21 pp. 55-66. Peer-reviewed.
Frame, framing and thinking space : a sociocultural exploration within an educational project
Muller Mirza N., 2014. pp. 65-81 dans Nova Science Publishers (eds.) Activities of thinking in social spaces, Zittoun, T.Iannaccone, A..
Free will and determinism as a function of schizotypy and religiosity
Schrag Y., Armengol J., Tremea A., Makowka O., Sierro G., Mohr C., 2014. dans 17th European Conference on Personality.
From career adapt-abilities to subjective identity forms
Rossier J., Maggiori C., Zimmermann G., 2014. pp. 45-58 dans Di Fabio A., Bernaud J.-L. (eds.) The Construction of the Identity in 21st Century : a Festschrift for Jean Guichard, Nova Science.
From reflexivity to resonances : accounting for interpretation phenomena in qualitative research
Médico D., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 11 (4) pp. 350-364. Peer-reviewed.
Fundamental Beliefs, Origin Explanations and Perceived Effectiveness of Protection Measures: Exploring laypersons' Chains of Reasoning about Influenza
Eicher V., Clémence A., Bangerter A., Mouton A., Green E. G. T., Gilles I., 2014. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24 (5) pp. 359-375. Peer-reviewed.
Gender stereotypes of personality : universal and accurate ?
Löckenhoff C. E., Chan W., McCrae R. R., De Fruyt F., Jussim L., De Bolle M., Costa P. T. Jr. , Sutin A. R., Realo A., Allik J. et al., 2014. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45 pp. 675-694. Peer-reviewed.
How psychiatric diagnoses can affect one's response to NEO-FFI: comparing classical versus functional scoring methods of the NEO-FFI
Dupuis M., Meier E., Vaudroz C., Vandeleur C., Capel R., 2014. p. 147 dans 17th European Conference on Personality. Peer-reviewed, EAPP.
How psychotherapeutic exchanges become responsive: A theory-building case study in the framework of the Assimilation Model
Meystre Claudia, Kramer Ueli, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Stiles William B., 2014. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 14 (1) pp. 29-41. Peer-reviewed.
I want to quit education: a longitudinal study of stress and optimism as predictors of school dropout intention
Eicher V., Staerklé C., Clémence A., 2014. Journal of Adolescence, 37 (7) pp. 1021-1030. Peer-reviewed.
Impaired metabolic reactivity to oxidative stress in early psychosis patients.
Fournier M., Ferrari C., Baumann P.S., Polari A., Monin A., Bellier-Teichmann T., Wulff J., Pappan K.L., Cuenod M., Conus P. et al., 2014. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40 (5) pp. 973-983. Peer-reviewed.
Implicit attitudes and self-concepts towards transgression and aggression: Differences between male community and offender adolescents, and associations with psychopathic traits.
Suter M., Pihet S., de Ridder J., Zimmermann G., Stephan P., 2014. Journal of Adolescence, 37 (5) pp. 669-680. Peer-reviewed.
Insufficient coping behavior under chronic stress and vulnerability to psychiatric disorders
Mohr C., Braun S., Bridler R., Chmetz F., Delfino J.P., Kluckner V.J., Lott P., Schrag Y., Seifritz E., Stassen H.H., 2014. Psychopathology, 47 (4) pp. 235-243. Peer-reviewed.
Internet rend les ados plus sociaux
Mantzouranis G., 2014. Psychoscope, 35 (3) pp. 16-19.
Intérêts et limites de l'utilisation d'une méthodologie mixte : à propos d'une recherche en psychologie de la santé
Bosisio F., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/01. Pratiques Psychologiques, 20 (1) pp. 39-53. Peer-reviewed.
Is Internet use unhealthy? A cross-sectional study of adolescent Internet overuse.
Suris J.C., Akre C., Piguet C., Ambresin A.E., Zimmermann G., Berchtold A., 2014. Swiss Medical Weekly, 144 pp. w14061. Peer-reviewed.
Is there a common factor for vision?
Cappe C., Clarke A., Mohr C., Herzog M. H., 2014. Journal of Vision, 14 (8) pp. nn. Peer-reviewed.
J. Guillaumin : La signification scientifique de la psychologie clinique (1968)
Roman P., 2014. pp. 38-45 dans Chagnon J.-Y. (eds.) 40 Commentaires de textes en psychologie clinique, Dunod.
L'Art Brut, un laboratoire pour une première approche des concepts de la psychanalyse : « Psych'Art Brut », un dispositif pédagogique innovant
Roman P., Sayegh C., Melchiorre M., 2014. Filigrane : écoutes psychanalytiques 2 pp. 89-107. Peer-reviewed.
L'entretien motivationnel pour faciliter le processus d'orientation
Rochat S., 2014. Panorama : formation, orientation, marché du travail, 5 pp. 20-21.
L'institution et la violence : les professionnels du soin à l'épreuve des liens
Roman P., 2014. 256, Elsevier-Masson.
L'intersubjectivité en questions : agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur pour la psychologie ?
Moro C., Müller Mirza N., Roman P. (eds.), 2014. Actualités psychologiques 394, Antipodes.
L'intersubjectivité en questions. Introduction
Moro C., Muller Mirza N., Roman P., 2014. pp. 7-32 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N., Roman P. (eds.) L'intersubjectivité en questions : agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur pour la psychologie ?, Antipodes.
La construction de l'intersubjectivité chez le jeune enfant sur la scène du jeu : développements et avatars
Roman P., 2014. pp. 213-245 dans Moro C., Müller-Mirza N., Roman P. (eds.) L'intersubjectivité en questions : agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur en psychologie ?, Antipodes.
La consultation psychologique en pratique
Amouroux R., Tourniaire B., 2014. pp. 171-183 dans Migraine, céphalées de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Springer.
La formulation de cas : un modèle d'évaluation psychologique de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
Nashat S., Quartier V., 2014. Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence, 62 pp. 422-430. Peer-reviewed.
La recherche en psychopathologie et psychanalyse : un défi clinique, entre créativité et aporie
Roman P., 2014. Recherches en psychanalyse, 1 (17) pp. 54-62. Peer-reviewed.
La « rencontre entre les esprits », une condition pour apprendre ?
Muller Mirza N., 2014. pp. 161-183 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N., Roman P. (eds.) L'intersubjectivité en questions : agrégat ou principe organisateur en psychologie ?, Antipodes.
Le lien de maltraitance : destin de l'expérience traumatique dans le lien parent-enfant et devenir du lien en situation de séparation
Roman P., 2014. Uframag 19 pp. 26-28.
Les jeux de double et le soin dans la psychose : éloge de l'emboitement
Roman P., Gaillard G., Payet J., 2014. Perspectives psychiatriques, 53 (1) pp. 51-60. Peer-reviewed.
Les violences sexuelles dans la famille à l'adolescence et l'épreuve de la différenciation
Roman P., 2014. pp. 69-84 dans Houssier F. (eds.) Violences dans les liens familiaux, In Press.
Migraine, céphalées de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
Annequin D., Tourniaire B., Amouroux R. (eds.), 2014/01. 242, Springer.
Mit Hundert hat man noch Träume
Jopp D. S., Rott C., Boerner K., Kruse A., 2014. Gesundheit und Gesellschaft, 6/14 (17) pp. 20-26.
Motive-Oriented Psychotherapeutic Relationship Facing a Patient Presenting with Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A Case Study
Kramer Ueli, Berthoud Laurent, Keller Sabine, Caspar Franz, 2014. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 44 pp. 71-82. Peer-reviewed.
Old age and its challenges to identity
Spini D., Jopp D. S., 2014. pp. 295-315 dans Breakwell G.M., Jaspal R. (eds.) Identity process theory : identity, social action and social change chap. 14, Cambridge University Press.
Patterns and transitions in substance use among young Swiss men: a latent transition analysis approach
Baggio S., Studer J., Deline S., N'Goran A., Dupuis M., Henchoz Y., Mohler-Kuo M., Daeppen J.-B., Gmel G., 2014. Journal of Drug Issues, 44 (4) pp. 381-393. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of cannabis use and prospective associations with health issues among young males.
Baggio S., N'Goran A.A., Deline S., Studer J., Dupuis M., Henchoz Y., Mohler-Kuo M., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2014. Addiction, 109 (6) pp. 937-945. Peer-reviewed.
Penser et agir la triade parents-bébé pendant la grossesse et après la naissance
Favez Nicolas, Frascarolo France, Lavanchy Scaiola Chloé, Corboz-Warnery Antoinette, Fivaz-Depeursinge Elisabeth, 2014. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux 53 pp. 11-29. Peer-reviewed.
Performance goals in conflictual social interactions: Toward the distinction between two modes of relational conflict regulation
Sommet N., Darnon C., Mugny G., Quiamzade A., Pulfrey C., Dompnier B., Butera F., 2014. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53 (1) pp. 134-153. Peer-reviewed.
Pratiques et théories dans le champ de la santé mentale : quelle histoire ?
Jaccard Camille, 2014. Histoire, médecine et santé 6 pp. 85-93. Peer-reviewed.
Predictive Validity of Career Decision-Making Profiles Over Time Among Chinese College Students
Tian Lin, Guan Yanjun, Chen Sylvia Xiaohua, Levin Nimrod, Cai Zijun, Chen Pei, Zhu Chengfeng, Fu Ruchunyi, Wang Yang, Zhang Shu, 2014. Journal of Career Development. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge d'adolescents souffrant d'anorexie mentale: le rôle des parents, une approche basée sur l'évidence [Adolescents with an eating disorder: an evidence-based approach on the role of parents].
Ambresin A.E., Vust S., Lier F., Michaud P.A., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (412-413) pp. 66-68.
Présentation. Quand passion du métier et précarité se rencontrent dans les professions du savoir
Ballatore M., del Rio Carral M., Murgia A., 2014. Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques, 2 (45) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Relations entre profils identitaires et profils motivationnels au lycée
Cannard C., Safont-Mottay C., Lannegrand-Willems L., Zimmermann G., d'Aubigny C., 2014. pp. 275-286 dans Rouyer V., de Léonardis M., Safont-Mottay C., Huet-Gueye M. (eds.) Actes du 6ème Colloque du RIPSYDEVE. Actualités de la Psychologie du développement et de l'Éducation, Toulouse : Université Toulouse 2 - le Mirail.
Rousseau's child preschoolers expect strangers to favor prosocial actions
Clément F., Harris P., Bernard S., Antonietti J.-Ph., Kaufmann L., 2014. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 73 (2) pp. 105-110. Peer-reviewed.
Routes of administration of cannabis used for nonmedical purposes and associations with patterns of drug use.
Baggio S., Deline S., Studer J., Mohler-Kuo M., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2014. Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine, 54 (2) pp. 235-240.
Ryhmäkeskeisyydestä moniarvoisuuteen: Ryhmienvälinen reflektiivinen tieto [in Finnish, From Group-Centrism to Pluralism: An Intergroup Approach to Reflexive Knowledge].
Staerklé C., Green E.G.T., 2014. pp. 92-110 dans L. Myyry S. Ahola M. Ahokas I. Sakki (eds.) Arkiajattelu, tieto ja oikeudenmukaisuus [in Finnish, Everyday thinking, knowledge and justice], Helsinki: Sosiaalitieteiden laitos..
Savent-ils réguler leur usage. Une étude se penche sur les activité des ados vaudois sur la toile
Piguet C., Zimmermann G., 2014. Psychoscope, 35 (3) pp. 12-15.
Schizotypy and hemispheric asymmetry: results from two Chapman scales, the O-LIFE questionnaire, and two laterality measures
Schofield K., Mohr C., 2014. Laterality, 19 (2) pp. 178-200. Peer-reviewed.
Selective incivility : Immigrant groups experience subtle workplace discrimination at different rates
Krings F., Johnston C., Binggeli S., Maggiori C., 2014. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20 (4) pp. 491-498. Peer-reviewed.
Sensory impairments and their associations with functional disability in a sample of the oldest-old
Cimarolli V. R., Jopp D. S., 2014. Qual Life Res, 23 (7) pp. 1977-1984. Peer-reviewed.
Structural Validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) in a French-speaking Swiss sample
Reverte I., Golay P., Favez N., Rossier J., Lecerf T., 2014/01. Learning and Individual Differences, 29 pp. 114-119. Peer-reviewed.
The career indecision profile : measurement equivalence in two international samples
Carr A., Rossier J., Rosselet J. G., Massoudi K., Bernaud J.-L., Ferrari L., Nota L., Soresi S., Rowe-Johnson M., Brown S. D. et al., 2014. Journal of Career Assessment, 22 pp. 123-137. Peer-reviewed.
The Contribution of Projective Tests in the Evaluation of Change Processes in Adolescent Perpetrators of Sexual Violence
Roman P., 2014. dans 21th International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Istanbul (Turquie), 15-19 July 2014. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of grades on the preference effect : Grading Reduces Consideration of Disconfirming Evidence
Hayek A.S., Toma C., Oberlé D., Butera F., 2014. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36 (6) pp. 544-552. Peer-reviewed.
The Effect of Sexual Abuse on Children's Attachment Representations in Chile.
Fresno A., Spencer R., Ramos N., Pierrehumbert B., 2014. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 23 (2) pp. 128-145. Peer-reviewed.
The French adaptation of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents Self-Rated Form (F-HoNOSCA-SR): Validation and clinical routine use.
Urben S., Baier V., Mantzouranis G., Schwery J., Mahi C., Courosse S., Guignet B., Halfon O., Holzer L., 2014. Psychiatry Research, 218 (1-2) pp. 229-235. Peer-reviewed.
The human hippocampus beyond the cognitive map : evidence from a densely amnesic patient
Banta Lavenex Pamela A., Colombo F., Ribordy Lambert F., Lavenex P., 2014. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8 pp. 1-18. Peer-reviewed.
The longitudinal association between social functioning and theory of mind in first episode psychosis
Sullivan S., Lewis G., Mohr C., Herzig D. A., Corcoran R., Drake R., Evans R., 2014/01. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 19 (1) pp. 58-80. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship between cognitive errors, coping strategies, and clients' experiences in session: An exploratory study
Antunes-Alves Sara, Thompson Katherine, Kramer Ueli, Drapeau Martin, 2014. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 14 (2) pp. 93-101. Peer-reviewed.
The role of the adult's semiotic mediations in the advent and production of ostensions toward oneself in early development
Dupertuis V., 2014., University of Neuchâtel dans Workshop on Expansions of Experience.
The Scenotest, from Evaluation to Psychotherapy : Working on Play and Symbolization Processes in Children with Early Disorders
Roman P., 2014. dans 21th International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Istanbul (Turquie), 15-19 July 2014. Peer-reviewed.
To think about a complementarity model of three projective tests (Hand-Test, Rorschach and TAT) in a psychodynamic perspective : a methodological and epistemological challenge
Melchiorre M., Roman P., 2014. dans 21th International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Istanbul (Turquie), 15-19 July 2014. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding transnational political involvement among Senegalese migrants: The role of acculturation preferences and perceived discrimination
Green E.G.T., Sarrasin O., Maggi J., 2014. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 41 pp. 91-101. Peer-reviewed.
Use of neuroenhancement drugs: prevalence, frequency and use expectations in Switzerland
Deline S., Baggio S., Studer J., N'Goran A.A., Dupuis M., Henchoz Y., Mohler-Kuo M, Daeppen J.-B., Gmel G., 2014. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11 (3) pp. 3032-3045. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the antenatal perceived stress inventory
Razurel C., Kaiser B., Dupuis M., Antonietti J.-Ph., Citherlet C., Epiney M., Sellenet C., 2014. Journal of Health Psychology, 19 (4) pp. 471-481. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the post-delivery perceived stress inventory
Razurel C., Kaiser B., Dupuis M., Antonietti J.-Ph., Sellenet C., Epiney M., 2014. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 19 (1) pp. 70-82. Peer-reviewed.
Vignettes cliniques commentées
Tourniaire B., Amouroux R., 2014. pp. 185-205 dans Migraine, céphalées de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Springer.
Violence et psychopathologie : l'agir sexuel violent et la butée de la perversion : contribution des épreuves projectives
Roman P., 2014. pp. 99-124 dans Gaillard B. (eds.) La psychologie criminologique, In Press.
Violent sexual acting in adolescence and family transmissions : contribution of Rorschach and TAT
Ecer Ok Z., Fillon S., Roman P., 2014. dans 21th International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Istanbul (Turquie), 15-19 July 2014. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnerabilität und psychische Erkrankung
Stassen H.H., Delfino J.P., Kluckner V.J., Lott P., Mohr C., 2014. Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 165 (5) pp. 152-157. Peer-reviewed.
Welfare Support in Europe: Interplay of Dependency Culture Beliefs and Meritocratic Contexts
Likki T., Staerkle C., 2014. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27 (1) pp. 138-153. Peer-reviewed.
What animals can teach clinicians about the hippocampus
Lavenex P., Banta Lavenex P., Favre G., 2014. The Hippocampus in Clinical Neuroscience, 34 pp. 36-50. Peer-reviewed.
Working alliance as a moderator and a mediator of career counseling effectiveness
Masdonati J., Perdrix S., Massoudi K., Rossier J., 2014. Journal of Career Assessment 22 pp. 3-17. Peer-reviewed.
Addressing elementary school teachers' professional stressors: Practical suggestions for schools and adminstrators
Stauffer S. D., Mason E. C. M., 2013/12. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49 (5) pp. 809-837. Peer-reviewed.
El trabajo de simbolización en las patologías de la acción (o del pasaje al acto) vista desde los métodos proyectivos
Roman P., 2013/12. Revista de la AAPRO, 34 (1) pp. 35-52. Peer-reviewed.
Gender differences in attention and anxiety mechanisms : an eye-tracking study.
Lew Eileen, Brandner Catherine, 2013/12., International Conference on Cognition, Brain and Computation, Centre for Cognitive Science, IIT Gandhinagar, India..
Integrating sexuality into gynaecological consultations: gynaecologists' perspectives
Schweizer A., Bruchez C., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/12. Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, 15 (2) pp. 175-190. Peer-reviewed.
Le bien-être subjectif au quotidien dans une société plurielle : le cas des femmes cadres supérieurs en Suisse
del Rio Carral M., 2013/12., Intervention en tant qu'invité dans le cadre des Doctoriales de l'Université de Lausanne.
The role of career adaptability and work conditions on general and professional well-being
Maggiori Christian, Johnston Claire S., Krings Franciska, Massoudi Koorosh, Rossier Jérôme, 2013/12. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83 (3) pp. 437-449. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the German version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale and its relation to orientations to happiness and work stress
Johnston C. S., Luciano E. C., Maggiori C., Ruch W., Rossier J., 2013/12. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83 (3) pp. 295-304. Peer-reviewed.
Philosophie et histoire de la médecine : exemple d’une collaboration interdisciplinaire vers 1900 dans la théorisation des troubles du langage
Jaccard Camille, 2013/11/14. Implications philosophiques.
Early attentional processes distinguish selective from global motor inhibitory control: an electrical neuroimaging study
Sallard Etienne, Barral Jérôme, Chavan Camille, Spierer Lucas, 2013/11/09., University College London dans Intentional Inhibition: from motor suppression to self-control.
La désistance à l'adolescence : un phénomène complexe. Apports de la criminologie clinique
Melchiorre M., 2013/11., Université Catholique de Lyon dans Premier Colloque des Cycles SHS-Psychologie (GIPsé)-FIRP.
Affect-related synesthesias: A prospective view on their existence, expression and underlying mechanisms
Dael N., Sierro G., Mohr C., 2013/10. Frontiers in Psychology, 4 (754) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of the criteria for assessing teh quality of qualitative resarch in the field of health sciences at an international level.
Santiago M., Bruchez C., Stephen S.L., Gavin A., Benaroyo L., Kaufmann A., 2013/10., FNS, Berne dans Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinary Day 2013.
First results of a French validation of the SVR-20 among sexual offenders convicted in Switzerland
Dupuis M., Abbiati M., Bianchi T., Cordera P., Moulin V., 2013/10. dans Journée de la recherche de la Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques de l'Université de Lausanne.
Predicting relationship satisfaction in distressed and non-distressed couples based on a stratified sample: a matter of conflict, positivity, or support?
Hilpert Peter, Bodenmann Guy, Nussbeck Fridtjof W., Bradbury Thomas N., 2013/10. Family Science, 4 (1) pp. 110-120. Peer-reviewed.
Using group role-playing games with gifted children and adolescents: A psychosocial intervention model
Rosselet J. G., Stauffer S. D., 2013/10. International Journal of Play Therapy, 22 (4) pp. 173-192. Peer-reviewed.
Violences sexuelles à l'adolescence et travail du féminin
Roman P., 2013/10. dans Colloque interdisciplinaire et international : Genre et violence dans les institutions scolaires et éducatives. Peer-reviewed.
A sociocultural perspective on conflict in argumentative designs
Muller Mirza N., 2013/09. pp. 233-250 dans Baker M., Andriessen J., Järvelä S. (eds.) Affective Learning Together, Routledge.
Cognitive disorganisation and Sex affect visual backward masking: data from patients with schizophrenia, non-affected relatives and healthy controls
Sierro G., Brand A., Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H., Mohr C., 2013/09., Lemanic Neuroscience dans The 10th Lemanic Neuroscience Annual Meeting.
Growing old with HIV: between hope and uncertainty
Rapo C., 2013/09. dans 42nd Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology.
The Social Value of Being Ambivalent: Self-Presentational Concerns in the Expression of Attitudinal Ambivalence
Pillaud V., Cavazza N., Butera F., 2013/09. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39 (9) pp. 1139-1151. Peer-reviewed.
The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study's framework for assessing life-long psychosocial factors in solid organ transplantation
De Geest S., Burkhalter H., Berben L., Bogert L., Denhaerynck K., Glass T., Goetzmann L., Kirsch M., Kiss A., Koller M.T. et al., 2013/09. Progress in Transplantation, 23 (3) pp. 235-246. Peer-reviewed.
Are Differences Between Men and Women in Rotated Pattern Recognition Due to the Use of Different Cognitive Strategies?
Brandner Catherine, Devaud Cédric, 2013/08/30. Europe's Journal of Psychology.
Are Differences Between Men and Women in Rotated Pattern Recognition Due to the Use of Different Cognitive Strategies?.
Brandner Catherine, Devaud Cédric, 2013/08. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 9 (3) pp. 607-622. Peer-reviewed.
GPs and patients with chronic pain: is the breakdown of doctor-patient relationship bound to happen?
Gonin Nicole A., Santiago Delefosse M., 2013/08. p. 221 dans Schmid H., Quintard B. (eds.) Psychology & Health. Peer-reviewed, Taylor and Francis Online.
Integrating sexuality during gynaecological consultation: the mismatch between patients' expectations and medical practices
Schweizer A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/08. p. 98 dans 13th Biannual Congress Swiss Psychology Society. Basel. Peer-reviewed.
Visual backward masking performance is modulated by sex and schizotypy.
Sierro G., Cappe C., Herzog M.H., Mohr C., 2013/08., ESCOP dans The 18th Meeting of The European Society for Cognitive Psychology.
Bodily awareness and graft's incorporation in kidney transplantation: a longitudinal study
Piot-Ziegler C., 2013/07., ISCHP dans International Society of Critical Health Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
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